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Posts posted by Urantia

  1. Same went from 295/295 to 35/295. Glad I saw a post in the Gen. forums or I might not have even noticed. I am glad there was a reply to this, and hope we get it resolved. As others have pointed out, being forced to redo it would be a huge slap in the face due to how the event worked. Not to mention some of us might find it important to have timestamps that reflect when we truly did it {why have timestamps otherwise?}.


    As another above pointed out it may be a display issue and I sincerely hope this is true {had a similar thought}. Since what is displayed makes zero sense. I have not been super happy with the direction of the game for a long time....and things like this are like salt in the wound. While not "game-breaking", it may be my last straw. My larger concerns aside from achievements is losing confidence in the game's integrity. If this can happen at the drop of a hat...what is to say others things will not suddenly blink out...items start being lost out of inv/cargo etc.


    Why participate if there is a chance it will be for nothing?


    In case it matters, I am on The Shadowlands server.


    I'll start doing it so to send them the photos that I already DONE them via Tickets.

    Last hope to keep me playing.


    I already have videos with all my speeders / mounts / heal things separately.

    I'll start doing it and with my pets now and achievements.


    I doubt that will matter sadly {they will probably claim you faked the images lol}. Is it safe to assume this impacted everyone? My agitation, like many things, is not what happened but why it happened. My issue with this is that I cannot trust their integrity anymore. What will be next? What other new event will they give us only to glitch/erase all or part of it after players put a lot of time in on it? Hell what have I lost and not even noticed yet since I do not stare at my achievements on a daily basis.


    When, and if, they "fix" this....will the time stamps make any sense? Probably not. For example, mine currently shows I won a Vectron Magnus, but also currently shows I never played a kingpin machine lol. Personally I never wanted achievements in this game to begin with, but they gave them to us....and now they cannot even track and remember them correctly. For me it is not even about the achievements, but about principle. It is about trust...how can we trust this will not keep happening.


    What is next...the removal on my 100% Bounty event completion, the removal a reputation pool, items from my cargo etc going missing and so on? I mean what the heck happened...did I make the mistake of doing the Nightlife event too early in its life lol? Your guess is as good as mine.

  3. As many have pointed out some of the companion perks are being counted more than before. I admit I did not notice until I saw threads like this {probably would have eventually}. As you might have seen they also broke legacy perks for fleet pass travel {which was made almost obsolete with the SH bypass anyhow :(} and subscriber QT....and were I a betting type....they probably broke other legacy perks.


    My biggest concern is when they go to "fix" it what else they will break lol.

  4. Eveyone, this is conquest. read the name. Strategy of picking the right planet and numbers of combatants will win the engagement. If you don't have both, you will lose to the superior force.


    Just curious, but what "combatants" and what "engagement" do you speak of. Since there is zero fighting and zero impact on the game world itself, where is the "war"? Sure there are 4s and 8s, but I hardly consider that "conquest". Hell, people are even "conquering" planets already under their factions control {where the other faction cannot go} lol. What a joke. Only I must have missed understood the humor as I am not laughing.

  5. SWTOR cannot into backtracking, learned that the hard way long ago ...


    As did anyone that played the game to death pre-2.0 can attest. But this, however, is not acceptable practice. If they have a valid reason for nonsensically removing certain components then fine, but lol. For example, like many here they might have theirs now saying they never won a Rancor, yet have a toon with one. They might now be showing they never bought a Vectron Opus, but have a toon with one. They might be showing that they never played the kingpin machine, yet have won a Rancor and a Magnus. So on and so forth...totally ridiculous.


    While I was disappointed when 2.0 landed and most of what I did was not remembered...I accepted that they were not tracking everything in the transition {even when they were tied to class quests which were all completed already lol}. This is not the case here. I could not care less for achievements, but if I did earn them fair and square...they have no cause to take them away {let alone in a fashion that makes zero sense}. Sadly were it not for this thread I might never have noticed lol.

