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GET THE 50's OUT! Of lower Warzones.


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It's absolutely impossible to play Wz's now leveling up on many servers, thanks to the heavily overpowered 50's in them. It's absolutely ridiculous seeing these premade 50's roll through Wz's with absolutely NO CHALLENGE offered up to them.


Seeing 3,000-6,000dmg hits from these well geared 50's is lame.


50's need their own bracket, immediately! Or risk losing customers.:mad:


Long queues for 50s? Tough luck! Don't rush to level...

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It's absolutely impossible to play Wz's now leveling up on many servers, thanks to the heavily overpowered 50's in them. It's absolutely ridiculous seeing these premade 50's roll through Wz's with absolutely NO CHALLENGE offered up to them.


Seeing 3,000-6,000dmg hits from these well geared 50's is lame.


50's need their own bracket, immediately! Or risk losing customers.:mad:


Long queues for 50s? Tough luck! Don't rush to level...


Agreed. Its either this or they won't have anyone to queue against them because all the lower levels decide its a huge waste of time. I'm to the point of just doing my daily in PVP and thats it. If I can't get that done in 3-4 games, I'm not even going to bother with that. So here come the queue times you high level people, one way or another.

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Stop being bad and lvl to 50, this game like all of the other games balances pvp around the highest lvl.


Yeah, exactly and that's why they dump low levels with 50s in one pot. Amusing...


Why the bothered to put a bolster system in when they didn't care to seperate guys with expertise gear vs normal ones is beyond me but I think that was toooooootally not expected that this would happen, nooooooooooooooo :D But hey, I knew what was coming when I read ex Mythic guys are in charge of pvp ;)


Anyway, BW is on the best way to kill pvp in SWTOR or do you think the masses will ever accept pvp when they enter some WZs and get creamed over and over by dudes (they do not even bother to interrupt your casts haha) with epic pvp gear - not that the skill point advantage and ability advantage would be enough

Edited by Desgarden
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Stop being bad and lvl to 50, this game like all of the other games balances pvp around the highest lvl.


What a moron. Some of us play alts and don't level up as fast on purpose. We deserve to play PVP and pay for the game just like you do. Still, I'll just have my friends and I not queue at all. You guys can suffer with long waits for all I care.

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So level determines bad vs good? Hardly..


The games been out a couple weeks, anyone that rushes to 50 and ignores 90% of the game content should pay the price, and the price is - virtually no endgame content, and long PVP queues in the 50-Only warzone bracket.


Basement dwellers should NEVER dictate the progression of a game, they are all ADD-Impaired, and rarely stick to a game very long. They rush to the 'next big thing' the very moment it comes out, and rush to 50 in that game.. Rinse and repeat. Programming, progression, and game decisions should never be marginalized around those people - they are the equivalent of hackers.


So because the rest of us want to enjoy the game, and play it out, and experience it, we're bads and slackers? Personally, I think the basement dwellers that rush to 50 are the bads, hackers, and slackers.


I remember when DAOC launched, some healer rushed to 40, then spent 2 months ganking all of the lower levels. Once everyone started getting to 40 he 'disappeaed' and quit the game. He came back 6-7 months later, by then I had many well geared 40's and this guy was literally slaugthered and rage quit within a few weeks. Thats how all of these guys are, they cheat the system, abuse it as long as possible, then run away when the competition gets tough. They are the lowest denominator in all of these games.


In Rift I rarely ever see people that rushed to 50.. They rushed to 50 then camped the newb zones killing 900 newbs a night, then disappeared when tough 50's showed up to restore balance. Again, they all fled the game almost as soon as this happened. Sad but true.


So if you rushed to 50 you are either bad, hack, or slack. You deserve to suck up 2 hour WZ queues while you wait for people to level up to you.

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Most of you guys that level to 50 aren't even skilled in PVP. I can kill most of you one on one with just about any of the classes I play becaue you aren't skilled. Your level doesn't make you more skilled, just gives you an advantage in abilities and gear, which you obviously need to win.

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Yeah, exactly and that's why the dump low levels with 50s in one pot. Amusing...


