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Anyone Dislike Jedi knight voice acting?


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playing both the jedi knight and the sith warrior...i enjoy the warrior's voice so much better. the knight's voice is just dull to me. maybe it's because the warrior's voice has more emotion and enthusiasm...could be it.


^indeed, i agree completely.


The Sith Warrior's voice feels so much more "alive". The jedi knight is really bland, yes it is the guy who voiced Solid Snake. Doesn't mean he can pull off this one aswell. Atleast not for me.


Wish they used Kyle Katarn's voice for the knight or something, WAY better IMO.



The one they used for Revan in this game, it's the one that did Kyle Katarn aswell right? Nonetheless that one would be perfect somehow.

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The only thing I dislike is the fact that the JK voice acting is the same chap that voices Shepherd from ME3... Why do it?!


Mark Meer (who voices the Male Shepard in the ME series) does not voice the JK male...they sound somewhat similar but its not him


and if you do not believe me check IMDB.com

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Unfortunately I'm with the OP and several others in this. I'm finding the JK voice quite immersion breaking as I'm just sat there crying over how stupid and whiny he sounds. Just doesn't do it for me at all, whereas most voices I'm happy with.
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I didn't really pay much attention to it at first, but then I made a human female Imperial Agent and after hearing how awesome her voice/accent is, I find my JK's voice very, very dull.


Also by this point I've heard him say "Tell me exactly what you mean" and "Do you need medical attention" and "No one can stand up to me" about 4,000 times each now, so anytime I pick a dialog choice that I know will result in one of those I cringe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The voice is fine, some of the responses are cheesy but I suspect the actor didn't write those.


After hearing John Marsten from RDR for a hundred or so game hours, all other voice acting just seems average.


^^This...To bad they coudn't get the guy that did John Marsten from RDR to do the voice.

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Strictly speaking, Jedi are most emphatically not supposed to *suppress* their emotions, rather, they are supposed to *master* them. That is not at all the same thing. They aren't supposed to bottle their feelings up, because that is dangerous, they instead learn and understand their feelings so as to defuse them of the power that those emotions might otherwise exert over them.


If you suppress emotions they still have power over you, and can drive your actions when they break through your mental barriers, whereas mastering them makes it impossible for them to surprise you and provoke you to react emotionally. From a Jedi perspective, it is akin to being cured of a phobia, something else that can also take control away from a person and cause them to behave irrationally.


(Even more strictly, it is not so much the emotions but the possessive attachments that come with them, that are the issue. Fear and anger are emotions that are usually prompted by emotional attachments.)


Basically, George Lucas is a Hollywood Buddhist, and Jedi are westernised Buddhists with laser swords.


Back on point, both male actors for the Jedi classes seem to have opted for a mostly uninflected, almost robotic monotone that makes them sound half asleep. This is not really in accordance with the actors from the films, whose vocal performances were not at all robotic. The Consular is worse than the Knight in that regard, but the male voices are the reason that both my Jedi characters are female.



Yes, Jedi are Budhits/Taoists, but more specifically they are Shaolin monks. They channel the force (i.e. Ki or chi) to perform supernatural feats. Some of them give in to their dark nature and become corrupt. These are the sith lords.


Lucas was also heavily influenced by westerns and by Samuri westerns (i.e. Akira Kurosawa).

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Jedi Knight: This is Jedi Knight. Master Shan, can you hear me?


Master Shan: Loud and clear Jedi. What's the situation?


JK: Looks like the mission objective is at the back of this long, generic dungeon.


MS: Just as I expected. You'll have to fight your way through the dungeon. But make sure that everybody sees you so you can defeat them and claim the mission bonus. If you need to contact me by Holocom, the frequency is 140.85. When you want to use the Holocom, push the Use Holocom button that appears. When we need to contact you the Holocom icon will appear. When you see that icon, push the Use Holocom button. The Holocom puts you directly in a separate game instance. No one but you will be able to see or hear it.


JK: Got it, okay, I'm ready to go.

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Mark Meer (who voices the Male Shepard in the ME series) does not voice the JK male...they sound somewhat similar but its not him


and if you do not believe me check IMDB.com


But Female Shepard does the female trooper in this game. :)

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He's alright. I dislike how robotic he sounds. Jedi suppress their emotions and think on a rational basis, they are not emotionless. The voice is fine, I just wish there was more varied tone to his voice.


He sure sounds better than Hayden Christensen however. I just wish they wheeled in Ewan McGregor to voice the JK :D.


I'd roll JK in a heartbeat if he had Ewan McGregor's voice XD

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oh lord i LOVE jk female voice, it is my fav voice actor that gave ashe from ff12 and karin koenig from shadow hearts voice as well, she is the best for me, and very good, she is the reason i picked jedi knight at the first place

p.s. and aayla was jk :p

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I am a fanboy of david, but i love the voice. wile i respect your opinion i disagree.


objectively i havent noticed my character being to whiny. I have found it to fit the calm and collected good jedi.dont know how he sounds when he gets emotional.


He is not grizzled like solid snake so i dont think he should sounds like him


david can do a good range of characters

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