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This week's patch is horrific.


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What the hell do you want other than "They are working on it" .... you people make me sick sometimes.... you dont disclose the entire development process because it can change at any time.


More responsive dev shops will tell you whether the issue is still being researched, whether a fix has been written and checked in, or whether a particular issue has been deployed to the testing server.


Basically, as a paying customer I want to know whether:


- Has the bug been reported and acknowledged, or do they still need reproduction steps?

- Has it been worked on at all, or is it part of something that will have to wait for a big dev cycle?

- Is there a potential fix already in testing?

- Has that fix made it to the test server so we can see whether it is truly fixed?

- Did the potential fix not work?


You manage expectations by constantly reminding people that no change is final until it changes on patch day. If something doesn't pan out, you admit that the issue was more complex and had some bad interactions, so it had to go back to development for more work.

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Mr. Reid,


Thank you for responding. I doubt you're still reading this thread (I've skipped most of it despite being the OP) but your attempt to alleviate concerns...doesn't. I understand not wanting to make promises, but the other extreme is dissembling.




So what's priority? Emoting from vehicles is priority?


Watching the JK forums, the Kira bug seems a really hot topic. But since it was "fixed" for new players, there's real fear that it's considered "fixed" overall and will never be repaired for the avid fan who preordered, leveled quickly and chose the first romantic option for Kira only to never have her respond again.


Someone pointed out that you responded to this thread, but not to the insanely popular thread about activation times.




It's possible, but is it true? This is where you stop sounding helfpul and start sounding condescending/dissembling. If you said, for example, that the coding to fix taxi-emoting was critical to activation times, EVERYONE would be behind it.


You haven't said that, probably because it isn't true, and the taxi thing was one developer's idea back in April and became a pet project regardless if any players care. The player you quoted hasn't seen that request, I haven't seen that request, and if the request came in, you would easily be able to say, "We've had this request hundreds of times." Or "days before we knew about bugs X, Y, Z."


You haven't said that. You just said it's possible people asked and it's possible fixing that particular bug is a stepstone to later goals/other fixes.


Sure. ANYTHING is possible.


What's true?




Let's forget new features for a moment. Some players hate the space minigame, others love it. You'll never make everyone happy. Period.


But ability activation times? Or existing game-breaking bugs? These are not "features" we're asking for, they're basic functionality of the existing game. Since my favorite class/companion plot thread is now dead, I'm a bit disappointed in my own character and story.


We don't want "every feature discussed" to make it into the game. But there's tons of talk about rolling out new content. Very admirable. Very ambitious. Very much missing the point. Your player base hasn't yet exhausted exhisting content as they will in 3-6 months (some sooner, some later). But they have discovered the things which irritate the hell out of them, things that struck a major chord in the community here.


The majority of those things were not addressed in this patch, and so it's painful to see tiny non-issues that required X hours of Developer manpower to "fix" as new features.


That's the bottom line and my reason for starting this thread. I've read your other interviews and much of the Devtracker. I understand a certain need for discretion, but when there are whole paragraphs saying nothing other than "we're considering it", I begin to think that those tools aren't even sources of information.


There are a fierce minority of people who don't understand the "E" in "ETA", who get bent when a project falls behind schedule.


The rest of us would rather see a schedule with updated info. We're adults with jobs of our own. We make deadlines and often hit them and occasionally miss. We also know that when we set deadlines for customers, we push ourselves harder to meet them.


From bug fixes to server maintenance, I ALWAYS prefer transparency to dissembling. Servers will be up by 11, but if by 10:30 they aren't, say the new ETA is 2. Don't say there's no ETA, that's ridiculous (last week's patch). SOMEBODY at Bioware has a goal, even if it's midnight. "no ETA" is disrespectful to players.


The same is true larger-scale for bug fixes and major interface improvements.


