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Posts posted by Urantia

  1. Still waiting on download, but as a player of all ACs...I am sure to be busy for my entire session just tinkering with all that. Days like this I do not mind being overwhelmed. Here is to hoping 3.0 breaths some new life into the game for us long time vets and new folks alike...and that any bugs/glitches are at an all time low lol.
  2. There is more to come, no worries. Keep your eyes on the site as we get closer :rak_03:




    There better be because that would be lame as hell. Considering everyone already paid the measly 5k for them by now. While a discount for the minority that did not bother is nice, this would be yet again another "reward" that would be pointless {like so many before it}. Do understand I do not expect any reward...nor do I feel entitled to one, but get sick of these "rewards" you all give that have zero benefit...or drop after everyone already either has them. Please start thinking of your long time vets for a change when granting some of these things.


    I speak only for myself, but am getting tired of "rewards" that have zero utility to me unless I just joined the damn game.

  3. i pre-ordered the expansion and it get tomorrow (dec 1) but im still not sure who to level first. It is down to sniper, sorc, or merc. Do not say whatever you want to, it is your preference. Any advice on who to level first would be greatly appreciated.


    My advice would be you figure it out for yourself.

  4. I admit I was immediately thrown off by it, but would not lsoe any sleep if they added it. I would never get it since I do not participate in the Cartel Market or use anything others sell. The only exception is the series 512 set as I always wanted a playable "droid". So back then I just grabbed a set off the GTN...beyond that I hate having the cartel market logo on everything so do not bother.


    I suppose my greatest worry for this game is that when VII comes out that they turn this game into "Star Wars Universe" and start selling items from ~4000 year in the future {unless the villan in VII is a resurrected Revan lol...or some crazy **** like that}. I want this game to stay in its own time and sort of make sense. They chose this era for the game...leave it here.


    Not sure how many here also like Trek, but that was what killed STO for me when it came out. It was set 40 years after the TNG, yet players could play ships that were from any era {even Vulcan ships from before they were in Starfleet}, uniforms from any era...etc and so on...that game was just "Star Trek Universe" and made zero sense. Thankfully it went F2P and was bought out {at that time at least...not sure who owns them now} by the Chinese. I cancelled my sub before that all went down and shortly there after joined the closed beta for this game.


    Please do not turn this game into a mix of eras just because this is currently the only SW MMORPG.

  5. Leveling with PvP takes too long, real PvPers use leveling bots. :jawa_wink:


    Yeah it is certainly a painful slog...it takes so long and so much Valor is wasted you might as well be "Valor 200+" by the time you cap out lol {certainly faster to hit 100 valor if you start PvP at lvl cap lol}. While there is no "Real PvP" period {was intended as a joke sort of}. There is an option for players that hate PvE so mush they never have to do any if they do not want to.


    I would rather be in a match with a player that lvled through this long drawn out way than some 12x player that could not be bothered to even play the game without it. At least they better know their damn class by the time they cap lol.


    All in all not a recommended method for the impatient for sure...and of course not for a very first toon...just crap to goof with for a vet when bored and want to try something different.

  6. I'm pretty certain this will cause the items to lose their comm value.


    I admit I have not tried this with PvP comms, but I thought there was 1 or 2 items you could buy and then return to get your comms back that were not bound on pick-up? So that they could then be placed in legacy storage and grabbed and returned by another alt. Similar to how you can buy mods etc with planet comms and dump them in leg storage and grab them on an alt {and return for comms}. Also there are some classic comms items that function this way also {used some of these items to balance out the toons that were going to be over the 2000 overflow cap and did not want them wasted}


    I did think I read a post from a player claiming there was a PvP items that had this property...worth looking into at least. I only knew about the planetary comms mods on accident. Had leg storage opened and was trying to equip and armoring and it was plopped into storage...saw the timer still and well.. the rest was history.


    I have not bought any decorations as not into that stuff, but yeah...could swear another claimed there was some stuff that worked this way. If not my apologies.

