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Posts posted by Urantia

  1. Not sure they will ever fix Yuun or Rusk. Similarly I wonder if they will ever make the Heroic Moment abilities make sense based on what class unlocked them. Since their inception they have all been tech abilities. Much like the Rusk and Yuun situation it was equally annoying. Plainly put it is not fair that all my force users get less out of heroic moment than my tech users. In the same vein as Yuun/Rusk we know what happens when we use a tech ability with zero tech power lol. But hey my tech users love it lol.


    Not sure if they are just lazy or stupid or both, but in a game with both tech and force abilites....how hard is it to make sure Companions have the right skills for their "class"? How impossible is it to make sure that heroic abilites unlocked by a force user are force based? This way my force users get a bump while using abilites unlocked by elder force users and the like for tech users.

  2. Same here as a most. Got them all back minus the Rancor which I know I won {how could you miss it lol}. The only thing I did was give the rancor to my Sorc healer...but have since moved that toon to a different server to make room for more toons and to balance load Jung-Ma and Shadowlands {my too active servers [if you can call Jung-Ma active lol]}.


    So yeah I moved the toon with the rancor to Jung-Ma a few months back roughly. Still it is likely another error since many here also did not get that one back and can prove/have proven they have it. Regardless they were unlocked in the past. If it help I was not even playing on Jung-Ma {not really} during that time period...all the achievements were unlocked on the Shadowlands.


    So yeah one more to report they did not get the Rancor box regranted when it was, in fact, unlocked last year. As to the dates I would prefer they reflect when I actually did the event {as I will not be doing it again}. That has been the biggest issue with the system we have in this game. You wanted with 2.0 to add that friendly competition with time stamps so, for whatever reason, friends could possibly compare and contrast etc. But due to all the errors, achievements blinking out, being given false dates when regranted, the whole system is meaningless.


    The players I sympathize with {albeit a first world problem} are the achievement seekers in this game. While I do not count myself among them, I get equally pissed when i work on something for hours only to have a patch bug it or simply log out and it erases like a few have since the Nightlife debacle.


    On a positive note I am glad you all finally got around to fixing this {even if the dates make no sense and further degrade the achievement system} as I decided a bit ago that if they were not returned before the event I would leave the game out of principle. I was almost certain you all would make players spend millions again and be forced to redo them all. Thank you for at least not forcing players to redo them...and hopefully the Rancor thing will be addressed. I submitted a ticket 17431268 on the matter..hope it gets resolved.

  3. Getting the same thing. Oddly it did not seem to happen until I just clicked the X for the tutorial {I never asked for the tab nor have any interest in it}. Not sure why but it did not happen to my main Sage nor my main Guardian {the first 2 I ran through the appetizer tossed at us today}. But when I got to my main Commando and logged off I saw it immediately.


    Basically what I am seeing is his set matched to chest {but as it looked before we could dye them ages ago}. While in-game I am seeing the character as I was before the patch....so sincerely hope this is just some lame visual bug on the Log-in screen linked to the app. tab. I will not be happy if other players are seeing me different than I see myself as I do not want an appearance other than what I am wearing.


    As a test I just popped on my main operative, clicked the x to close the tutorial {after opening my char sheet of course}, and just logged off...and same thing...seeing her matched to chest minus the dye that is there. Is there no way to simply depopulate the app. tab? I did zero research on it {as I mentioned did not desire it/nor care either that it is here now}, but sort of assumed it would come empty then we would add a set and apply it et cetera.


    Not the end of the world of course....just hoping it is a log-in screen visual bug {like it is reading the app tab that I know I did not apply [default application? (lame)]}. Oddly when i look at the app tab it shows the set minus the day and not matched to chest...yet on the log-in screen I see the set matched to chest...just without the dye that is there.


    I have no friends in-game so will have to bother a stranger to see if they see me different than I see myself.

