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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Urantia

  1. Ok here is some facts,


    *Do people quit warzones? Yes {Fact}


    *Is it egotistical? Yes {Opinion [there are many reasons a player may quit...and it is not always tied to an ego]}


    *When people quit a warzone does it mess up the game? Yes {Opinion [not always true]}


    *Do people end up queuing into already in session games? Yes {Fact [Devs have addressed this]}


    *Is it fair for us wasting time dealing with already in session games? No {Opinion}


    *Is it fair to your teammates that you quit? No {Opinion}


    *Do people feel self-entitled to leave a warzone? Yes {Opinion}


    *Do people have a million excuses why they should be able to quit? Yes {Opinion [You are also exaggerating]}




    Fact is warzone quitters dictate games, which means each game 9/10 is losed due to a quitter. {False/Opinion [Quitters can dictate the outcome. This is not 100% in all possible cases. Thus cannot be a fact]}


    What that means is the quitters in this game has full control on everyone elses time in warzones, which means no consequences are happening when someone quits, and Bioware is allowing these quitters to do as they please. {False [Hyperbole at best]}


    These are not a opinion these are facts, if you are in denial over these facts then all you are doing is making excuses for yourself and are standing up for a quitter mentality. {These are not facts...clearly}


    *Do quitters exist? Yes {Fact [yes people quit matches for many reasons (the list is very finite)]}


    *Should there be consequences for actions like that? Yes {Opinion}


    *Is a quitter mentality mean people are self absorbed and egotistical? Yes {Opinion [unless you know every person that has ever quit a match and their personal reasons, you cannot claim this to be a fact]}


    *If rules are applied and a deserter buff is activated will people learn their lesson? Yes {Opinion [this presumes there is a lesson to be learned...and that said player(s) are capable of learning (not all people can learn from mistakes...we call these people sociopaths)]}


    *Will people try to make excuses and act like children if rules are applied? Yes {Opinion}


    *Will it matter? No, because the quitter mentality only exist when no rules are there. {Opinion}


    Should I continue? {No. I am pretty certain you have made you personal feeling and opinions clear. Since you are not [nor is anyone to be fair] capable of speaking for all possible players and why they quit, all you can do is state what you think}


    I get where you are coming from, but I do not see a debuff as a solution. Perhaps if it were made like the group finder where it is account wide {unless that changed...not run a FP in a very long time}....maybe it would help. But as all know it would/could just encourage more bad behavior than it alleviates.


    Kindly remind yourself this is not a real conflict....it is just a video game that most play for fun. If it is not fun, they will likely not play it. I am certain you can guess at a few reasons and psychologies as to why people quit, but you cannot know them all.


    BW needs to take a little responsibility as well. If players could make progress in their weekly without winning a match...I am willing to bet less people would quit. I play WZs to win...if it becomes obvious {a personal assessment} that it is a waste of time I am out. Why? Because it is a video game lol....not a real war/conflict.


    Speaking for myself...I have been PvPing since beta, and in my personal opinion have long since took my licks. I have seen ever possible form of disater that can happen in a WZ {within reason}, and at this point in my evolution I do not log on to waste my time. While I cannot speak for others, all I can say is my actions are never dictated my an ego or emotions. I do not talk trash to the winners, and I do not belittle the loser. I zone in, play the match, and exit as soon as the exit button comes up {I do not even waste the time to vote}.


    I am not there to be famous, loved, or even remembered {ideally I will garner zero emotions from others}. But that is me. It is true {in my opionion}, that some players quit or zone in with the anti-social intent to grief others. They are the statistical few. But to presume that, statistically, quitters hurt more than help is false reasoning and you cannot prove it. I would argue otherwise.

  2. There's nothing wrong with me not wanting people to know my username. Every screenshot I post I remove my name, it's not just in this case. Also, i'm not poking fun, they were intentionally trying to let the team down, I could care less whether their name shows or not, I chose not to care as it would involve more work to remove it.


