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Everything posted by XOrionX

  1. Can you read? Androids, Iphones, and Key chain authenticators ARE NOT required to play this game. Your logic is fail.
  2. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=skyrim&hl=en&prmd=imvnsa&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1137&bih=604&wrapid=tlif133044914312310&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14823466137015525662&sa=X&ei=-wpNT5bTDZTqtgfVurVS&ved=0CG0QgggwAQ#scoring=p|start=10 http://www.gamespot.com/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/forum/skyrim-on-sale-at-toysrus-for-3999-61389439/ Wrong. You can find that game on sale at a variety of Online retailers. Don't be so dense.
  3. Assuming I am still in school? Ok. You are wrong. But that's what you get for assuming. Take a look at the real world of marketing buddy. The one day sale happens with ever major retail store (onine or not). It's is what is reffered to as a 'door buster,' get them in to buy something and then try to upsale them on other products. Stores have been doing this for years. The fact that you "work retail", and then can't even grasp the simple concept of a one day sale has me floored. Based on that alone I could assume many things about your "academia," but again, I wont assume anything. Assuming is for fools.
  4. Then who exactly were you talking to? And who exactly is this "we" you are referring to? Reading over the thread again, and I see that everyone was calling you out for how shortsighted your statements were. I, like them, called you out on it. You are the one saying that it's a poor business model to sale a game at a good price for only 24 hours. I just told you a site that is dedicated to such a business model. You know, that same model that you said is poor? I wonder how a site dedicated to selling things at bottom floor prices for 24 hours only could actually thrive? Perhaps you should ask Amazon.com, Woot.com, Newegg.com or all those stores that sale products for bottom dollar on black friday how they do it? Or better yet, perhaps you should lend them some of your marketing genius. Obviously, they need your vast sales knowledge!
  5. I'm sure people are lining up to work for you. You marketing genius you.
  6. Just stop already. It's a 24 hour sale. There is sights dedicated only to one day sales. Woot.com for example is constantly selling great products for mind blowingly low prices for 24 hours only.... The next day? Those products are selling at regular price. You already lost, you are making no sense, and at this point you just look like someone who is arguing for the sake of arguing. Nobody likes those people. =)
  7. Amazon Gold Box is a one day deal. If the game was truly being sold for less you would find that deal at other retailers. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?pq=star+wars+teh+old+republic&hl=en&gs_nf=1&ds=pr&cp=12&gs_id=30&xhr=t&q=star+wars+the+old+republic&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1137&bih=604&wrapid=tljp133044296238044&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=18056849755586376014&sa=X&ei=1fJMT-LUK4bftgeK0fAk&sqi=2&ved=0CGUQgggwAA#
  8. I would hope he was joking. Every single player in my guild would notice that behavior.
  9. Who says that BW doesn't have plans to implement other areas on these planets? There is a space dock on each planet, it makes sense to me that this space dock will be a launch point to get to new areas on these planets as the content is added. Just a thought. The game is 2 months old, I am pretty sure you aren't the first one to think of this idea. In fact, I would imagine that very idea has been sitting on the back burner at BW for a couple years now just waiting to be a hot topic again.
  10. Guns can kill people bro... That doesn't mean every gun owner is a murderer. A parser/log will not "ruin" a community. If you don't like the way a leader is running a raid, don't play with them.. It's really that simple.
  11. I totally agree. In that case I would move them to the B or C (if I had a C) raid/ops group and see if someone could work with him/her to bring them up to par. Also I feel it's important to rotate players in and out of raid groups, that way everyone is getting the experience and chance at loot while making the overall strength of the entire guild more solid. Min/max'ing isn't my cup of tea. However, combat logs and parsers are a very useful tool. I think they should be implemented.
  12. Not to interrupt your debate.. But if a dps was underperforming, would you boot them? Or attempt to rectify the situation first? I play with all rl friends and family, so I don't have to worry about anyone flying off the handle and booting anybody. If anything, we try and coach echother to be better.
  13. I think the jury is still out on which of those are actually intended and which are real bugs. *EDIT- I know there are quite a few legitimate Soa bugs, just not sure which of htose "bugs" are actual boss mechanics.
  14. Honestly, I feel like Soa is a pretty challenging boss. Granted, once you figure out all the mechanics of the fight it gets easier with each run. But still, transitioning from nornal mode to hard mode was a shock. Literally. Lastly... Aint? >.<
  15. I have 4 pieces of Rakata. It's kind of hard with the amount of BH's in my guild. Basically we run 3 BH's in our A ops group. A tank, a heals, and myself as dps. So when gear drops for BH's, it goes off of progression really. Gotta gear our tank and healer first and foremost. We have a few guys in our A group that are rocking a full set of Rakata and also have most of the BM gear.
  16. Started on day 1 of pre-launch. I still don't have full Rakata gear or full Battlemaster Gear. I have plenty left to do.
  17. Link please... I have not heard anything at all regarding this.
  18. How come she/he can't just give her/his perspective? Is this not a discussion or are we trying to write a Wiki article? Should we leave a source for everything we think we may have percieved?
  19. So, having a couple hundred people online in one fleet able to group up and take on operations and flashpoints, or group up for PvP, or chat and/or trade is not a multiplayer experience??? You have to be kidding me. I am so sick of this "NON-MMO" crowd I could puke. You are all reaching fro straws.
  20. I don't see how SWTOR doesn't fall into that definition. You "SWTOR ISN'T AN MMO" people are facking insane.
  21. Can you discredit that website? Linky please.
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