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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

does it get better?


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Only level 8 smuggler and level 9 sith warrior. But so far I can sum it up as Meh. Almost reminds me of tabula rasa. No challenge excitment or anything.what suprises me even the story side seems bland.


Don't get me wrong I wouldnt call it bad yet just everything is ....average.


I am obviously low level so by no means giving up on the game.


Does it get better ? Can I attribute this to just being in Noob area or something ?


I still miss swg where right from the get go I knew I was in something special but this feels like another short lived mmo experience.

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The content slowly gets more challenging. Apart from some of the heroic missions you'll probably be bored until at least Alderaan. I suggest avoiding doing bonus objectives if you start outleveling the content. This will also add to the challenge. IMO the game so far is getting better the higher level you get. Edited by Axxar
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I found completing a Chapter (1 in my case) was very rewarding and Epic. I am now in Chapter 2 and looking forward to the build up and eventual conclusion there too. I am thinking the end of Chapter 3 is going to be very enjoyable!


Level 34 JKG.

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Your story from 1-10 is fairly boring for all the classes (over dramatic.) The combat from 1-20 is VERY easy. After 20 though be prepared for a sharp jump in difficulty. (Nar shaddah bonus series area, you either need to be a few levels over it, or in a constant group lest ye risk a half an hour fighting through Strongs and Elites to reach one objective.



Don't worry, it gets far better.

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No it gets worse. Honestly, if you dont like it now, I doubt you will like it later. The mobs dont change, they just wear a different skin. The environments are pretty to look at but thats about it.


It is a little bit more of a challenge but not a great deal. The voice over story lines are nothing special, seen one mass effect game seen em all regardless of what outfit your wearing.


Mission givers tend to be all whiny little gits who cant do the mission themselves so pwease pwease do it for us. Occasionally you get a character with character but thats like one out of every 20 you meet and the 30 seconds of interaction you have with them is over way to fast. You'll be space bar and 1 spamming in no time.


However, stick it out and you might develope an immunity to the mind numbing dullness and you'll just start to like the pretty lights and buzzing sounds the game makes. :D

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It get's really good for a bit then you notice more and more bugs, repetitive style of quest writing (I can't do my job so go do it for me), and then hit 50 and realize crew skills are mostly worthless and endgame flashpoints/operations are bugged to hell.
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