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Everything posted by Fallensbane

  1. As a merc I don't find the ability to overpowering when I am 1 of maybe 2 mercs in a warzone. Once you sack several of us into a match, yeah it becomes crazy, but so does stacking sorcerers, sages, snipers etc. Whether its infact OP or not, I could care less about. It is a stupid ability to base a class that DUAL WIELDS pistols on. Tracer missile should be there, on a longer cooldown and its debuff/buffs should be rolled into other abilities. As it is now its the most boring tactic I have played in a PVP match. 95% if the time I am on my Assassin now. I will occasionally pull out the BH if republic grows a set and fights us out in the open, imbalance or not. Bioware you need to step up and redesign the arsenal tree to be more gun centric. If not rip the extra pistol away because the class should have been designed for its main abilities to be pistol.
  2. Pretty good idea I like it. I would also make it so that the lower population faction has to hold objectives for a shorter amount of time, maybe 25% less or whatever. Mercenary coms should have always been drop. Champion coms should have like a 1-5% chance to drop from Valor 50+ players Battlemaster coms should have a 1% chance to drop from Valor 65+ players.
  3. You know. I was farmed in huttball match is lame excuse. I have been farmed more times than I can count, I have been rolled by premades more times than I can count. You know what I do? I suck it the hell up and I still play. IMO not quitting to queue has made me a more rounded player. I don't claim to be the best, but if I hadn't fought against these odds and the stuff I have been put against, I would not be as experienced as I am now. So people do need to suck it up a bit.
  4. If really depends. If I am medal farming on my sin, I can get up to 12. If I am trying to win, I tend to get 3-5, the reason for that is I stop focusing on damage and just toss myself into harms way to aoe, knockback people away from capping objectives. Or I act as bait to lure people away so someone can cap a point. Tomorrow my SIN hits 50 and I won't be doing much at all for awhile. I will just be doing the harms way thing trying to get wins for awhile to speed gear up, won't worry about medals so much when I first get into the new bracket.
  5. I am absolutely sick to death of orbital station. Whats that? Your on the Imperial fleet and want to head to hot? Okay well.. Run to Hanger door Load Into Hanger Bay Nexus Load into class hanger bay Load into ship Go to galaxy map and choose planet Load from ship to Class hanger/hallway Load from class hanger hallway to orbital station Load from orbital station to Planet... Are you kidding me? I love this game, but the buffoon (I am trying to be kind) who designed this or thought of this needs to be put on timeout. Have him paint snow particles for three months on the next cold weather planet, do not let him be in charge of architecture planning again... please.. Why is it your have added so many tedious steps to this game? Load screens are long enough as it without needing to go through several just to go to a planet. I like seeing my ship but please cut down on this ridiculous tedium. It should be... Fleet to choice of Class Ship Hanger or DIRECTLY onto ship Choose destination Leave Ship to Class Hanger or DIRECTLY to planet You don't need 4 different doors in spaceports or fleets, one door is good enough, call it.... *Drumroll* Starship Hanger Bay. Last I checked Luke didn't need an orbital station to land his x-wing on undeveloped plants... Hand didn't use an orbital station to land on an asteroid. We don't need them, except for maybe Voss since you created a story element around it...
  6. You know, they all but confirm it in their first community Q&A Blog post. Its coming, who knows how long until, but its coming. Personally I am glad for it. Alot of people are making a stink of how its going to destroy the community. Well it won't destroy any community for me. I will still talk to my server mates and get them together for pre-mades and group with them. I will just now have a larger base and better pop rate for those nights when I am up inthe AMs pvping. IMO a good move, they were stubborn and should have had it in at launch. My only complaint now about warzones is too few match types. But that will change over time, I have patience.
  7. LMAO, yeah we can all see you moved on. Lurking around the forums for a game you don't like is hardly moving on.
  8. I am someone that does dump stuns nearly anytime they are up, but thats usually because im stuck in a crapball match and I am protecting the ball carriers, because no one else will... However... Making it so that you become CC immune for 15 or so seconds after each CC you are hit with, I would be down for that. Stunlock does just kill the flow of pvp and I wouldn't mind seeing changes.
  9. What are the chances of us getting guild features such as event calendar, guild levels, guild alliances (ALA Warhammer) and larger MOTD after the guild banks are in?
  10. 0, I don't leave em. I tough it out. I only leave when I get bugged (aka sometimes on death I spawn sprawled on the ground and cannot move at all) or if something more important than virtual epeening comes up.