  6. Almost forgot...as to the Legacy of Rakata that sucks also {sorry zoomed in on the Nightlife event as I know I did all that}...I admit I only did the Forged Alliance I-III literally the other day {with 1 toon doing the part I when it dropped}....mainly as I never PvE anymore, so finally got off my *** and ran it just to say I did it.


    I am sure most of us agree the Nightlife erasure is a bit more of a slap in the face though as the FAs were not as "ridiculous" to finish. But for those that ran them more than one time for an accolade...that sucks {I was not even aware there was one for it lol}.


    Color me pissed. I am already sick of this team and the decisions they make...now they are taking things away from people that already had them. Which to me is akin to not being able to trust putting things into a cargo hold etc and it remaining there....general integrity issues.

  7. Wow. I normally do not care about achievements...especially since I was already "ancient" by the time 2.0 dropped and basically everything I did previous to 2.0 never counted. But seeing this thread now has me pissed off. Had I not seen this thread I would never have known that my 100% completion of the nightlife event is now pretty much erased.


    I literally did everything possible in that event and now seeing this I looked and now it is almost all gone...***!? Clearly this has been known for a bit based on your tone....what was the cause or reason for this aside from the usual incompetence we are all becoming accustom to?


    Like I said I was never a accolade hunter in this game {all I ever cared about was if something had a function like datacrons and companions affection [which I just saw a report about that not working right with this past patch] etc}, but if I did the damn thing I do care if it is erased. I did not invest much with the Nightlife event {compared to some}...and unlocked it all.


    My Nightsister wannabe has her Rancor....my slinger has her Vectron Opus. I have all the items that needed to be bought for the tick...even had a machine explode a few times...all of it. Hell I only got one rancor, but won like 5 Magnus. What the hell happened? Reminds me of what they did give retro with 2.0....I have a toon with the Rancor, but odd now I have no achievement for having won that. Have all the items {some multiples of} you needed to buy with certs....yet oddly I now never won one lol. Unreal. "Bee Dubya" at its finest.

  8. There is more conflict in this thread than "conquest" will ever see. Few things are capable of making me laugh, but this "conquest" is one of them. What a joke in general. The only war in this "conquest" is a war of words. It is a real shame as yet another opportunity to add something to the game that might actually mean something was lost.


    I suppose it was my great hope that this would bring an actual simulated war between the factions, but oh well. Just another PvE-a-thon with zero impact on the game world...what a shame. The only impact on me personally is seeing the PvP Q pop less.


    I agree 100% with you OP, this is a joke to the Nth degree {or N order of magnitude if you prefer lol}. You will have to disprove these claims that you all are just broke and want the system changed to suit you. I am sure you will. But yeah...it is indeed a real shame that PvP means nothing in conquest...whom would have figured that? All I can is laugh in disgust at yet another lost opportunity to add something cool to the game.

  9. I got the game I wanted at launch.


    Shame so many other people didn't I guess.


    Minus a few things that were mysteriously removed like {[Heroic 4] Ravaged Reconstruction} on Taris before live {just to name one}, I got the game I wanted at launch also. I still think a lot more was done before live {at least voiced} and held back until 2.0. I am still here because it takes me a long time to let go {a personal flaw}...but I pretty much hate everything in the game post 2.0 except Makeb {which I have not been to since bolster was added to it [coincidence]}


    If the game launched as it is I would never have bothered to test it for 3 months, let alone bought it. I never liked the the cartel market, F2P, lame bolster in 55 PvP, dumbed down tactical FPs, lol bolster in OPs, bolster on Makeb {this one is particularly pathetic imo}. And "raid" designs stolen from other games to appease the WoW derps incapable of doing anything different {which were not the original vision for operations btw for this game, but changed due to all the "elitist" whining}.


    I suppose my biggest complaint about 2.0 was the lack of retroactive achievements. While I never cared about them previously to be honest, it does sort of suck that I had my legacy lvl capped before 1.1 {when the actual window was added} had all my possible char. slots filled....probably killed a trillion mobs by that point...but none of it ever counted...and of course many like me could not be bothered to go through it all again...so will likely never see something they would have if the game lauched as is.


