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Why in the world would you ever buy this game....


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I want all three of those things. But those three won't keep people subscribed for long. Eventually you play through the story once or twice and realize it's all pretty much the same thing again, there's no real community, no great PVP, no guild functionality, no space combat involving other players, and it's just you playing that same single player star wars RPG again. How many times did you play through KOTOR? How many times did you play through any of the single player Jedi games? That's the longevity of SWTOR right now. Hopefully they devote everything they have to community and other aspects of the game to keep people subscribed before it's too late.
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And SWTOR seems more like a bad KOTOR-based fan fiction than a real Star Wars story.


This is a ridiculous allegation. What level is your character? Because I played the entire smuggler storyline and it was very well written with a lot of :o and double crosses


You sound like of CoD bro, only playing video games for the base of combat. I hope that BW never caters to your kind. Unless you didn't read any news about what this game would be like, and instead just took hearsay from your WoW clan of mmo-bunnies, you knew what this game would be like, and if you don't like it, it's your own fault.

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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Basically, it's standard EU drivel.


So every single game about Star Wars needs to place you in the shoes of a character in the 6 movies. You can replay the movies exactly over and over but you'll always know exactly how the story plays out.


Since everything else outside the movies is technically "EU".




Yes I know, sorry for feeding the troll, but sometimes they are just so pathetic they need a little nibble. Like a puppy with those sad eyes begging for scraps at the dinner table.



OP, excellent post!

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So every single game about Star Wars needs to place you in the shoes of a character in the 6 movies. You can replay the movies exactly over and over but you'll always know exactly how the story plays out.


Since everything else outside the movies is technically "EU".




Yes I know, sorry for feeding the troll, but sometimes they are just so pathetic they need a little nibble. Like a puppy with those sad eyes begging for scraps at the dinner table.



OP, excellent post!




like this ^

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If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.


i don´t care for the lore, my people and i are just here for the endgame (raids/pvp) everything else is for casuals and spending time in an MMO just doing casual things is just for nerds ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBeAjISBb2U&feature=endscreen&NR=1 )


competition is what i seek and the competition here was just lol, endgame cleared within a night - haters hate us for beeing fast... we don´t care

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I love the glorious lack of those people in this thread as of yet. I guess when you present reason to the unreasonable they just simply ignore you.


i don´t care for the lore, my people and i are just here for the endgame (raids/pvp) everything else is for casuals and spending time in an MMO just doing casual things is just for nerds ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBeAjISBb2U&feature=endscreen&NR=1 )


competition is what i seek and the competition here was just lol, endgame cleared within a night - haters hate us for beeing fast... we don´t care


This is definitely the wrong game to choose to speed through and get to endgame, as its all about the story and the lore. Why else would they have 3 different dialogue sequences per race, per faction, per conversation?

Edited by Meatballx
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i don´t care for the lore, my people and i are just here for the endgame (raids/pvp) everything else is for casuals and spending time in an MMO just doing casual things is just for nerds ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBeAjISBb2U&feature=endscreen&NR=1 )


competition is what i seek and the competition here was just lol, endgame cleared within a night - haters hate us for beeing fast... we don´t care


When you make these MMO's a job, that is what they are. When the work is finished you need a new job. Go find a new job. No one will miss you. At all

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If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.


Uou are missing some facts in this post of basing, i will enlighten.


its not SW lore per say, as this happends 3000 years ahead of the movies, its based on the univers and Idea and franchise that is star wars.


The lore in this Game is new fresh and easly playable even if you never saw the movies.

i played WoW 6 years, never bothered whit the lore, always rushign to cap to raid.


This time in my 10 years of gaming, i "read" the quests, check out the lore, and pay attention to the progression.


lvl 43 atm, having a blast, and cant whait to slowly get 50, get some epics, annoy my slower guildies, and get on my BH alt to do some more lore.

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I love the glorious lack of those people in this thread as of yet. I guess when you present reason to the unreasonable they just simply ignore you.




This is definitely the wrong game to choose to speed through and get to endgame, as its all about the story and the lore. Why else would they have 3 different dialogue sequences per race, per faction, per conversation?


i did not skip any of the class conversations i enjoyed them but i skipped most of the sidequest


but endgame just sucks... we all resubbed to AoC and WoW again to get our 3 evenings a week to actually raid and not gimp around.... hopefully BW will sort this out and make it challenging

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i did not skip any of the class conversations i enjoyed them but i skipped most of the sidequest


but endgame just sucks... we all resubbed to AoC and WoW again to get our 3 evenings a week to actually raid and not gimp around.... hopefully BW will sort this out and make it challenging


Judging by your avatar I think you and your friends should take up hiking.

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You find logic in the original posters thread? I understand where he's coming from and I do understand whats the problem with ppl that buy the game expecting, I don't know, Hello Kitty island adventure, and then getting Star Wars and complaining about it. But I think that idea that only ppl that intimately know Star Wars and that the franchise is the only selling point of the game is very simple-minded. I, for one, find Star Wars franchise to be ok but definetly not the best thing in the universe, and yet I love the game and not only because of the "Star Wars story". LOTRO, for example, is set in a universe I prefer to Star Wars' universe, and yet I wasn't blow away by it and it didn't stop me from leaving it because it has "lotr story". On the other hand, I cant wait to reach 50 here and level an alt or two and see what the game will evolve to. And not just because its Star Wars, but because its a good game. And if you can believe it, I didn't buy it because it's Star Wars. And if ppl find a reason to complain about the game, its definetly not something that should be so shockingly observed with "why in the world would you ever buy this game..." Edited by Allagnar
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Judging by your avatar I think you and your friends should take up hiking.


haha no worries i am quite trained and by evening raids i mean evening - i do get enough fresh air with my family :)


but thank you for your concern :D

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<Incoming Analogy>



I hate Pineapple. But I like fruit and I like apples. So I bought a pineapple anyways. I didn't like it. I had a free sample at the grocery store, but I figured I buy one anyways.


