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Posts posted by Urantia

  1. Well with 4.0 its wise to remember the wise words of Yoda "You must unlearn what you have learned" because:-


    1) Simple things like quest givers have occasionally moved (The revanite quest being the prime example)

    2) Bonus parts of some missions have been removed

    3) Bonus series have mostly been changed to level 65? (I think its that level) with the rare exception of Imperial Balmorra and probably Republic Taris (I am guessing that won't change due to Gov. Saresh "promotion")


    They might seem simple things but I keep seeing these changes cause confusion with some people as some of these questions are constantly in chat.


    Exactly what I need to do. I mean I did not even see the stupid button in the upper right corner lol. But thank you. You hit it on the head...we all miss the stupidest things on occasion...guess this was mine for the year lol


    Thanks again. Probably would have avoided looking stupid if I did not wait until yesterday to actually take this toon "backwards". I even laugh at myself as I opened the map several times in the past day or so and never even saw the clicky lol...as you eloquently alluded to... "Paradigm blindness" I suppose hehe.

  2. You can toggle to see every quest .

    IMO these changes are great, basically Bioware is just telling to new players: "Look, these quests are just fillers and suck, don't do them! Look these quests are not tied in with the story, but still has content and can be fun! And look here! These are story quests that are important to do, check them out!"

    I like this part of the new leveling experience.


    Much appreciated.

  3. Firstly as far as I am aware there have been no missions removed from the game, some have been "re-classified" in such a way that they are hidden unless they are turned on. Open your map and in the top right corner there is an option to show exploration missions tick that and you should be able to pick up all the missions you used to day.


    Secondly just to note some quest givers may have changed location, for instance the Revanite quest giver on Dromund Kaas has been moved to the wall area, probably because Bioware felt you might have missed the quest by using the taxi to go straight to the wall speeder rather than via Kaas city.



  4. You can toggle to see every quest .

    IMO these changes are great, basically Bioware is just telling to new players: "Look, these quests are just fillers and suck, don't do them! Look these quests are not tied in with the story, but still has content and can be fun! And look here! These are story quests that are important to do, check them out!"

    I like this part of the new leveling experience.


    Yeah...statistics and player behavior would agree with you. No major issues here...just was ignorant about the changes and never asked until now hehe. But yeah take no issues with the changes per se. The last thing I really need to be doing is this stuff for the Nth time, but call it OCD if you like....just feels odd to me to "skip" stuff. Was just lazy and half blind this time so came here and asked before taking a systematic approach lol.

  5. You have to turn on exploration missions manually to gain access to about 40-50% of every planets quests, Gov. Saresh and the Taris bonus series are included in that. To do so, open your world map, you'll see a toggle in the upper right corner.


    Awesome thank you...will goof with that. Feels like I just started playing again lol. I know it is silly, but I just like doing it all the planetary stuff.

  6. You all recall the mention of how with 4.0 we would not lose anything {or something to that effect}. Since 4.0 dropped the only PvE I have done was to run my the 8 classes through KoTFE so my apologies if this has been talked about to the Nth degree by now. Aside from there being no class achievement for hitting 65 like there was for each cap before, overall it was a C+ experience for me.


    As to leveling...any toons I have made in the past couple years lvled from 10-cap in PvP. An experience that has gotten much faster than it used to be {even the 1-10 grind can be done in an hour now lol [used to be about 4]}...but since so few can be bothered to show prepared for PvP {same as always} it can still be a long nightmare lol. Some might think I like causing pain to myself, but I am just patient lol.


    Anyhow pre 4.0 when I would do this with a toon I would then go back to my very first class instance on the starter planet and do everything...every mission on every planet {usually while Qed etc}. No doubt the content was super trivial but I still enjoyed doing it.


    Well I have gotten my latest batch of toons to 65 in the same fashion. So in the off hours like now I figured why not start one down their PvE road. To my disappointment I am not allowed to do a lot of missions on the planets now. It is like the game decided for me that "nah you just want class and some misc planets stuff {not even all}. The NPCs are just never lit up.


    For example, when I got to Taris there was no option to get the mission to talk to Gov. Suresh {so no arch there and by proxy no bonus series later}. Hey I noticed they moved the seeds to the front of the tractor now lol {they let me do that mission lol}...because we know how hard they were to find before lol :rolleyes:.