If all that's involved in being a Community Manager is saying:


  1. We're listening.
  2. We prioritize [undisclosed] and are working on [undisclosed].
  3. We have no ETA.


...then sign me up soon for your paycheck. Because that's all I read in your post, and most of the others. Lots of vague promises. No specifics.


Because you might miss a self-imposed deadline and trolls will troll? The adults understand missed deadlines.


But I have to offer my boss -- AND my customers -- goals and specifics first. Open communication is why they are understanding when one project in 50 falls behind. Your mature players are no different.


Please stop treating us like children. Or the alternative -- more disconcerting -- is that you can't give firm answers because nothing has been decided.



So instead they should be responding to every thread about every bug telling you who's working on it and for how long? They've already mentioned in a lot of cases that they're working on it or looking into it. They have a lot of people and certain problems take longer than others. Jeff the Junior Engineer who's still learning the ropes might have been given the vehicle emotes as a small introductory project. At the same time George, Ron, and Michael, the three Senior Engineers are currently working on the ability delay, while other groups are working on other big bugs. Who do you think finishes first, and makes it to the patch?

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You're best off looking at twitter. Reid posts on twitter about game updates more then the game forum.



And that reddit thing was a complete waste of time.



Q: anything about legacy

A: we're working on it.


Q: anything about ability delay?

A: we're working on it.


Q: anything about adding pvp brackets?

A: we're working on it.



see a trend there? That whole thing should have been renamed: Ask a developer anything but get nothing as a response.



I've almost had it with bioware completely, like never gonna buy another bioware game had it. This is gonna be the most epic failure of an MMO to date, if they don't get their *** in gear and start fixing stuff.


Blizzard / WoW was exactly like this at the beginning. Yet, they bloomed into a huge success.


Blizzard's answer to every question relating to when fixes will be implemented was, "Soon".


Stating this game will be a complete failure, while not truly understanding the process of game/MMO development, is highly immature.


Sadly, many people fall into this impatient category. If things aren't done right away, the company is a fail! You think BioWare is clueless? Look in the mirror.


You run Windows right? You kept with Microsoft for quite a bit of time regardless of ALL their issues didn't you? If you truly believe everything should be perfect upon launch, you should start your own developing company and see how well that works out for ya.

Edited by Lazorous
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More responsive dev shops will tell you whether the issue is still being researched, whether a fix has been written and checked in, or whether a particular issue has been deployed to the testing server.


Basically, as a paying customer I want to know whether:


- Has the bug been reported and acknowledged, or do they still need reproduction steps?

- Has it been worked on at all, or is it part of something that will have to wait for a big dev cycle?

- Is there a potential fix already in testing?

- Has that fix made it to the test server so we can see whether it is truly fixed?

- Did the potential fix not work?


You manage expectations by constantly reminding people that no change is final until it changes on patch day. If something doesn't pan out, you admit that the issue was more complex and had some bad interactions, so it had to go back to development for more work.


Have you checked the Dev Tracker?


Wanting hour to hour updates on every single bug, whether it be big or small, is highly impractical, for any developing company.

Edited by Lazorous
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Not all bugs can be magically fixed by waving a magic 8 hour maintenance wand over them.


Saying that you understand this, and then crying because not all bugs were fixed, is stupid and hypocritical.


Whining because you don't have a dev respond to every thread you make or every thread that you look at or every post that requests a dev response is stupid. 1, it's impossible for them to answer every person. 2, answering everyone person is unnecessary. 3, they're listening and reading and prioritizing the bugs and working on fixing them, throwing a tantrum isn't going to make them more aware of anything. 4, just because they're not constantly telling you that they're still in the office, still working on bugs, still doing this and that, still fixing things over and over, every day or every hour or every thread, doesn't mean they magically forgot everything that they've been doing for months and are now sitting and playing table football.

Edited by dreadpirateandy
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What the hell do you want other than "They are working on it" .... you people make me sick sometimes.... you dont disclose the entire development process because it can change at any time.