I took it home, started eating it, then I called the grocery store and complained to the manager about the taste and texture. I told him it was too sweet and that I wanted his pineapples to taste more like an apple or a cantaloupe. I told him his store was going to shut down if he didn't find a way to change those pineapples into another fruit I liked better.


Later that day, I stood outside the grocery store telling everyone who walked by just how much I disliked the pineapples. Nobody really seemed to care. One lady told me she loves pineapple and even suggested to me I buy one of the other fruits in the produce section! I told her to stop sticking up for the pineapple. I told her her she has bad taste.

Edited by Kourage
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If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.


So what youre saying is if you like Star Wars you automatically have to like SWTOR. Assume much? Did you just assume everyone that dont share your opinion and love the game hates Starwars the IP? And you have the nerve to call people retarded? :D

Edited by Flowerslayer
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I don't care for Star Wars of Star Wars lore, but love the game.


I didn't care for it either until I played KOTOR back in 2003 and immediately thought it was awesome. Sure, I was a big fan of the original trilogy when I was a kid in the 80's, but thought I had outgrown it. KOTOR introduced me to the EU and the previous time lines (like the Old Republic years), which I think is much more interesting that the Vader/Skywalker years.

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i don´t care for the lore, my people and i are just here for the endgame (raids/pvp) everything else is for casuals and spending time in an MMO just doing casual things is just for nerds ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBeAjISBb2U&feature=endscreen&NR=1 )


competition is what i seek and the competition here was just lol, endgame cleared within a night - haters hate us for beeing fast... we don´t care


I don't think it's a matter of hating your game style, a lot are just puzzled as to why folks like you would spend so much money on a game that's not what you want and then come to the forums and complain about it (not that you personally are). There's no bait and switch here, no where was this game advertised as anything but a story based MMO, no where did I see it being pushed as a hardcore endgame.


Me? I'm a gamer that likes both styles, I'll continue to raid in WoW on Wed, Thur and Mon and continue to play here and nerdfully, enjoy the story based casual play. The two are not mutually exclusive. :p

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I'll be honest, I had no interest in this game whatsoever.


When I saw the trailers for this game, I was eye rolling so hard I gave myself a migraine. I knew it would do well because of how many people enjoy the star wars movies, and based upon the successes of previous star wars games. I did not watch a single trailer, promo video, article, or review about this game.


I had guildmates in wow, who only wanted to speak of this game. As an assistant GM I had to heavily reprimand several people because they were causing wipes with non-stop chatting in raid. I will admit, I got a bit a pleasure out of squashing the chatter about this game.


First beta weekend my boyfriend got an invite. He asked me to just try it out, and if I did not like it, he would leave me alone about it. My first character was a Sith Bounty Hunter. Overall I enjoyed the questing and the class, but I had always told myself that with the graphical glitches this game wouldn't go far. (In fact, those graphical glitches are still there to this day. Even after reporting them that weekend.)


The game released, and once again I was convinced to try and get into early access. I thought it was silly, but tried anyways. I was very skeptical that I wouldn't succeed at all. Lo and behold I got in on the third early access day.


I enjoyed leveling so much, and my new character (Republic trooper) so much that I couldn't put the game down. Because it was Christmas, a close friend of ours had actually purchased me the game so I could continue playing with him and all our friends.


Now I'm a good 2 weeks played into this game, and don't regret a thing. Granted, I do believe there are parts of the game that still need tweaking or adjusting, but overall I'm very pleased with it. Not just the rich storylines, but "the grind" is very well hidden with bonus missions. (Nicely played btw.)


I enjoy this game so much more than WoW because there is an active social community. I've already done tons of warzones, and a couple heroic flashpoints where I usually see 1-2 people I've quested with, grouped with, or have seen chatting away on general. My friends list, from just friending people for potential guild recruits/good players I would like group with again, is already 3 times longer than my WoW friends list ever was. I LIKE knowing that I've done my job well enough on a toon for people to even want to group with me again. Because they want to, and not because the game automated them too.


Overall this is a very well built game. Yes the customer service/ticket system needs an extreme overhaul (But it's EA. I've played EA games for YEARS and they've always been shotty in that department.) Thoroughly though this has been a very enjoyable leveling experience and I wouldn't want it any other way. :)

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i don´t care for the lore, my people and i are just here for the endgame (raids/pvp) everything else is for casuals and spending time in an MMO just doing casual things is just for nerds ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBeAjISBb2U&feature=endscreen&NR=1 )


competition is what i seek and the competition here was just lol, endgame cleared within a night - haters hate us for beeing fast... we don´t care


Aww how cute... You think mmos are good for competition ... bwhahaha.

Edited by MBirdy
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If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.


My issue isn't even with any of that. It's with the lack of polish and attention to detail I expect from a company like Bioware.

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