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When is the Sith Inquisitor nerf going into effect?


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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works


Seriously WTH i play Sith Inquisitor, Sorc, heal spec and i can quite honestly tell you that any nerf would destroy the class. If you actually play the class you will see that it's not OP at all. As a sorc heal spec in pvp you get steam rolled and dropped like it's hot. One on one only chance to win as a heal spec is to spam self cure and grind the other person down. Which is not easy considering most other classes have more interrupts then Sith Inquisitor.


Honestly play a class before you shout it's OP'd. Or simply stop sucking at the class you do play.

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nerf herders. im a lvl 38 sorc, if im not using static barrier in a warzone, i get ripped to shreds by sentinels and shadows. L2P noobs.


yea idk what everyone complains about. yea i will hit 350k dmg done if i arent focused..


but man do i go down fast if anything gets on me.


out only defensive strategy is to RUN AWAY..

we get NO dmg reduction cooldowns and self buffed biggest crits are around 3k


now compare that to snipers who've done about 7k in a global or juggs that hav smashed me for 4.5k etc


or BHs that chain crit for 3k


everyone is just pinpointing what they can pick out.. and thats LIGHTNING FINGERS OMG

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That means sages get the nerf too, right?


I play a SW, immortal and I'm losing half of my health before I go through their shield. That is if the inq/cons stands still like most idots do, trying to tank me, then stunlock them when it breaks.


But the good ones won't even let me get close. Personally I don't mind if a certain class can beat my class, what I don't want to see is healers with damage.

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nooo! I've killed Inq's with both my guardian and my sentinel! sure, they are a booger to end, but absolutely they can be squished real fast! interrupts and dps burst abilities! don't panic, and make sure to spend the credits on your companion's gear! don't neglect your companion...and, while it hurts to hear someone say "learn your class," it is true...I had to learn, hated it until I did, then loved it...yep, sometimes I fail, but it's usually because I was too nervous or rushed and didn't trigger right abilities at right time...that's the key to pvp...OP Inq's?? NO...just a good class that is hard to fight...but, you can learn to overpower them in turn...just learn.
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The problem with sorcs (And their mirror, but 80% of the republic didn't roll them for their OPness) is simple.


The problem isn't the easiest mana management in the game


The problem isn't the shield (when cast right) giving 66% additional effective health.


The problem isn't the on demand snare that does significant damage while casting.


The problem isn't the multitude of knockbacks and stuns they have.


The problem isn't sprint is on a stupidly low CD basically makes them immune to any kind of snare on demand.


The problem isn't their high amount of damage.


The problem then? That all these things are on the SAME CHARACTER, in the SAME SPEC.


BW needs to pick one, and nerf it to the ground in sorcs. Personally I'd either like to see sprint or bubble require the 31 point talent in the healing tree. I don't mind characters being hard to kill as long as they can't just escape, heal up and come back into the fight 100% an carry on being a good AOE DPS every 30 seconds.

Edited by Bainshie
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The problem with sorcs (And their mirror, but 80 of the republic didn't roll them for their OPness) is simple.


The problem isn't the easiest mana management in the game


The problem isn't the shield (when cast right) giving 66% additional effective health.


The problem isn't the on demand snare that does significant damage while casting.


The problem isn't the multitude of knockbacks and stuns they have.


The problem isn't sprint is on a stupidly low CD basically makes them immune to any kind of snare on demand.


The problem isn't their high amount of damage.


The problem then? That all these things are on the SAME CHARACTER, in the SAME SPEC.


BW needs to pick one, and nerf it to the ground in sorcs. Personally I'd either like to see sprint or bubble require the 31 point talent in the healing tree. I don't mind characters being hard to kill as long as they can't just escape, heal up and come back into the fight 100% an carry on being a good AOE DPS every 30 seconds.


Sprint doesnt make you immune unless yer under the defensive assassin tree thats meant to help them pvp wise, stop complaining.


We have two stuns at best which by the way the thing is if yer at low health some spells will stun you is the whole mechanic of shock. Even then resolve should have kicked in which makes you immune all you pvpers do is ***** and moan wish we never got any forums for you guys to ***** in.

Edited by vsalcedo
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The problem with sorcs (And their mirror, but 80% of the republic didn't roll them for their OPness) is simple.


The problem isn't the easiest mana management in the game


The problem isn't the shield (when cast right) giving 66% additional effective health.


The problem isn't the on demand snare that does significant damage while casting.


The problem isn't the multitude of knockbacks and stuns they have.


The problem isn't sprint is on a stupidly low CD basically makes them immune to any kind of snare on demand.


The problem isn't their high amount of damage.


The problem then? That all these things are on the SAME CHARACTER, in the SAME SPEC.


