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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Urantia

  1. My vote would be no on this. If you cannot be bothered to grab them on each character then you do not deserve them. I completely understand that some of them are more difficult than others to get....particularly a couple located Imps side only {imo}. We mapped out and completely solved the Datacron locations well before the game went live {and there have only been minor changes since then}...players merely have to get them...not think about how anymore {if they do not want to}.


    While these items are indeed codex entries, they are interactable artifacts created by the Rakata with the purpose of increasing attributes. This means you physically have to interact with the object to be altered. While it is just a game....it would make little to no sense to me to grant them Legacy wide for characters that did not interact with this ancient tech.


    Moreover, what about the +10 datacrons that you need at least 4 other players to aquire {assuming you are not ushered through with a few well places Sages/Inqs}? How would bypassing that requirement make any sense at all? About as much sense as every toon I make getting credit for 1 toon running an op and being granted identical rewards etc. Wait...why even put a specific lvl/progress req. on the +10s....might as well be able to grab them at lvl 10 as soon as you land on fleet right?


    This game has gotten so "convenient" since early beta that in my personal opinion I do not even recognize its original vision any longer. Nor did its creators so they left.

  2. Its not an exploit, its a bug. Its happened to me before. If you get hit by a KB close to the door sometimes the game has a brain fart and u are inserted into the door frame.


    Aye...seen it a few times myself over time. Usually AoEs still land on the player though.....but yeah targetting them can fail and usually does. The only thing I could do when I saw it happen was to AoE the area....never had that fail to disrupt them....but not surprized to hear that it failed either :-( .

  3. UNLESS...you are on an APAC server. It might be feasible on Dalborra...might. But if you are playing on Gav Daragon or (especially) Master Dar'Nala, you're basically hosed, as you can be queued up in the 'finder and be endlessly advertising in chat, and get precisely zero, and nothing happens for literally hours. Meaning that the Weapons Component and the Loyalty Chip (False Emperor and HM Foundry) will never be in your future. I hope you, OP, are not a denizen of an APAC server.


    That said, 125K is a drop in the ocean. And some parts of the quest are actually well-designed (making the character enter the Outlaw's Den to buy the one part from the Jawa - while I loathe open world PvP as a rule, for some reason this struck me as being a really good idea).


    I, too, hated the endless, brain-numbing scanning. As a child, I despised Easter Egg hunts, even knowing those plastic eggs held candy, toys, and silver dollars, and I still despise anything resembling one. And that's pretty much what this is. But...I also realize that if you don't sit there engaging in repetitive mental self-stimulation to get those parts, you get no HK droid. That's just the way it is, nothing to be done for it.


    And to counter an earlier misconception, as long as you have your scanner, you can search for parts, even if you have the part already - provided you don't try to pick it up. I'd already gotten all my parts, and still had my scanner, and was still able to help a friend search the Jedi Temple. So I picked up an extra droid head, and didn't open it when I found the part site. Just because I could. I couldn't open it, as it would have meant a duplicate part (thus you can't pick up the components not contained in something else), but an extra 'part container' is entirely possible. Worthless, but possible.


    Unless you have characters on multiple servers that you want to have HK droids for, take heart. Once you've done it, it's over. Every other character you have can get an HK without going through the grind again. And that is something to look forward to.


    And for those players that like to grab codex entries...you can click the bottle in that quasi-tent thing and kill the pvp vendor for an entry. Lol just a side note, but perhaps another reason to go there. I had played the game forever and did not know that was there until grabbing the part....saw the bottle and clicked it...was a nice surprize.

  4. I concur with the majority here. While it is true that if there are more people about {and actually communicating} it can {note the word "can"} be faster. Like many I did run it on one of my 50s on day one and ther were a lot of players about...I was also grouped with a long time conjugate of mine {they have since left the game :-( leaving me alone}.


    Sadly I was one of the unlucky players on day one that got a naked HK {we did not get the second set like we do now....lol and when we they mail the kit not long after, it was missing offhand "Dicer"}....so halted doing it on my embarrassingly long list of other lvl 50s due to this. Naked HK was a valid complaint....not scanning imo.


    Once they finally resolved the issue a month later I began doing it on the rest and any toons that reached 50 after that and they all did the scanning at early hours in the Eastern time zone....so I was all by myself. And you know what? I found the parts just as fast...if not faster by myself. Humorously I even got lucky a couple times and got it on the first scan {set up within 2m of it on the first try}.