    In fact, recently I was on Tython where I finally got an achievement for something I know I did multiple times in the first few months of the live game lol. I am that player in the game that when you look at their achievements it will literally make no sense to you lol. Several timestamps for 04/09/2013 {earliest possible timestamp for anything}...with dates well after that for components that were required to get the 04/09/2013 timestamp.


    This affected a lot of players...and were I a serious accolade hunter {thankfully I am not} this might have potentially killed the game for me....as it was more than possible to have done all your class stories etc well before 2.0 {meaning you would have to do them all again for certain things which was stupid/broken imo}. All in all no biggy...just annoying on a certain level.


    Strongholds are okay, but I was happy without it....small QoL improvement/Central crafting location {would have been nice from launch I admit, but got used to what I was gratefully given}. As to playing interior decorator for something no one would ever see or playing dress my dolly..I will pass. I have had zero incentive to PvE for ages now...so need nothing from any old content I burned out on years ago.


    Conquest....lol what a joke. Zero effect on the game world and devoid of "OPvP" = pointless to me. Granted I am not guilded {nor have I ever been} so cannot speak to that portion. But each week on The Shadowlands is predictable. I do appreciate the conquest window though so I can better monitor guild behavior {and like seeing the @<server name> convention was not lost after the super merges to renamed placeholder servers}.


    In my opinion Conquest added a few more nails into the PvP coffin since even less people {even the so called "hardcore"} Q up anymore and Q times have gotten silly at times {I admit this may be empirical only...just feels more dead to me of late}. With everyone suddenly PvEing/Crafting for points PvP is slower {at least based on my observations over time and during the same times of day [since this is all I do anymore]].


    GSF? Never even tried it once {never even thought to ask for it}. Heck I only ever did the old space on rails once back in closed beta as I was specifically asked to test it.


    Aside from my inability to let go {and my academic curiosity to see TOR "evolve" [or devolve lol]}...there are some things I still enjoy...but they are mostly experiments with lvling...or trying a new tree I have not tried {I have personal rules against using respec, so I am restricted to actually lvling that tree if I want to experience it}.


    In general most content that has been added has been okay {I did finally get off my *** the other day and actually did the Forged Alliance I-III that I was ignoring forever [they were not too bad for content made over a weekend by one of the Devs kids lol]}. I just feel the game lost is soul...a lingering feeling I have had for a very long time now. I suppose it is true that I wish the game would have failed than become what it has. Maybe 3.0 will be cool, but I would be lying if I claimed I was looking forward to it.

  10. If ignore worked for PVP as wel....


    Ok its 3 am on a Wednesday morning. Time to farm some solo rank points. Me and 3 others all get ready to queue and we have 4 buddies also ready to queue with their toons that otherwise just sit and collect dust. We have them all on ignore so we cannot be on the same team. Ok everyone ready? 3.....2....1... enter queue...


    This is why we cant have nice things.


    Exactly. The game is fine as is. We do not need some silly "upvote" or "downvote" system. Both, as mentioned above, would be abused and generally used incorrectly {used with emotional content}. "Upvote" would become a popularity contest...and "downvote" would probably encourage more antisocial behavior than the "incident" that sparked this thought to begin with.


    Ignore works wonders if you are into PvE...and has zero place in PvP {aside from quieting the cry babies on your own team/faction} for quite obvious reasons {Trash talk, low population as is, and other PvP-isms}. We also do not need an account /ignore either. If you ignore another, and they toon hop to continue sounding off, then ignore that one also {turn this to your advantage as you now know more than one of this scumbag's toons [and possibly a pattern to spot more...make a game of it lol]}. If they do toon hop and continue they are now harassing you and can be reported as such.


    One thing "Bee Dubya" does take very seriously is harrassment. If you are truly being harassed report it. If some psycho. has latched on, then report it etc.. Some might not agree...or confuse other failures of BWs {I lost count myself [subjective]} with lack of care about the social health of this game...but in my experience they do take harassment seriously....and care very much about the social atmosphere if this game.


