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1-49 and a 50s bracket is needed *now*


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Greetings avid gamer, we thank you very much for taking the time to post your frustrations and thoughts on our game. It was only yesterday that while sipping on some expensive champagne and wiping our lips with $200 bills that we were discussing this very issue. We spent a lot of time debating about what to do unfortunately though, there just isn't an easy solution to your extremely complex and taxing problem. Please continue to give us feedback, we value every customers thoughts and we shall "monitor" the situation very carefully and could possibly throw the idea around at our next monthly pisup for some lols.


There, saved BW the trouble of answering said question.. it'd probably come out in some BS PR like that anyway.


This really gave me a good laugh.

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It takes around 110 hours to get to 50. So lets say you are a working man, and pop out 3-4 hours on a weekday and around 10-12 on a weekend day. That would be around 44 hours a week. This means you should be around 50 in 2 weeks + change.


This means you should be 50 now. Your only argument was that you have a job.


I have a job. I made it to 50 3.5 days after early. I had a week off. Hardcore nolifer? You dont need to be in a game that is meant for the casuals.



I'm a working man, with a wife and 2 kids. For me to "pop out 3-4 hrs on a weekday 10-12 on weekend" I'd be divorced.

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Make level 20 gear give twice as much expertise as level 50 centurion gear.


Make level 40 gear give 25% more expertise then level 50 centurion gear.



Done, Balanced.



40s are a little worse then 50s, so 25% is welcome.


20s are barley what a 50 can be less they are skilled players, so the double expertise would be most welcome, plus they have a talent disadvantage. ect ect.



It takes less then a day to get full level 20 pvp gear, and with double expertise on level 20 gear, a level 20 would get more expertise therefore be as strong as a level 50 in full pvp gear.


So a 50 gets 10% Expertise.

a 40 gets 12.5% Expertise.

a 20 gets 20% Expertise.



A 30 with full level 20 PVP gear gets it scaled up to get 15% expertise.

Edited by Daecollo
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Make level 20 gear give twice as much expertise as level 50 centurion gear.


Make level 40 gear give 25% more expertise then level 50 centurion gear.



Done, Balanced.



40s are a little worse then 50s, so 25% is welcome.


20s are barley what a 50 can be less they are skilled players, so the double expertise would be most welcome, plus they have a talent disadvantage. ect ect.



It takes less then a day to get full level 20 pvp gear, and with double expertise on level 20 gear, a level 20 would get more expertise therefore be as strong as a level 50 in full pvp gear.


not quite...


if level 20 gear had twice as much expertise (700), they'd have a capped out 20% bonus non-stop as 700 would give 48.6%


level 20 gear would need ~150

level 40 gear would need ~275


but then, that still leaves everyone pigeonholed into "wear expertise gear or go home", making all other gear, and therefor game content redundant.

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not quite...


if level 20 gear had twice as much expertise (700), they'd have a capped out 20% bonus non-stop as 700 would give 48.6%


level 20 gear would need ~150

level 40 gear would need ~275


but then, that still leaves everyone pigeonholed into "wear expertise gear or go home", making all other gear, and therefor game content redundant.


Well how about giving low level gear a little more expertise then level 50 gear.


But the idea is sound.

Edited by Daecollo
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I'm completely boggled at the fact that people are defending a system like this.


It's one thing to force everyone in the same bracket as the 50's, but to also offer no pre-50 gear whatsoever (aside from a small amount on a mod on a weapon) with any PvP Expertise at all is just staggering. I cannot even imagine how people are defending that system.


Even WoW wasn't dumb enough to throw level 10's in with level 85's and say, "You get 150k HP but no resilience. That's fair."

Edited by Bovinity
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I'm completely boggled at the fact that people are defending a system like this.


It's one thing to force everyone in the same bracket as the 50's, but to also offer no pre-50 gear whatsoever (aside from a small amount on a mod on a weapon) with any PvP Expertise at all is just staggering. I cannot even imagine how people are defending that system.


Well it could be the stats were lost in beta.



Beta Champion Relics/Cent Relics had endurance, now they don't and are worthless.




20 Gear needs more expertise then 40 gear, which needs more expertise then 50 gear.


Why have brackets when you can have balance and play with your friends?

