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Everything posted by Marak

  1. I'm in full rakata and with a stim and full buffs I am lucky to hit 1300 on the ops dummy. My tionese madness assassin can hit 1200. Maras and PTs in my gear pull about 1700+ Juggs pull about 1400. What the hell, Bioware? If you don't want us to be OP in PvP, just buff lethality. The dots are a pain in the *** at letting us restealth in PvP, so bam.. balanced. Teams of stunlocking Operatives crisis averted and we can still actually do something in PvE without being laughed at.
  2. I think the more important issue here is assassins were simply improperly named. Nothing about them is assassiny other than stealth. Wraith or something would've been a better name.
  3. Because a span of 2 hours is such a huge time commitment.
  4. I just did my dailies. I did Ilum first and then Belsavis since they were pretty sparsely populated comparatively and then once BH died down I went out there. Time management, people. Time management.
  5. 1.3 is working on optimization. Perhaps that will carry over onto the "lag" side of things.
  6. One at a time and make sure you don't have other characters on that server already.
  7. Bro, this is the internet. We're all cat people here. Dog people go outside.
  8. And the 40-50 other people that you were so content with playing with all probably weren't, as was the general consensus. You are not the center of the universe, my friend.
  9. It might be a kick in the face to you, but you are asking to kick the men in the face who are awake during the dead of night in Austin to make this game run properly. I commend your enthusiasm. I know what it's like to have a long hard day and come home and kick your feet up, hoping to kill some sith/jedi. Fact of the matter is, while we are at home and kicking our feet up, these guys are hard at work. Why? Because it affects the least amount of people. We are the minority. At least they are there and putting in the man hours to make this game as good as it is. Is there really much more we can ask for?
  10. What makes you think its not? It's the same time every week. Why would they choose different people to do it? You hire people to fulfill a specific task and the maintenance crew is the maintenance crew.
  11. You're asking a group of guys to dance around the clock. These guys have a set sleep schedule. A set life (as awful as third shift really is on a life). And they are supposed to flipflop every week? That's not cool. If you guys asked for maybe a slightly reduced monthly fee, I could understand, but you guys aren't really thinking about the real world ramifications here.
  12. What do you want, Aussie? The Bioware maintenance shift works 3rd shift in Austin, TX. This is there schedule. It effects the least amount of people. It sucks. I'm an American night owl and on the same page you are, but I cope.
  13. No one is arguing against grinding. We simply want more enjoyable grinds. Dailies suck.
  14. For some reason credits is our horizontal progression in this game. WoW primarily focused on reputation grinds and instance tokens. Gold was not as necessary, but available to supplement the economy and to buy random toys. TOR focuses entirely on dailies. Feelsbadman.jpg They need to come up with a legitimate horizontal grind that is fun to do. Legacy could have been this, but again instead of focusing on legacy levels as the primary mode of advancing, they focused on credits.. which requires dailies. They need to change their focus off of credit sinks.
  15. This would just accentuate the FoTM "problem" and is a bad idea all around. All the guardians would become sentinels. All the operatives would become snipers. etc It just wouldn't be good man.
  16. Think of it like this.. if the end goal is to have 10-20 "Super Servers" wouldn't it be best to move your heavy hitters first, the "hammer" swing, and then move the small pops in later with a scalpel to balance out things? Makes perfect sense how they are doing it.
  17. You are assuming those servers are going to have a queue. They specifically said they are increasing the population capacity. If you aren't going to keep up with the dev feedback you shouldn't come here all Chicken Little style and causing a ruckus.
  18. I already did in another post. They are packing the servers large and fat. They aren't aiming for 50 servers with 200 on the fleet at peak. They are aiming for 10 servers with 1000 players on at peak. This was the stated goal from the beginning. Everyone will be included-- you just have to wait your turn.
  19. I called this. They picked the high pop servers as the destination servers and they are dumping the low pops into the high pops. This is exactly what they should have done if they want to have large thriving populations.
  20. There's a whole lot of "wat" in the OP's post. Yes we need horizontal progression content at 50. Other than grinding credits there isn't much to do when it's not raid time other than PvP. This is true. It doesn't take them 4-6 months to release content. This game is only 6 months old and we're on our 3rd major content patch. 6/3 = ~2 month average. The E3 trailer will likely be an expansion. I've never heard of a level increasing major content patch. And furthermore.. yes.. it will render your gear useless. This is the point. Expansions always do this hard reset. It gives everything that new-car smell. But yes in principle I agree with your primary complaint that there isn't enough horizontal content at 50.
  21. To what end? Crew skills aren't relevant enough to the current economy.
  22. More on this point-- maybe have it be a little more dynamic and have them wander around the ship a little bit. Kaliyo has been leaning on that one spot for 6 months.. surely she is bored by now and wouldn't mind checking out the cargo hold or something.
  23. Mini-games is a good idea. Maybe like a "virtual" pazaak league where you can play with other people playing on their ships (like online poker haha).
  24. That would actually be pretty awesome. At least a holo-dancer.
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