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Rerolling Republic - Knight or Smuggler?


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So I am re-rolling on the Republic side to check some things out but I am having a hard time deciding on a class. I have it narrowed down to the Knight and the Smuggler. Consular is out because I hate dresses and the Trooper is a little too Battlefront for me.


Anyways the AC would be Sentinel (Knight) and Gunslinger (Smuggler) as I primarily want to dps. Yes I know one is ranged and one is melee, but that's not the point. How is the gameplay between the two? And most importantly, how is the storyline for both classes?

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at about 50 you can go dirty fighting and own in pvp no cover needed... And even then the cover is not that bad.


I've seen several videos and heard from friends that the scoundrel scrapper can deal some serious burst damage and down people in a matter of seconds in PvP.

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Smuggler has a great story if you like playing the wise cracking type. It can feel very Han Solo like if you want to play it that way. Smuggler is also more challenging to play and may take longer to level. You do great ranged dps, though. People have called gunslinger a glass cannon, and that description seems about right.


I've only played Jedi Knight to level 24 or so, but it definitely feels easier to level than my gunslinger. It does have a harder time on boss fights, though, because its single target damage (guardian) is not as good, but I've heard sentinel can be very powerful. The thing about the Jedi is that you have to pay more attention to your rage/focus bar and less attention to the action on the screen. The story also seems less appealing than smuggler but more "heroic". Smuggler definitely has the best voice acting on the republic side.

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Rolled a Smuggler Gunslinger, level 32 - once you figure out the proper skill chain you will deal some insane damage over a decent period of time.


Also ran with a Sentential on Taral V the other day. The first class Ive met up with to where we were actually on par in DPS. Plus his survivability was considerably high then mine (Only after all my shields ran out on the end boss.)


So personally, Id say its based on who's story you want more

Edited by Elyons
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I have a character of all 4 republic classes and the JK has the least interesting story of them all (for sure after the starting area). Their starting area is pretty decent, and the lightsaber quest is rewarding.


But the Smuggler and Trooper, as well as the Consular are all more fun to play and have a much better story.


And my main is a JK.

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Is the Jedi Knight story really that lackluster? If so thats a shame, as I was thinking it would be fun to be the center of the entire war.


I leveled the Smuggler to 12. Not that high I know, but so far the story feels kind of slow. I'm basically just an errand boy and was apparently too stupid to lock down my ship in a war zone, so it got stolen. Does it pick up at all, or am I going to be running errands for the Republic for another 30+ levels?

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dont play smuggler because her class story was written by that fat pig hamburger helper




shes the dev who said games should have a button to skip combat sequences to get back to romances.



she works for bioware btw

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I haven't played the smuggler much, but I have an Imperial Agent, and I'm really not liking the cover system. Mostly because it's still a bit buggy, but I'm not too fond of it regardless. Do people generally like it, or what are the views?
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Is the Jedi Knight story really that lackluster? If so thats a shame, as I was thinking it would be fun to be the center of the entire war.


I leveled the Smuggler to 12. Not that high I know, but so far the story feels kind of slow. I'm basically just an errand boy and was apparently too stupid to lock down my ship in a war zone, so it got stolen. Does it pick up at all, or am I going to be running errands for the Republic for another 30+ levels?


The thing is from what I have found the JK has the basic hero story (I do mean basic) and does not deviate from that at all.

Edited by Pyrolight
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I've played a Gunslinger to level 32.


The story isn't "mind-blowing" or "revolutionary", but I'd say it's a step and a half above a decent planet quest.


The problem is that the cover system is something you initially might like but potentially becomes a huge pain in the a*s in PvP. I would say that in PvE the cover system is generally fun and mostly positive, but in PvP it really sucks.


Now, the Gunslinger AC basically does nothing but continue in the same vein as the Smuggler class. The gameplay doesn't change in any way. The Scoundrel changes a lot, gives you stealth, takes away cover, and gives close-range burst dps.


Sooooooo my recommendation if you go that route would be to postpone your AC choice to maybe level 15, get a feel for the cover system in PvE and PvP, and if you don't like it switch to Scoundrel.

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Been doing a little research and it looks like the Consular may have a better story than the JK. Not sure how it measures up against the Smuggler's, though. I know I said no dresses, but the Shadow looks like it'd be fun. Anyone have experience with the Consular story and / or the dps potential of the Shadow?
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Hi, I have a level 50 Jedi Knight and a 26 smuggler and what I can say is...


The Jedi Knight's story is easily one of the best and those who knock it are either knocking the dialogue options or haven't beaten/played past act 1.


The Consular doesn't even compare to the Knight's story IMO. (PM me if you want spoilers on each of their chapters and you'll learn which has the better story)


& if you're going sentinel and plan to PvP, find a pocket healer and you'll wreck everything.


For smuggler, I have a scoundrel and I like it and much prefer it over gunslinger (have the option to do insane burst or heal). If you like sitting behind cover and doing good damage then gunslinger is for you.


If it's Knight vs Gunslinger I'd definitely say Knight but in the end it's all up to your preference.


If it was Knight vs Scoundrel I might reconsider and say scoundrel but I'll hold off on that judgement until I get him to 50.

Edited by GageIbbetson
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