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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Watching GCD cooldowns don't do a thing to help my healer. I can't be constantly worrying about where the GCD is at while I'm examining the health bars of my group.


This whole game might as well be called Warhammer Online 2: Force Lightening bugaloo.


I'm waiting it out until I see progress. I'm not wasting my time on it. Have fun all and hope they won't do the song & dance they did to the fans of WAR to you.

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The gist of it was this: Using hitscan, one-hit-kill weapons, if two people fire at each other simultaneously, who wins?


Answer: The one with the lower latency between him and the server. His 'attack' message gets there first, so when the other guy's arrives, the server looks at him funny and goes 'You already dead foo.' What the lower ping guy sees is his shot going off (the client simulating it), and then a fraction of a second later he dies while the guy he just watched himself shooting walks off uninjured. (I've had that happen on sniper maps in TF2, because I was playing on a UK Server and everyone else there was...well...British, and had 1/5th my ping time). The faster ping guy, and everyone else on the server for that matter, sees the guy go down without firing a shot.


That is true. Some people use 'interruption of latency' type cheats with PS3 and some other PC shoot'em ups as well. In some multiplayer games you see a player freeze as if some sort of 'lockup' has occured on their system and the next thing you know your character is dead.


Although my post below is primarily for the devs to consider, since they read these threads, I'd be interested in your thoughts on the following since you're being more rational about this:


Most of this looks to me to be the interruption of the 1.5 GDC animation time because of a curious habit from another game of spamin’ the next skill in order to get said next skill to activate as quickly as possible after the GDC has ended.


Here is an example of no ability delay and actually waiting for the GCD before clicking the next skill. This chap plays similar to the way I do but he’s a bit slower than I am (which is perfectly fine; just sayin’). Watch it in HD and follow the mouse clicks and animations etc as it is all quite smooth:




The above player basically plays one click at a time giving the GDC and accompanying animations time to finish even though he/she hovers their mouse over the next skill that they want to use.


Now here is an example of the so called:



In the second video one thing stands out. The second video capture shows button mashing (just spamin’ skills). Why is the player in the second video clicking skills multiple times in rapid fire succession?? The habit seen in the second video, clicking a skill multiple times in quick succession, is what is interrupting the previous skill and causing ‘stuttered’ execution in ToR. The 1.5 animation (GDC) isn’t even being allowed to run its course when players do this. Where does this multi-clicking habit come from?


I went and watched a World of Warcraft video in HD for comparison:



If you watch the hot bar GDC animations and mouse-clicks in the third video one finds that this multi-clicking habit stems from trying to achieve the fastest activation time possible for the next skill immediately after the GDC has ended. People are habitually and unknowingly trying to ‘tighten’ the fraction of a second timeframe between when the GDC ends and the ability to activate the next skill begins. So, while the GDC is in progress, they ‘hover’ over the next skill that they are going to use and spam it to death until the GDC for the previous skill finishes. The player in the first video of smooth ToR gameply does not multi-click while hovering over the next desired skill at all.


The difference being that World of Warcraft’s GDC animation disables the hotbar (you can’t activate the next skill) until the GDC animation is done. That is why you can sit there in that game and habitually spam the next skill all day in the timeframe of the GDC and nothing happens to interrupt the previous skill. Thus there are no ‘interrupts’ to the animations.


A – Either TOR needs to disable hot-bar activation until after GDC is done which would facilitate the same habitual process without interruption of animations just like *some* people are apparently used to. Or…


B – Players need to adjust their habit of hovering over their next skill and multi-clicking it trying to get a fast click activation immediately after the GDC has run its course. At this time ToR doesn’t play that way. If you multi-click trying to get the quickest click-off as soon as possible after the GDC is done you will ‘interrupt’ the 1.5 animation sequence in ToR multiple times and falsely cause ‘stuttering’ of the skills and accompanying animations.


C – Because of the length of ToR’s GDC and animations does that mean that with this World of Warcraft spam-habit one can ‘interrupt’ one’s own cast? Of course it does; but hopefully it is understandable why that is the case.


