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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Urantia

  1. Hehe...speaking of the +10s on Makeb, I just earlier grabbed them on my 13th or so toon and still no codex entries for these. It has been almost 4 months since 2.0 and nothing. Perhaps once you fix this, remove the 2 placeholders you added to Alderaan for whatever reason {laziness?}, or whatever....people will one day see 69/69 when they hit L and look at their codex page.


    Totally not the biggest issue in the game, but one of the many that leave me scratching my head.

  2. This is probably the dumbest dye system I've seen in any game, ever.


    Say one thing for GW2, say it has a decent dye system.


    I could not agree more. Having been with this game since early beta....I remember all too clear how we all asked to be able to color our gear in a reasonable way. In beta we got the match to chest which was nice {until it was removed for a time and brought back on live}, but it was only so good.


    I would have taken no issue with a "piss off kids...we have decided to never allow you to color your gear". Fine...I never take issue with Devs with a backbone...not afraid to tell people for **** off. But no...they give it to us finally and it is the most ridiculous system ever. The only positive for me, was this was the first patch in a long time where I did not lose a day by being overwhelmed by all the changes.


    If I have learned anything about this team {even those that have since joined the team} since beta is they cannot do true retroactive coding....and what can be done simple will instead be buggy, contrived, convoluted, and piss off more people than it pleases. The achievement system was a slap in the face for ancient characters and the collections are equally broken and lame in my opinion. But hey keep stacking code on top of an old backbone never designed for the garbage you keep piling on.

  3. If you are not interested in crafting, selling crafting materials (particularly scavenged metals and compounds) can net you a steady income.


    EDIT for poster above me: "Gold" is a generic term for in game currency :rolleyes:


    I know what he meant, but take issue with generic references. Like when a player calls the GTN the AH...pisses me off. I never played a game where gold was the currency or the market was called an "auction house". Even if I had, I would do the game I am currently play the courtesy of using the correct language.

  4. Same here :-(. Have more 50s than I like to admit and not seen any purples from anything all day {all from advanced crew skill missions}. Oddly I did see 2 one the same toon though spaced out over time. I think they came from treasure hunting or Archae {would have to go look to make sure}. But aye...I have been at it all day and the drop rates are rediculous or broken.


    I sincerely hope they fix this....or at least inform us as to what the deal is.


    Just double checked...it was Treasure hunting that I saw a couple crits on now....zero on anything else :-(. And Duh on me...i of course meant crew skills that can actually return with purple mats lol.

  5. I am really enjoying Makeb, but what is up with the crit rate on the advance crew skills? I have several 50s working the new advanced crew skills {all of them} with capped affection etc....and with more missions than i can count at this point all toons but one have seen zero "purples". I would like to start crafting some of the new stuff, but at the zero rate the artifact quality mats are dropping i guess i will never get to :-(.


    Is the system bugged, or am I not doing something right....as in did they make major changes to how crew skills work now? I take no issue with things, perhaps, being a tad more rare....but with several ancient 50s crew skilling all day...and one as I adventure on Makeb {my main} not seeing any purples is a bit dissapointing to say the least.


    I have had my fair share of bad luck crafting/REing etc over the past 2 years, but I am now beginning to think they turned off the ability to get crits on accident lol.


    What gives?

  6. I have 7 crafters at level 50 with all companions and affection points.


    I honestly believe Slicing is bugged. Diplomacy is criti crafting as normal, and out of the 150 + Slicing missions I've done, I've had one purple mat. Either this is intended or there is a bug in which the criti result (the one that give a recipe in addition to the blue) is also meant to give a purple, but in its current form is broken.


    A Dev response to clarify would be great.


    Glad you are having luck with at least Diplo. I am seeing zero purples from any crew skill. Save a couple crits {literally 2} from my Artifice crafter. Like many here, I have all toons maxed on affection etc...and nothing. I did never buy the Legacy crafting perks though.

  7. Same here :-(. Have more 50s than I like to admit and not seen any purples from anything all day {all from advanced crew skill missions}. Oddly I did see 2 one the same toon though spaced out over time. I think they came from treasure hunting or Archae {would have to go look to make sure}. But aye...I have been at it all day and the drop rates are rediculous or broken.


    I sincerely hope they fix this....or at least inform us as to what the deal is.

  8. Due to Server Maintenance from Game Update 2.0 we will be rescheduling the +10 Datacron runs for:


    Monday April 15th @ 10:00pm - 11:30pm (Republic) and

    Monday April 22nd @ 10:00pm - 11:30pm (Imperial).


    Thank you for the update. I was looking forward to taking you all up on the +10 for my latest toon to hit 50. While I am curious to see how good or bad 2.0 is, I was not happy to see the times they chose for the update :-(. Oh well lol.

