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Everything posted by Prisoner

  1. Grenades with their current cooldown are fine. I would actually be pretty pissed if they took them out, since a lot of times they're the only thing standing between me and my very squishy healing sage getting pasted by the melee pain train. Not all of us healers have flashbang aoes.
  2. I'm sure you would know nothing about that good sir...
  3. I had the most entertaining voidstar game this morning, so I need to make a few shout outs. Shout out to Sarale, Dimitrios, Dansully, Isadora, and Aspen for a very well played game even when we were down to six on our team. A shout out to Dirk for joining us just in time in the second half and saving our bacon with your guard. And a shout out to Malice in Wonderland's amazing healer gank squad + Ulliam for being such a tough and fun team to play against. <3 But an extra special shout out to the Republic player who, after QQing about imaginary imperial cheating, hacking and conspiracy theories, rage quit the same Voidstar game three times. I especially love how you zoned in for the fourth time at the end just in time to get credit for a hard-fought win that you had absolutely no part in making happen. I haven't been that amused by a player's sillyness in a long, long time.
  4. Yup. Let them leave because then there's a chance that someone better will backfill and help you turn the game around. It happens a lot more frequently than you'd think. Besides, if you make people stay then they'll just camp your one node and cry for the rest of the game about how there's no point in playing. I'd rather lose with people who actually want to play. The only change I'd make is to increase the medals you get as a backfill. One medal isn't enough of a reward to replace a quitter. They should make it three or four.
  5. What happened was that stories take a lot of time to produce and are content that players burn through extremely quickly. Once people played through them and got to the level cap, they unsubbed in droves, pretty much killing any future major story content and focus shifted to short term stuff that's easier to produce and keep people busy for much longer: dailies, pvp arenas, short events, etc... Do you really expect them to go back to a buisness model that didn't work? Honestly, I don't even get why threads like this exist. Bioware has been extremely clear that story content going forward will be planetary arcs and not individual class stories. Sucks, but there it is. Y'all can start all of the forum threads you want about this, jump up and down like bratty 4 year olds demanding that they pay attention to you, but none of that trumps the fact that people already voted with their wallets.
  6. Whelp the rackghoul event is supposed to be coming in the near future and I thought they mentioned something about a new huttball map. Other than that and what you've mentioned, I would expect more global companions like Treek and HK and maybe a new playable race.
  7. Eh, whatever. You're clearly hellbent on being derogatory to PVPers, so much so that you're reading insults into a thread where there really aren't any as well as completly ignoring the insults slung at PVPers in general every single time this event gets rolling. On top of that, you classify moving PVP out of planetary achievements as a bug fix (cause having achievements organized in a way you don't like is a BUG, LAWL) and are such and expert at coding that you know for a fact that it would be a super easy to do! And as final icing on the cake you're a smasher who apparently has trouble killing things even with a compaion helper without an AOE which is downright hilarious considering that I run around all the time doing the dailies on my Commando Medic in crappy PVE blues. So considering all of the above, I'm not really sure there's any point in talking any further with you, lol. I think it's just time to walk away from this conversation knowing that Bioware isn't going to change anything about this event, achievement system, or the flagging system so there's really no point in arguing about this.
  8. There is no change of heart. PVP fleet chat (at least on Pot5) IS a cesspool. The PVPers that have responded in this thread, however, have actually been fairly polite, despite what your sarcastic remarks about some of the responses implied. You know what I don't like? DATACRONS. I think Bioware should take them out of the planetary achievement section and make an entirely different datacron section so I can get 100% planetary achievements! I mean really? What the heck does jumping around like Mario really have do to with being on a particular planet? It is so unfair! /sarcasm How is open world PVP on a planet not "planetary?" On top of that, why the hell would you want to waste developers already limited development time, money and resources on recodeing part of the achievement system so that some PVE Heroes can get 100% in a section? Wouldn't you rather the few people still developing content for this game spend their time on brand new content instead? Actually often you can tell if stealthers are about if you're paying attention at all. Some classes even have abilities that up their chances at seeing them. But even beyond that, it's really not hard not to sling AOEs around like candy, not allowing flagged people into your groups, or buff/heal/revive/throw snowballs at flagged people. If you find these very few precautions too difficult to handle, then the problem is a pebcak one and not a development one.
  9. 1. There are definitely people with attitude problems in this thread, but it's not the PVPers. 2. It's hilarious that you want to get 100% planetary achievements without actually doing 100% of them. 3. It just takes a wee bit of situational awareness not to get flagged. It really is quite simple.
