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Everything posted by Prisoner

  1. Love the cheese factory category. LMAO. Fantastic. Many <3 for you all. And edited to add in some numbers, just for derps: Character Name - Naveh (Commando) Guild - <Backrocket Bastards> Category - 8 vs8 Biggest Heal - 12,229 Number - #2 Warzone Code - CW Screenshot - http://i.imgur.com/aJMpb56.png And one I think that might not be high enough once the cropped screenshots are edited back in to the records, but tossed up there in case I misunderstood: Character Name - Jaxio (Sage) Guild - <Saberwing> Category - 8 vs 8 total Heals - 2,441,498 Number - #5 Warzone Code - NC Screenshot - http://i.imgur.com/aJMpb56.png
  2. No, I get what you're saying just fine. You'd have an actual point if a game lasting the full duration was somehow an indication of actual legitimacy. Except, you know, it's not. There are teams who don't plant bombs or cap mid because they want those super long matches with the big numbers even when they are absolutely crushing the opposition. There are players who chase conquest point carebears and decorations farmers with 700 expertise for 15 min because they want those big tasty crits. There are healers who've stood in the acid or let other nodes fall cause they don't want to leave mid to support them and blow their HPS stats. I'm not saying that all of the records in this thread are because of shenanigans like this, or that all long drawn out matches are derp farming. I know that a lot of them are hard fought. Hell, I'm not even judging players for farming numbers, because I really don't care. But to claim that it's super rare that players goose numbers is either really naive or extremely disingenuous of you. By the way, since your argument is that the longer the length of the game the more accurate the averages are, are you going to stop counting matches that don't go the full length of time? What about 5 min voidstar blowouts, or a quick three cap of civil war? Do those averages count less than a games that go the full duration? What's the cutoff here?
  3. And how exactly is this any less of an "achievement" than records made by players and teams artificially dragging out games that should be quick wins by not capping mid or planting bombs cause they're farming for crits, kills, and damage/healing stats? I'd actually say that this is more legit record than a lot of the numbers padding that goes on in by players desperate to be on these leaderboards since the game shut down early.
  4. Wow. Honestly, I never thought that they'd fix this and would just let them go on being overpowered and broken forever. This is so overdue. I hope, at the very least, they get some energy management like the other two healing classes have to deal with. Not going to lie, I'm LOLOLOLing at everyone crying in this thread and claiming that they weren't horribly broken in the first place. The tears of the delusional are so delicious...
  5. As far as I know, there's only two dedicated RP/PVP guilds on this server. Imp side there's Black Swan Solutions. Or if you're willing to take a walk on the far superior pub side (not that I'm biased or anything ), there's Backrocket Bastards, who are quite excellent and totally worth ditching the imp side and rolling a new toon to play with.
  6. Agreed. The only solution that I can think of is if you see someone who is struggling and seems like they actually want to get better is for the veteran players to refer them here. Or instead of people raging at the derp in their warzone, just drop the link into the chat instead. Other than that... I got nothin'.
  7. Right now, soloing pub side is pretty grim (I've completely lost my patience with pugging 55, tbh). But this server bounces back and fourth a lot between faction dominance. It can depend on time of day, how many conquest derps queue in, and which side the critical mass of good players happens to be logged on at the moment. It always seems to shift back eventually though, and doesn't permanently favor one side over the other.
  8. Heh, on my sorc the only time a Sniper/Gunslinger gets the best of my balance sage is when there's no place to line of sight them and all my cooldowns are burned. The vast majority of the time, I clean their clock.
  9. Since it looks like you mostly play impside, the people you are looking for are probably here. Never talked to people from Black Swan Solutions directly and I couldn't tell you about their roleplay, but I've been against them in warzones and they are seriously solid PVPers (so many ouchies), and seem like classy players too. Unless you want to re-roll and try pub side. In which case these guys are who you're looking for. Backrocket Bastards are also very solid PVPers and classy players to play with and against.
  10. Having the guards be hostile is the entire point though. This last week players were awarded conquest points for killing a certain number of them on Oricon, Quesh, and Black Hole. That's presumably why the imps were at the turrets and why some of the fighting centered around them. They wanted to kill our guards for points and we were defending them - just like people get into fights over the base commanders. It's basically the excuse to get everyone in one spot for a brawl. The system was working as intended. People got flagged, OWPVP happened for at least an hour all over the black hole back and fourth across the entire zone. And I'm thinking that given the numbers of people who were there and how long the fighting went on, other than one loud exception who is bound and determined to piss in other player's Wheaties this morning, most players had a damned good time.