With 1.5 seconds ToR not only provides time to appreciate the animations it also allows time to briefly check ‘positioning’ or, the well being of other group members or, to see who the target of another group ally is etc, and still – by way of peripheral vision, monitor and move your mouse to the next desired skill, while the GDC/animations are in progress. I’m honestly not seeing anything here but a habitual World of Warcraft pre-GDC multi-click fest as the primary driver behind this supposed “ability delay.” Stop excitedly spamming the next skill and adjust your play-style like this chap:


Star Wars Combat no Delay


Or, make a suggestive motion for ToR to lock the hot-bar (only for action skills) while the GDC and animations run their course so that *some* people can continue their unrecognized ‘multi-clicking’ habits. As of now, since I still don’t have this supposed problem, I don’t see how unconsciously and habitually multi-clicking a dead inactive hot-bar during GDC’s qualifies as “make or break.” When this habit is ported over to other games such as ToR I’m guessing the results is disastrous. Not because a particular game was necessarily “bad” but because people can’t change their habits; especially when they don’t see them. This seems more so a case of ‘old habits die hard’.

Edited by Solar
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Its the same for most dps / anything really


Lightning Sorc = crap to play as Lightning storm insta cast Chain lightning proc is crap due to the delay.


And as a Madness / Lightning hybrid, yep still crap. I like how death field doesnt fire off if I use it after I cast ANYTHING with a animation.






Good glad to see SOMETHING.

I have to agree this is annoying as a Sorc and very noticeable
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im adding to this thread/notice/request.


i too am annoyed by the way combat feels and plays out. many have already described it in better detail.


right or wrong, picky or overreacting or not - ppl want this and if they don't get this many will leave. so i guess it comes down to cost/benefit. will the cost of addressing this reap enough benefits (i.e. enough players staying) to justify the cost?


or would their cost be better spent on other issues where if they are not addressed even more people will leave?


i guess the devs are trying to make as many ppl happy as they can afford to. they're picking what problems to address and what things to tweak, etc. that will garner the most customers.


i for one hope that this issue gets put up at the top of the list because as many have said, how combat feels and plays out is the bread and butter of a game or the prime reason i play or what i spend most my time doing.


now...there are probably MANY ppl who primarily play this game for the story. i mean lets face it ppl, it appears that for the most part this game is mostly, no not all, but mostly kotr with a chat channel upper left and the occasional opportunity to try and convince others to awkwardly some how group together.


id easily bet that bw/ea did their research before they asked for the millions to make this game and via their research they discovered that most the ppl wanted a great story and would be playing solo and would like the opportunity to group and play pvp but that that was secondary to story and single player game. and so its no wonder we got the game we did and that the combat has the issue that it does and that its not on the fast track for being fixed.

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Although my post below is primarily for the devs to consider, since they read these threads, I'd be interested in your thoughts on the following since you're being more rational about this:


Most of this looks to me to be the interruption of the 1.5 GDC animation time because of a curious habit from another game of spamin’ the next skill in order to get said next skill to activate as quickly as possible after the GDC has ended.


Here is an example of no ability delay and actually waiting for the GCD before clicking the next skill. This chap plays similar to the way I do but he’s a bit slower than I am (which is perfectly fine; just sayin’). Watch it in HD and follow the mouse clicks and animations etc as it is all quite smooth:




The above player basically plays one click at a time giving the GDC and accompanying animations time to finish even though he/she hovers their mouse over the next skill that they want to use.


By waiting for the GCD to finish your friend is avoiding the ability action queue delay problem, to an extent: it causes a slight but noticeable delay after the GCD finishes before the ability goes off if you first hit the ability before the GCD is finished. If you hit after, it goes off instantly.


Now here is an example of the so called:



In the second video one thing stands out. The second video capture shows button mashing (just spamin’ skills). Why is the player in the second video clicking skills multiple times in rapid fire succession?? The habit seen in the second video, clicking a skill multiple times in quick succession, is what is interrupting the previous skill and causing ‘stuttered’ execution in ToR. The 1.5 animation (GDC) isn’t even being allowed to run its course when players do this. Where does this multi-clicking habit come from?