  10. Yup, pretty much this. Excatly! Events like this are fun. Heck, sometimes they sort of crop up spontaneously, when a group of people just decides to get their friends together and start something up. In the last month on the Ebon Hawk cross faction fighting happened on both on Tatooine and Oricon with probably fifty or sixty people down there duking it out. If you want the achievements, get a group of friends together and start something up instead of crying abuot how you can't get them on a PVE server. It's not the PVP players who are making tons of threads complaining about this event. Everyone I see who is crying is a die hard PVE hero. But to answer yoru question there are tons of reasons why people who like to PVP would roll on a PVE server. I have toons on both PVP and PVE servers, but mostly I play on the PVE one. I can't speak for anyone else but my reasons are: 1. All of my real life friends who started the game before me rolled on a PVE server. I rolled there to join them and then naturally they quit the game, lol. But I made new friends and want to keep playing with them. 2. I want to PVP on my terms, not have to deal with it every single time I set foot on a planet, which makes something like the Ilum event just about perfect for me. 3. PVP servers tend to be cesspools. I don't want to have to deal with the slew of misogynistic, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic and just flat out jerky attitudes that clog up the general chat. 4. The PVP isn't any better over there than it is on my PVE server unless you want to play ranked arenas. In fact, regular warzones can be much, much worse with all of the quitters and kill chasers who are just after big scoreboard numbers. And I suspect that there are lots of other reasons why people who love PVP roll on PVE servers. Just because you rolled there and don't ever want to PVP doesn't mean that everyone, or even the majority of players on your server share your attitude.
  11. I don't know what server you're on, but on my server which is a roleplay server no less, OWPVP was happening all over Ilum yesterday (at least when I was down there). Hell, even before the event in the last two or three weeks there have been at least two seperate instances of people just gettting groups together and starting stuff up for the hell of it. Maybe someone on your server just needs to take the initiave start something up.
  12. Wow what a completely dick move, OP. Cause there aren't enough problems with warzones starting short already. Way to screw people who want to pvp in space or warzones over. You can't just go to the base and wait a minute for the flag to drop (which, btw, is no longer five minutes. Mine dropped super fast yesterday)? That's just too freaking hard to do?
  13. Lol none of the QQ you mention is "warranted." If you don't want to get flagged, don't let flagged people into your groups, or ask them to go to the base and wait the whopping one minute for the flag to drop before they join you for the quest. Keep from buffing, healing or tossing snowballs on flagged people and you should have zero freaking problems. No complicated pvp toggling mechanic is necessary - just a tiny bit of situational awarness. And as far as the AOE bug people claim happens to them, I call ******** on most of those. I've run around Ilum for hours and hours and hours on multiple toons both as flagged and unflagged aoeing the snot out of mobs and I have never ever seen this happen even once to me or the people I've been grouped with. People probably have auto target on and are shooting flagged people by accident or hitting the tab button and not realizing it. All evidence I've seen about this is that it's a pure and simple pebcak problem.
  14. I'm not going to lie, the way generat chat and the forums light up with the tears of the PVE Heroes is totally my favorite part about this event and makes my cold little heart all nice and toasty.
  15. Good god please no more slots, Bioware. It's already hard enough to get names for new toons with people camping on names or making a ton of lowbie alts that never get anyhere. Adding more slots would only make the problem much, much worse.
  16. Which is why... you know... we don't have any further class stories coming down the pike. People weren't patient enough to pay a subscription fee and wait the development time more class stories would take, and here we are.
  17. Quite honestly, it never even occurred to me that you were talking about leveling blues and greens. I mean, I'm actually flat out amazed that people even buy green leveling gear off the GTN at all. That’s freaking hilarious. What a waste of money. Anyway, who cares if people are overpricing leveling gear when 1) leveling greens are actually given to you as you complete the class and world arcs, 2) you can usually earn decent sets of orange gear by just doing fp or heroics and 3) you can get mods that are just as good, if not actually better, by buying them with planetary coms that you should be earning as you level? Hell, there are even decent sets of adaptive gear on the GTN for cheap (and by cheap I mean actually affordable by someone leveling their first toon), that you can put a cheap dye on to make look nicer and fill with mods/armorings/enhancements from what you earn as you quest. All of those are far, far superior than any level 32 green pants that might strike your fancy on the gtn.