    Beyond the pure academic curiosity of "what if TOR had a 'downvote'?" I truly believe the features we have now are sufficient. We need to take some responsibility for how and why others treat us as they do. Rarely are you picked at random to screw with that day...there is usually a reason {jealousy, envy, perceived slight, misunderstanding, and/or they hate you for your behavior}. While not politically correct {especially in this climate where everyone else is to blame except ourselves}, these things rarely materialize in a vacuum.

  11. I can't even get past the login screen. I'm on the Shadowlands server.


    Same. Was in a WZ {winning of course} and then plop. Thought it was my net, but when I tried to log back in it goes as far as the server screen, then I get an error. Oh well.


    EDIT: letting me log into other servers just not Shadowlands atm.

  12. Please, cry more. And to everyone else i am simply exploring the options a new guild has and trying to recruit on all bases, and also to that end i have no intention of starting fights with other guilds, but im aloud to dream right? lol wanting to have a guild well known on the server should be the aspirations of all GMs.


    Who is crying...aside from that other dude? You are allowed to dream all you want...live a fantasy for all anyone cares. I just call them as I see them...and have the luxury of being able to speak for myself. Do you also deny you told people you were seeking an all operatives guild at some point? You can call me a liar also, but it does not change the facts. I have no horse in this race. Your success or failure as a guild is meaningless to me. From my perspective you all are nothing more than a curiosity to speculate about.


    I have been PvPing in this game since beta alone...with a year break due to 2.0 ruining my desire for it {along with a majority that simply just left the game}. My point? I have a long observational history to draw upon, trends, behavior, and general experience. I make no claims to my personal skill only to say I have won and lost over time as do we all. While I can list my personal favorite guilds here {those that still exist to this day}, what would be the point?


    Perhaps I will be wrong and you all be be the next big thing on this placeholder server renamed Shadowlands after the mega mergers. Try and understand that I only commented as I was recruited to an operative only guild that I later witnessed to be other than that. While I never had any intentions of joining per my personal rule set, I merely mention that I am now glad I did not or I would have been disappointed.


    I do agree with the rage poster above that an all operative guild would probably make no sense, but there is no law saying it cannot be done. Again, I thought it might be kind of cool if it was. Personally my issue was with what was said to me personally in the game and then what I saw evolve after that. As such you all lost credibility with me. Just me, myself, and I. Hopefully no one else joined under false pretenses....and now feels disappointed {reguardless of their understanding of 55 dynamics}.

  13. For one. I don't know who told you about an "Operative Only" guild. That's retarded. Any Class base restriction guild is stupid. It is true a few of us are Operatives. I myself am an Assassin, and have a Merc, and a Juggernaut that are both in the guild. Level range from 40's to 55. How the heck are you going to run a PvP guild with all Operatives? No tanks? GG Ranked. Second, "Being in a guild is not for me". We don't want you, glad you quit, or didn't join. We are recruiting like minded PvPers that have some decent skill in the game. "You had the pleasure of beating you all". The best teams in the world lose (Not claiming we are the best or even close). *Insert massive sarcasm voice* I'm sure YOU specifically beat all 4 of us in this "said" match of yours. I'm sure you were top damage, top heals, top objectives, top defense, top everything. You are judging one match in LOWBIE PvP bracket? Lowbie bracket is a joke. You sir are clearly ignorant, and a are Bad. Good riddance, we don't need ignorant trolls filling SWTOR anymore than there already are. ****, and go play ESO.


    First off "quit making movies yo". I am no liar...that is literally what was told to me. I was equally surprised...and having seen non-operatives in your guild made that clear. I never took it seriously {but do admit it would have been cool to see}. As too beating you...yes I have. And you will note I was also beat by you all....was that not stated? {when I say "I" I mean the team I was on of course, duh}


    This is a clear case of ego on your part. I never called out your skills...just noted you all are human. Like any match, it is usually a forgone conclusion when a pug is up against a premade. As to my personal skill lvl, you do not even know me or the toons I use. Why? because it does not matter...nor is it the point. Unlike you I do not desire fame.


