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The Most lifeless, dull, boring, dead mmo ever.


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I can't wait to watch this game go down in flames.


Any MMO as big as this with no world pvp. All sharded instanced so you never seen more than a handful of players in any zone.


Never has a MMO deserved to fail more than this game.


heh we are plaing the same game?


i have lags on space station seing 150+ ppl in numbers and many runing neer me.


World PvP? I couldn't do a quests on tatooine because of that, there even was some battle betwen republic and empire




And what is MMo to you? 50 players in maine city squer like Ogrimar, crossworld or Stormwind? cos that was the places in WoW where you've seen soooo many players, not in questing areas.

Or maybe you talking bout LFD in WoW thaks to with no one was even going outside of towns anymore... for what? dungeons in one click, pvp battlegrounds in one click.



And such ppl will tell me bout great, social, full of life games...

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As I have posted on the Beta forums during that time, I am always worried about too much criticism simply because this is actual developer's work, but the more I play this (even during Beta) all I could think was "This is what they spent 300 Million on and took 3+ years?"


I don't know if the hype became too big for the realities of the game or our technology, but I am surprised that BioWare seemed to drop the ball with this one.

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Congrats Bioware on making the first MMO to make me feel like Im playing this huge game all by myself. Never see more than a few people here and there in every zone.


This is not even a MMO. Its a single player game with a slight opton of multiplayer and a chat connected to other people.


What a dull, boring, lifeless MMO you created. No world pvp, no people period in this game. Ive finally questioned why I am even playing this crap. Grind the most boring quests ever and adding a few basic choices and voice over does nothing. Just gonna break my space bar and have to buy a new keyboard soon.


You know what makes grinding in a MMO not that bad. World PVP, and playing with alot of people which does not excist in this MMO.


Im not even gonna lie I rather play SWGs than this garbage. Least I could play with other people and pvp.


BYE BYE ....move on .. why are you still here?

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I can't wait to watch this game go down in flames.


Any MMO as big as this with no world pvp. All sharded instanced so you never seen more than a handful of players in any zone.


Never has a MMO deserved to fail more than this game.

And this pretty much sums up the motivation of the poster. Rather sad really. Talk about needing peer validation.


Also, there are several active successful MMOs with no open world PvP at all. Your opinion that it is a requirement does not make it a business fact. I think it's obvious you do not like the game; is there a reason you keep saying so?


Before anyone jumps in with the giant 'fanboy' sign, you'll note I've not felt the need to make any 'this game is great' threads... My opinion is just mine; thankfully I can see that.

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Congrats Bioware on making the first MMO to make me feel like Im playing this huge game all by myself. Never see more than a few people here and there in every zone.


This is not even a MMO. Its a single player game with a slight opton of multiplayer and a chat connected to other people.


What a dull, boring, lifeless MMO you created. No world pvp, no people period in this game. Ive finally questioned why I am even playing this crap. Grind the most boring quests ever and adding a few basic choices and voice over does nothing. Just gonna break my space bar and have to buy a new keyboard soon.


You know what makes grinding in a MMO not that bad. World PVP, and playing with alot of people which does not excist in this MMO.


Im not even gonna lie I rather play SWGs than this garbage. Least I could play with other people and pvp.


Im constantly running into players. Infact theres been instances where I had to stand around and wait my turn to go at it with an Elite, and that was on Tatooine just a day or so ago. Just yesterday I helped a Trooper drop some Elite Sith Mobs on Alderaan. So lifeless? No. Overpopulated making it hard for players to complete their quests because of sheer number of other players completing theirs is not the way to go.


No MMO is ever technically an MMO. Almost every MMO allows you to complete everyday quests on your own. Only when dealing with Warzones, Dungeons and Raids are you forced to group up. TOR is no different in this aspect. They simply decided to immerse you into the SW Universe by actually making the maps massive. Ive seen people actually complaining these maps arent big enough...So it just proves your opinion on this matter is not shared by everyone and it means your more then likely not in the majority on this issue.


No World PvP? You obviously havent made it to Tatooine or Ilum. Not every planet is considered Contested. Which means your not gonna see fights between players on every planet...Not a big deal either. Want OWPvP go to Tatooine or Ilum. Otherwise stop making it out to be something its not.


Im not sure what you were expecting Quest wise, but with the added in VO the quests seem alittle less lifeless and meaningless grindfests and actually motivates people like myself to grind thru so I can actually find out how this all ends.