What the hell do you want? "Oh the team is on lunch but later today they are going to change several methods and rewrite the blah blah" in detail just for you? and then give a release date that they cant promise because its so complex?




what do you expect from a society in which marketing like "IT'S MY MONEY, AND I WANT IT NOW".. call J G Wentworth....... 877 cash now!!!!!!! works... in getting people to give away their money. :rolleyes:

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So instead they should be responding to every thread about every bug telling you who's working on it and for how long? They've already mentioned in a lot of cases that they're working on it or looking into it. They have a lot of people and certain problems take longer than others. Jeff the Junior Engineer who's still learning the ropes might have been given the vehicle emotes as a small introductory project. At the same time George, Ron, and Michael, the three Senior Engineers are currently working on the ability delay, while other groups are working on other big bugs. Who do you think finishes first, and makes it to the patch?


Every thread? No.


Who's working on it? No.


For how long? Not exactly.


That ability delay IS a priority more than "we're considering it"? Yes.


That they hope to have the Kira bug ironed out by March? Sure. I might not like the answer but at least I'd know. Again, adults understand when if by mid-Feb, they know March is impossible, April is the new ETA. Okay, great, I can stop checking EVERY PATCH for this particular fix and being continually disappointed.


Transparency always trumps opacity in customer service. The company that won't reveal things has something to hide...i.e., they won't give an ETA because they aren't working on it. Have no plans to.

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Not all bugs can be magically fixed by waving a magic 8 hour maintenance wand over them.


Saying that you understand this, and then crying because not all bugs were fixed, is stupid and hypocritical.


Whining because you don't have a dev respond to every thread you make or every thread that you look at or every post that requests a dev response is stupid. 1, it's impossible for them to answer every person. 2, answering everyone person is unnecessary. 3, they're listening and reading and prioritizing the bugs and working on fixing them, throwing a tantrum isn't going to make them more aware of anything. 4, just because they're not constantly telling you that they're still in the office, still working on bugs, still doing this and that, still fixing things over and over, every day or every hour or every thread, doesn't mean they magically forgot everything that they've been doing for months and are now sitting and playing table football.


I Lol'd no one said anything about 'Waving a magic wand to fix every bug instantly' just remember they are serving customers the same way as you would in real life, just because they on a game doesnt mean they get special treatment, Updates on bugs for a company the size of Bioware is nothing, its also the job they signed up for, no exceptions and no excuses, they should be on top of the majority, actually letting their 'PAYING' Customers know what is being worked on, also I didnt see the quoted person say I EXPECT THEM ALL TO BE FIXED RIGHT NOW. Also, The KIRA bug for example has been a bug in game since BETA, thats along long time, its also a major part of the story based game, that should of been dealt with faster than it is right now, I personally play a JK, ive parked it, i gave up with its story, which i did enjoy up to this point, Im at a point now where i'm that disappointed i dont even log in, its sad to see but nothing more i can say. There is also other major ones LIKE the Delay being mentioned.


Tell me if you sent your car into a garage to be fixed and you heard nothing about what is going on, whats being fixed whats being adjusted or altered, wouldn't you start ''whining'' as you said? I already know the answer to that question.


Think before you speak.

Edited by ShadeWolfUK
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Mr. Reid,


Thank you for responding. I doubt you're still reading this thread (I've skipped most of it despite being the OP) but your attempt to alleviate concerns...doesn't. I understand not wanting to make promises, but the other extreme is dissembling.




So what's priority? Emoting from vehicles is priority?


Watching the JK forums, the Kira bug seems a really hot topic. But since it was "fixed" for new players, there's real fear that it's considered "fixed" overall and will never be repaired for the avid fan who preordered, leveled quickly and chose the first romantic option for Kira only to never have her respond again.


Someone pointed out that you responded to this thread, but not to the insanely popular thread about activation times.




It's possible, but is it true? This is where you stop sounding helfpul and start sounding condescending/dissembling. If you said, for example, that the coding to fix taxi-emoting was critical to activation times, EVERYONE would be behind it.