  7. 12xp. awesome we all basically have one of each class now, sweet


    WHY THE HELL are you nerfing smug healing to the ground-you losers even tried to make it sound like it was needed..."prepare yourself for some extreme changes...cuz uhh..ya, we screwed you guys over"


    with the changes that the other classes are getting there is nothing left of smuggler except a sub par class on every front


    I can't understand the stupidity of it all.


    As someone who mains a smuggler-I'll be the first to say-you Bioware are lame...and your mother isn't very nice


    Real PvPers never used the 12x. They hit the esc key as soon as they see their first movies/cutscene {like when you first land on Tython/Hutta/Korriban}, run outside and kill mobs until lvl 10, then 10 to cap in pure PvP. So the only PvE you ever see is the mob grind to 10.

  8. While I never participated in the PvP weapon trick, were I you I would buy a set of maybe any skin you have not gotten since they will be removed {companions etc.}. You could also funnel the spare comms to an alt via legacy storage {by buying any BoE decorations or whatever} and get any of them a set if they do not have one and so on.


    My first thought though, like above...just stock up on more medpacks.

  9. Glad they were tracking that number so closely, but when 2.0 dropped could not remember what player killed whom and/or what making all players have to start over basically for achievements lol.
  10. So it will be 3 levels of annoying sounds every time I hand in a quest that gives commendations?


    They should let us spend the commendations from the start at level 55 and enjoy the questrewards while leveling.


    The "overflow" commendations has been earned one way or the other before the expansion anyways.


    Go from 55-60 in PvP then...problem solved. Sure you will have to wait a bit to run the new content {lol}, but you will not feel the guilt of losing comms constantly. Alternatively you could log in on day one of the patch and buy what you can with basic comms {things not lvl restricted above 55} and transfer them to an alt to cash in and hold {like players have been doing since day 1 of legacy storage}...if that is still possible after 3.0.


    Now while I will lvl from 55-60 in pvp only before bothering with Revan, I would not expect this of most {you included}...so take it as humor. But I do know what you mean. Was a similar feeling after 2.0 and when planet comms were capped at 50. While I did not care then as I had no use for them at that time {old Rakata (58s) was the best they could buy then and by that point everyone had 61 and 63s}...I still hated losing them. At least they upped it to 100 within the first or so patch post 2.0.

  11. From what I have seen, there is now more classes with immunity to movement impairing effects. I'd be surprised if a healer reacts quickly enough to clear it off teamates and the healer likely would be your first target anyway so I don't think they can cleanse their own stun/mez.


    It just doesn't sit well with me. Maybe they intend to make the classes great at damage, but I always liked the thinking aspect of it more and the smart use of roots, I just think there is too much going against it right now to go along with them taking my favorite spec and making it something for someone else rather than those who liked it.


    This line sums up my feelings for how the game in general has evolved since beta lol. Here is to hoping 3.0 is not the cookie-cutter "Star Warsy and Iconic" new game enhancement that it feels like lol.

  12. could care less about achievements, this should def be a permanent event


    Nor could I. I never played this game for achievements, but if I earn them...glitching them out is bull. If the game offered a simple anonymous feature {where I could control if people can examine me or not} I would care even less. but it is a pet peeve of mine that if a player can examine me...I want it to make sense to them.


    Not "hey dude was looking at your achievements and saw you won a Vectron Magnus {as in that box shows complete}, but according to your achievements you never once played a Kingpin Machine....or even won a token to play that machine" Or {lol} "how the heck did you get that "Unlucky" title for having a machine explode, but according to you achievements you never even played either slot machine once?"


    For me the real issue is trusting the integrity of the game. What is next? Items mysteriously disappearing from my hold/character. Credits suddenly being erased...comms etc. For me, this is literally the first time on the live game that I ever had things taken away that I earned. Of course this "glitch" did not affect everyone. And some may not even notice they lost them {I did not until I saw a thread about it here a bit ago then logged on to see I was affected}.