  4. I have bought several sets now, but it was not until I actually went to use it on a toon that I saw this :-(. I equipped it {specifically the Exhumed Supercommando set} on a type 1 female and yeah clip crazy lol. Very disappointing and wish I would have noticed before I bought dye {a great set for dyes imo} and planned to wear it lol.


    Par for the course. Maybe they will fix it some day. Just wish I planned on wearing it sooner or {or that they actually thought a female might want to wear it} I may have noticed sooner. Thankfully players can see the issue in the preview {helps to pop out a weapon to see it fully} and in the log-in screen {on the log-in you just see lumps protruding as you do when standing still in-game}.


    I does seem to affect females, but none of the males {and male companions} I viewed it on. Not sure what it would look like on a skinny male etc, but seems fine on normal type 2+ males bodies that I saw. I suppose I deserve it for trying to wear the set on a Jedi sage lol...at least with the dye I chose it is slightly minimized visually.


    I will keep wearing it after the effort, but hope they fix it soon.

  5. Should be regranted to all straight away. Easy to track for those who earned guild rewards as that was only granted today...


    Should, but will not. Guild or not, any player that met their personal goal should be trivial to track and be properly re-rewarded. But much like the Nar Shadaa Nightlife event and the Rishi stuff, their solution will be to force player to redo it. I mean how many months has it been since the Nar Shadaa stuff was erased? So I know I will not see that again until the event comes back....only for me I will never see them since I will not be redoing them. I will settle for a page that makes zero sense to the onlooker.


    I think I will just stop bothering in general, been burned too many times now by this stuff to bother. They had to add timestamps to achievements...yet failed to realize that one error like this and the whole system becomes meaningless. What is the point in a timestamp if it does not truly reflect when a player did something? While it should not, this matters to me. Since I cannot control the ability of other player to inspect my character, I would at least prefer that the curious player sees the truth.


    I have been playing this game for ~4 years now {well it will be soon if I include closed beta} and 7 years on this forum this coming October....but with even small things like this I wonder why I bother anymore. I can no longer trust the integrity of the game, can no longer trust that anything I do will "stick"....and by proxy left with a achievement page that make no sense at all anymore and has zero meaning.


    We would likely all agree this is most definitely a "first world problem"....it is just the principle of it for me that is the source of my frustration. I set out to unlock it in its first showing....shame on me. So when will it be back again {lol} a couple months from now? Does not matter...I did it this past Sunday before midnight Eastern...why would I want my page to say anything else?

  6. Thank you for the replies...I do feel stupid for not seeing the "decoration box"...I misread it and jumped the gun. The rest of my points are valid though...and are what encouraged me to rush to judgment instead of governing my passions better. So forgive my being blinded by something so small and clearly written lol. I am just fed up with these achievements in general and how unreliable they have become. I sincerely hope they bolster their integrity over there and stop forcing player to redo lengthy/"expensive" chores for nothing.
  7. Just logged in to see my 100/100 completion from last year's Life Day is now 75/100. I am not happy about this. I take no issue with the event per se, but I am getting tired of achievements just being removed. While frustrating, we all understood several of the Rishi ones were not sticking after being logged off for a time {so much for ever getting a "12/02/2014" timestamp for those} and excepted them as broken and not ready from primetime. Were it not for dataminers the probability of a regular player finding and putting that puzzle together by now was slim anyhow {especially with data packets coded as trash}...so fine.


    My main issue though is achievements that were there and earned being removed for no reason other than poor coding? You all were the ones that decided "yeah let us add timestamps" to achievements {for what bragging rights?}. Were there no timestamps this would be a non-issue {unless it took the player several hours like the Grophets for example lol}. While I am no achievement whore, I do take issue with them being removed and/or forcing the player to re-earn them which will grant a timestamp that does not truly reflect when the player actually did it.