    Maybe next time you will grant her the same privacy you cherish. I will not debate why she was there in that state...I was not there. But there is a very finite list to draw upon. I prefer to believe they did it just to piss you off...as that has the most entertainment value. In my own humor I imagine you telling her to get some pvp gear...and they reply "**** off!". I know I would laugh if there....and it is not easy to make my emotionally limited *** laugh.

  3. This was done to create the illusion that people could not make instant wealth from the CM. While I do not participate in the CM myself, it has clearly created the wealthiest players in the game. While there were other minor technical reasons....I agree, why bother making players wait? I say let player spend hundreds on the CM and immediately convert it ot hundreds of millions of credits immediately. Why the illusion?


    We all know this game lost its soul forever ago....why pretend anything in the game matters anymore? Since time spent on the game is now meaningless. Heck why not just cut the BS and allow instant lvl cap for CC, instant gratification all around. Why persist with the illusion that you actually want players to play the game and actually earn anything from time spent?


    I never supported the CM, and likely never will. Granted my playstyle and psychology are obsolete. While I am likely alone in my feelings....I would rather the game had failed outright than what it has become.

  4. Only the first one? Sadface.


    Still, better than nothing. I missed my Agent laughing as he probed people :(


    I am still wondering why after 1.2-1.3 my female darkside gunslinger suddenly stopped making her combat vocals? She just went silent one day and now makes zero noise at all...save to occasional damage groan. I did find it odd though that when we had the last event if my slinger climbed on the turret to kill the mobs she had full combat voice again lol {}. So I know they were not removed...just disabled for normal combat?


    I basically never use her anymore...and pve is stale, but I wonder if i take her into Kaon and the team lets her use the turret if I would in fact hear all the combat vocals I used to here normally.


    Anyhow I am sincerely happy that you guys are getting your giggle back....I am sure you all were as puzzled as I was when it was removed. I completely understand that some vocals can be a tad much if they play constantly....and perhaps my slinger screaming or yelling "yeah baby" etc pissed others off? Well at least my evil female Vanguard still screams constantly in combat....she was left unchanged.


    It should be noted I love hearing screaming lol {my personal favorite when I jump into the pit at fleet for certain classes}....and can still recall while leveling that slinger oh so many moons ago when I first heard her scream. The friend and I that were teamed at the time both loled. Like I eluded to....my guess is other players got tired of hearing it and complained.

  5. I have been legacy lvl 50 since before they added the interface...1.1 if I recall....hell I cannot even remember anymore that is how long ago lol. I was very disappointed when they finally added the interface to see my lvl 50 was pointless. To be fair I realized back then that I pushed it hard to hit the legacy cap...mainly just to see what would happen {as no one knew then}. By that...I thought well maybe they will add it soon lol yeah. Still to this day nothing.


    But aye OP...I totally agree wth you. It is a real let down. If the legacy interface did anything for me once added...was it allowed me to smell the F2P on the way by how it was designed.


    **Lol I remember when they added Legacy in beta...lol...was real great knowing I lvled past the ability to ever get one hehe [it was not retroactive].**

  6. I see a trend, a member of the Republic makes a comment about PVP being broken, and every Imperial and his dog tells him he sucks...and should go PVE. So to the person who said the OP sucks, are you saying that PVPers are better players skill wise than people who don't? I have a feeling the guys and gals from Carnage Gaming would have a different view on that. I'm not in their guild but still, you can tell me that pvpers are better and not equal to pve'ers when you and your buddies down the dreadful entity in TFB in your warhero gear. Until then I'm going to assume PVP and PVE players are equal.


    There is no need for you to berate, belittle, haggle, and pick on a guy who's having trouble in pvp. Don't tell him he sucks, for all you know he could be a really good player. Don't associate PVE with "bads" just b/c you think it's easier and requires no time skill or effort involved. You sir, ( the guy who told him he sucks and should just quit pvp based on the judgment that he sucks at it ) are a jerk and need some lessons in being a good person.


    And to rebuttal to the troll that i know you will leave me anytime now... well i just don't give a rats A S S what you think.


    If you guys want more people to pvp and want more people to get better spend some time giving tips in a constructive manner. This non-sense of calling out goods and bads is not helping your PVP community and is making everyone think that unless you're an elitest ****** you have no place in the pvp battleground. I know for a fact that some of the people i know who ONLY pvp are good people and some of you are just bad apples spoiling the pie. Take notes.