What's happening here is that he's got his ability action queue window set to 0.0. He's spamming trying to get it off as quickly as possible, yes, and largely SUCCEEDING. If you watch, there's almost never more than a frame or two of available buttons being visible before he activates his next GCD.


He's made the button spam much more necessary (and much more EFFECTIVE) by turning the ability queue off: when he hits something early, while it's still on GCD, instead of going into the ability action queue and going off a fraction of a second late, it just doesn't do anything.


The downside is that if he misses early, he has to press the button again in order to fire the ability: with the queue on, it gets delayed a bit and is less efficient, but it DOES fire off the first keypress (unless you hit it before the queue window starts!) By disabling the queue and button spamming, he's made it so that it ONLY registers keypresses that occur after the GCD ends, and that a keypress happens quite rapidly after the GCD ends.


At the expense of his keyboard! heh.


If you watch that one very closely you will in fact see that there is NO delay...with two very specific exceptions:


Both are instant cast, Non-GCD abilities.


The first is early on, when he tries to use the kick thing on the far right (his interrupt if I recall correctly from beta). Even though it shows as ready, it takes two or three clicks before it activates.


The second is when he tries to use Riposte, which if you've ever played a WoW warrior, is a sort of reverse overpower. A non-GCD, instant, high damage attack. The key with this one is to watch the cooldowns and the focus while he's spamming it. The cooldown on it doesn't activate, and it doesn't consume any focus...right up until the GCD on the other abilities finishes. The instant the GCD finishes, the very next click activates it.


The funny 'twitching' that occurs with this comes from the client trying to start the animation: at least part of the client seems to agree with the icon that it's ready to use and should go off immediately. Even though it doesn't. But it clips and restarts the anim every time he hits it.


For some reason, it acts like it was respecting the GCD: It's specifically supposed to ignore the GCD, as stated by the tooltip and the lit-up icon, but for some reason it didn't.


There does seem to be something with abilities that are supposed to ignore the GCD that makes them fail to fire in an erratic and unpredictable manner.


Which is just one of MANY smaller bugs that only affect very particular types of things that have been lumped into 'Ability Delay'.


I still think the primary thing causing people to perceive a 'delay' is the fact that the animations take awhile to get going, and the damage dealt is held back so it matches with the impacts for cosmetic reasons.


It's all about making the animations smooth and proper...which has no actual effect on the mechanics of the game itself.


In short, people are asking bioware to make the game look worse in order to fix a minor cosmetic annoyance while claiming it's 'game breaking', when in fact it doesn't affect the game at all!

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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When you push the button, and you see your character standing there for a bit before actually animating the ability, you're not seeing the ability being 'delayed' and 'going off way late'. Your GCD already cycled fully and is available again: the ability has already 'gone off', your client just hasn't shown you the effects yet. if you use another ability now, it will go off just perfectly and have full effect, even though your character just lifted his arm to fire the rocket.


On the server.


It just hasn't been shown to you on your client yet.


But what your client shows doesn't matter. Your client isn't even the game.


The server is the game. Only what the server thinks matters, and it calculated the damage and applied it to your target as soon as your attack request came in.


The only 'ability delay' is you waiting too long to use your next ability because you're watching the animations instead of the much more accurate UI. You could've already used your next ability as of thirty seconds ago, but you were too busy wondering why your guy was just standing there.


If you use an ability and the GCD doesn't abort and reset after a few seconds, the resources you used don't get put back, and the ability's cooldown doesn't reset like you never used it at all, the ability almost certainly was used successfully. Unless you're disconnected entirely or something, but you'll figure that out right quick if you are.


It's waiting. Waiting for you to stop gawking at your character lifting his arm and use the next ability.




As a tactics vanguard, I have never once had problems with any channeled ability or instant cast ability delaying or otherwise failing to work because of any animation or delay issue.


As tactics, I use pulse cannon practically every chance I get. Almost every ability I have has an animation.


I'm a bounty hunter that looks like a stormtrooper.


I chain stuff just fine, because I watch the cooldowns, not the animations.


You seem confused. What's being discussed in this thread isn't latency in the classic sense.