    You all are the ones "going public"...and as such being open to criticism. But yeah...name the toons I used while teamed with you and against, then you can make claims about how BAD I am {note I never called you BAD}. All I know is you all are ordinary in my personal opnion...only going above average when with 4+ teamed {typical}.


    I still stand by my claim you are a flash in the pan. Not for any reason other than probability lol. Staying power is a rare commodity. But in time if you are still here I will come back and be the first to say "I stand corrected". But please continue making **** up. Maybe the guy that asked me if I wanted to join was misinformed...whatever. If it makes you feel better {as stated in my first post}, I did not believe them {though I wanted to}.


    Oh and I assure you I am not basing any of my opinions on one match {again learn to read please...I clearly indicated at least 2 matched based on my language}, it was many matches. I see you all daily of late {I am teamed with you and against you regularly}. We do agree that it is low lvl pvp...you were the one that exaggerated and extended my meaning due to ego issues. I called out your longevity and honesty, not your skills. Learn to read and govern your passions a bit better please.

  14. Recently leveling some pure pvp toons {slow going that way as it always was} after a long pvp break when 2.0 ruined if for a long time {in my opinion} and I have seen you all Empire side on my operative. Had one of you all extend an invite with "we are forming an operative only pvp guild". Naturally I declined since being in a guild is not for me.


    I have had both the pleasure of beating you all in Imp v Imp and Rep v Imp...and have also lost to you all {when there is more than 4 of you together anyhow [premade]}. My question is what happened to the "operative only" thing lol? Been seeing a lot of pistols and sabers of late lol. So much for that eh? Glad I did not join...I would have felt lied to and quit by now probably.


    While it is against my personal rules to be in a guild, I did like the idea of a operative only guild {in theory}...a shame you could not maintain that. I would be lying if I ever believed you would truly only ever be operatives only, but it would have been cool. Oh well. As to not going anywhere...we shall see. My money is on a fade out.

  15. LOL ... how do YOU gather funds enough to purchase the best and brightest items for your in-game characters? Do you craft items for sale, maybe? Is that not "asking others to finance you"?


    This is fun event, with the potential for rewards for the winner. Regardless, the guild ship will be launched. Whether you'd like to run along and maybe win 2 million credits, is totally up to you.


    Your idea and mine differ on what is fun. Were I to do a social event I would do so because I wanted to make others happy. Not offer some contrived BS and charge ridiculous entrance fees. If people are stupid enough {aside from your own guildies of course} to pay for your ships, then that is on them. Perhaps if you set an event and made donations optional it would look less pathetic.


    As to how I make money {as if I need anymore} is not your concern, but at least I know I did it myself. There is a big difference though in offering a product and setting a price than begging for credits with a lackluster event that is probably fixed anyhow. But I suppose the honor system will have to suffice eh? I will take your word for it lol.


    Another difference between us is I keep a low profile in the game, but most certainly predate your fledgling guild (s)...and in all probability will be here when you are disbanded. I have also never asked for free money from anyone. Yes free....as your "event" is hardly worth a single credit, yet you are asking for a ridiculous profit in total.


    You live with the fact that your guild(s) were not capable of buying their own ships. Those that can, have my respect. Again my issue is not with your event...just that I do not approve {albeit legal} of your methods. You could probably run 20 of these and not have as much credits as I...and I am not even in a guild, nor have I ever been...I have just been collecting credits since day one of Early Access.


    To be fair you are not alone....seems a lot are indeed so sad that they have to do similar "events" as their own guilds are not capable of paying for their own ships. I suppose you could not care less, but I am annoyed for you that your ships will never truly be your own. It will be forever remembered that you had to raise funds to get it....and as such means less. But that is me. I would have a hard time knowing I was not able to do it myself.


    While it is true that none of use are islands unto ourselves, this is just ridiculous in my opinion. At least those spamming on fleet offer an immediate utility for credits. But hey enjoy your donations....what does losing my respect matter anyhow? Your money making scheme just rubs me wrong...just one players opinion.

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