    All I can do is laugh. I have now lost count as to how many PvP matches I lost becasue these clowns were on the team. To be fair, I cannot speak to every single member of that guild....just the ones that role into a match with zero expertise and think becasue of some robotic accomplishment in PvE that they can dominate a PvP match.


    I never used to bother examining other players until I kept getting paired with these guys in all PvE gear and losing a match in record time. Now if I see them I just quit the match right aways as it is statistically likely to be a loss. If my scan shows those that do show are wearing PvP gear I stay....as stated not all members of their guild do this. Just the ones that think becasue they are good at PvE they do not have to respect PvP mechanics.


    I have deemed them in the same class as those that Q up just to RE pvp gear for mats.....and not care about the rest of thie team. I did get a good laugh to myself watching one guy roll in with 29K HP, 0 expertise and get obliterated. To those in that guild that Q up in the correct gear...disreguard.


    It should be further noted that just because someone posts a video does not mean they were first. It merely means they have a larger ego. I know...hard to believe there are actually players in this game that do things and see no need to be recognized for it.

  7. yep pvp'rs should get some attention to ( give us some love )

    .... and ....

    Legacy sucks!!! mines maxed and get nothin' better then the first few lvls :mad:

    they should add some cool *** gear for the higher legacy lvls ( dreaming )

    ..... oh....

    this new rep thing is goin to suck as bad


    Yeah it was real fun capping Legacy before there was even an interface to spend anything on...and to this day the highest is still what...a lvl 25 req.? That was the lamest thing ever added to this game. While I was never in a super hurry...I did play a lot initially just becasue, like many, I was curious what happened at Legacy 50. Then they added an interface and the highest item required a Legacy of 25. Semi-understandable way way way back then...but still nothing for higher legacy lvls...lame.


    As to the Rep system....personally I could a rats *** for it in either pve or pvp...just another rediculous distraction/grind :rolleyes: for lack of anything else to do. However I do agree since they are adding this moronic feature....the least they could do is allow PvPers to participate without having to PvE sh ould they desire.

  8. Would it be so difficult to add a basic flag to the pvp window? One that I can check off indicating I do not desire to be placed into matches in progress. As said you will never stop quitting...and personally I could not care less if people quit for any reason.
  9. I took the time to craft all purple mods, barrels, etc. for my lowbie. I gave him augments. I was stepping on 40s at 20 and could at least 1v1 every 49 I came across. am I that good? no. it's a gear thing. but I earned that gear. I grinded it out. max'd my crafts. so I really don't wanna hear QQ from someone who hasn't done that. incidentally, the gear thing solves most of the level imbalance. although I see no harm in a matching algorithm that tries to even out the total levels on opposing sides. more difficult in practice because of grps and available players in each faction, but reasonable.


    Exaclty. You worked your rear off and have every right to utilize it. I suspect the OP thinks it is a trivial matter that anyone can do, but should not....I encourage him to try. Perhaps then he will realize it is not so simple when, of course, the player does it all themselves without help.

  10. My question for you, OP, is...why does it bother you so much if there is a, say lvl 27, with all artifact armorings, mods, and enhancments....and augments? Does that long time player not deserve to utilize their well developed infrastructure?


    I realize it can be a pain, but try and understand that players, like myself, do this...not only becasue they can, but because they are paired against players sometimes 20-40+ lvls over them. I would take zero issue with a further breakdown of brackets....but that would not stop players from tricking out their toons. Giving them "way too much health and damage" as you put it. How much health and damage are they supposed to have btw?


    I admit I am one of those low lvl "twinks"....because I already took my licks over the past year. I am not guilded, but I still took the time to patiently develop my personal infrastructure to the point where I can make the lives of subsequent toons better. Some would argue it is a waste....and to a degree they would be correct assuming these toons lvl like the rest. But they do not.