I can reliably get the game to break on my Operative by hitting Debilitate, Acid Blade, and Backstab in quick succession. The stun fires, Acid Blade (which is off the GCD) gets applied instantly as I run behind the mob mashing my backstab key.


The backstab will never go off. The game will repeatedly tell me it's not ready yet until the (five second) stun wears off. The mob turns around when the stun ends, at which point the game will tell me to get behind the mob. The ability never goes on cooldown. The mob never takes damage from Backstab. The Acid Blade buff never fades. The Acid Blade debuff is never applied to the mob.


I have the same problem with all off-GCD abilities. Acid Blade, Stim Boost, Adrenaline Probe, Shield Probe, and Evasion all cause problems when I try to use them in quick succession with other abilities.


If this were latency, I would expect to see the actions following these abilities to fire eventually. They do not. They don't go on cooldown. They do not cause damage. Even if this were latency, wouldn't you consider it an issue if certain abilities were causing freak lag spikes every time they were used?


ps: Who watches their character's animations?

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You seem confused. What's being discussed in this thread isn't latency in the classic sense.


I can reliably get the game to break on my Operative by hitting Debilitate, Acid Blade, and Backstab in quick succession. The stun fires, Acid Blade (which is off the GCD) gets applied as I run behind the mob mashing my backstab key.


The backstab will never go off. The game will tell me it's not ready yet until the (five second) stun wears off, so the mob turns around, at which point the game will tell me to get behind the mob. The ability never goes on cooldown. The mob never takes damage from Backstab. The Acid Blade buff never fades. The Acid Blade debuff is never applied to the mob.


I have the same problem with all off-GCD abilities. Acid Blade, Stim Boost, Adrenaline Probe, Shield Probe, and Evasion all cause problems when I try to use them in quick succession with other abilities.


If this were latency, I would expect to see the actions following these abilities to fire eventually. They do not. They don't go on cooldown. They do not cause damage. Even if this were latency, wouldn't you consider it an issue if certain abilities were causing freak lag spikes every time they were used?


ps: Who watches their character's animations?


That's not a delay: that's non-GCD abilities not working right. As demonstrated amply by the video with riposte making the guy do the funky chicken until the GCD ends.


There's a difference between 'doesn't work' and 'works, but way late'.


The former is 'broken' the latter is 'delay'.


We have the former, we do NOT have the later, except with the appearance of the animations and a minor problem with the ability queue.

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That's not a delay: that's non-GCD abilities not working right. As demonstrated amply by the video with riposte making the guy do the funky chicken until the GCD ends.


There's a difference between 'doesn't work' and 'works, but way late'.


The former is 'broken' the latter is 'delay'.


We have the former, we do NOT have the later, except with the appearance of the animations and a minor problem with the ability queue.


Here's the weird thing, though: I don't think the delay is tied to the connection. I think it's tied to the computer's performance.


Hear me out here:


We've got three computers here. I'm playing on the best one and get excellent framerates, and my brother has tried PvPing on the other two, which perform terribly in Warzones (unjustifiably - they're solid systems). We're on the same connection, wired into the same router, with the same pings.


He gets massive delays on every action on both of those computers, and abilities take forever to go off. The GCD fires when he hits the key, but the next ability will not fire until the first one animates some two seconds later.


I don't think the client is allowing the next command to be sent to the server until the client sees the first one finish.


Believe me when I say it's unplayable. You can't just watch the cooldowns - especially if you're doing something involving cast times.

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Have they addressed the fact that Sorcerers Shocks are instant and Sage's Project has a 1 second travel time for damage?


This causes a problem with Shadows vs. Assassins too.


O yea, its even worse when Jedis proc into the Upheavel...they have to wait for the rock to fly, then hit, then proc another flying, waiting damage rock....


So really atm:


Bounty Hunters > Troopers

Sorcerers > Sages

Assassins > Shadows




Yoda was wrong? The Dark side IS stronger?

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Here's the weird thing, though: I don't think the delay is tied to the connection. I think it's tied to the computer's performance.