  18. Just because something is usable at level 11 doesn't mean that it's a "level 11 item" and that people should adjust their prices so that the newest of the newbs can buy it. The adaptive gear, level 10 crystals, weapons, etc... are meant for everyone to buy and get use of. Now will someone who is new to the game with only one toon be able to afford the 1.2 million I just sold a purple hawkeye crystal (useable at level 10) for? Nope. Can they purchase the more nifty pieces of adaptive gear or the animal mounts? Probably not. But guess what? Neither could I when I was leveling up my first character. And yet somehow, I managed to be able to play and enjoy the game anyway through the gear that I earned simply by questing. If players aren't patient enough to be able to level up some and get access/be able to afford the stuff that is pretty much just frosting on the cake, then that's an entitlement problem on their end, not a problem with the actual game. Level the hell up, then earn some cash - just like everyone else did.
  19. LOL seriously? Income is extremely easy to get in this game. Between crafting, dailies, events, gathering and selling mats, operations like TFB, and my personal favorite: playing the GTN like the stock market, it's really not hard to get rich. I'm someone who pvps about 90% of the time I play this game (which pays crap btw) and even I figured out a way to get rich. And guess what? I didn't buy one pack from the cartel market either or spend one dime of my own money. It just takes a bit of time and a little bit of savvy. Other than people transferring money (which is what I'm guessing the dude with the outrageous price for the frogdog armor is doing), high pricing falls into two categories: wishful thinking and fair market value. If it's wishful thinking, the price will eventually come down because even if they don't drop the price, someone else will offer the same thing for less. If it's fair market value it'll sell and people are asking exactly what they should, because yes, there are players are who can most definitely afford to spend millions on a piece they want.
  20. Agreed. It's an absolutely terrible tutorial. Less reading walls of text and more showing people how to play as they actually fly around.
  21. 1. It just depends on time of day and where the critical mass of good pvpers are at the moment since many of them play both factions. Sometimes the pub teams are full of window lickers, sometimes the imp side is. Faction dominance bounces between the two, and for a while one side might seem like it's better, but then players come back or switch sides and the other faction starts to dominate again. For instance just this week Pub side pvp was absolutely awful every time I tried to play (omg so many PVE heroes with like 700 expertise who only care about farming relics ><). Then last night and this morning enough of the good pub players came out, the balance completely flipped and I went on a ten game win streak. This isn't all that unusual. 2. The pops for reg pvp and space are pretty quick actually, considering that it's a roleplay server. I just played 5 reg warzones early morning and didn't have to wait longer than a couple of minutes. Same with Space - pops are pretty fast. 3. There are ******s on every server, but this isn't Pot5. People do lose their temper in pvp, cause... it's pvp. Sometimes the rage is justified, sometimes not. Overall if you like to pvp, show that you're putting effort in, and actually want to play then people are usually pretty helpful and cool. 4. I couldn't tell you because I don't roleplay.
  22. Oh dear. When you leave little league and reach level 55 where the real pvp is, you are in for one seriously nasty shock.
  23. 1. Ranked seems to only happen if people actively try to organize it. My guess is that because of double XP weekend and the GSF release happening so closely together ranked hasn't been happening much at all, but maybe someone who actually does ranked can give you a better picture. Still, if ranked is a priority, a PVP server is probably where you should go. Then again, you say you want to leave the trolls behind, so maybe not. 2. I don't roleplay, but it seems like there is a lot of it going on in the fleet cantinas, nar shadda cantina and the starter worlds. Probably most of the indepth stuff happens in guilds, which there seem to be a lot of. 3. Yes there are a lot of coordinated teams queuing in for space pvp. My guild (<Saberwing>) usually runs two to three groups during prime time and has opened up our teamspeak server for anyone who wants to come join us or just needs voice for their own squad. Information on that can be found here. I've seen teams from The Core, Azure Blades, Silent Council, and a lot of other well established guilds too.
  24. If you're still interested (and Hanak hasn't already talked to you) I should be on my toons sometime tonight trying out the new GS pvp and I'll try to answer any questions you might have.
  25. I enjoyed double xp because it helped get my Sith Warrior who'd been stuck at level 26 for a long, long time through the end of act 1 and well into act 2 at level 39. I leveled a couple of toons with a friend too - my evil Jedi Knight who got about eight levels and a Bounty Hunter that only got two. So not tons in comparison to some players, but still a pretty nice bump to the last few stories that I need to finish.
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