BW needs to pick one, and nerf it to the ground in sorcs. Personally I'd either like to see sprint or bubble require the 31 point talent in the healing tree. I don't mind characters being hard to kill as long as they can't just escape, heal up and come back into the fight 100% an carry on being a good AOE DPS every 30 seconds.




because most abilities are based on class/advance class and NOT specs you may think sorcs are all specced the same way but they are not.


I am a healer specced merc and i can out heal non healer speced sorcs any day and i can put out a LOT of dps as well. I guess i am over powered too.


Seems to me players are struggling with the fact that classs =/= role. In other games you can see the class and 'KNOW' what to do and what to expect as that class is x role. yet now we see SW:TOR and the situation is different. When i run into a sorc i don't know if i am fighting healer or DPS. Is that Assassin a tank spec or DPS? Most classes you runinto have three possible roles some only two. But the JC/SI can be 4 different roles. melee DPS. Ranged DPS, Healer or tank. JK/SW has two roles Tank or Melee DPS.

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Sprint doesnt make you immune unless yer under the defensive assassin tree thats meant to help them pvp wise, stop complaining.


We have two stuns at best which by the way the thing is if yer at low health some spells will stun you is the whole mechanic of shock. Even then resolve should have kicked in which makes you immune all you pvpers do is ***** and moan wish we never got any forums for you guys to ***** in.


figuratively immune (AKA using sprint effectively nullifies any slow.) but you can make yourself completely immune as well? More OP then I thought.


The sprint ability nullifies (Makes you immune without actually being immune) any slow under 60% movement speed, and greatly reduces the effect from everything else (70% is reduced to 25%, 80% is reduced to 50%. 90% is reduced to 75%)


Also although you have a mere two stuns, your AOE knockback is easily one of the best in the game, resolve is broken (Even if it worked 100% of the time, does nothing against slows).


So learn how the game works nerf herder.

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your AOE knockback is easily one of the best in the game.


good players don't even bother trying to use that spell btw


btw you used the term "stuns" and "knockbacks" invalidating anything you say as you just have no idea about anything. hope this helps

Edited by CHRISGG
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The problem with sorcs (And their mirror, but 80% of the republic didn't roll them for their OPness) is simple.


The problem isn't the easiest mana management in the game


The problem isn't the shield (when cast right) giving 66% additional effective health.


The problem isn't the on demand snare that does significant damage while casting.


The problem isn't the multitude of knockbacks and stuns they have.


The problem isn't sprint is on a stupidly low CD basically makes them immune to any kind of snare on demand.


The problem isn't their high amount of damage.


The problem then? That all these things are on the SAME CHARACTER, in the SAME SPEC.


BW needs to pick one, and nerf it to the ground in sorcs. Personally I'd either like to see sprint or bubble require the 31 point talent in the healing tree. I don't mind characters being hard to kill as long as they can't just escape, heal up and come back into the fight 100% an carry on being a good AOE DPS every 30 seconds.


It isn't 66%, it is 20%, maybe.

The snare does less damage than one tick of Telekinetic throw

The class has one stun on a minute long cooldown on and one AoE KB on a 20 second cooldown.

Sprint has a 30 second cooldown and lasts FOR TWO SECONDS. Repeat: TWO SECONDS.



I encourage everyone to play a Sorc/Sage. Because right now 10/11 Sages in my guild have rerolled with in a day of hitting 50. The class may be good against lowbies, but at 50 any class will beat it. Any other DPS class can just blow through its healing, and tank can shut it down, any healing class can out [heal] its damage.


The worst part is that people suffered through the Sage storyline (MacGuffin, MacGuffin, MacGuffin, MacGuffin, MacGuffin, Kill Emperor lol) only to realize the class is **** at 50.

Edited by Xaes
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because most abilities are based on class/advance class and NOT specs you may think sorcs are all specced the same way but they are not.


I am a healer specced merc and i can out heal non healer speced sorcs any day and i can put out a LOT of dps as well. I guess i am over powered too.


Seems to me players are struggling with the fact that classs =/= role. In other games you can see the class and 'KNOW' what to do and what to expect as that class is x role. yet now we see SW:TOR and the situation is different. When i run into a sorc i don't know if i am fighting healer or DPS. Is that Assassin a tank spec or DPS? Most classes you runinto have three possible roles some only two. But the JC/SI can be 4 different roles. melee DPS. Ranged DPS, Healer or tank. JK/SW has two roles Tank or Melee DPS.


Which of the abilities (Ignoring the damage part, I'm kinda assuming we're talking about DPS dealing sorcs) are a spec only choice? Because I mentioned nothing mentioned here:




Not specing healing reduces the amount of utility a sorc has by 0. A shield from a DPS sorc is just as good as a shield from s healing sorc (Well healers do get the cd reduced.)

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Which of the abilities (Ignoring the damage part, I'm kinda assuming we're talking about DPS dealing sorcs) are a spec only choice? Because I mentioned nothing mentioned here:




Not specing healing reduces the amount of utility a sorc has by 0. A shield from a DPS sorc is just as good as a shield from s healing sorc (Well healers do get the cd reduced.)