    Because these specific toons lvl purely off PvP {in my case plus basic starter stories to get my ship} and opening of planet maps/datacrons {yes I will be that lvl 20 on Ilum opening the map and grabbing the datacrons [and likely dying a lot in the process lol]} it can go a lot slower....and they get more bang out of each "benchmark" for gear etc. I still refuse to use xp boosts or anything...so pure pvp lvling can take time. So why not make it as awesome as I can for myself {and by proxy the team I get placed with}?

  11. Droid would not be romanceable for one. And then there's the fact that your gear will never visually change. Add in the fact that with few exceptions, droids are required to serve their masters. That doesn't leave for a very heroic personal story.


    Well there is that. I have to admit when I mentioned this ancient/unoriginal idea I was not thinking about romance and vanity. I would need an ego in real life to likely consider that. I would still liked to have had the option. Using the current game model to shoot it down, however, if false reasoning. I was merely, "for the heck of it", just mentioning an old idea...one derived from minds that had no chance of seeing the game yet....so their imaginations were still wide open.


    That is not to say it would be impossible to implement with limitations. Players opting for this course would perhaps have no romance and would have to be content with few vanity options etc. Suffice to say...having long since seen the game and every possible story dark/light combo I concur to a degree that being a droid would be less than likely. I would still make a playable droid with server limitations if allowed. As would many others I bet. It would be tricky on the story...and certainly require some reworking of a few things...which would/could likely prove why it was never done.

  12. I can still remember the ancient disscussions in the pre-beta forums back on 2008. People even wanted to be able to play as droids {like HK 47/49 etc and so on} lol. While we can see why that never happened...I would still love to been able to play as a droid. Perhaps not as a force user of course...but that would not rule out the use of a lightsaber of course :-) CY-M Prototype [sWG] was one cheesy example that come to mind from recent history.
  13. As Stoofa pointed out {and I apologize if I was not clear/did not understand exactly what you meant [never saw a video sorry]}. When you set out to scan it is highly likely you will get the message "No components detected in range" so you keep trying keeping in mind that the device has a 25m scan range/radius.


    As you proceed and get close you will likely get a "Component detected within 25m". It is then up to you to try and narrow down this 25m to 2m. Once you have detected it within 2m you will hear a loud jolt/pop and see a yellow spire of light. This is your component. I hope this is more clear. As above...you, and anyone else near by has a limited time to take the part.


    **while less likely...it is possible to guess well and land withing the 2m radius on a first attempt {had it happen a few time on various toons}**

  14. The marker doesn't appear at 25m.

    Once you have the 25m notice you've got yourself an area to search. Move, try again. You're looking for a reduction in that 25m.

    It's not until you're within 2m that the marker will actually appear and allow you to get the item.

    The 25m is the maximum scan range - once you've got that it's just a matter of zeroing in.



  15. As roleplayer I would be more than happy, if they simply deleted these damn red barriers in front of story and class quest instances. Behind those are some of the most interesting designed areas and rooms the game has to offer and they lock it away, as soon as one is blazed through the content ...


    How unspeakably stupid is this?

    It's almost a criminal act, ffs. Cutting content / immersion / the world for no good reason.

    If I were the designer of this stuff, I would cry. Hours of work behind some freakin' walls ...


    Anyway, I also would love housing. BW could expand the ships with this, or give us apartments on the capital worlds or Nar Shaddaa (or both). Oh and of course Guild Housing - e.g. a battleship for the guild (that would be something a guild can work together for - finally!). A real color option for armor would be nice too.


    Little things as well. The mentioned usable chairs and sofas. And emotes... god dammit, emotes! What's the problem with implementing already EXISTING emotes? Take them from NPCs and put them on our characters. Crossed arms? Hands on hips? Hands behind back? Leaning on a wall? ... Come on BW, it can't be that hard.



    And get rid of the 4 player limit on ships... -.-


    While not a RPer per se...I do agree I would like to be able to see some of these places again {even if, worse case, they Red became yellow and allowed reentry/entry to all [something like that]}. I would also love to see the return of some content that was removed before live {for whatever reason}....like my favorite H4 Heroic in the whole game "Ravaged Reconstruction" on Taris...