    So my question for those more in the know on the changes....are these missions just literally removed or is it due to my natural lvl? I do not mind if going back like the old days no longer allows you to do anything on the planets practically, but I always liked doing them all. I did witness low lvl players talking to certain NPCs that were never lit for me...so guess it was my natural level and how the game handles it now.


    To be fair I have seen them all N times already so not going to cry too much if I am limited in what I can do now, but I admit I never expected this...hell even with lvl scale on it is not like I am "God" anymore on those planets so what gives? I do realize they "streamlined" some content, but I know the game is not letting me do some stuff and it feels odd. I guess those toons will have to settle for half-*** completion. But I may reconsider bothering with the others in this batch.


    So is that the deal? If you lvl to 10-65 without ever leaving fleet {lol} you essentially "sabotage" yourself from having full access to every possible mission on the planets?

  7. The barrels still exist. I cannot speak on your guns, but I removed my barrels ages ago and would use them until they became obsolete with Columi or Rakata barrels of that era. but the lvl 50 Master Craft 22s were better than a Tionese barrel, but just below a Columi {if I recall correctly}.


    For a player like myself of that era it was pretty cool...and pretty mush the best I had as a non-raider. But aye OP there were blaster rifles and sniper rifles certified for use at lvl 33 and lvl 50 {something like that} with only the barrel as legendary and the other mods were blues of the same lvl if I recall. I even liked the low lvl barrel as it would hold me until lvl 37 as the quality of the barrel was just below that of an artifact quality lvl 37 of the era.


    Basically they were nice for players that bothered to craft per benchmark {smart PvPer did this to remain competitive with the higher lvls in WZs} for their toons as the lower barrel would save a couple crafting sessions {like not needing to craft a lvl 33 or lvl 35 artifact quality}.


    As to them being taken away that is odd...I can say that they were adjusted slightly to better fit the new system we have. For example, the Master Craft 22s were lowered to lvl 48 certification {realigned}....nothing special per se, just noticed this upon inspection. If it helps none of mine were equiped on companions and as said above were removed and set aside ages ago.

  8. Currently position 4. Friend is like 115. Server population says standard? Incoming server crash?


    Wondering the same. Was doing some PvP on lower toons and went to switch toons then got the endless progress bar {not seen that in ages}. After waiting a couple mins I decided just to end the program and relog in...only to get placed in a Q to enter a far from full server.


    I just hope it is nothing but a glitch or whatever. Trying to log into a char and seeing they cannot log in worries me. I realize we just had a patch, but when I first got on earlier this evening I did not notice anything off on the chars I logged into up to that last one.


    On top of it the Q is crawling along.

  9. I have not tested them all, but due to activity in PvP with lower lvl toons I learned real fast that the artifact quality lvl 34, 40, and 48 all erase on defeat, but their prototype version of the same lvl stays. Of course the blues have less stats and last less time :-(


    In my experience of late....seems to be just the versatile ones that are bugged. Testing artifact quality fortitude versions of the same lvl persist. Though when mousing over a lvl 40 artifact quality fortitude buff it says "prototype" not "advanced". So not sure if the "advanced" part is replaced with "prototype" after death etc...would need to test.


    Current top lvl stims seem fine, but admit I have not crafted any since 4.0 as I still had some left over...and of course all stims were converted to "Advanced Anodyne Versatile Stims" {even previous fortitude ones lol}. Only change to these came after 4.0...when using one just after 4.0 the buff would say "Advanced Reflex". Once patched your buff was erased {if you had one going}....they now say what they are when moused over. This may be part of the issue with the lower ones as even using a lvl 40 purple versatile stim....the buff still says "reflex".


    So basically it seems just healers and DPS get screwed in those lvls atm. Not tried crafting below lvl 34 or above lvl 48 artifact quality versatile stims...I half expec the 52 to not work either. But at least the current top tier ones seem to be working.

  10. Honestly I do not care what they do to the naming system as long as I retain the privacy per character I have now. I played STO as well {was @Urantia over there, but left when they announced selling out to China and F2P} and I hated that system as you had no privacy.