Edited by Daecollo
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I'd like to know how BW prioritizes pvp. The warzones were at first a major hook for me, but the 50's in battlegear are completely ruining the experience. I don't mind losing, but I have a major problem being so outgunned we're literally stuck outside our respawn due to the MASSIVE damage. Its not even about skill, character stats are calling these shots and there's nothing that can be done.


I hate to say, but Im tempted to unsub for now. I love swtor, and pvp was a significant part of it. And I don't feel like paying so I can further sacrifice my time at the feet of the hardcore pvp'ers that have already, or nearly, reached the apex for the characters.


I may let them fix it and come back in a few months.

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Well more expertise for low levels then higher levels would:



Make a level 20 take ALOT ALOT less damage.


Make a level 20 do MORE damage.


I wouldn't argue that a level 20 should have TWICE the amount of expertise as a 50, because it makes sense.

Edited by Daecollo
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If you ask me there should be multipul brackets. Not just 2.


10 - 19 (cause at lvl 10 you get your advanced class.)






Seems to be the most logical bracket choice.


Brackets are retarded, why not just balance out stats instead?

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It is needed, but not "now" because then 50s would have to wait forever for Warfront pops.


Who cares, they wanted to be the first - grats their special. Now they can wait for the rest of us to catch up.


Currently number of 50s on your team is the only thing that matters - team with most 50s always wins.



Not true, a team of 50s in apex gear always win. Lvl 50's sans massive expertise can be beaten.

Edited by Sowwy
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Who cares, they wanted to be the first - grats their special. Now they can wait for the rest of us to catch up.





Not true, a team of 50s in apex gear always win. Lvl 50's sans massive expertise can be beaten.


No brackets.

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What's that I hear from the future?


"Level 49s are ruining war zones now!"


You might as well as bracket the entire level range, would be more effective.


Or you could just get rid of the broken system of 'gear' when PvPing. How can PvP be 'skill based' if you already have an advantage over your opponent before the game has even started. Gear for PvE, everyone is equal in PvP.

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Currently number of 50s on your team is the only thing that matters - team with most 50s always wins.


I've noticed that. If one team has 2 or more lvl 50s than the other team, that team will usually win. Its hard to kill a lvl 50 who has a full set of pvp armor, takes nearly the entire team to bring them down. Without the armor, they are on the same level as everyone else for the most part.

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Just starting to try PVP and I must say. When I do not get swamped by 50s it is great fun and still a challenge. When I am getting smashed over and over by premade 50s... it makes me wonder if I should only play PVE.


Bracket for 50s sounds great. If the 50s don't want it it probably just means they want to continue killing the normal players (people who have a life outside games).


Please get something in place to make this more worth playing.


You may not agree but that is OK too. ;)

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Its not just 50's.


It should just be balanced.


If you have multiple levels on one sied, then just have the same multiple levels on the other side. Why is that so complicated?


First week of pvp was much more fun when you had a few high levels to worry about, then gang up on and a few low levels to hunt down or watch spank you cuz they know how to pvp. lol


my 2

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A better idea than brackets IMO would be to fix the BOLSTER system to take into account the gear of the highest geared character in that warzone and calculate how much to bolster accordingly.


For example, a pro lv50 dude geared in full Champion queues in and the rest of the players are all 10-49. The lv50 dude has 15K health and 400 expertise, so EVERYONE in that warzone is also bolstered to the same health and expertise as him.


There is still the difference in the number of abilities, but at least it should be much closer and fairer for everyone than what we have now.

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A better idea than brackets IMO would be to fix the BOLSTER system to take into account the gear of the highest geared character in that warzone and calculate how much to bolster accordingly.


For example, a pro lv50 dude geared in full Champion queues in and the rest of the players are all 10-49. The lv50 dude has 15K health and 400 expertise, so EVERYONE in that warzone is also bolstered to the same health and expertise as him.


There is still the difference in the number of abilities, but at least it should be much closer and fairer for everyone than what we have now.



something needs to be done, but that goes too far.

there would be no reason to go after pvp gear then - and they want you to go after the gear because it is a time sink.

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