You haven't said that, probably because it isn't true, and the taxi thing was one developer's idea back in April and became a pet project regardless if any players care. The player you quoted hasn't seen that request, I haven't seen that request, and if the request came in, you would easily be able to say, "We've had this request hundreds of times." Or "days before we knew about bugs X, Y, Z."


You haven't said that. You just said it's possible people asked and it's possible fixing that particular bug is a stepstone to later goals/other fixes.


Sure. ANYTHING is possible.


What's true?




Let's forget new features for a moment. Some players hate the space minigame, others love it. You'll never make everyone happy. Period.


But ability activation times? Or existing game-breaking bugs? These are not "features" we're asking for, they're basic functionality of the existing game. Since my favorite class/companion plot thread is now dead, I'm a bit disappointed in my own character and story.


We don't want "every feature discussed" to make it into the game. But there's tons of talk about rolling out new content. Very admirable. Very ambitious. Very much missing the point. Your player base hasn't yet exhausted exhisting content as they will in 3-6 months (some sooner, some later). But they have discovered the things which irritate the hell out of them, things that struck a major chord in the community here.


The majority of those things were not addressed in this patch, and so it's painful to see tiny non-issues that required X hours of Developer manpower to "fix" as new features.


That's the bottom line and my reason for starting this thread. I've read your other interviews and much of the Devtracker. I understand a certain need for discretion, but when there are whole paragraphs saying nothing other than "we're considering it", I begin to think that those tools aren't even sources of information.


There are a fierce minority of people who don't understand the "E" in "ETA", who get bent when a project falls behind schedule.


The rest of us would rather see a schedule with updated info. We're adults with jobs of our own. We make deadlines and often hit them and occasionally miss. We also know that when we set deadlines for customers, we push ourselves harder to meet them.


From bug fixes to server maintenance, I ALWAYS prefer transparency to dissembling. Servers will be up by 11, but if by 10:30 they aren't, say the new ETA is 2. Don't say there's no ETA, that's ridiculous (last week's patch). SOMEBODY at Bioware has a goal, even if it's midnight. "no ETA" is disrespectful to players.


The same is true larger-scale for bug fixes and major interface improvements.


If all that's involved in being a Community Manager is saying:


  1. We're listening.
  2. We prioritize [undisclosed] and are working on [undisclosed].
  3. We have no ETA.


...then sign me up soon for your paycheck. Because that's all I read in your post, and most of the others. Lots of vague promises. No specifics.


Because you might miss a self-imposed deadline and trolls will troll? The adults understand missed deadlines.


But I have to offer my boss -- AND my customers -- goals and specifics first. Open communication is why they are understanding when one project in 50 falls behind. Your mature players are no different.


Please stop treating us like children. Or the alternative -- more disconcerting -- is that you can't give firm answers because nothing has been decided.


Why isnt this man the CM?

Edited by Light_Valkyrie
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Why isnt this man the CM?


Agreed. That was an incredible post that, unfortunately, not many will read through. Being a community manager means sometimes having to bust the "nerds" (devs) balls to get the answers the client is asking for.

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I have loved every game I have played that was developed by BioWare, way back from the days of Shattered Steel. I even remember tweaking my autoexec.bat and con.sys to play SS, way back when DOS PCs couldnt figure out how to allocate memory on their own.


I had been out of the MMO loop for some time, and heard about SWTOR 2 days before pre-release, and bought it immediately because of the BioWare name. Im committed to it now but...


If at the time, someone had told me that Mythic was in any way involved with SWTOR, I would not have bought it.


Lemme tell you how this is going to go..


The Devs are going to start talking about....discussions. First they will tell us they are discussing a good time to begin the discussion of game related player concerns. Then, a month later, we will hear about planned discussions to re-discuss the issues covered in the original discussions, and discuss what might have been missed (another month). Then they will ask the players to openly discuss the issues, while the Devs discuss a tentative time to read those discussions..............................................................