    I preferred this game even more when both first and last names were unique, but whatever...I never display anything but my first names anyhow. Players should be grateful they allowed those stupid special characters. So if you want to look like a bozo have at it {unless your name is truly non-English of course}.


    My generation likes its privacy. We do not believe that others need to witness all our actions for them to actually matter/exist.

  11. You are not alone OP. While some features concern me, I am excited to see the changes...even if only for academic reasons lol. Chief among my concerns are how buggy it will be {potentially making early access pointless}. Not super keen on the level synch, but I never beat on WBs or farmed greys anyhow. But I am curious how this will work in practice.


    As a player that mainly logs on the do PvP {with the other "10 people" on my server lol}, I am curious how this will be affected also. So excited to see it and hope it is not the final straw so to speak.

  12. lowbie pvp is ruled by the mid 20's. anyone below lvl 21 has about 2-4 slots empty, until they fix that, 21-29's will just run around and gank anything that moves =/


    While this may apply to a lot of low lvl players, it is not 100% accurate. As of 3.0 any player starting at lvl 20 can get full 2018. It just requires time and effort that most do not care to do {complaining is easier I suppose}. There are lvl 20 ears and implants available from the PvP vendor on the capital planets {but yes, lvl 21 for the current lowest crafted implants}. As to relics a player can get their first by making the first matrix cube {lvl 15 cert}. It is the strength one, but better than nothing {fills a slot} at lvl 15 right? Just get the shards from Tython, Ord Mantell, and Coruscant or their "mirrors" for imperial characters.


    By lvl 19 a player can equip the alignment dark/light II ones {or just 1 if they keep wearing the lvl 15 one} if they put the time in to get their alignment up via diplomacy and/or repeated runs through BT/Esseles {unfairly Esseles gives 250 a run where BT gives 200}.


    So yes any lvl 20 onward can have full 2018, but it does take effort. I will not argue this is expected of everyone, but it is possible if you want to be as powerful as early as possible. Players that know this and put forth the effort are never the ones complaining about the lvl disparities lol.


    Of course with 4.0 on the way whom knows what the deal will be?

  13. Well the STAP mount was an exclusive mount for a bit until they made copies on the GTN of it. So maybe Nico stays exclusive, but his brother Rico will go on sale soon...


    I laughed in real life to this lol.


    While I do believe these games need special items to mark when a player was there and participating, I would not worry too much. If Bee Dubya is good at anything it is trivializing everything. So expect the item on sale before long regardless of what is told. BW lies all the time and will continue to do so. I am honestly surprised I have not lost my party Jawa, Hutt holo, etc. by now. Sure I do not "lose" it, but as soon as it is sold to all mine has no meaning anymore.


    There are too few things in the game now that show, without people having to take my word for it, that show I was there when and paying/participating. People always use the same old arguments for why "special" items should be given to all. On top if that they call people "entitled" and "selfish" when in reality it is they whom are being selfish and entitled.


    We all agree it is just a game, but I for one am sick and tired of people wanting to trivialize me and anyone else that did as asked {or auto qualified by proxy as I did as a continuous subscriber for the past 4 years or however long it has been since EA for the game}. Imagine if they sold the "Founder" title lol. An extreme, but the same effect to a degree.


    These sort of people will uses every "reason" and hard luck story they can think of with a single goal. Least of which is having the same item. More like trying to erase your history.

  14. Yeah. Been a sorc since launch. The only class I could stomach playing for long periods of time. I'll probably just spend the free 60 on a bounty hunter, just to get the buff I'm missing.


    What makes you think the free 60 {or those some might buy} will automatically unlock that class story {other than a default LS/DS per faction}? If it does a brand new player could just buy 4 different characters to unlock it {or all 8 for the legend thingy}. I mean nothing has any meaning or value anymore....and your line of thinking fits right in with the trivializing of anything pre-4.0. But I was under the impression that a player would still have to lvl all 8 from lvl 1 first {or at least the 4 for the buff}. I do not blame you for wanting to use it if it works like that though lol.


    As to the topic, I am not sure what to do with the freebie since I have long since lvled all 8 several times over. Maybe make 1 to cover a discipline/tree I never messed with or a new toon for a few more storage tabs lol.