  11. Then you weren't there for very long because the fighting went back and forth from our base to theirs for at least an hour before I had to log early. While both sides did some fighting on their own turrets, a lot of the fighting happened in the middle of the zone (at a couple choke points especially). Plenty of pvp was to be had well off of the turrets. There ended up being large groups on both sides that pushed each other back and forth across the zone. Also, even if we did just sit on our base the whole time - which wasn't even remotely the case - there is a conquest objective for killing 25 of the other faction's black hole defenses. Denying an opposing faction those conquest points gives us plenty of reason to fight on top of our own base, since that's presumably the entire reason why the imps were there. It's just like killing or defending a base commander. You missed out on a lot of fun. But hey, thanks for posting a condescending lecture about the nature of OWPVP in my friend's shout out thread. It's good to know you were such an authority about an event that, by your own admission, you were barely at and had almost nothing to do with. Anyway, my hat's off to everyone who fought down there tonight. I had an awesome time and thanks for coming out.
  12. You and me both, my friend. It's going to suck getting these jackholes on our team.
  13. Whelp, I guess self awareness and some reflection was a bit too much to expect from someone who stomps lowbie noobs and then acts like they just stormed the beaches at Normandy. Carry on with your regularly scheduled cluelessness, and know that we're all standing on the sides rolling our eyes at you.
  14. LOL no, instead they were queuing into 55 ground PVP with multiple teams of players all between 1300 and 1500 expertise. So much fun to get queued in with them.
  15. Okay, on the off chance that your threads aren't some kind of epic trolling taken to performance art level and you and your guild are actually that clueless, I will explain: Lowbies are full of all kinds of people. Some of them are veterans leveling through PVP or trying out a new class or grinding conquest points or simply blowing off steam. However, the vast majority of people playing in that bracket are new to the game, new to the class, or new to pvp period. Which is fine because: Lowbies are for learning. This is why the little league brackets are not representative of PVP on the server. The level cap is where the serious pvpers are. Which is why your guild is met with eyerolls every time you start one of these goofy threads on the forums. And I gotta admit, you guys are just as ridiculous in game as you are on the forums. I queued pub lowbies yesterday to do the weekly and get some conquest points, and got queued on the same team as three of your players. I watched the three of you act like complete tools to your own team game after game. Berating noobs for making mistakes (even though your own team was nearly just as bad), ************ noobs out for playing poorly, and being general wankers. Normally I would just shrug it off in 55 PVP, except, once again: Lowbies are for learning. They are not serious business. The derps and noobs are EXACTLY where they are supposed to be. YOU and your guild with pretensions of being serious PVPers are in the wrong place. So... If you must continue running premades forever in lowbie PVP, stop being such ********s to your own team and the people you face. Be nice, help people, tell your team what they need to do without being arrogant ***** about it. Knock off the chest thumping and stop pretending like rolling new players, many of whom literally created that toon you're stomping just a few hours before, is some kind of big accomplishment. Heh I was on that team you stomped if you're talking about yolo queue. I queued again right after to try again, but everyone else must have dropped because it didn't pop for 10 min, at which point I got bored and queued regs again. (That's pretty much the story of ranked games for me.)
  16. How 'bout you guys get to 55 instead of making server assumptions based on running lowbie hero premades against teams of level 14 keyboard turners?
  17. I didn't say it would be balanced, lmao. But it would at least be new.
  18. This is just sad. I really question why the hell I should be paying a sub now, much less shelling out money for a new expansion. I guess maybe it's time to jump ship to Wildstar like everyone else has.
  19. Not true. People have been bringing it up in other threads for weeks, here and in the suggestion forum. This is the only thread that's raged for a week though, lmao.
  20. Look, my view is this. If PVE teams are going to be queueing premades en mass into PVP for the conquest points/relics that means that they're probably going to be queuing in a lot, at least for the week or until they get the relic. Which means the respectful thing to do is to get a set of basic blues or oricon gear so that their expertise is not in the *******. That's really not a lot to ask. Should people be more receptive to tactical suggestions and learn how to play? Sure. But that's not nearly as concrete, is way more situational and complicated, takes a lot more time and experience to learn, and is a hell of harder to convince people to do. Really, the gear is just one step - but it's a step that at least shows a little bit of respect for the people they're queued in with. It also gives the noobs time to learn all of the things you want them to, because they don't get globaled and have time to process what the hell is going on. And frankly, to get the conquest points, you don't even have to queue 55 if you don't feel like getting the gear. They can get the same amount of points queuing into little league where the gear issue is moot and derp is to be expected. At any rate, considering how much discussion has already happened in this thread, it seems like this topic is worth some discussion at the Guild Summit Meeting, no? That's the whole reason I brought it up in the first place, lol.