    Was I lucky {not including the literal one scan finds}? No...no I was not. Why? Because even on the first Day I saw a pattern. I will not deeply elaborate on the pattern here, but I will say that more time than not I found the parts in almost the same spots {or near by} each time.


    When going back on a different toon I would start by scanning areas I had found it on previous toons {I am willing to bet others noticed this also}....suffice to say it never took me more than 10-15 mins on the planet.....lol more often it took longer on Hoth to travel to the site than it did to find the part {long taxi ride if you saved your QT to leave after}.


    Do not get me wrong...if that is your first time trying I can see it taking a bit longer as you may have no insight and/or the ability to abstract based on your surroundings....totally understandable if not used to thinking for yourself or used to follwing the formulae of others.


    My hint to you would be to start by scanning near resource nodes {withing the correct area/site}....on Hoth there are a lot of NPC at that site animated such that they are literally digging at the ground. While not always meaningful....it did give me the idea to scan near mobs....do this and you will find it...I promise.


    Scan near them and nodes and you will find it {stay close to the wreckage...even scan in the 2 allys that seperate the ship fragments}. Heck if you are super lazy I am wuilling to bet there is a website out there listing coords people found it {it can appear in identical spots more than once}....people have wasted text on many things over the last several thousand years {the internet is not unique to this}


    3 hours though...really now? You sure you did not stray from the valid search zone....or inch along in effect overlaping the null zones? {null spaces being the regions between 25m radii}'


    There is bad luck...then there is just self sabotage. I am willing to be you let your emotions get the better of you and lost focus. This mission is literally one of the only missions in the game that does not hold your hand with a specific waypoint to drive to....please do not ruin it. This game has already been dumbed down so much since beta it is rediculous. Same goes for the other worlds...scan near mobs and nodes....be systematic in your approach {requires a fuctional memory and an attention span longer than 30 seconds [unless super lucky lol]}.


    Best of luck.

  5. As an anonymous/unguilded player that that Qs solo all the time it is my opinion that Physics is the best....with ID very close if not equal to that. The rest are hit or miss. To be fair I have seen every guild get their asses handed to them....and on a few rare occasions horribly and embarrassingly lol. Everyone fails at times, but statistically when I am randomly placed with 4 members of either Physics or ID I win. These 2 guild also, more often than most, realize there are 4 other players not of there guild with them {in regs} and make an effort to lay out basic tactics.


    Most other guilds {in the statistics I have collected over time} suffer from myopic tendencies. They fail to communicate with others....and as a result all suffer and we lose. Naturally they then speak...only to blame the non-members of their guild. Sure sometimes the 4 of the same guild can carry the rest, but that is an exception in my experience. {especially when the opponent is not a pushover}.


    While I cannot speak for all member {all guilds have their egomanics and cool headed pros} as I have no emotional attachment {as I am not capable of it to begin with} to any other player in the game....they are always the most profession in behavior also. I never recall one negative comment from Phyics or ID toward myself. Another great thing about these 2 guilds imo....is they are very situationally aware.....it is awesome as I look for this when I Q up. I, myself, dislike having to speak/type, but prefer to adapt and fill a role seemlessly.


    These 2 guilds allow me to do that...and they do not even know me {aside from perhaps seeing me over time and knowing my class(es)}.


    To be fair to all the guilds I have run with {with includes them all}...they all have their moments in the Sun....and every guild on that list have beaten every other guild at least once that I have witnessed {as I pvp solo in the 50s on both sides}. Suffice to say when I Q up as a Rep I fear ID and P, but on the imp side none of the Rep guild scare me.

  6. In my opinion it is "pay to win". At the very least the Cartel Market is an easy path to translate real world money to in-game credits. So if you have a lot of spare money, or are the sort that loves to go in debt by running up your credit card....you can make millions of credits in short order. Certainly you can make credits via the Cartel Market a lot faster than a player could before the Market was implemented {with zero grind}.


    Suffice to say.....if you have played since launch, but did not purely focus on grinding credits {or playing the GTN} since then, a player could join tomorrow, buy a few packs....or get a lucky item and make more that you earned over a year lol.


    The one thing the devs did right though, in my opinion, was labeled items from the market with the CM logo so you can see easily whom is paying for gear and whom is using what they craft and/or loot. Some of the new CM gear looks nice, but I still prefer some of the sets I have looted since lauch {I still hate the look of BH, Camp, Columi, etc like most players}.