  15. Par for the course. While I never really played this game for achievements, accolades, or the endearing love of others...taking away things we spent time on is total BS. I am not surprised though. For me it all started with 2.0 essentially not remembering anything I did from launch to then. Then came the Nightlife event that went poof for a lot {if not all} of folks. We had to wait a year to have them returned to us with a timestamp that made no sense. At least as a follow-up when they had to additionally regrant the Rancor part at a even later date, the date was the same as the other incorrect dates lol.


    Then came Rishi and "The Wolf of Rishi" achievement lol. Remember that one? Log off and poof {title stayed, but the achievements that unlocked it would erase on log out}. So much for getting that done during early access...no I had to do it again a week or so later {again a timestamp that never reflected when I truly did it}.


    Then came the first showing of the "Revenge of the Revanites" conquest event. Yup you guessed it, complete it and log off....POOF! For this one though I submitted a ticket and yet again it was regranted to me with a timestamp that did not only incorrectly reflected when I actually completed it but was set on a date when another event was running lol. These examples are why you never use timestamps for achievements because as soon as even one error is made, you cannot trust anything you see.


    The general point I want to make here is that with the nonsense I encountered since the achievements were added they became meaningless to me a long time ago. This latest development ensures I will never seek any again unless they offer a real function like datacrons etc.


    As others have, in my opinion, accurately pointed out they are remaking the game for those with 3 hours a month to play. They no longer desire any form of institutional memory and would probably be happy if ancient players like myself would just get lost. Yeah it is just a game, but that is not the issue.


    I have said this in the past over the Nightlife thing and believe it now more than ever. We can no longer trust the integrity of this game nor trust anything we are told. I truly feel they just say stuff, but are so inept at their jobs that you good folk are the real source of info. I know I rarely believe a thing they say....were in not for the "intersubjectivity" of this forum I would only learn the truth by logging in alone. Were it not for some of you here I would not have even noticed certain thing that were erased from me lol. Was on the forum when I learned about the Nightlife erasure....had to log in to see it for myself lol.


    Anyhow I hope the 5 20-somethings with 3-5 hours available a month of playtime in their focus group are happy.

  16. Great points...but you assume logic and Bioware go together...they've made far too many major gaffs for me to ever believe they're "logical" about anything.


    Very true. On one hand they make some decent stories that provoke certain emotions like a real life situation. Then on the other hand completely forget human nature and how players will really play their game. In general they have such a huge lack of foresight it is beyond belief. People can argue they have limited time to do stuff, but that is no excuse in my book. Way too may issues, glitches, and unintended side effects to count. What they need on staff there is a criminologist, a human behavior specialist, and a psychologist {maybe a psychiatrist to prescribe them the right meds lol}to round it out lol.

  17. It's already been stated by the devs that if you buy a lvl 60, it'll be locked out from pre KotFE class missions.


    I can't see them making a change as moronic as "forced planetary scaling". If I'm just going back to the dark temple grounds to just use the matrix shards I found, I don't want to have to fight my way thru a bunch of lvl 15 peons with my lvl 40 juggernaut. I don't have that kinda time to waste. Now if I'm grouping to help a lower lvl player...sure...scale me back down. If I w wanna group for a lower lvl fp....sure....scale me back. But if I'm just doing my own thing, like using my lvl 60 to gather Mats on Taris. Leave me and my lvl alone.


    Cool thank you...as lame as it may seem, players like you and this site are all I have to go on hehe. I admit I may not dig as deep as I should...but was unsure how the instant 60 thing was going to work. Part of me hoped they would be locked...but was not sure. Were they not, then I could see the scaling being a way to keep it in hand a little bit.


    On the rest we concur.

  18. People are concerned about scaling, not because of Flashpoints, but because of "Heroic 4" areas.


    Alderaan bonus area Datacron? Forget about it. And about Hoth one, if you are Imp.

    Hey, even without Datacrons you will be blocked from half of present "solo" game content and blocked hard.

    It is not challenge of said group content making them hard to do at level, it is impossible challenge of forming said groups. Patch 4.0 won't miraculously fill your group, it will just force you to group. And that's why forced scaling in there is bad thing.