Months Pass....


Expansion released, only $39.99 for subscribed players..


Months, about 40 more uses of the word "discuss", and a encyclopedia of relevant information from players.....


The devs implement changes that OBLITERATE entire classes, and inexplicably raise other classes to god-hood. They also implement several changes that seem to come from nowhere.


Mythic devs, in a nutshell.

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Mr. Reid,


Thank you for responding. I doubt you're still reading this thread (I've skipped most of it despite being the OP) but your attempt to alleviate concerns...doesn't. I understand not wanting to make promises, but the other extreme is dissembling.




So what's priority? Emoting from vehicles is priority?


Watching the JK forums, the Kira bug seems a really hot topic. But since it was "fixed" for new players, there's real fear that it's considered "fixed" overall and will never be repaired for the avid fan who preordered, leveled quickly and chose the first romantic option for Kira only to never have her respond again.


Someone pointed out that you responded to this thread, but not to the insanely popular thread about activation times.




It's possible, but is it true? This is where you stop sounding helfpul and start sounding condescending/dissembling. If you said, for example, that the coding to fix taxi-emoting was critical to activation times, EVERYONE would be behind it.


You haven't said that, probably because it isn't true, and the taxi thing was one developer's idea back in April and became a pet project regardless if any players care. The player you quoted hasn't seen that request, I haven't seen that request, and if the request came in, you would easily be able to say, "We've had this request hundreds of times." Or "days before we knew about bugs X, Y, Z."


You haven't said that. You just said it's possible people asked and it's possible fixing that particular bug is a stepstone to later goals/other fixes.


Sure. ANYTHING is possible.


What's true?




Let's forget new features for a moment. Some players hate the space minigame, others love it. You'll never make everyone happy. Period.


But ability activation times? Or existing game-breaking bugs? These are not "features" we're asking for, they're basic functionality of the existing game. Since my favorite class/companion plot thread is now dead, I'm a bit disappointed in my own character and story.


We don't want "every feature discussed" to make it into the game. But there's tons of talk about rolling out new content. Very admirable. Very ambitious. Very much missing the point. Your player base hasn't yet exhausted exhisting content as they will in 3-6 months (some sooner, some later). But they have discovered the things which irritate the hell out of them, things that struck a major chord in the community here.


The majority of those things were not addressed in this patch, and so it's painful to see tiny non-issues that required X hours of Developer manpower to "fix" as new features.


That's the bottom line and my reason for starting this thread. I've read your other interviews and much of the Devtracker. I understand a certain need for discretion, but when there are whole paragraphs saying nothing other than "we're considering it", I begin to think that those tools aren't even sources of information.


There are a fierce minority of people who don't understand the "E" in "ETA", who get bent when a project falls behind schedule.


The rest of us would rather see a schedule with updated info. We're adults with jobs of our own. We make deadlines and often hit them and occasionally miss. We also know that when we set deadlines for customers, we push ourselves harder to meet them.


From bug fixes to server maintenance, I ALWAYS prefer transparency to dissembling. Servers will be up by 11, but if by 10:30 they aren't, say the new ETA is 2. Don't say there's no ETA, that's ridiculous (last week's patch). SOMEBODY at Bioware has a goal, even if it's midnight. "no ETA" is disrespectful to players.


The same is true larger-scale for bug fixes and major interface improvements.


If all that's involved in being a Community Manager is saying:


  1. We're listening.
  2. We prioritize [undisclosed] and are working on [undisclosed].
  3. We have no ETA.


...then sign me up soon for your paycheck. Because that's all I read in your post, and most of the others. Lots of vague promises. No specifics.


Because you might miss a self-imposed deadline and trolls will troll? The adults understand missed deadlines.


But I have to offer my boss -- AND my customers -- goals and specifics first. Open communication is why they are understanding when one project in 50 falls behind. Your mature players are no different.