    Same went for the Nar Shadaa Nightlife event...had most of those removed for no reason with not a word from the Devs since. How long does it take for you to go back and look whom did what and regrant them {preferably with a timestamp not of the day of the fix, but close to when the player actually did it}? So we can expect a "you will have to do them over, if you want them" type reply. "We will not be able to assure they remain though...you might have to do them again in another year" {just kidding, but probably true}.


    Well thank you for encouraging players to not even bother with them since they can now not trust if they will actually stay put {either on exit for a time or be removed later for no reason}. At this point my legacy feels so broken and discontinuous I wish I had a anonymous feature so player cannot examine me and ask stupid questions like, "How did you get that Kingpin Rancor yet according to your screen you never won one?" {Do not get me started on Nar Shadaa as my screen for that event make no sense at all}


    You all can track how many Mobs have been killed since launch, yet you cannot seem to be able to fix achievements players clearly earned. Why? I understand Rishi...we all do as it was new and broken, but how difficult is it to launch Lifeday without erasing year old achievements?


    Look I have supported this game as long as any player possibly could...and I still mostly like it {bugs aside I liked SoR and likes the new mechanics you all added so players did not need others to see story archs}...but call it OCD or whatever you like, but little things like this annoy the hell out of me. At this point though my legacy feels broken and makes no sense at all. I really do hope you all can fix this stuff and since you have to have timestamps on stuff....make it count...make that date have meaning.

  8. Been like this for an eternity. I suspect it is similar to what other players see when they examine you wearing a crafted ear or implants {maybe other things, but I only ever noticed it with ears and implants}. Not looked at another player in a good while, but have crafted artifact quality {not the [Artifact] lvl 53 ones as they have no green to purple "mobility"} ears and implants for others and when I go to examine them afterwards it appears green to me with the same stats of the base green/common {even with a green border} item. Only the name of the item is correct so you know it is a visual issue.


    I wonder if this is still true...will have to test it. But that is what you are showing looks like. Until it is in your possession it will show the base green stats. If vanity is an issue with folks...I can see how this would be annoying. Another looks at you and does not truly see what you are wearing. I do wish this was within their capability to fix lol.

  9. pre 55 and post 55 seem to be a lot different. try it out


    The OP never mentioned what lvl they were. You are correct in that I have not been pre 55 in a very long time and never will be again. But yeah I was replying to them or I would have quoted another. Basic forum 101 incase you did not know...replies that do not quote a specific poster are defaulted to the OP {unless the language of the message clearly indicate otherwise}.


    So I replied {in short}, Sorcs/Sages are playable. Next time you try and be a smart *** at least think it through. God knows I am far from perfect, but could swear I was not talking to anyone but the OP.


    As to pre 55 I am sure it is different than pre-3.0, but this game has done nothing but get easier since beta/release, so I would hardly notice if I were making a new toon. It is now in its most dumbed down iteration ever.

  10. The title is real, but like most of SoR it is bugged. I earned the title {and still have it}, but cannot find the achievements anywhere on my screen. Much like the bugged out Nar Shadaa Nightlife stuff...have the "The Unlucky" title for blowing up a machine, but a few patches back went from 295/295 to 35/295 for no reason {like a lot of folks}. Not sure of the cause, but there are certainly some integrity issues with the game remembering anything anymore {not new to SoR}.


    Also the datacrons associated with killing the 3 beasts {just the first several hours of the task lol} are broken. They do not behave like the previous 69, act like trivial codices in that they grant the basic 45xp, add nothing to your codex screen and grant no stats. Basically the SoR launched with this incomplete like a few other things sadly. It should be noted that after hours of play time {+/- depending on luck...for me it was more than 5 hours to kill all 3} you can get all the way to the final rock you have to click and it cannot be clicked...so everything you did up to that point is lost/wasted.


    For the most part I really liked this expansion, but issues like this are really killing the enjoyments. Most incomplete and broken expansion for the game to date in my personal experience. I still like it better than 2.0 overall, but with The Shadowlands basically breaking yesterday coupled with Revan and time sinks that lead nowhere I am very disappointed.