    We all know if the game was populated with people that can play more than 1 hour a day the subscription model would/may have had more success, but alas it was not so we get what we get. Personally I am still subbed and have never used the market for anything {as nothing has caught my eye yet}....and I have accepted the fact that a person can make more credits in "one day" {well as soon as they are allowed to sell it on the GTN} than I have earned in a whole year of play {regular non-credit farming play}. Hehe...sound like the real world.

  7. BW I am very disappointed with you. You do a patch today....that involves nothing but bringing back an old bug for companions that is super annoying {for those that use them}. Perhaps I am being unrealistic, but I was expecting a fix for the HK companion bug by now. You know the bug where a lot of players did the mission and got a droid they could not use becasue it was naked.


    I was sincerely hoping that today I would actually be allowed to begin enjoying the main content of 1.5 and goof with my HK droid some. Nope...it is still naked. I refuse to buy/make gear for it as it was supposed to come with some. While it would be upgraded in time perhaps....out of principle I deserve to get mine geared as was intended for all. Not to mention I could not craft his named weapons etc.


    When I say begin enjoying 1.5....due to this bug I have not bothered trying to get the HK on any other toons for fear they would get screwed also....that and call me nuts, I but expected a patch to fix it by now.


    I have played your game religiously since early closed Beta, been a loyal paying customer since as early as possible....and this is how I and many other loyal customers are treated. I do love this game, but am slowly beginning to love to hate it. I know, just another thread for nothing :-(.

  8. I just logged on post this latest patch....and headed to BH to take a look. Last week I was able to do it on one toon, then when I went with others it would say not eligible. Today, however, when I went to take a look I did not even see the weekly offered. It was removed from the list entirely.


    First they make it trivial to avoid the long load into Corellia {by say going to Ilum and using that shuttle to BH} to get to BH....then they remove the weekly. I hope there is a process I can go through to get a refund for the legacy perk I wasted 150K on....as there is literally no reason for me to go the BH again. I mean sure....if all I had were one toon I might have time to run dailies on all planets, but with multiple 50s I do not have time to run dailies on them all....if at all most days.

  9. While on the topic...I am still wondering where the combat vocal {"Yeah baby!" "AHHHH!" and other interesting screams lol} for my darkside/female/sharpshooter went. Not long after 1.3 my toon just went silent with one recent exception. Oddly enough during that last event, and upon using the turret for one of the event missions....my slinger was screaming her head off while on the turret.


    So I know the vocals were not removed....just never play while I am in combat anymore {rare turret usage does not count damn it}. As others have said...these vocals are what endeared me to that toon {much like the combat vocals for my darkside trooper/vanguard/tank...only my Vanguard never lost hers :-( }.


    I realize this thread deals more with current special sounds etc....and I totally agree, they suck....but I honestly never saw a thread on my issue or heard it talked about. I was just hoping it would be resolved, but never has been :-(.


    If there is a specific thread about missing combat vocals {specifically for my class/alignment and build as a smuggler}...please direct me to it. But my toon losing their combat vocial for months is just as annoying as these new unasked for sounds {not that this team ever truly asked the majority what they want though}.

  10. I also hope this is fixed soon....or at the very least the DEVS f-ing say what they did and why? Like many, I save BH for the end of the week for my eligible toons....per usual I started with my Bounty Hunter and they were able to do the weekly just fine. But as soon as i went on the next toon...it said i was not eligible. It is almost as if they changed it to account wide {perhaps backround tweaks for more account wide applications?}.


    So if you got it done before whatever hot-fix/patch they did most recently {that there was supposedly no patch for lol} you are fine...if you waitied you can take one toon and that is it. You can still do all the regulars daily etc....but one one weekly per account lol?


    I am specualting, but the pattern seems to mechanically and logically fit. But aye...sure would be nice if they would say something {if they have, and I missed it...my apologies}. As another pointed out....if they changed it I want my f-ing credits back for the priority transport....as I also agree there is no reason to go there but once a week {even though now it is a joke to get there [just fly to Ilum and use the shuttle lol...and bypass thet absurd Corellia load screen]}.


    Anyways to those calling it toon by toon or random....it is neither. It is quite clear, albeit possibly unintentional on their part, that they "accidently" made it 1 weekly per account? Just my theory on it. Aside from a completely random bug they will not acknowledge....it is alos possible the initial 1.4 broke that terminal exposing an exploit so they were forced to implement it as it is now until they can fix it.....screwing a lot of us out of a weekly in the process lol.