    Like many players I spent a lot of time on it to get 100% completion as I never wanted to go back again. I also did want the the legacy stuff in case I ever wanted to use them {have not yet except the mounts}. I grabbed a couple pistols, the armor set, a couple sabers, 1 or 2 Autocannons, and 1 or 2 saberstaffs. I also bought 1 Vectro Opus {also no longer showing on the achievements as purchased} for my slinger and gave the Rancor {also showing as not won} to my wannabe Nightsister.


    Since I know I did it all, I want my damn timestamps to reflect when I actually did it...not a year after I actually did it {or potentially never since I am not doing it over}. While I am no achievement whore, to those that are, timestamps have meaning...and is likely why the devs put timestamps on achievements to begin with {not that any earned on 04/09/2013 reflect when they were actually achieved, but we accepted 2.0 for this since there could be no earlier timestamp than 04/09/2013}.


    If anything I just want to know what the hell happened and if they can fix it to reflect when I actually did it.


    As to making the casino functional outside the event, I would welcome it. I would never go back there, but would take no issue with players being able to goof off there as much as they like.

  13. I liked the event also, but like a lot of players had my achievenments erased even though I had 100% {from 295/295 to 35/295 (or whatever the denominator was)} completion on it. I would prefer they fix that before it returns, but I will not hold my breath. I did not have to spend as much as some did {was luckier than some}, but it was still a slap in the face regardless. Another theorized it may just be a display bug and I hope they are correct.


    If not a display issue, and they can actually fix it....they will likely grant you a false timestamp that makes no sense. This is why I hate timestamps on achievements...because more often than not they do not reflect when a player actually did something due to crap like this. To those of us saying we will not do it over {and we can all feel for those that spent 10s of million to get 100%}...we may in fact never get it done.


    This was similar psychology that affected many after 2.0 when they added achievements...for things a lot of people already did and could not redo on certain characters. I know there are some I will never get unless I grind out an N+1 toon. I never took issue with 2.0 and the fact that there were many things they were not tracking previous to that, but to grant achievements then literally take them away for whatever reason it pathetic.

  14. It's great for many players but not for all of us, including me and you, and a few others.


    Infernixx nailed it:



    Not going to excite me either.


    Worthless to me as well. A real shame. Their solution is to stoke the instant gratification crowd. I have never felt more unwelcome and undesired by this company than I do today. I have nothing against the instant gratification crowd, but they could have at least offered something an ancient vet could also use. Making new toons on another server is not an option for me as I can barely manage what I have on one server now.


    Heck had I ever even been able to utilize 2x {not even the first one before 2.0 hit} on one toon, I might feel less disappointment. But whatever. At least previous pre-order gifts had a function...but this has zero value to me. But alas they do not care. Par for the course. In the "Bee Dubya" world this makes perfect sense. Were this current team to display even the most basic vision and foresight I might faint.

  15. I agree that they are boring and a waste of credits {assuming you spent on them}, but I like it lonely lol. For me it is a place I can stand with my "horseshoe" of cargo hold, legacy storage, mailbox, GTN, augment table, and NPC vendor to sell junk to {all reachable from a static location} without other players around.


    I agree, in part, to the credit part...but that is only because I bought the Tat. homestead in hopes that my low lvl PvP toons would have a way to get to Tatooine {for datacrons and map exploration} without a starship...but this did not workout lol. BW was, for once, wise enough to not allow players without their ships to use that function of "Exit to <Planet>". Those specific toons had to spend 50K on the priority transport to Outlaw's Den when they hit lvl 26 to bypass the starship requirement. {is nice how a fresh lvl 1 toon can port to a SH, but still has to wait until lvl 6-7 to exit to fleet? Saw I could at 7, but not at 1 so not sure how early exactly}


    I only use the Sky Palace...but own them all and they are, minus a few misc decorations/"horseshoe", spartan. The easy back and forth is nice also. While I am not capable of caring what my SH looks like, I do like the view from most of them. The view from the Tatooine homestead was worth the 2.5 million price imo,


    I never asked for housing, but they added it.

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