    There is huge problem finding people for any planetary group quests and you really want to make all heroics into "Aurora cannons"?


    Well said.


    Just over a year ago now I started a "project" in the game...I lvled 5 characters through pure PvP {well 10-cap} with only a couple month break to work on some of my toons on my alt server Jung Ma. Anyhow they all hit 60 right as we get the new 200K comm. cap patch. They then returned to their respective starting planets to begin their class stories {from the very first dialog} and do all plantary/side missions/heroics in a chronological order as possible..


    Thankfully they are all about finished...they are all at about through Rishi/Yavin and a couple through Ziost {should have no issue getting finished before 4.0}. The point of this? Well thank God I got them finished before this possible scale garbage. I did this {"the 5" are not unique to myself [done similar over the years] or others that have done similar over time}. Anyone will tell you lvling in PvP is a super long process...I did it old school without XP nonsense etc...and doing it with 5 was like....it sucked lol. But I reached my goal.


    I mention all this for no reason but to possibly understand why they may add scaling. Seeing a lvl 60 on Tython doing their first class quest is rare {not just seeing a 60 there by itself lol}...very rare. But with the possible addition of them selling lvl 60s....imagine a starter planet filled with them without scaling? It would be truly ridiculous and very unfair to lvl 1s. Most would find it hard to dispute how disruptive this could be.


    Now like most here, I have zero knowledge how the so called instant lvl 60s/legacy crons/etc would work....or if those toons would be auto locked into KoTFE or whatever. If not, then scaling would be a must :-(. Also consider if they implement legacy datacrons {assuming they even have stats anymore}. Scaling may be needed to keep these guys in-line also? All questions I also have.


    My general point is we may not have a choice due to design changes they make. Where seeing a lvl capped toon just beginning PvE is ultra rare {especially with all the ~12x whores we have now etc}...it could become common place {well 60 or so with 4.0}. Sure it would trivialize something only a few ever did...but would "break" most planets for regular players. Enter the scale lol.


    I personally hate the scale idea, but due to their desire to cater to those that only have 3-hours of play time a month {lol}, they may have no choice. I personally hope 4.0 blows me away...as it may be time to move along. I was never their target audience anyhow...but I stuck it out while I watched 100s and 100s of players come and go with an increasing frequency {a mere few I actually cared about}...and watched the game become less and less "meaningful".

  19. While I am one of those that would prefer it remained as it is now {save the change to "mastery" or whatever}, I take no issue with it being implemented. I am more than used to, after 5 years, of "working" hard on something only to have it handed out/trivialized a patch or so later.


    My main concern is their track record with these sort of changes. How broken will it be? Will players that have manually gotten them all {both factions} suddenly be told they have to do them again? What if they are a player, like myself, with 22 lvl 60s on The Shadowlands that has already manually grabbed them all? Will I be screwed over for my efforts?


    I hear a lot of chatter about "Datacron Master"...though for me this was during early access of 2.0. My title did not include Rishi...and naturally never included the fleet crons. So surely this title cannot represent them all. Did they move the goal post with 3.0? In other words, did new legacies post 3.0 have to wait until Rishi to get "Datacron Master"? A small detail, but may have some merit. I never gave it too much thought, but if no change was made to when a player earns "Datacron Master"....are we to assume both the fleet crons and the 4 on Rishi would not be retroactive based on that achievement alone? Only a new legacy post 3.0 {or a player that never got them until after Rishi was added} might be able to say.


    I do know one thing...I took enough damage to my legacy with 2.0 as "things were not recorded/remembered"...I will certainly not go through that again. One thing this game loves to do is to punish players that put the time in. Sure I accept there is a lot we do not know and I am not trying to jump to conclusions, but I have been burned many times before. Be it achievements erasing on log out {Grophets on Rishi or the first showing of the Revenge of the Revanites conquest are a couple that come to mind}...or a bug that wipes out 100% completion of an event like the Nightlife event {only to have to wait a year to have them regranted with dates/times that make no sense}.


    So my main concern is not with them adding this for new players. I am just concerned many people, myself included, will get burned for being so stupid as to have already done it for all their toons.

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