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Everything posted by Liberate

  1. Why should I have to appreciate anything? They want me to continue to subscribe. Why are you elevating the game to same perfect status? It's far from it. I am tired of people not even past level 20 telling me how "wrong I am"
  2. Answer the statement. Open a business, see how long you stay open when you DON'T listen to your customer.
  3. As long as you entered the seriall # for the physical, or phone apps and your account is flagged for a security key you will get access
  4. Hating someone from a video game? ROFL sigh..
  5. I'd say the average is levels 20-30. You're still in the honeymoon stage of the game, trust me, her claws and nagging attitude come out later to annoy the heck out of you.
  6. Story and lightsabers won't keep people subbing. Especially when everyone is wielding a saber. And the story, you mean the same 3 choices EVERY conversation? I haven't had one huge choice affect ANYTHING late game in the story yet. Delusions of grandeur
  7. Well they just nerfed OPs/Scoundrels hard, yet sorcs are running around freely. Heals, force regen skill at the cost of minimal health, shields, in combat sprint, knockbacks... BUT the pure dps class 'did too much damage'. That's what happened with level 50 ops killed low levels when pvp wasn't bracketed. It wasn't happening in 50 v 50 matches. Par the course for them, not paying attention and listening to the lowest common denominator. If OPs are doing too much damage, why can sorcs do damage and adequately heal/shield themselves? If I was a betting man, I would say some pretty influential people on the staff play them. And for the record, I don't play a op/scoundrel, so im not defending 'my main'
  8. You're in everyone one of these threads. How is no burst no sustained fun? You must sit in the cantina all day and RP, I doubt you do anything worthwhile pve/pvp wise.
  9. He's from warhammer, what did you REALLY expect?
  10. Might just resub, I don't know how many times I watched my jugg locked in his ravage animation, with no damage being done, and the ability ready to be used as if I never fired it in the first place.
  11. LOL they redirected a bug thread to a suggestion thread. CLASSIC, bioware are you even listening? It's the sound of my credit card going back into my wallet. What a crock
  12. Learn to count, were still on our free month. I didn't pay just to talk you people.
  13. What level are you, anyway? I'd say 20 is a good bet. The game is still candy and rainbows at that point.
  14. Yet if I log onto a World of Warcraft server I can find people in the area, I won't have to jump shards. It's not to alleviate congestion, the engine can't handle tons of people in one spot.
  15. My sub has been cancelled since early this month, were still on our free month or the system is bugged and I can still post. I would not pay $14.99 to talk to 'fans'
  16. In for a rude awakening at 50
  17. Enjoy it, my son. Go forth and make it rain credits on big booty twi'leks
  18. Wrong. So wrong, WoW progresses so old raids dont get used as much. Stop trying to act like SWTOR has more content than Wow. You might just end up in one of the lol threads in the WoW - games section of the forums. They love ragging on you guys. Wrong. hehe
  19. Acts like he is a staunch supporter of the game, signs up in Dec 2011. -You
  20. Dont tell me I have no right to complain. The SGRA people wouldn't be quiet and constantly complained. Oh hey, fancy that, look at your sig! I bet if we searched far enough YOU probably complained about something. Good for the geese, it's good for the gander
  21. Get an Amex OP. I bought BF3, played it, was horribly buggy I got a full refund. Best card to have. /friendlytip
  22. You sound just like a certain dictator "hope those types are gone"...I mean really?
  23. Meh the UI changes are bland at best. I just tried the Rift trial and when i hit edit layout EVERYTHING that moveable, I could add up to 7+ bars, move portraits it was awesome. But yay we get scale and move a few things.
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