Again, I dont know what Server your on, But the one Im on is regularly full. And Im constantly running into people. Sometimes at the moments when I could be better off alone. The game doesnt need to be overpopulated. As big as the maps are, they would still congregate in places that would make it hard for others to complete quests.

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You have came into this game expecting something that was not the objective with this game.


Maybe next time read up on a game before you buy it.


You are extremely wrong and don't know what you are talking about. What the OP said is true. Stop being such a fanboy. This game was designed and marketed as an MMORPG with Voice-Acting.

Edited by SWGVet
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My posts mean nothing I know. I don't really care just venting. I canceled awhile ago. I just feel like im in shock how bad this game is.


You cancelled "awhile ago" and are STILL here, or are back, to whine...do you have so little going on in your life?

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I have yet to understand these complaints. I can find a group no matter what time of day for heroic quests, or flashpoints. I am primarily playing on a Standard pop server due to my mains queue.


ohhh ... it's hard to tell the REAL reason some of this is going on. Most of them knew that there was not going to be open PvP or savere DP... IMHO it is no doubt left overs from some of the debates that went on during the development stages of the game. And some folks just want to go "public" with their personal pet peaves. Still others will not be satisfied without a good old fashion gripe !


who knows. Most of the complaints are superficial when it gets right down to it !

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You know, in my experience, when people complain about not having "world PvP", they mean "I can't gank people". So what I'm saying is... you probably miss not having the option to PK some poor guy over and over, and call it PvP.


I don't typically gank people who are out questing unless they are a little higher in level than me and I want to try them out, but I FREAKING LOVE it when someone tries to gank me, and I love punishing gankers. It is a fun break from quest grinding. It makes leveling up more exciting for me when I know that someone could jump me at any time. You are painting people who enjoy world PvP with a very broad brush here.


Besides, what's wrong with people wanting to gank, anyhow? Don't like it? There are PvE servers. It's not like you could even corpse camp someone in this game, anyhow, as they can just take the option to return to the medcenter. It's not like there's a penalty for it.

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Congrats Bioware on making the first MMO to make me feel like Im playing this huge game all by myself. Never see more than a few people here and there in every zone.


This is not even a MMO. Its a single player game with a slight opton of multiplayer and a chat connected to other people.


What a dull, boring, lifeless MMO you created. No world pvp, no people period in this game. Ive finally questioned why I am even playing this crap. Grind the most boring quests ever and adding a few basic choices and voice over does nothing. Just gonna break my space bar and have to buy a new keyboard soon.


You know what makes grinding in a MMO not that bad. World PVP, and playing with alot of people which does not excist in this MMO.


Im not even gonna lie I rather play SWGs than this garbage. Least I could play with other people and pvp.



You make me laugh. Not a lot of people in this MMORPG?! Go back to SWG then. Oh wait you can't :p

Your ridiculous arguments are those of a Troll. I quit WoW after four years because after burning crusade it got worse and worse, until my frustrations got the better of me.

THIS game is the embodiment of a true MMORPG in the making. I can only imagine where it will be after five years. If an MMORPG can be this fun at this stage, well then.

The grinding is invisible to me. The key portion is RPG. Something that the other MMO's are void of. You would do well to remember that. No more sword and board. Hello Lightsabers and energy shields. I found a new home. You on the other hand can keep looking. Good luck!

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I am really enjoying the game, but I do find the game world to be rather empty. I rarely run into other players and when I do we generally ignore each other. I never run Flashpoints or Heroic missions since it is just a pain to find a group for them and my time is better spent running solo missions or doing PvP. The lack of structured open world PvP is rather disheartening, but hopefully that will be something that BW adds in the future.
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I sadly have to agree. The game just feels lifeless, dead and stale. It's a shame too because it's a QUALITY game. The production value is through the roof.


The actual game discription:



Navigate a player avatar through a linear strict world with a lot of star wars references. Navigation might apear a bit limited but all what counts is the story from the beginenrs level, later you realize that most stories are simpel dialog which comes down to go there and kill everything come back and thank you for paying us.

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Congrats Bioware on making the first MMO to make me feel like Im playing this huge game all by myself. Never see more than a few people here and there in every zone.



You sound like a Wrath baby. :p


Are you playing at a normal time? I have no problem bumping into others unless it's very early.

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