Hear me out here:


We've got three computers here. I'm playing on the best one and get excellent framerates, and my brother has tried PvPing on the other two, which perform terribly in Warzones (unjustifiably - they're solid systems). We're on the same connection, wired into the same router, with the same pings.


He gets massive delays on every action on both of those computers, and abilities take forever to go off. The GCD fires when he hits the key, but the next ability will not fire until the first one animates some two seconds later.


I don't think the client is allowing the next command to be sent to the server until the client sees the first one finish.


Believe me when I say it's unplayable. You can't just watch the cooldowns - especially if you're doing something involving cast times.


I haven't had any problems with it, not even when using my very, very powerful channeled abilities, one of which is a key part of my rotation.


Of the gameplay affecting things I've actually seen proof of so far, only one of them involved a delay: the action queue problem. The others are just broken abilities that aren't going off at all some of the time.


Seriously though, when you find a bug, you need to identify that bug, and that bug only, specifically. You need to label it correctly. You need to state the exact effects, and any actions that contribute to it.


Lumping a specific bug into a general, generic, 'problem' simply makes it harder for the developers to track down that bug and fix it.


In many ways, all this talk of an 'ability delay' is actually probably HURTING the people complaining about it!


Because instead of reporting the specific bugs they're having trouble with, they're just generally griping about how the whole combat system is broken.


I have seen, seriously, at least four or five separate, different things, most of which didn't involve any sort of delay in any way, shape, or form, being bandied about as 'proof' of the 'ability delay'.


What's going to end up happening is that, so confused by trying to figure out what the 'problem' is, they're going to 'fix' something that isn't broken, and not touch all the stuff that is.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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[/color]In short, people are asking bioware to make the game look worse in order to fix a minor cosmetic annoyance while claiming it's 'game breaking', when in fact it doesn't affect the game at all!


lol, you are so ridiculously deluded its epic.

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Tiron, drop it. You aren't winning anybody over towards your cause. After following these latest discussions I've come to the conclusion that you simply want to argue and debate.


There is something definitely wrong with character responsiveness. Many competitive gamers, including myself, can readily tell that the way this game executes abilities is clunky and slow. For some of you, this is acceptable. For those that hope this game will at some point have a high skillcap (it currently does not), we need as a basis a clean and crisp UI that responds predictably.


Hell, I have never lost a match in the "other" game and blamed character responsiveness. It never even entered my mind that a command I issued to my toons wasn't executed exactly the way I intended. However, in SW:ToR it seems like I'm often playing a casino game and I'm more surprised than not when something works properly. Whatever the cause - it needs to be addressed. Hopefully, the vague responses we have received from developers so far acknowledging the issue will result in concrete fixes. We shall see.

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That's not a delay: that's non-GCD abilities not working right. As demonstrated amply by the video with riposte making the guy do the funky chicken until the GCD ends.


There's a difference between 'doesn't work' and 'works, but way late'.


The former is 'broken' the latter is 'delay'.


We have the former, we do NOT have the later, except with the appearance of the animations and a minor problem with the ability queue.


Your continued tirade on Latency, Client/Server Communication is "incredibly" off-point. With each further post parroting the same **** you really showcase your lack of understanding.


Please, another wall-of-text regarding latency, client/server communication effects. Solving our entire discussion/debate because in the end "everything is just fine" and its just some cosmetic semantics that we're really going on about. Right ol' chap?



lol, you're hilarious... "One Trick Pony" comes to mind...

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Tiron, drop it. You aren't winning anybody over towards your cause. After following these latest discussions I've come to the conclusion that you simply want to argue and debate.


There is something definitely wrong with character responsiveness. Many competitive gamers, including myself, can readily tell that the way this game executes abilities is clunky and slow. For some of you, this is acceptable. For those that hope this game will at some point have a high skillcap (it currently does not), we need as a basis a clean and crisp UI that responds predictably.


Hell, I have never lost a match in the "other" game and blamed character responsiveness. It never even entered my mind that a command I issued to my toons wasn't executed exactly the way I intended. However, in SW:ToR it seems like I'm often playing a casino game and I'm more surprised than not when something works properly. Whatever the cause - it needs to be addressed. Hopefully, the vague responses we have received from developers so far acknowledging the issue will result in concrete fixes. We shall see.