  9. I agree seeing old armors dissapearing completely would be lame, but last I looked WH can be crafted {albeit a different color than what can be had with comms}. I mean let us not forget about the crafters. Once the WH vendor is gone {like the BM before it} crafters that actually purchased the schematics {via whatever method} will still be able to craft these. Granted you will need a certain valor rank to wear them {assuming this does not change also}. Of course those schematics do not include the belt and bracers sadly {not many, including myself, ever liked that part}.


    Suffice to say as many have guessed....we can expect them on the CM to further trivialize crafting....and in the case of WH, the valor req. As to the Rakata deriviatives...I concur they need an alternate way to be gotten since they cannot be crafted. But let us not forget the crafters....they have been marginalized extensively, in my opinion, since the beginning.

  10. Simple fix for that, make them only activate at certain levels on a character.


    Perhaps, but then it would trivialize the accomplishment of having grabbed them all on a toon by lvl 33 {lvl 33 as this is the current prereq to land on Quesh to get those 3}. Yes, i am one of those player that at this point in time does things to increase my challenge....by grabbing datacrons on Corellia as a lvl 22 for example.


    In the past, on my ancient toons I would of course do every possible mission and grab them as I went to each new planet. These days I lvl, usually through pure pvp, exploration {opening up the maps on a planets}, and getting stray codex entries and datacrons {things an underlvled toon can currently do without too much trouble}.


    Your suggestion, while a possible solution, may indirectly harm what I consider an accomplishment.

  11. I would like to know if there will be a way to make it so I can keep my "achievements" private? I was never into games of comparing and contrasting with other players. I do what I do in this game {as in the real world} for my own sense of accomplishment...not to impress others or to garner emotional reactions from others.


    I already always hated how other players could examine me and see what I am wearing. I have always wanted an anonymous clicky so I can reveal as little about myself as possible. I realize these feastures exsist to encourage competition, foster ego and envy etc...and fit perfectly in this ultra commercial society. But I would truly like the ability to limit what others see in reguards to my characters.


    Surely this would not be too difficult to implement...and is in no way indicative of a player being non-social.

  12. So is this the precursor to Legacy wide Datacrons? Please, please say it is...


    I sincerely hope not. While I can understand some players do not enjoy grabbing these on each toon {or at all in many cases as players are lazy}, granting a lvl 1 player with the full stats from them all would, in my opinion, be unfair. I always get them all on every toon I make...and I do not feel any new toon I make should be entitled to them automatically. To me, this would trivialize them.


    If you cannot be bothered to grab them per toon, then you do not deserve the stats for that specific toon.

  13. I hope those of you who can't get in will have the issue fixed shortly. If it makes you feel any better, Alderaan is still glowing gold :rolleyes:


    Well darn that sucks. I had not been back to Alderaan since the patch....sad to hear this. The only issue I ran into since this latest patch, was getting sent the Char screen 2 times when trying to enter a WZ....and one crash to desktop.


    On a humorous side note I was on Balmorra {Rep version} doing the same as Alderaan {merely opening the map and grabbing the datacrons for a underlvled toon} early this moring....and while opening the last part of the map {the region way out east where players go for the final stage of the Bal. bonus} and, lol, to this day one of the large land crawler/tank vehicles is still invisible...with only the portion you can place a device on still visible hovering in the air...sad. I have not seen the actual vehicle since beta...maybe just after launch. How pathetic really.

  14. Never done this myself, but have had it done to me in the past. In the one instance where it was being done to me the player failed and I still killed the mob {I also had a player put guard on a mob once, but that failed also}. In my personal opinion it is not griefing. While it can be annoying, if a player can heal his faction NPC or put guard on them etc maybe you should argue for this ability to be removed.


    By all means I encourage you to waste your time and try and report the player. But as long as they are not in anyway saying anything to you or being crude in their language there is nothing you can do. I have not seen this behavior since I was on Corellian Run...where there was virtually never more than 1 instance per planet etc. As another suggested you can always change instances. If they then follow you...perhaps you will have more of a case...because then they are stalking you in my opinion.


    All in all I do agree it is lame, but it is not "illegal".

  15. I will not comment on the ignore feature and why it is obviously not the same as groupfinder {I will let you figure that out}. While I have not been on sub 50s much for double xp {too busy on my 50s [and I have enough already]}, I have taken out some idle lower lvl "projects" into pvp {since this is all I do anymore sadly}. I cannot say I witnessed this behavior on The Shadowlands.


    Though it has been fun winning constantly against clueless players just standing there wondering what is going on hehe {not afk, just shocked and awed more like it}. Poor kids...someone probably dared them to try pvp for the first time with promises of great returns lol. Though the influx of new players is obvious on maps like Hypergate where they constantly try and take the opponents pylon and we lose with a score of like 600 to their 1000+ lol {or something equally rediculous}.

