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Significant ranged advantage Hutball


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The fact that I have to tell you anything of what you're asking for is the direct reason why I won't. If you need me to concede to make yourself feel better, then fine, i'm totally copping out: you win.


The fact that you keep avoiding stating why ranged people have an advantage, despite the very definition of the word showing they don't, is why I say you are copping out.


If it's so obvious the advantage, bearing in mind an advantage can only be an advantage if it provides you with something superior, and it cannot be superior if it's easily countered, when surely you shouldn't have a problem with saying it.


I think you just don't like to admit that when you play properly, the way you're mean to, that ranged people have no problems and it's actually melee classes that have the advantage.


When I play my melee I can't wait to see a ranged char, target, gap close, 'HALLO!!!!!!!!!!' followed by them dying. If it's a sniper or class such as this and they are in cover, then they are static and you can use your speed increase to get over to them and 'HALLO!!!!!!!!!!!!' followed by them dying. When I can completely negate a ranged persons range, as can anybody, they have no advantage. I have the advantage of being able to nullify their range. Some people it seems just refuse to accept this.

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The fact that you keep avoiding stating why ranged people have an advantage, despite the very definition of the word showing they don't, is why I say you are copping out.


If it's so obvious the advantage, bearing in mind an advantage can only be an advantage if it provides you with something superior, and it cannot be superior if it's easily countered, when surely you shouldn't have a problem with saying it.


I think you just don't like to admit that when you play properly, the way you're mean to, that ranged people have no problems and it's actually melee classes that have the advantage.


When I play my melee I can't wait to see a ranged char, target, gap close, 'HALLO!!!!!!!!!!' followed by them dying. If it's a sniper or class such as this and they are in cover, then they are static and you can use your speed increase to get over to them and 'HALLO!!!!!!!!!!!!' followed by them dying. When I can completely negate a ranged persons range, as can anybody, they have no advantage. I have the advantage of being able to nullify their range. Some people it seems just refuse to accept this.


Yes, you're right. I'm bad at the game. Another fine point of clear fact that I will concede to you. Also: thank you for posting that definition. As a Journalist, my vocabulary is very sparse and I rely on forum agitators to help me through my weak vernacular.


The things is: you haven't backed up anything with fact other than asserting what anyone can assume just by reading tool-tips. Nothing you've said is stepped in reality and it's all entirely circumstantial.


I've backed up my arguments enough, you just fail to accept them or read them or understand them -- whichever, i'm not sure. However, it doesn't matter because you are obviously the only one who doesn't get it.


Keep arguing for the sake of arguing, though. I'm out.

Edited by Nanotech
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Yes, you're right. I'm bad at the game. Another fine point of clear fact that I will concede to you. Also: thank you for posting that definition. As a Journalist, my vocabulary is very sparse and I rely on forum agitators to help me through my weak vernacular.


The things is: you haven't backed up anything with fact other than asserting what anyone can assume just by reading tool-tips. Nothing you've said is stepped in reality and it's all entirely circumstantial.


I've backed up my arguments, you just fail to accept them or read them or understand them -- whichever, i'm not sure. However, it doesn't matter because you are obviously the only one who doesn't get it.


Keep arguing for the sake of arguing, though. I'm out.


Good. I'd rather debate with people who back things up rather than just make claims.


You've basically just trolled this thread.


'They have an advantage'


No they don't, this is why.


'They have an advantage'


No they don't, this is why


'They have an advantage, I'm still not going to tell you what that advantage is, I'm just going to state that they have one over and over'


Tell me what the advantage is and we can debate it.


If you refuse to accept the definition of the word advantage, that's not my problem. Also the way you're going off on tangents is just symbolic of further trolling. 'Fine, I accept you're right I'm bad at this game.' No. I didn't ever say that. You made that up, like you've made up othe things I've supposedly said in this thread. It's a common trait when backed into a corner you can't present facts to get yourself out of, instead change subject and go off on tangents that I didn't even start talking about.

Edited by Zetara
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Tell me what the advantage is and we can debate it.


They are further away so are less likely to be spotted as a source of damage by terrible players who have terrible situational awareness thus are less likely to be zerged by a group of bads who don't have a clue how to PvP.







Ps: Not a serious post.

Edited by KaiHeilos
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Ranged classes do often top the "total" damage charts but are killed in most 1v1 fights against melee.


Ranged classes do well when left alone and are aloud to fire away and get shut down under most melee attacks.


High total damage does not win warzones.


I'm not sure it's an advantage, just a trade off.