  11. Yeah it is a real shame. I logged on earlier today and within a few minutes the server went down. I realized I was not going to get to play so did other ****. Playing characters on another server was not an option so said screw it. So after a couple hours and dinner I saw the server was back up and was hoping to get some play time. But no, Yavin IV was a slide show for the first time since Dec 2nd.


    So I said to myself, "well might as well get another of my 55s off and running then". Head over to start the FPs {While I play this game daily, I only ran through Forged Alliance on 1 char...so the rest had to start there for the full experience}. This time it was an Imperial Toon so after Talking to Arkous {or whatever} I heading into [solo] Tython. Surprize, the FPs are now also broken....load in and the map is devoid of anything. No objectives, no mobs, no way to progress....so I juts logged off.


    Thank you for this awesome expansion BW lol. I am so damn happy I pre-ordered this garbage. What week of early access? I cannot even play the damn game. I am grateful I was able to play for a few days even with the broken missions, codices erasing upon log out, Revan fight being broken, and then finding out all the credits I spent to retain all my alts {especially commando.../sigh} and any lvling I have done so far will be wasted.


    This will be the last pre-order I ever do again with this company. What a huge disappointment. I never expected it to be perfect, but there is so much wrong {especially today} that I feel this past few days was a waste of time and in-game currency. Thanks for the bait and switch BW, I will not forget it.

  12. I play every healer AC in the game {and their mirrors} with my main being a Sage. In my opinion Sages/Sorcs are just fine. I was able to go throughboth Rishi and Yavin IV only dying to Revan as he buggy atm {took me 3 tries the other day}. I have not played them all through yet of course, but working on my eldest toons first...now working on my Commando healer {about to land on Yavin IV} now and they are doing just fine with the same gear rating {BS 180s were all I had, but still better than 158/162 rated PvP gear}.


    In fact, my combat medic feels more clunky than my Sage and has come closer to dying a couple times...but still getting used to the changes {was happy with how my combat medic felt before 3.0}. Not had time to mess with my Scoundrel/Operative healer yet...I am sure they will be fine to acceptable lol.

  13. Fair question azudelphi! Since the change we are making is a global one, affecting all players and skills, we felt this was a better approach to the overall cost to players. As a result, we will not be providing refunds for the cost of training.


    Hope that clarifies our thoughts on the situation.




    Thanks for rewarding us for pre-ordering.

  14. Par for the course. For the most part I have been enjoying the expansion, but there are a lot of issues and I feel {albeit a first world problem} cheated. I "loaned" you all twenty dollars for a month {even though 12x was useless to me personally} to have the week to see the content early {for no reason other than hopefully less people in the way}. Little did I know it was not ready for prime time. As other have said many times "how did this make it out of test in this state?"


    A more than valid question. Your entire QA department should be fired. Perhaps next time you do a test you will avoid the "cliques" and "special" people and get people not interested in making guides and/or gaining insights on how to most efficiently come in first place.


    To those of you affected by these bugs, good luck getting set straight. You are likely screwed {permanently}. This company is not capable of retroactive anything if you did not already know this.


    Very disappointed. Sure it is just a video game {no duh}, but it is a paid service. The amount is meaningless. We pay for a service and expect it to work. You set the price...now provide a fair and balanced service for all that pay. I am sick and tired at this point of the bugs and broken features that screw players over {forcing the burden of proof on us to prove what happened}. We paid for early access, but many of us will feel like ɣ {gamma} testers.


    But hey as long as everything works great by the 9th...what does it matter right?

  15. Surprised no one here mentioned that when you go to actually get the crons they grant nothing. They do not behave like the previous 69 {no cutscene, no sparkly noise/particle effects} No stats were granted and the they granted a mere 45 xp {like the most minor codices in the game}. So they are bugged out atm. At least they were for me and I have also seen many comments from others on it.


