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Launch is ruined


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The reason you preorder an mmo is to be there on launch day. Call this early access as much as you want, but if it looks like a duck... its probably a duck. Anyone who has ever played an mmo on launch day knows that no matter how bad the servers are and even if you're only able to play for an hour, its still a memorable occasion. Bioware has turned the memory of this launch into what we see now. So in 2, 3, 4 or 5 years from now people will talk about launch and remember being stuck on the forums while having every complaint they voiced effectively silenced by the mods of this community. People will remember that they were punished for not preordering on day one. And people will remember finally logging into the game while others are ahead of them and on pvp servers camping them.


The servers are dead. And on launch day Bioware is home sleeping while their mods run around on a power trip. This is the disconnect. Admit this is a failure and start letting people in the game. If the servers overload fix the problems as they come up. This is not how you launch an mmo.

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Well said - but the sad fact is, they already have our money and really don't give a flying f__k... My fear is that this debacle has sent a negative ripple out to potential customers that did not pick up the game yet, and after hearing some of these type stories some may not bother... To me it is just a bad business decision, but I'll still play the game...
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Your views reflect what most people on these forum think. Unfortunately, some might be left with a bitter taste in their mouth.


Personally i feel locked out of release day simply because i wasn't following SWTOR development and wasn't aware the game even existed until October 2011. So i am second class, just like in beta, a weekender, not a real tester, a second class.

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Even though this is early access, sure as hell going much smoother than EQ2 did back in 2004.

Or Vanguard or STO, or Warhammer.

I don't think comparing your game to a bunch of failboats is really the proper standard one should be striving for.


They should be asking themselves how they compare to notably smooth MMO launches, like Rift or LOTRO

Edited by marshalleck
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The reason you preorder an mmo is to be there on launch day. Call this early access as much as you want, but if it looks like a duck... its probably a duck. Anyone who has ever played an mmo on launch day knows that no matter how bad the servers are and even if you're only able to play for an hour, its still a memorable occasion. Bioware has turned the memory of this launch into what we see now. So in 2, 3, 4 or 5 years from now people will talk about launch and remember being stuck on the forums while having every complaint they voiced effectively silenced by the mods of this community. People will remember that they were punished for not preordering on day one. And people will remember finally logging into the game while others are ahead of them and on pvp servers camping them.


The servers are dead. And on launch day Bioware is home sleeping while their mods run around on a power trip. This is the disconnect. Admit this is a failure and start letting people in the game. If the servers overload fix the problems as they come up. This is not how you launch an mmo.


/agree a launch rolled out over 4 or 5+ days is a blatantly stupid idea.

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