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Everything posted by Jswizzle

  1. I've noticed a few misconceptions about Everquest, specifically vanilla Everquest at launch. The world was massive, there is no doubt about that. I don't think it's accurate to say vanilla Everquest was bigger than Vanilla TOR. I would say it's a close call. Add in just a few of Everquests 12 or so expansions and obviously Everquest crushes everything as far as content. I think if some of you people plan on checking out EQ again are going to be in way over your heads. You can try playing vanilla mode, or you can go to the new zones and hire a mercenary. Mercenaries are awesome and make the game so much better. EQ is heavily gear and group dependent. I have a fully decked out level 94 bard with like 3,700 AA points on Fironie Vie. I can't even get him decent experience unless I dual box my level 94 necro for DPS. Plus I need my cleric + tank mercenaries. The latest expansion has trash mobs that eat my squad of 4 for breakfast. It's why I stopped playing. Sorry I don't feel like *every* trash mob being an epic fight is fun.
  2. Loving watching the haters try to squirm their way out of this argument. Sorry you guys were wrong. Turn out you aren't that smart. I predicted 1.5million subs, it wasn't rocket science. A little knowledge of marketing a huge bran like star wars is all I needed.
  3. I'm not bored. Try taking a few days off.
  4. Nadia Grell owns my favorite quotes. Her voice acting is so good. "You picked on the wrong people!" and "I sense that, uhh no you'll just have to tell me"
  5. MMOs have been boring for years. The Old Republic is just different enough to keep me entertained.
  6. They are just trying to annoy you. Don't let it get to you.
  7. HUH? I've played the game a ton. Been 50 for 2 weeks. I'll still rate the game high. Sorry, but it is *you*. It's not the game or else I wouldn't be having fun. For those of us who love the game it's hard to understand where you are coming from first of all. We try relate and figure this person just needs to take a little break. It's a perfectly normal situation to be in.
  8. Yeah old school EQ raiding was tough. Haven't seen the latest raids, but pretty sure they are still difficult. When I quit EQ 2 months ago the top guilds were still only on T2 of 4 of the latest expansion Timers don't bother me. Events get trivialized once you get the tactics down. I don't think some grand mechanic will ever exist that wont get face rolled eventually.
  9. ahh yes. World bosses being easy will make or break the game
  10. I think this guy has an award coming for biggest nerd.
  11. I'm thinking you guys would of hated Coirnav in the Plane of Water on Eq1. 15 minutes to kill 100s of adds, 4 mini bosses than Coirnav. Timer goes up, whole raid gets banished and event resets for 4 hours.
  12. Fans of the game love constructive criticism. Problem here is this thread adds nothing new to the table. Maybe I missed something, but it's just a rehash of 100 other threads. Not saying there aren't good suggestions but the horse has been beat to death
  13. Yes It's no secret most people view the game favorably. Just ignore the internet crusaders. They are on a mission to bring this game down
  14. LOL nobody cares what the doomsayers have to say. We have a well detailed and thought out list of suggestions thanks to constructive feedback. It doesn't make any sense to rehash them over, and over and over. If you think you can internet crusade the game into failing, that is a very grand delusion.
  15. Try to educate the newbs. Set up a voice chat server and start a guild and teach people to get good
  16. Everyone at level 49 would just turn off XP though. It might not be everyone's intention, but suddenly your character will be 49 and why wouldn't you just PVP in the lower brackets?
  17. Haha yeah. Play original EQ in vanilla mode and every DING will make you jump for joy. Get a Shadow Knight to power-level you though and the sound is so much better. Imagine like 5-10 dings every few seconds.
  18. Welcome to the business world. Every business values customer feedback. If you walk in telling businesses they are going to fail because of X, X, X and generally carry an irrational attitude you are going to get shown the door.
  19. LFD is kind of like playing the game on auto-pilot.
  20. LOL for some reason I see this happening a lot in the future
  21. The game has a point. It's called fun. If you aren't having fun, there is nothing we can do to convince you otherwise. I'm level 50. Plenty of things for me to do. The game hasn't handed me full BM and raid gear. I have a long way to go to achieve higher progression. My suggestion is go play an ALT. If you don't think playing a different class with a different story is new or fresh again I can't convince you otherwise.
  22. Guy said the other night was the *first* night he didn't log on and play? He many consecutive days had you been playing? You see that as a bad sign? If it's a bad sign it's because you haven't already taken a few days off the game. If all you are focusing on is the gear grind, I'm sorry but you are going to get burned out and disappointed. When I play I just try to enjoy the game. I try to get better gear, and I work on the PVP grind. It's not all I focus on though.
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