  11. Why isnt there a belt to this set? Bioware made a comment something like We want you to look the way you want, however,,,,a huge big chunky brown utility belt mixed in with the slave girl outfit is ugly. Why did they bioware go part way on this and think,,,,oh thats good enough. :confused::confused:


    Because there was never any intention for the Slave Girl outfit to have a belt or bracers.

  12. Well damn....looks like it is time to start looking for another game to play. That or it is simply time to stop playing these games in general. Pay to win here we come. Have you put in a lot of time an effort up to now? Worked hard to be the best you could be? That will be trivialized over night.


    I will, like some, wait to be sure....but we can be sure no matter how it starts out, it will degrade into to same BS F2P they always do. P2W, class warefare, etc. I would by lying if I said I had any desire to even bother playing now....as no matter what I do going forward it will be a waste of time.


    I really liked this game....and would by lying if I never suspected a future F2P, but i sincerely hoped it would not happen. What a total let down :-(.

  13. You will get like 9 conversations in a row when you go your ship after completing the act. They linked the companion conversations to both your affection and the story acts at the same time so if you did like me and maxed out Mako half way through act 1 you have to wait to finish the act. It happens to a small extent on all characters but only if your affection is above what they planned you to be at during a given act. This used to also cause the bug where they kept telling you they wanted to talk and as soon as you got near your ship or a cantina the icon went away and no conversation.

    Also a little spoiler about one of her missions


    When you get her second mission check the quest level recommendation, it is accurate and should be believed.


    Thanks a lot for the reply. I figured it would be something like this.

  14. Hi all....first off I sincerely apologize if this has been asked and/or addressed, but I failed to find anothing current on the topic. I have finally come full circle and am now playing a BH {was the very first toon I made back in early beta}....and I have a question about Mako. Simply is she bugged? She started out normal enough affectionwise, but after getting her mission on Nar she has never spokent to me again.


    I am currently lvl 34 on Alderaan....and her affection is at 10K lol. Due in part to gifts mostly...since my BH is evil all I get is negatives from dialogs lol. Anyhow should she not have at least once since Nar wanted to chat? I kept telling myself that perhaps I was not far enough in my arch etc...but it just seems off/odd. I will further admit that this is literally the first companion that I overdosed with gifts since it was made so rediculously easy.....that and I have several 50s already so have a bank full of gifts. Before 1.2 I honestly never gave a rats *** about affection....but do now that it grants presence.


    Anyhow it this normal, or do I need to for the first time ever submit a ticket on live? Is she bugged or should I just be patient and progress some more? Thanks.

  15. Between you and I...I would not bother. Unless you have 4 super serious friends you can rely on, you are likely wasting your time. I mean no disrespect, but speak from extensive experience on the subject. In my continuous time in-game since early beta....the more people you try and team lock with the more likely you will be disappointed.


    In theory this is an awesome idea, but only need one player to blink out to ruin it. I met a great friend in beta....and he and I have team locked many toons. We have leveled several toons as a duo. We have tried on numerous occasion to include a 3rd person, but it never worked out. They would always either take several days off....or literally never return without a word.


    Now he and I were decent and would give that player the respect of a waiting period for them to return. After which time we would just move on. Sure, as you eluded to, you can make it less strict and those that log on just move on....but going back to get the others caught up becomes a chore. Not to mention if they are gone too long you actually hurt their gains as opposed to helping it.


    Again though, it is a great idea...if and only if all 4 players are serious and share you love for the idea....not to mention your schedule etc. I would suggest a 2 player co-op...as there is literally no regular content 2 player are limited by except some FPs and HMs {and even these do not all need 4 players sadly}. Naturally the more people you add the more likely of the co-op falling apart. Good luck though.

  16. my posts started because of the fact the first person to answer you did so with complete undisguised sarcasm, and you seemed to miss it entirely. this continued with each of my posts.


    i'll try to make it clear here.


    there is no way at all to send a tell between servers. if you want to message someone on a specific server, the only way to do it is to have a character on that server!


    Okay. Yeah I missed the sarcasm for sure...the joys of text at times. Cool...I did not think there was, but just wanted to make sure. I personally feel it would be a nice feature. I also offer my apologies for any misunderstanding. the funny thing is...even with sarcasm I have seen the effect he descibed in another game lol. Thanks for the reply :-).

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