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  1. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. Seriously, that's all I'm seeing when I get on the forums. Honestly, I don't even know why I bother getting on these things anymore. I know there are people out there (like me) that are enjoying this game, and would like to get on the forums to talk about the game, and come up with ways that BioWare could improve this game. But instead, all I see are a bunch of entitled brats crying about everything, with absolutely zero constructive criticism, and quite frankly, I'm sick of it. If you're not enjoying this game, stop playing. Simple as that. You're bringing the community down, and giving BioWare the wrong idea. That being said, I know this game isn't perfect. I know this game is filled with bugs. I know some mechanics still need to be fixed. But that doesn't mean we can't all be rational, constructive, and reasonable about it. BioWare wants to improve this game as much as you want it to improve. So if we can all act reasonable, it will work out so much better for everyone in the end.
  2. Think you nailed it here. I'll also just add that I don't think you can argue that the leveling up experience in this game is much more fun (I said fun, not better. That's a discussion for a different thread) than WoW's.
  3. Note: this is in no way a complaint, just simple little suggestion that I think would make a slight aesthetic improvement to the game. Personally, I think my Jedi Shadow's face looks silly when he has his hood up, but I think he looks like a total BA when he's sneaking around with it on. So, my little idea is to allow an option where your character has his/her hood/helmet/hat on while running around in the world, but then takes it off while in conversation mode. Little emphasis on the "option" part. Obviously some will prefer it to always be on, and some always off. Thoughts?
  4. I won't argue about what your receipt says, and I actually believe you that it says that, but my point is that when you pre-order a game, you pay the same exact (well, not exact, taxes vary from place to place) price as someone who buys the game day one without a pre-order. Pre-ordering a game should really only entitle you to having a copy of the game when it comes out, but companies have been nice enough to throw in some free goodies, and all people can do is complain about how it's not good enough. Entitled little brats.
  5. 1. There is no such thing as a "pre-order fee". You put down $5.00 TOWARDS the game, and then pay the rest when you pick up your copy. Simple. 2. Facing that this game is probably going to be up and running for a few years (just look at other rival MMO's), a few days of early access is NOT that big of a deal. Yeah, it's nice and all but it's intended to be a bonus for pre-ordering... you should just be happy that you get to get in early at all.
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