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Everything posted by Marak

  1. I'm really starting to feel this pinch myself. I have 5 level 50s. 2 of them are fully campaigned out. 3 of them are full rakata/BH and as min/max'd as I can get while I wait for campaign drops. It's especially bad at night time when the server dies down. I'm a bit of a nightowl and once 1-2AM rolls around my options for doing things are dramatically limited. I've farmed up all the datacrons-- many times. I've leveled every crew skill and a few extras. My only 3 choices anymore are level more alts (which I'm running out of), PvP (which I don't enjoy), or grind dailies. Sure I play more than I probably should and it's my own fault that I have nothing to do, but it's getting to the point where quite a few of us on the nerdcore end are quickly running out of stuff to do (which to be honest we ran out of stuff to do months ago-- we're running out of stuff to re-do at this point). We need more non-linear soloable grinds.
  2. I don't have any logs (as the damn op never uploaded his) but anecdotally I can say I have seen an operative sustain 1700+ through all of EC HM. And I can personally attest to 1400+ on the ops dummy with unoptimized/unaugmented rakata/BH gear. Are they the best dps in the game? No. Are they hard to play? Yes. I have one and it's such a pain in the *** to play correctly that I just spec'd mine heals and I dps on other things. (Bioware if you care, you need to loosen up the operative rotations. Energy is way too tight and mistakes destroy your optimal energy usage). Are they competitive when the vigilant play them correctly? Yes. If you want to half-*** it and only kinda try-- don't bother. This class requires near perfection all the time.
  3. The market will dictate. I'm just letting them know my threshold. Not saying $20 is priced to sell.
  4. I will pay upwards of $20 USD for basic brown, black, tan, and white robes. Bare midriff like Aayla Secura (twi'lek jedi in Ep2) would also be cool for my chiss sage. But still basic solids.
  5. Jennifer Hale is my biggest nerd crush ever. She's a very attractive woman, with a sexy voice, who primarily works in video games. Yeah.. check please. Jo Wyatt's voice also oozes sex appeal (Fem Imp Agent/Fem Hawke in DA2). I could listen to her read just about anything forever. Of the guys-- I'd have to say the guy that voices Doc (JK companion). His comedic timing is superb. Doc is easily my favorite character in this entire game. It's so well written and well voiced. Pure comedy.
  6. Between this and my BT2 guardian's balloon butt... I can't find happiness in my gear.
  7. I'm a little late to the party with this thread, but I've been running SimulationCraft lately and I've ascertained this: Given: Full BH gear with rakata barrels Full buffs (except inspiration) No adrenals 25000 iterations of 300 seconds (+/- 20%) Patchwerk style fights: DF/Sab hybrid = 1647 DPS Pure sharpshooter = 1642 DPS Pure DF = 1569 DPS Light movement fights (7 second movement every 60 seconds) (imo the most realistic): DF/Sab = 1629 DPS SS = 1588 DPS DF = 1548 DPS Now granted I have like 42% crit and crit really helps the hybrid spec. And in real world application I have to say this-- Hybrid has the most logical and seamless rotation once you have the crit. SS I'm not very good at. Easily 200 dps worse at SS than I am at hybrid. I even pull better numbers with DF than SS, despite the simulations. I pull about 1590 with hybrid, 1450 with DF, and like.. 1300 with SS on the dummy. So I would conclude that our dot specs are just easier to play. SS has a much tighter and unforgiving rotation, but it's still a very powerful spec if played correctly (according to theorycraft anyway).
  8. LS Agent Neutral Warrior Neutral Smuggler DS Inquisitor LS Consular LS Knight I would say that my LS fem agent story should be made into a movie. It was that good. Sith Warrior and Smuggler were great in their own unique ways. The Warrior was definitely the best roleplay experience. Your choices seemed to have mattered more. The smuggler was just comedy. The bottom 3 weren't inherently bad. Just nothing stood out to make them good. The Inquisitor story could've been a lot more about the mysteries of the sith than it was. The Consular "diplomat" vibe would've gone better had there been actual cause/effect choices involved. The Knight was just so quintessential Kenobi that it was kind of bland.
  9. Crystal mule. Ultimately might give the weapon to a companion-- although I can't decide which. The only one it makes sense on is Bowdaar and he can't use it.
  10. I'm certainly not pulling 1800, but then again I'm about a half a tier behind you OP, but yeah I sympathize with this post. I pull about 1650ish as df/sab in Rakata/BH. I do a little worse with pure DF (1500ish), but in all honesty I haven't mastered the rotation yet. I do significantly worse (1300ish) as full SS.
  11. Honestly they should have given sages saber throw. Then we could say our lightsaber does some damage some time.
  12. Companion custom gear that actually matches the companion. SIth Lord stuff for Scourge Imperial Trooper stuff for Pierce Etc etc
  13. The content worth paying for is still going to cost you money anyway. Nothing changed except the fact that you can level alts for free if you so choose.
  14. Another thing I would like is maybe a little controversial but.. Weapons that can be bought off the market and be used (within reason) regardless of your class (purely cosmetically of course). Want to be a sentinel with a double-bladed lightsaber? Done. A powertech with a blaster rifle? Done. A powertech with a lightsaber? Not so done.
  15. I really hope not on the stat boosters. >.>
  16. I don't want my money back. I paid for and received over 8 months of fun content, through the ups and downs, and I see my expense as an investment in this great game. I still plan to play so long as they release PvE content at the same rate (or better) and that requires money. Take my money and give me content.
  17. So now that this is a thing let's try to make the best of it and actually get some things we actually want. I would personally like: Character re-customizations Character transfers Nice looking Guardian armor that does NOT have a bubble butt for Body Type 2's. What else do we want?
  18. Chem-resistant inlays is the way to go. Everyone takes damage in PvE from time to time.
  19. Lockouts are to prolong the development cycles and to keep us coming back. Allowing us to farm it like you are suggesting would mean that most people would gear out and quit within a few days.
  20. Jo Wyatt's voice.. /swoon Female all the way.
  21. And as another side note-- being bottom DPS doesn't make you a good player just because you don't break CC. We had a gunslinger that was pulling 400 DPS in HM Ops before we found out it was her that was so awful when she d/c'd one night and we replaced her. To put that in perspective, my gunslinger pulls about 1400 in damn near equal gear. The other 2 DPS were pulling about the same. We were wiping due to enrages because one person refused to ever parse and learn her class. I don't think most of us expect full elitist cutting edge parsing, but a basic competency would be excellent.
  22. I just wish they stuck with the basic red/blue/green in all vendor bought weapons. It's annoying that black-red or black-blue is more common than just red or blue at this point. Admittedly I think this because I hate the black crystals and think they're a bastardization of the lore. At the very least cyan and purple should have been rakata. I'd be fine with purples and cyans all over the place as opposed to this black crap.
  23. The trick is this-- if you are new/unsure/whatever say so. People are infinitely more forgiving when they know what they're getting into going in. And then of course actually pay attention and try to do your job.
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