You don't know anything. You're a torhead reader. You are what, level 20 ingame and don't even know fully the abilities your own class gets, let alone another.


How close am I?

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You don't know anything. You're a torhead reader. You are what, level 20 ingame and don't even know fully the abilities your own class gets, let alone another.


How close am I?


have about 4 characters, 1 50, my sorc is 24. So about as far off I can expect from someone with a two digit IQ.


I'm referencing Torhead as a overall encyclopedia + as a reference in discussion to avoid any of the usual balance argument **** of making up stats. (I will admit I'm not quite sad enough to know every single number off by heart and it's good to double check without having to log on and off characters.)


Sadly you can't avoid the usual personal attacks BS. Guess being a <Insert suitable insult here, due to the mods on this forum being overzealous neckbeards> runs in the family.

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HEY GUIS!! I gotta idea! Maybe if all the Republic people on the forum post countless threads whining about the Inq being OP, Bioware will forget that they made a mirror on the Republic!


Ya, that plan will work, surely BW has just about as much of clue as all the rediculous whiners. Do you honestly, HONESTLY, think that BW is going to nerf a class, based on the 'expert' opinion of a bunch of kids that don't even understand what a mirror class is?! Oh yeah, that's clearly a group of people who know what they're talking about, I really want pvp balance in their hands!



OP, and all the others supporting him- you guys are a riot, no, seriously- your ability to completely ignore facts and scream at the top of your lungs endlessly about an imbalance which doesn't actually exist is nothing short of hilarious.


Did you know, if you paint your car a different colour, it'll go faster? Apparantly it does in Republic bizzarro world!



The classes are balanced. Sage to Sorcerer and so on...


There are some legitimate issues with pvp. Everyone seems to forget when having these discussions is that Bolster does what it was intended to do but does not help the level 15 overcome the level 50's pvp gear. And really, I know that there are more skilled players in-game than I that could make a pretty decent go of it at level 25 vs a pvp geared level 50 but the reality is that they would lose way more often than they would win due to gear. Sure there are some pots that get emailed to you that you can use for expertise, and a few respawning nodes littered around the bg environment that you can make a break for in a pinch. I know absolutely zip about making a game and have no idea how hard it would be to provide a constant expertise buff to players like the Bolster buff. It might be just as easy to lower the level requirement for pvp gear from 20 to 10, since that's the level you can start bgs anyway. It may be that the answer is just brackets when the level 50 population increases. But really, level 50s didn't get the gear they got just because they dinged level 50. They pvp'd from the time they decided to try it and worked their Valor levels up so they were eligible for the gear the same way I intend to. That being said I don't see how people (not the person I'm quoting) can say "Just don't PvP until you are level 50". That would mean a grind for Valor at level cap and a whole new level of frustration for them as well as the lowbie that screams or balance.


If we choose to put forth solutions instead of saying were not balanced, perhaps the Devs would take a little more interest in our thoughts and ideas....just sayin.

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I hate Sorcerers, but i've said it a million times: this class does not need a nerf. BioWare simply needs to get rid of Resolve and add DR+immunities to CC. This is pretty much the problem with every class that seems overpowered (or underpowered) currently. Edited by Nanotech
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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.




Watch it and repost that you where wrong and are sorry for your ignorance

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I've pvp'd on a sin, operative and powertech. Without a doubt, sages/sorcs are the hardest class to kill bar none. They need a nerf. I'm not sure how BW failed to see this coming.


O really, I pvp on a sin, Sorcs are chedder and im the knife..

They are literally that easy to kill..


Maybe you just suck at playing those classes.

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Don't be sad.


Like 80% of SwtoR population ( including other Sith ) know and admit they're just way overpowered.


You are playing Sith Inquisitior and you're afraid they're gonna nerf your class crybaby. Simple as that.

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have about 4 characters, 1 50, my sorc is 24. So about as far off I can expect from someone with a two digit IQ.


I'm referencing Torhead as a overall encyclopedia + as a reference in discussion to avoid any of the usual balance argument **** of making up stats. (I will admit I'm not quite sad enough to know every single number off by heart and it's good to double check without having to log on and off characters.)


Sadly you can't avoid the usual personal attacks BS. Guess being a <Insert suitable insult here, due to the mods on this forum being overzealous neckbeards> runs in the family.


You're referencing torhead because you lack game knowledge. I can tell you what every skill in the game does without having to look it up.


How about you? "Oh those knockbacks and stuns"


Learn the basics of the game please.

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Don't be sad.


Like 80% of SwtoR population ( including other Sith ) know and admit they're just way overpowered.


You are playing Sith Inquisitior and you're afraid they're gonna nerf your class crybaby. Simple as that.


Actually I played a sith inquisitor from lvl 1-10


Good thing you know the difference between a Inquisitor and Assassin huh :rolleyes:

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