He is just a general troll, we have 1-4 per thread... your post is spot on...

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Tiron, drop it. You aren't winning anybody over towards your cause. After following these latest discussions I've come to the conclusion that you simply want to argue and debate.


There is something definitely wrong with character responsiveness. Many competitive gamers, including myself, can readily tell that the way this game executes abilities is clunky and slow. For some of you, this is acceptable. For those that hope this game will at some point have a high skillcap (it currently does not), we need as a basis a clean and crisp UI that responds predictably.


Hell, I have never lost a match in the "other" game and blamed character responsiveness. It never even entered my mind that a command I issued to my toons wasn't executed exactly the way I intended. However, in SW:ToR it seems like I'm often playing a casino game and I'm more surprised than not when something works properly. Whatever the cause - it needs to be addressed. Hopefully, the vague responses we have received from developers so far acknowledging the issue will result in concrete fixes. We shall see.


If you ever want to see the bugs fixed, you will address each one individually and distinctly, and stop lumping them into 'responsiveness' or 'delay'.


I have checked, personally, repeatedly. I have watched video after video after video purporting to demonstrate a delay and only seen a few broken abilities.


If you are experiencing a delay, one of three things is happening: your system is crap, your connection is crap, or you're under the mistaken impression that what you see on your screen has more than a vague connection with what actually happens or when.


What I WANT, is for people to think, to analyze, to experiment. To find the actual, real problems and help get them fixed, rather than mindlessly insisting that it 'just doesn't work right' without any demonstrable proof to back it up.


If it isn't repeatable, it isn't real. Basic science right there.


Far too many people in here mindlessly accepting whatever people say, without thinking it through or checking it for themselves.


I have not yet seen any evidence of anything except the ability queue bug causing attacks to be timed incorrectly.


What I have seen are certain attacks failing to work at all in certain, sometimes erratic, circumstances. That is not the same thing as a delay.

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Yes, I have played WoW, and I understand the issue. I don't have a mount yet (Shush, I only started playing like a week ago) but am close to getting one so I should be able to check it tonight.


I know I edited my above question after you replied, but is there anything specific about JK that has been an issue? You said the whole thing was a disaster. I would like to test it after testing the mount thing.


Can anyone else chime in with specifically which server, class, and abilities they are have trouble with?


Also if anyone is bored and has some free time, can you also try rolling a JK on Harbinger as well as your home server and see if there is any difference? I'll be doing the same, but more data is never bad.


I play a jedi knight on the jedi covenant server and the only problem i have is with riposte and overhead slash. does this break the entire class? To me no not at all. Is it annoying. You bet your sweet lightsabers it is. will i stop playing until its fixed? I am playing right now as i type this waiting for a group for maelstrom prison at level 39.

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Tiron, read my post above yours. Ignore response issues. You can NOT argue the problem of Project vs Shock.....That's unarguable for anyone....


That is actually just bad class balancing, sadly has nothing to do with this thread.

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Tiron, read my post above yours. Ignore response issues. You can NOT argue the problem of Project vs Shock.....That's unarguable for anyone....


Sure it is: the 'delayed damage' is a cosmetic effect only. The server has already calculated and applied the damage, and the client has already received it. The client just waits to display it until the attack is seen to 'hit', so that it appears that the attack did the damage, and not just pushing the button.


WoW did the same thing with projectile-based attacks. It's just cosmetic trickery, it doesn't actually affect the mechanics.

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If you are experiencing a delay, one of three things is happening: your system is crap, your connection is crap, or you're under the mistaken impression that what you see on your screen has more than a vague connection with what actually happens or when.


What I WANT, is for people to think, to analyze, to experiment. To find the actual, real problems and help get them fixed, rather than mindlessly insisting that it 'just doesn't work right' without any demonstrable proof to back it up.


If it isn't repeatable, it isn't real. Basic science right there.


ROFL, omg... now I actually lol'd at 1:06am in bed... bravo sir.

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