    Imagine putting in all that time to reveal them only for it to be broken. Screen just says "90, 91, 92, 93" and that is it. No distinctive "[strength] +4" etc. and an actual named codex entry...nothing added to the codex screen etc. What a Joke.


    I agree with the guy above...this is what you get when you cry about they way they were. Sure no hops and platforming, but you have to compete over a 5% spawn...then hope when you get it all done it is not broken/bugged...potentially wasting more time than any previous cron.


    Now I was lucky in that another player opened them up and I just randomly was scouting the locations so it is slightly possible you have to do all the steps for it to work, but I doubt it. They are just broken.

  16. Small update. On a hunch I hopped on yet another 55 {fresh log since patch} and did nothing but go right to PvP terminal and it let her take the daily and weekly. So I suspect it is something I am doing before going to the terminal that will not let them take the weekly. I have a lot of characters so have spent the day so far logging onto them, training, picking passives, going to my ship to take prelude from terminal, then heading to fleet and training crew skills, then to terminal.


    While nothing I have done should halt my taking the fresh weekly this week...one or more of the steps is bugging that toon....so the bug is in there somewhere. Perhaps another here has a clue. Technically I did carefully delete a couple PvE weeklies like TFB and SnV etc, but that should not have any effect on taking the PvP weekly...but would not surprise me either. Suffice to say none of the toons I wanted the PvP weekly on had any old PvP missions running...they are all active did and turned in any PvP missions they had previous to the patch.



  17. I did just hop on yet another 55...but this time I did not train or do anything {a fresh log of the toon since the patch} and went right to the terminal and it let her take the weekly. So what gives?...seems if I train, pick my passives, and head to my ship take the prelude mission and train my crew skills {or one of these factors at least} like I was on the others it was not offering the weekly which is odd.


    Anyhow something I tried on a hunch and was able to take weekly, but still no clue what is screwing the other toons,...eh whatever. Explains why I got no replies...something I am doing {in whatever order} is bugging myself...lame. Should not happen, but whatever.

  18. Asked this in game and in the PvP forum with zero replies...also asked a couple times in game, but did not press it...just got no response. But when I roll up with any 55 it will not let them take anything but the daily {no mattr how long the toon has been idle or active of late}. There is no option to take the weekly.


    I am not sure if I am just bugged or if it is something else and have not seen it mentioned by another. I was, however, able to hop on a lvl 43 and take both the daily and weekly no problem. So just curious if it is a known issue or I am just bugged. I suppose once I finish the marathon or toon hopping to get them "re-trained" etc I will try lvling 1 to 56 and try again...maybe that will kick it in gear.


    Anyhow just curious if any other 55s went right to take the daily/weekly and had any issues. Thanks.

  19. 95 views later and no replies...so I must be bugged as it will not let any of my lvl 55 toons take the PvP weekly {even ones that had not been in PvP since 2.0}. I did hop on a lvl 43 PvP toon {that was on ice waiting for 3.0 since 12x does not work in PvP} and they could take both the daily and the weekly.


    So is it just lvl 55 toons or is it just me? If no one else had this issue I would appreciate some feedback. If it is just me, then I have no idea of the cause since I was not holding any old PvP missions etc {weekly was cleared last week on day one and turned in on any that did it}. Not the end of the world since they are all sitting on capped comms, but would not mind at least doing it for the xp at least...and maybe a few spare wz medpacks with the extra comms etc.


    Any other 55 had this issue when going to take it today? Do they need to lvl to 56 or some other silly mechanic first or what? No biggy just driving me nuts...or I am blind and missed the memo lol.

  20. Did they remove the sub-lvl cap pvp weekly? I know before 3.0 toons 10-54 had a daily and a weekly, and at 55 we had "many" dailies and the unranked and ranked weeklies etc. Did they make a change or am I bugged or is the game bugged. Asked in game, but got not one reply...even when asking in a match. I assumed sub-60 would be like it was pre-55 last week.


    I apologize if this was mentioned/discussed, but I must have missed it.

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