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The skill level of your average meleer has to be superior. with huttball, it is far too easy to lose your target as they drop off the edge of platform, or they shove you off with the knockbacks the trooper/bh get if specced for damage. Watched a friend deny at least two scores by using his rocket punch to knock them into the pit after stunning the carrier with electrodart



Not to mention warzone lag.

Edited by Blazehound
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They are further away so are less likely to be spotted as a source of damage by terrible players who have terrible situational awareness thus are less likely to be zerged by a group of bads who don't have a clue how to PvP.







Ps: Not a serious post.


The thing is though, you've hit the nail on the head. I know you were taking the mick, but I think that's exactly what happens.


The amount of times I've seen people post here 'can hit you from half way across the map' etc is just total BS.


It is exactly as you put above. People who think they have an advantage, are the ones who see a ranged person stood on his own having the time of his life putting down DPS uninterrupted, a mercenary going 'weeeeeeeeee death from above, weeeeeeeeeeee tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile unload rail shot weeeeeeeeeeeee' and they think 'I know, I'll ignore all the tools I've been given to deal with this exact situation, teh tools that make this a level playing field, and therefore not an advantage, since I can nullify them, what I'll do is I'll ignore those tools I have, and just let them get on with it, and then complain that if I let them get on with it, they do well.'

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That's exactly why they don't have an advantage because it's easily shut down. They only have an advantage if you give them one.


Tbh I think the force users with their charge have a much bigger advantage because it seemingly can't be stopped, ranged users don't have an advantage because you can just use a gap closer as a melee and smash them. Does this mean that melee have an advantage in huttball because they can just gap close to the ranged person and mess them up? Then it's surely unfair right because the ranged person is at a disadvantage to the melee?


They only have an advantage if your team does something that gives them one.


you mean the charge which when we use it only results in us flying back due to the knockbacks and/or be slowed cq stunned if said knockback is on cd ?

it's almost useless to use as a gapcloser due to the ammount of slows/stuns/knockbacks other classes have, only real use for it in huttball is to leap to the endzone if some silly opponent is stupid enough to make himself a target for that.

Edited by Bubalous
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I have no problem reaching ranged classes, and once i get up on the ledge with them with force charge, i force push them off so they cant stay out of range of the other melee that have used their cooldown to get to someon else (unless of course ive already used force push to throw someone into the fire or acid =p) Edited by Zethenn
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you mean the charge which when we use it only results in us flying back due to the knockbacks and/or be slowed cq stunned if said knockback is on cd ?

it's almost useless to use as a gapcloser due to the ammount of slows/stuns/knockbacks other classes have, only real use for it in huttball is to leap to the endzone if some silly opponent is stupid enough to make himself a target for that.


What's the range on your CC? Can you use that first? CC/Gap Close. You also have your own knockback. I've had a sith CC me and leap to me, then move himself just out of range of my knockback and then hit me with his powers.


I see it used constantly in Huttball properly. If it's used properly there isn't a problem.


Also if you leap to the range characters you take them out of the fight. They aren't laying down DPS anymore on the people below because they are preoccupied with you and your team should be good enough to dispatch the players they are fighting against, leaving said DPS char on his own should he kill you and they win the fight below that 2 minutes ago he was having the time of his life shooting at uninterrupted. Ranged people aren't gods, they are dealt with as easy as any other class. They get smashed at close range, and you can get close to them with the push of a button.


That's why you see



IA/Smug is OP

Powertech melee tanks are OP

Ranged shooters are OP


No, they aren't all OP, they can't all be OP. It's just a game of rock/paper/scissors. You have to do what you need to do to beat each class. Melee you stay out of their range, range you get into melee. That's all there is to it.


Hell, you can even grab the Huttball and give it to the range character and watch his have to change his pants.

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Well, yeah, now that I think about it, every time I top WZ, it is purely because people just ignore me (or serve as a minimal annoyance to keep my Cover Pulse on CD) and go for a nearest melee instead.


No complaints here, I really love having field day on people in Huttball. Many are even nice enough to just stay there getting nuked to 20% and then like "OMG runwwww leg shot double u tee eff dead lol nerf".


I must say the interesting trend here is that there are no nerf Snipers despite us mowing down people. Thankfully our animations are rather stealthy, so it's usually some Sorc doing Unlimited POOWAAA for 400 damage per tick, then we sneak in 4.6k Takedown and it's another "OMG Nref Sorc nao!" post in forums. Hillarious.

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Hmm really? I dont really notice it.. I play a Sith Juggernaut i usually just Force Charge and just smack them to death... and if they CC me ill just let them run and re-engage with Force charge again....


you are force charging snipers/gunslingers? I want that force charge, cause I sure as hell can't bypass theyr covers.

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