Please stop treating us like children. Or the alternative -- more disconcerting -- is that you can't give firm answers because nothing has been decided.


Spot on mate... Communication is vital

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Mr. Reid,


Thank you for responding. I doubt you're still reading this thread (I've skipped most of it despite being the OP) but your attempt to alleviate concerns...doesn't. I understand not wanting to make promises, but the other extreme is dissembling.




So what's priority? Emoting from vehicles is priority?


Watching the JK forums, the Kira bug seems a really hot topic. But since it was "fixed" for new players, there's real fear that it's considered "fixed" overall and will never be repaired for the avid fan who preordered, leveled quickly and chose the first romantic option for Kira only to never have her respond again.


Someone pointed out that you responded to this thread, but not to the insanely popular thread about activation times.




It's possible, but is it true? This is where you stop sounding helfpul and start sounding condescending/dissembling. If you said, for example, that the coding to fix taxi-emoting was critical to activation times, EVERYONE would be behind it.


You haven't said that, probably because it isn't true, and the taxi thing was one developer's idea back in April and became a pet project regardless if any players care. The player you quoted hasn't seen that request, I haven't seen that request, and if the request came in, you would easily be able to say, "We've had this request hundreds of times." Or "days before we knew about bugs X, Y, Z."


You haven't said that. You just said it's possible people asked and it's possible fixing that particular bug is a stepstone to later goals/other fixes.


Sure. ANYTHING is possible.


What's true?




Let's forget new features for a moment. Some players hate the space minigame, others love it. You'll never make everyone happy. Period.


But ability activation times? Or existing game-breaking bugs? These are not "features" we're asking for, they're basic functionality of the existing game. Since my favorite class/companion plot thread is now dead, I'm a bit disappointed in my own character and story.


We don't want "every feature discussed" to make it into the game. But there's tons of talk about rolling out new content. Very admirable. Very ambitious. Very much missing the point. Your player base hasn't yet exhausted exhisting content as they will in 3-6 months (some sooner, some later). But they have discovered the things which irritate the hell out of them, things that struck a major chord in the community here.


The majority of those things were not addressed in this patch, and so it's painful to see tiny non-issues that required X hours of Developer manpower to "fix" as new features.


That's the bottom line and my reason for starting this thread. I've read your other interviews and much of the Devtracker. I understand a certain need for discretion, but when there are whole paragraphs saying nothing other than "we're considering it", I begin to think that those tools aren't even sources of information.


There are a fierce minority of people who don't understand the "E" in "ETA", who get bent when a project falls behind schedule.


The rest of us would rather see a schedule with updated info. We're adults with jobs of our own. We make deadlines and often hit them and occasionally miss. We also know that when we set deadlines for customers, we push ourselves harder to meet them.


From bug fixes to server maintenance, I ALWAYS prefer transparency to dissembling. Servers will be up by 11, but if by 10:30 they aren't, say the new ETA is 2. Don't say there's no ETA, that's ridiculous (last week's patch). SOMEBODY at Bioware has a goal, even if it's midnight. "no ETA" is disrespectful to players.


The same is true larger-scale for bug fixes and major interface improvements.


If all that's involved in being a Community Manager is saying:


  1. We're listening.
  2. We prioritize [undisclosed] and are working on [undisclosed].
  3. We have no ETA.


...then sign me up soon for your paycheck. Because that's all I read in your post, and most of the others. Lots of vague promises. No specifics.


Because you might miss a self-imposed deadline and trolls will troll? The adults understand missed deadlines.


But I have to offer my boss -- AND my customers -- goals and specifics first. Open communication is why they are understanding when one project in 50 falls behind. Your mature players are no different.


Please stop treating us like children. Or the alternative -- more disconcerting -- is that you can't give firm answers because nothing has been decided.


Well said. If I could give +rep here, you'd have it all.