But hey, I knew what was coming when I read ex Mythic guys are in charge of pvp ;)


MYTHIC is in charge of the pvp here? That explains it.. Warhammer had the most unbalanced PVP I have ever seen in any game, and they never fixed it..


This surely explains a lot..


There is absolutely NO REASON 50's are in WZ's with level 10s.. It makes absolutely NO SENSE.. With all of the geared 50's now rolling through and winning 100% of the time, it's only going to get MUCH WORSE.


This should be the highest priority fix for Bioware - immedaitely!

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This is funny. You think because you are 50 you are worth more than I am? More skilled? You have more time or don't play alts.


I have 5x the abilities you do, i do more damage than you, i have more health than you, sometimes you dont even have sprint.


So yes, i am worth more than you are

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Stop being bad and lvl to 50, this game like all of the other games balances pvp around the highest lvl.


What fabulous advice you give. Of course not being lvl 50 yet logically means you're bad and if wouldn't have anything to do with being at work or actually enjoying the storyline of the game in equal parts as the PvP.


It's impossible to win against a non-braindead lvl 50, at least when geared, as a lower level, that's fact. This will remain so until they add separate brackets for higher levels, which is sure to happen eventually.


All has been said on that subject so we can just forget the pointless advice of the above quoted poster.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Stop PvPing at level 10

You can wait until 30 at least. There is, as you may realize, and whole story out there to experience.


You're just whining, in any case. 50s are on both sides. You aren't getting rolled any more or less than the other side is. If you've been unlucky, well, it happens. Level up for a while. Guard, rather than expecting to actually kill. Be useful. Use your brain. It helps, sometimes.

Edited by nixnaxi
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I have 5x the abilities you do, i do more damage than you, i have more health than you, sometimes you dont even have sprint.


So yes, i am worth more than you are


No, you are just higher level. I'm also not below 14 on any character. You are just level 50 and not more skilled.

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50 needs its own bracket right now.


I was wondering why they didn't so what WoW does and have it every 10 levels and a bracket for top level then I figured it out. They keep the population so low on servers that you can't do that. So we have to all be in one bracket. It is stupid.


My HOPE is that they add a 50 bracket at least in a few weeks once more people are lvl 50. If they never do this there is no fun in rolling an alt as you will be going against people's mains.


Fix it Bioware.

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I was enjoying PvP until today. in fact i was a new Pvp convert. In so many other games i hated the mechanics of Pvp and the attitudes it creates with minority players but I saw none of it during warzones and i enjoyed the mechanics until i fought against a group with at least 2 lvl 50's for sure but I beleive it was actually 3.


After 7 matches of no home i said enough is enough. The stupid insane design choice to put lvl 50s iwith expertise n the same warzones with players without expertise has resulted in me going from a Pvp convert to a player who has no intrest in pvping anymore.


Until I see a patch notes that removes lvl 50s from the queues with non lvl 50's or a feature that suspends expertise when the majority of players in a warzone are less than lvl 5o, I will not be doing Pvp.


The lead Pvp designer is a moron if he thought the system would magically sort itself out. You have taken a great system and added bantha poodoo to the mix and now seem to be wondering around in a daze wondering why players are upset. The stupid part of this is that experienced pvpers said this would cause problems months and months ago and BioWare ignored them.


Well BioWare you cured me of my Pvp itch well done.

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I am level 10 and not destroying everything in pvp!! Fix it bioware!!!


grow up. The problem is that bolstering works very well from lvl 1 to 49 after that it breaks down and bioWare knew this but they ignored it. The solution make the tiers go from lvl 1 to 49 one tier and lvl 50s a second tier. If lvl 50 fight in a warzone with the majority of player in tier 1 then they LOSE expertise for the match. Or only queue matches where if you are lvl 50 you only fight lvl 50s.

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as lvl 25 i can easily go against high levels in the warzones, sure it's a hell of a lot tougher but it just makes it more fun for me. Last night I topped the kill count with 17 kills no deaths and I was 4th place in damage as a jedi sentinel. It isn't as bad as you make it seem, you just aren't good. Granted those guys could have also just been god awful but it still is possible to compete. Edited by Moltage
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