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Sith Inquisitors over powered?


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So what you are saying is you play a Sorc/Sage and want easy mode. Gotcha. Sorcs/Sages are OP mainly their shield and sprint. Any class that has a shield that can absorb 5k+ dmg and then sprint away when it pops to heal back to full is OP. Stop getting mad because people know you are bad compared to players that play underpowed classes and do just as weel as you do in PvP.


That is the only damage mitigation they have... once its gone they are gone

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I dont even have a fraction of the stuns as a Sage that a Sorc does...wish I did. My lvl 11 Sorc has more stuns than my 35 Sage.


and your lieing we are mirror classes and have same stuns and CC as other class in fact we have same stuns and CC as most of other DPS classes... stop telling fibs *shakes head* bad troll is bad.

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Assassins? Yes. At the very least their utility needs tweaking. Between Guard/Taunt/Absorb/Haste/Knockback/Stun/Stealth and their high damage. They're *the* class to be.


Sorcerers? Not so much. They have good utility, and their off-healing is alright. But ultimately their damage isn't that insane and they're kind of squishy if you can catch them.



That's my opinion anyway. And yes, it applies to Consulars too. ( This is a Scoundrel PoV ).

Edited by Avianpixie
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No, tbh the only reason I think people think ranged classes are OP, is because 95% of the time people get Huttball, and in that it is incredibly easy for ranged classes to take advantage of the multiple levels, if you notice in Alderaan/Voidstar ranged classes dont dominate so much.


I disagree, I think all ranged classes are underpowered and need some sort of force leap to the goal line ability.

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I dont even have a fraction of the stuns as a Sage that a Sorc does...wish I did. My lvl 11 Sorc has more stuns than my 35 Sage.


I'm a JK/Guardian and get a whopping 2 skills on 1m cooldowns... Force Stasis is a channeled 3 sec stun (which btw, gets half through before it even starts to stun them), and Force Push doesn't stun at all... and has an insane cooldown.


SI's with their fancy lightning can spam it for the entire fight.... healing in between.... that isn't right....

Edited by JefferyClark
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ok so sith are OP in geniral and before anyone moans at be being republic biased me and my guild play both republic adn sith so were pretty sure we even there but yea anyway normal republic vs emp pvp emp win 7-8 times outta 10. we though that maybe we just suck or republic just suck or even the emps are better so yea we all mades alts on other servers adn as emp we won as republic we lost so there 3 mian options here eather 1 all republic players suck 2. all emp players are experts or 3 emp classes are OP.
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There's no such thing as a Sith Inquisitor over level 10... unless you're really lazy or indecisive, in which case maybe there's such a thing as a level 11 Inquisitor. You need to specificy which AC you're talking about, because Inquisitor doesn't exist anymore past level 10.


You're either saying Sorcerer is OP, or Assassin is OP, or both are.

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ok so sith are OP in geniral and before anyone moans at be being republic biased me and my guild play both republic adn sith so were pretty sure we even there but yea anyway normal republic vs emp pvp emp win 7-8 times outta 10. we though that maybe we just suck or republic just suck or even the emps are better so yea we all mades alts on other servers adn as emp we won as republic we lost so there 3 mian options here eather 1 all republic players suck 2. all emp players are experts or 3 emp classes are OP.


Why, oh why, do they let some people breed?

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Makes me laugh all the QQ about Sorc's. They are not OP, but they are missunderstood.


People QQ that they pop bubble, spam chain lightning at people blah blah.


I play a lvl 42 Sorc, Madness spec, I am on a PVE server and I PVP for fun.


For those people that QQ you really need to learn your own class and pay attention. When you see a Sorc channeling Force lightning just hit/click your interupt button - job done.


Out of bubble we are very squishy, unless full corruption then only slightly more resiliant.


My alt is a Sniper, people QQ about them too, same with every class virtually. You CAN counter, interupt, screw with all classes but you have to learn to do so, its not an auto win for you because you feel that you deserve it. See a healer, just stun him (providing he doesnt have his CC break out of CD and thats a healer out for a few second while your bursting on his heal target.


The biggest prob in warfronts, is having lvl 50s in the same group as sub level 20, 30s etc. Stat buff all you want , it is still a virtual face roll for the 50's. And from what Ive seen on Huttball there are a few exploits / skills that should be disabled for PvP , but remain entirely viable for PVE.


Bracket the PVP, create seperate Q's for Pre Mades, disable some of the skills for PVP battlegrounds , Sorc's abaility to pull a friendly target to them, the Jumping skill of the warrior ? (think its their skill) and all will be better imo.


Hell, just bracket the PVP more and create sep ones for pre mades with groups larger than 3 people.

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Guess you never have been on the other end of 3 Sith or more chain lightning in a WZ,ive been in one where there was six,it was impossible for people to just about do anything.


Second i play the bash class of the last week a scoundrel and there is no way i can break that bubble,it is up alot from what i can tell,plus you guys heal fast enougth to where it is very difficult to much damage to you with the stuns,bubble,chain lightning.

Edited by Sathid
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Apparently the people complaining about Inquisitors have never played MMO's before. If you want a class with a lot of burst damage play a clothie. Simple as that. We have to be able to do burst damage cause once we are shut down with stuns we are pretty much done for. Maybe you should learn to play your class and then complain on here about how much us Inquisitors are overpowered. I keep forgetting why I don't read the forums and it is because of people like this who are always complaining about a class about how much OP they are. Every class will always have its weakness/strengths against other classes. You can't beat every class. Edited by Laerke
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Huge amounts of burst,

Ability to heal stupid amounts of damage even in a DPS spec

Able to remove TWO negative effects (DoT's) every SIXTY seconds (Making Lethality useless against them)

Able to provide himself and others with static barriers which absorb several thousand damage every TWENTY seconds

Able to outheal most DoT's using their Dark Heal (Their very first rank heal)

Abilities cost very cheap amounts of force compared to other DPS classes requiring either rage build up or energy dumping (to the point you become useless with 1 bar of energy)

Sprint ability combined with shield allows Sourcs to simply run through environmental hazzards and score easy balls.