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The current PTR patch notes include such major issues as performing emotes from vehicles. I can't remember seeing one post on the forums about that, compared (for example) to this:


I know this was just an example but they also fixed the being dropped from vehicles and dying. As someone who has coded many times I can't tell you how many times I have actually found issues and fixed them while fixing a bigger issue. There is a big possibility that the coding for emotes was in there and while looking for the solution for the vehicles dropping users they spotted it.


I understand everyone is frustrated with the "game changing bugs" as you call them. Also keep in mind though that just because they haven't patched it doesn't mean they aren't working on it. When you post in customer service areas you are dealing with customer service reps. Who typically have no knowledge of what the tech team is working on and can only speculate. Which is why you get the responses that use general terms.


I know myself I have been frustrated with some of the bugs but I think we need to allow them a bit more time and more patches before we swear they aren't working on things. Also the pure amount of people I've seen on the forums that are using machines that shouldn't be running video games complaining about just running or lag (which is normally priority) also take a lot of time and effort away from other issues. They have to balance the needs of all of their players which will never be perfect.

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To speak to your example, while you may have never seen someone ask for emoting from a mount, it may still have been asked for (either in threads you've not seen, or in bug reports, for example). It's also possible this was a fix that was being worked on before launch, and has only just now made it into the game, or that fixing this bug clears the way for other bugs to be fixed, or that adding it allows other features to be implemented. And sometimes, it's just something we wanted to fix.


Except it wasn't even fixed


It's still broken, but if Bioware had some competent Quality Assurance to actually test patches before release then it would have been spotted and either fixed again before being patched or just taken off the patch notes

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Bro... how u holding up? They fixed 1/2 of your so called GAMEBREAKING bugs in a week. This is the best mmo-launch TO DATE. There has never been any MMO that have released with so few bugs as this one, so please **** and please, I just beg you, please, never show yourself on the forums again.


You're the reason why Bioware dont post on the forums, cause they would have to deal with people like you then, mongoloids that think they know **** about the game.

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Except it wasn't even fixed


It's still broken, but if Bioware had some competent Quality Assurance to actually test patches before release then it would have been spotted and either fixed again before being patched or just taken off the patch notes


What ever do you mean? It's not EAware's fault paying customers don't want to beta test the game on the test server. After all, they are already paying to beta test the live server as it is.

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Bro... how u holding up? They fixed 1/2 of your so called GAMEBREAKING bugs in a week. This is the best mmo-launch TO DATE. There has never been any MMO that have released with so few bugs as this one, so please **** and please, I just beg you, please, never show yourself on the forums again.


You're the reason why Bioware dont post on the forums, cause they would have to deal with people like you then, mongoloids that think they know **** about the game.


And you're the reason game's die and/or go to F2P hell. You will tell everyone who is a "complainer" or "hater" to leave, and they will. And then, you will find there's noone left to play with.

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Bioware is EA. The levels of bureaucratic nonsense involved in including anything worthwhile in a patch are going to kill this game.


How can we still have ZERO guild functionality in this game almost a month after it was "launched" (early launch). All we can do is chat. That's it. No guild bank. No guild ship. No guild base. No guild rank/level. No guild equip. No insignias. etc etc.


They spent more time pre-launch putting in functionality for guilds and did nothing for in-game guild functionality. Heck, they even allowed us to declare adversaries.. but that was pretty pointless.


Wth are you talking about? Bureaucratic nonsense? Patches don't need to be cleared by EA to be passed. Take off your tinfoil hat mate.

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The problem is that the major issues such as ability lag, UI issues, performance problems were reported early in beta and completely ignored by bioware. Now all we get is "we are working on it" and a new huge content patch. Get real people the game has been in dev 6 years and loads of beta feedback was plain ignored over the last year. The "this game has only been out X days" argument does not hold up.


if they say they're working on it they probably are its not like you can complete 3 weeks of work in 1 day either. no one expects you to be a miracle worker so why expect it from someone else relax and be patient

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