  16. Purples are supposed to be a reward for those of us with multiple toons that have built up these materials over time. They are certainly overpowered compared to mobs of the same level as you. They are fun to put in your armor if you can, but should in no way be made easier to acquire.


    Pretty much this. The best strategy is to plan ahead on the toons you would like to make and start saving. With the introduction of legacy gear {which is all over the place now} you can even pull mods out and save them for another toon and pass them down. This is especially helpful if, for example, you have plans for similar toons that use similar stats. So long gone are the days of having to literally recraft everything over and over...which, of course, saves on the materials.


    I wish I would have had legacy gear from the start...I would have saved a lot of crafting, time, and materials....granted pulling mods cost credits, but I am sure most would rather that than having to literally remake stuff constantly.


    As a concrete example, I am working on my nth toon...a dps trooper. She is utilizing enhancement created for the healer sorc made before her. Said trooper will also pass down her old augs, armorings, mods, and enh. to a BH PT DPS thanks to legacy gear. {man I wish I had this option for my ancient toons lol...did I say that already lol?}


    So yeah if you are working your very first toon it can be a trial in patience....but once made they can be {all or in part} shared now-a-days. But aye...plan ahead and do not "overwrite" anything anymore....you never know what you may want to make next. Sadly the Gree saber came too late for my infrastructure....but it can be used to save on hilt crafting...just like the legacy bowcasters and the new gree autocannons etc...you get the idea :-).

  17. Same as they go now, nothing changes, only thing that would is punishment for leaving.


    So therefore some, not all, some would think twice about rage quitting.


    Consequences is not a bad thing when showing people they can't abuse leaving games, it actually structures a mentality not all quitters get the say so when it come to games and the people they left get to know that person that just left don't get away with it.


    Rules and guidelines provides structure, and structure provides growth.


    Well I am glad you think matches would go identical to now with a penalty in place. Sure it depends on how severe the penalty is...and whether or not it is accountwide or not. While I do not support your desire as I feel it is short sighted, I do respect your opinions.


    I see it going differently and creating a whole new set of behaviors to ***** about.

  18. I am on the wind down also. I have played this game since as early as possible on live and a few months before that as a regular tester in beta. Some may argue, "you are just burned out",...but that is not the case. Like you OP, I still like the game, but watching it come to life and lose its soul has been hard to deal with. I knew when it went F2P my days would be numbered.


    I have stuck it out with a false hope the CM would be nothing more than fluff...but the slippery slope is approaching infinity {a vertical line}. I made the same mistake here I made in STO and SWG {left when the card game came out, but was there from its beta until then} before that....I invested way too much time developing my personal infrastructure....only to watch it become meaningless. I left STO before it went F2P mainly as they sold out to the Chinese. I may have stuck it out there a tad longer otherwise.


    In my opinion the game has become a carnival act {with psychedelic color crystals to match}...it just does not feel like Star Wars anymore. I realize the original vision of the game is gone for good and I need to acceot that fact....and the fact that most did not like it. Perhaps had the game lauched in a better economic environment less would have pissed and moaned about a measly $15 a month.


    Anyhow, while our views differ OP, I do feel you...and wish you well. I am likely just going to chill until something else comes along. But am fully aware that they will likely all be F2P cash grabs that prey on that type of impulsive psychology that cannot help itself. Some would argue, "this had to happen the save the game"...I would rather it would have just shut down instead of what it has become.

  19. Personally I miss how it was in the beginning. The lines were pretty clear {save maybe making toons in both factions on one server [like a poster above, I never liked that]}. Now the lines are so blurred it is rediculous....and with the CM we can now dress our Jedi as Sith or Imp. Officers etc {RP notions aside}....and vice versa.


    I have mixed feeling on what the OP desires though. If anything I would prefer a more defined "border". Like some above, I also hate the Imp v Imp/Rep v Rep crap. Never liked it. Since all I do anymore is PvP, I wish I did not feel like I was just logging onto another toon with different "decals".


    As another poster so eloquently stated lol "that ship has sailed". Now when we play we must accept this game has no "soul"....and is a generic carnaval of fluff and meaningless factions.


    Before legacy mail...I never intended to make any imp alrs on the same server {started with Rep toons [Corellian Run]}...but when we could mail to imp alts...of course I made some. I could have still stuck to one faction per server on my own, but why bother when I could just mail Imps whatever they needed and not have to build 2 seperate infrastructures?


    I would not go so far as to say the Factions are obsolete, but i do feel you OP....it certainly feel meaningless these days.

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