  11. "With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server" http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-10th-2012
  12. Most people rolled empire because they wanted to play classes/stories on that side more than republic characters. I sure didn't roll imperial because I wanted to be on the side with the most players, I rolled empire because I couldn't play a BH on pub side. No one deserves long boring waits for Q's. Try not to be so much of an ---Clown next time.
  13. Its fine as is, working as intended. Use your stuns, get your team to focus fire the ball holder. I would rather win or lose in this manner if the score was tied than constantly be hit with a draw.
  14. Cross Server Warzones are imment, imo a good thing. I enjoy community as much as the next guy but long waits for warzones gets old fast. Expecially on those servers with bad low populations. You can still have your community feeling, do premades with people you like. Community will be formed alot more when open PVP is fixed, as many people will be doing that. As far as cross server warzones I suggest the following. Cross Server Warzones Clusters: Maybe take 5 servers and cluster them together for warzone Q's. So instead of just taking all servers and popping them into a pool you can set 5 servers into a pool. Admittedly this may not work well if they go with their idea of separating the 50 bracket by Valor ranks. This will help keep soem of that community aspect. Prioritize Local: Make it so local q's are priority if not enough are Q'ing it then pulls from the server cluster. Choice: Allow people to only local Q if they so choose, its their chose, if they don't mind the long wait times.
  15. PVP because you enjoy it, if you don't then leave? It's sad that so many people think the only reason to do something is because you are have a digital carrot dangled in front of your face the entire time. Many people enjoy pvp and wouldn't complain a lick if the pvp gear went by by completely. Do I want to see PVP developed more and perhaps have a bigger impact? Sure, I would love to see something similar to Warhammer where both PVE and PVP can affect control of a zone and grant some perks because of it. But the game is little over a month in and MMO's take time to develop even post launch, yeah I know "thats no excuse derp de derp blah de blah". But it is infact an excuse, its just how this genre of games are done, get used to it or get out. This is the one reason I do not like (Oh no im going to say it) WoW. It opened the floodgates and brought many new and good people into the genre, but it also brought in so many people that just can't accept these games progress differently, they will never be as polished as a AAA title that is being released for single player or normal multiplayer, thats just how it is. If you don't enjoy it leave, check it out later. Maybe then you will like it more. The game has life in it yet, I look forward to seeing it get better.
  16. Then maybe you need a new game? Not trolling or going to tell you to ****, but if the reward is the only thing making you want to pvp the game doesn't seem for you. Personally, I would have rather had 0 influential gear rewards and instead be rewarding with unique and good looking equipment that was fully moddable, variations on this and that and some other things. I enjoy the pvp as is, even with its great flaws. I don't know how anyone came to a Bioware game expecting the pvp to be the best part of the game, they do story not pvp, the game is what it is. An MMO with alot of story and that was the primary reason I bought it, I didn't expect to get as addicted to the PVP but I did. Given time I think the PVP in this game will be great, but it needs time and personally, I am willing to give it that time.
  17. As proably a million people have said before on many forums for many mmos No, those on the forums whether they love or hate the game, the pve, the pvp are the VOCAL minority. The PVPers are still. The crybaby whiners are the ones leaving. Are there issues? Sure there are, they will get ironed out in time. Have played so many mmos in the past with and without pvp, this game is not bad at all, just going through typical growing pains, some of those other games I have played... retched.
  18. Really? Left or Right 99% of the time means from where you spawned, its simple and has work in nearly all matches I have been in.
  19. Yes and please take out Voss, I can't stand that planet! If I don't like it why should anyone else? APPEASE ME AND ONLY ME BIOWARE! Derp
  20. Nope I hit 50 and enjoyed my storyline. Still play that character here and there for quest I haven't done, hard modes, pvp, ops etc. Still having fun on that 50. Almost 50 on my Assassin, still having fun, enjoying the story. See above for plans for this character. Up next my Jedi character, see above comments again.
  21. Yep, that is the loyalty discount you are looking for. Pay for several months in advance, showing you are loyal, receive discount. On another note, this thread made my night LOL.
  22. Fallensbane


    Yeah you can use use the mods at 39 I believe. If they are worthwhile to you yank em out and use em.
  23. Fallensbane


    Oh yes I forgot about that as its late. Also can buy more boots for ripping for weapon mods and also there are the orange weapons as well which some imo are worth buying.
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