  21. First of all, this was not directed at Aisthesis specifically, especially since I haven't seen your teams in the queue at all lately. Secondly, sure coordination beats gear, but the vast majority of the players I see running around in their shiny PVE Hero gear lately have neither. Then they get melted, wonder why that is, and spend the vast majority of the game crying about it uselessly on west. Now take that phenomenon, multiply it by eight to twelve people and then have those ********s queue in every night of the freaking week and you've got what's going in pubside pvp at the moment. Look, I don't expect everyone to be running around in full expertise and augments, but it takes very, very little effort to get 1900 expertise and it helps quite a bit. Queuing into warzones with huge groups of uncoordinated, ungeared people all freaking night long? Not very cool. And I'm pretty sure if I showed up to an operation with four under geared friends and demand the team take us all along on a HM or NiM run, PVE Heroes would be amazed with our lack of respect and sheer audacity. Oh hey, I agree. But you have to start somewhere. And to be honest, most PVE heroes aren't willing to listen either about their gear or about strategy. No matter how nice you are about it, no matter how reasonable what you say is, 99% of the time, you get called an ******e for pointing it out. Things I have seen this week: - Experienced players nicely asking undergeared players to guard a node instead of attacking mid, and getting nothing but **** back. - Premades made up of such awesome compositions of three healers and a useless tank, none of which had more than 1300 expertise, who then wonder why their team can't kill anything. - Asking people in private to please gear their guildies up before flooding the queue with their awful premades only to be told "Well we're not a PVP guild so we don't care. We're just there for the conquest points and we don't have time to grind gear." These people are ******** in my sandbox and then getting mad when they're called on it. I'm probably one of the more tolerant veteran players when it comes towards noobs in the 55 queue. One or two players I can handle, and everyone needs to start somewhere when it comes to gearing up. Entire teams of bad, ungeared, uncoordinated players who refuse to listen to strategy or wear decent gear clogging up the queue? Yeah, my patience is seriously wearing thin. This week Pub 55 has become almost unplayable because of certain PVE guilds and I'm starting to get really pissed. I know that gear will not magically make these teams better, but it's a start of ending the ****** entitlement mentality and lack of respect towards PVP players that a lot of PVE Heroes have when it comes to queuing into warzones, which is why I think it's worthy to talk about at the guild summit.
  22. How about a discussion about proper queuing etiquette for warzones for the players who might be new to them? (i.e why you're a douchebag if your PVE guild runs several premades with 1300 expertise players for the conquest points/relic, how that screws over the rest of the players on your team, and how easy it is to get at least 1900 expertise.) Because seriously? It's getting out of control on the pub side lately.
  23. Aww thanks for the mention. A lot of our groundpounders have been AFK lately, it's true and many of our members have been doing conquest stuff. But really, we're not a PVP guild and Hatem was definitely right to leave us off the list because we just don't play on that level. We're more like a social guild that has a lot of GSF pilots, a few hardcore PVPers and a lot of awesome casual people who like to do lots of different stuff (this guild has been around for almost 17 years which is pretty amazing). There's no skill requirement to join and I think someone like the OP here who is looking for a more hardcore PVP experience would probably be very unhappy with us. Anyway, if you're looking for someone to group with, Phen-phen, you're welcome to hit me up on Jaxio. But as for a guild, if you're looking for an actual PVP list, Hatem's list pretty much spells it out.
  24. Yes that's totally what people are saying, Lmao. You're not freaking out or exaggerating even the tiniest bit. They want to drink your tasty crafter tears. To the op, I think you're spot on, sadly this thread is full of morons. Hopefully bioware will realize how broken this issue is and bring crafting in line with everything else before the majority of players stop caring and wander off in boredom.
  25. That's a fair point. I sort of assumed that with the weekly themed descriptions, bioware was trying to give every area of the game a chance to shine. Maybe that wasn't what they intended at all. It's entirely possible that they intended a huge money sink by making crafting so powerful and thought that it would equalize as people ran out of cash and mats. If that was the case, then they've failed horribly in that regard. And I don't mean to say that there's shame by winning through mostly crafting every single week or that people have been exploiting, just that it's really ****** game design on Bioware's and not particularly fun or enjoyable for anyone who doesn't like to do mass crafting. It's fun for the few on top who like that kind of content, but everyone else is pretty solidly in the "meh" category. It just seems like a blown opportunity to me.
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