The only people I've seen defending Sourcs as not being OP are sourcs themselves.

Edited by Faxxon
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Guess you never have been on the other end of 3 Sith or more chain lightning in a WZ,ive been in one where there was six,it was impossible for people to just about do anything.


No but I've been on the end of an IO/Shadow, IO/IO, or Shadow/Shadow and I was dead before the stun ended.


What I'm saying is 2 > 1 and in your example 3 > 1.



Also I'm not sure how you think sorcs or op in huttball, the game where tanks are the real heroes. I've seen a trooper pull someone into the fire, kill him, grab the ball and score. Jedi Guardians have a friendly leap and a leap charge along with their aoe mez immunity makes them the best carriers with the best mobility.


You guys complain about a 3s sprint. Let me complain about an instant jump that can take someone from within the pit to a place close to the end goal. Did I mention the same leap can root you over the fire?


I have a feeling that the people whining are nowhere near 50. Get to 50, learn your class and profit. We all know that different classes (sorcs in particular) are very good in the lower levels, but at the end game it balances nicely. Less QQ more leveling pew pew.

Edited by Orangerascal
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I'm a playing a lvl 50 sorc right now in half BM/blues, and sure, I can top the damage and kills scoreboard... if left alone. Usually, a competent team will notice little 'ol me spamming dots and lightning, and can easily lock me down and kill me. If my "trinket" skill, sprint, and shield are all off cool-down I can usually escape, but if I have more then one person on me, its almost a guaranteed death.


Sorcerers die VERY easily, and any smart sorcerer will retreat as soon as they're focused. If no one pays attention to us, we can "turret" in one place, and put out a lot of damage over time, but our "burst" damage isn't really that strong. We need to be safe and still to do good dps, on the run all we can really do is affliction, shock, and slow. The thing I think we're actually best at is escaping a lost battle, with our stun, overload, force slow, sprint, instant cc with a 2sec stun on damage (needs to be specced), and of course our shield, but if I get stunned more then once while retreating, i'm usually a dead man.

Edited by BlueRazor
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My biggest problem with them is that Sorcs > Sages.


The casting delays from Project vs. Shock are not realy fair. Close range Project has a .8 dmg delay....at max "Force Potency" buffed range the claim is that the delay is close to 2 seconds. That's alot in PvP.


Mirror classes should be equal. Give the Republic an equal mirror and the case is closed.


Lastly: Melee will be MUCH better when they fix the responseviness issues.

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yes Inq are OP in every single match I have played in the warzone they have exceeded the damage and healing of every other class by 100-200k. I have also seen Inqs spamming lightning for around 8k of damage a second, in Huttball it looked like a bug zapper zapping flies. a single Inq eliminating whole teams in a matter of seconds. yes way overpowered.
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Huge amounts of burst,

Ability to heal stupid amounts of damage even in a DPS spec

Able to remove TWO negative effects (DoT's) every SIXTY seconds (Making Lethality useless against them)

Able to provide himself and others with static barriers which absorb several thousand damage every TWENTY seconds

Able to outheal most DoT's using their Dark Heal (Their very first rank heal)

Abilities cost very cheap amounts of force compared to other DPS classes requiring either rage build up or energy dumping (to the point you become useless with 1 bar of energy)

Sprint ability combined with shield allows Sourcs to simply run through environmental hazzards and score easy balls.



The only people I've seen defending Sourcs as not being OP are sourcs themselves.


*** is a sourc?


1. We actually don't have huge burst, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, we have decent sustained damage, but not 5k-6k crits like other classes unless your opponents are all level 11 in garbage.

2. Our healing while being useful isn't near what you say it is.

3. Purge ability doesnt' work on over half the things people seem to think it does.

4. Static Barrier is good, however 2-3 thousand damage really isn't that much when things can drop 3-4 5k hits in a row on you (which has happened to me quite a few times)

5. Outheal most DoT's with Dark Heal? Uhm, yeah cause sitting there spamming my first heal on someone/myself is a productive use of time. Also, if you're saying the full duration of a dot is cleared up with dark heal, you do realize then that i'm required to not be topped off for a bit of time while it's dealing it's damage right?

6. Abilities cost very few force..... We have no real melee abilities, Sorcs/Sages fill the Caster niche of this game. Our force is our mana pool. If we used 6 abilities and ran out of force we could literally do nothing for the next 10-20 seconds.

7. Sprint+Shield is very good and is potentially abusable in certain situations. They are also our ONLY real defensive mechanism. Aside from those we have a tiny stun, a beakable CC that is broken all the time by teammates, a knockback that if used at the right time can be good in Huttball but is usually pretty terrible anywhere else.


For most purposes we are mirrors of Sages (aside from Project sucking for them compared to our pretty much instantaneous lightning mirror ability)


For those people who say, omg, 3 sorcs were force lightning me and i couldn't move and was cc'd by them and it's op and blah blah blah. You do realize that 3 of any class on you pretty much equals you should die right? I've had 3 Assassins pop on me in huttball and i basically died in about 1.5 seconds through barrier from full. Took so many 5-6k crits in that span i thought i was back in WoW. Also had multiple juggernaughts on me when i was carrying the ball once, it's fun getting force choked like 4 times in a row while constantly getting beaten down through heals by everything that was able to catch me due to the stun on choke. I'd also like to send a postcard to my resolve bar since it's always on vacation or something.


TLDR. Sorcs are not OP, players who are good are, People though are generally very whiney apparently.

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