  16. Actually I have never seen the quest Marker on a Republic Character, but I did on my Sniper lvl 33 yesterday.


    I hear that. My excuse was obviously that on my first couple toons I touched every orange triangle I ever saw without thinking twice {from beta to my first few live toons}. It was not until a later "generation" of toons that I avoided all but my stories {as I lvled off pure pvp for the most part}....it was due to this that I realized how Quesh was a true roadblock....a "triangle" I could not avoid :-(.


    As a side note my latest experiment is trying to hit lvl 50 off nothing but PvP and map opening and datacrons...and the occasional stray clicky codex {of course I did have to complete Coru/Kaas archs to get my ship of course}.

  17. Quesh is listed as being level 36/37, and the storyline quest leading to the planet (for Jedi Sentinels anyway) is level 37.


    I tried to get there on my 32 sentinel this evening, however the inoculation quest NPC is only showing a dim quest symbol over his head, indicating to me that I need to level up more before it unlocks. I could have sworn I've unlocked it before at 32, but I guess I was mistaken.


    I had thought this also, but when I actually started paying attention on subsequent toons it was, in fact, exactly lvl 33 before it lights up. Like other I was disappointed as I just wanted to land there and open the map and grab the crons mostly...but was forced to wait. Some may not agree, but this was sort of needed so a player could not be power lvled through their entire story with the help of a lvl 50. Lol...suffice to say after Quesh all bets are off and you can again have a higher lvl friend push you though your story.


    I did this every experiment a long time ago on one toon to see what would happen. I hit quesh at like lvl 24, lol, and had to then go back and lvl up before I hit 33....once 33 you can then bring a friend again should the player desire. Was humorus getting Guss Tuno at lvl 33 and him having lvl 38 gear lol {as I then went on to hoth with a friend}.

  18. I am trying to finish a class mission but it will not let me get the injection and land on the planet. My toon is Level 26. No one seems to know the answer to this, even customer service. So besides leveling up' does anyone know a way to get down to he planet? Or has anyone else gone through this themselves?


    Simply put...you will need to lvl up some. If my memory serves....at lvl 26 you would not be able to damage any mobs in your story arch anyhow. It may vary per class, but I could swear the mobs for most archs there are like 35-37 or 38....even a lvl 33 may struggle because some mobs may be +5.

  19. To land on quesh you need to be at least lvl 33. At this lvl the NPC that gives you the inoculation becomes available. This was still true when I last ran a toon through there recently. I am not sure if you are grouped with a 33+, and are below that if they can initiate the dialog for both of you....as I have never tried this {any time in the past when I went there with a lvling conjugate we were the same lvl or both at least 33}.


    Reguardless of how you fly there {as another eluded to}...you are still deposited at the orbital station. So aye...the poster above that said 33 was spot on. I can personally confirm this as having lvled many toons....later toons always got there lower than earlier ones as I stopped doing every possible side mission. I also tested it at lvl 32 and it was a no go {this was when I discovered first hand it had to be lvl 33}.


    If there are any other tricks to bypass this I am not aware of it. The only concept I can think of is teaming with at least a 33 that is going there for the first time and see if they can initiate the inoculation npc for you both. Suffice to say you cannot land without the shot that I know of.

  20. As mentioned its about working to keep the grind for level 50 gear at level 50, so the process itself is not trivialized.


    Another aspect is that it attempts to keep the 10-49 warzones more light and 'just for fun' as there is only so much benefit one can get from them, that way instead of trying to cap coms the "serious" pvpers would farm the 10-49 bracket , making it a more hostile environment to newcomers (or just those not well versed in pvp).


    Also important is that many people are enticed by carrot on a stick. People may gripe, groan, and state that "let's just have it all be equal and keep it pure". But at the end of the day having something to work for/towards keeps more people engaged for a longer period overall. The key is the balancing act of perception of equality against time sink to work towards. This is where the quite easy to grind War Hero set paired with the marginally improved Elite War Hero set comes into play.


    For the first character the process is preserved rather then trivialized, while players with an established 50 and alts now can simply use the legacy system to farm level 50 gear in the level 50 bracket, then ship it along to the leveling alt to put on once they reach cap themselves.


    Eloquently stated.

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