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Everything posted by Fallensbane

  1. I have been playing pvp pretty consistantly since the pre-launch of this game. In my experience it tends to be 9/10 quitters specifically leaving huttball. Voidstar and Civil War I rarely see quitters. At the start I was very against quitting matches. But now I am so sick of huttball win or lose (not the match style, I hate the arena its in) that if I load into a huttball match 75% of the time I just leave the warzone before it starts (this atleast gives players time to get in before the match starts to replace me) More often than not I will stick out losing matches. But huttball is a warzone so grossly in favor of certain classes its just downright unfun at times and im just sick of playing that map. So I will continue leaving huttball matches before they start when im not in the mood. FYI I am looking forward deserter debuff. But lets face it until people are allowed to choose their matches people will continue to quit huttball regardless, and if pvpers find the penalty to much for leaving they will just leave the game completely at some point.
  2. This is one of the reasons. Pretty sure someone from Bio even game out and said they were suprised and overwhelmed by the amount of people who wanted to pvp
  3. I run into 4-6 enemy groups quite often and good happens. Its called knockback and its saved many matches.
  4. I am going to come out and say, I actually like huttball. I think the biggest issue with it thats its the only map that can be played same faction an obvious that gets old really fast. I understand we have a new warzone coming. But, as Huttball is actually a sport (albeit a murderous sport) is there any chance of you implementing a few new maps for huttball? I think its a fun match type, but adding in a few variant maps/arenas for it would make that style of warzone fun again.
  5. It doesn't need to be completely. Bioware just needs to take 5 seconds and think about it.. You know what nevermind here is the answer... All they need to do is make it so that the armaments spawn randomly ALL OVER the pvp section of Ilum, this way republic doesn't have to funnel into an area where they are going to get ripped apart over and over due to faction imbalance. I don't understand how time and time again developers of any mmo always screw up on such obviously things. Any players here could have designed a more sensible layour for the armament system.
  6. This is exactly whats going to happen. Then Bioware will come out and say something along the lines of 'oh we never saw this coming'.
  7. Yeah remove heals also. 4 healers SHOULD NOT be able to keep one guy alive...
  8. Make it so you can get a refund as long as you don't zone or log and then its a good system.
  9. Stealth is fine as is, if it got buffed up more it would not be stealth it would be invis. Game doesn't need that. You can stealth passed 95% of the mobs in game atleast. Some bosses/elites and quest mobs catch you, by design.
  10. The warzone changes sound good. I don't care for those afk'ers sapping up rewards... however, I am a little worried that pre-mades could use to it single out people who don't have 'enough hp' or 'are not geared' or even just general 'trololololing' to their satisfaction. Could you go into more detail on how this is going to work, how many votes will it take to nuke someone from a warzone?
  11. Im not even a healer but yeah, this a million times over. Wow 4 whole medals. Whoop de effin do.
  12. Fallensbane


    Sucks but no, 30 seconds with 1 less person is more than enough time for the tides to turn badly, for things to become imbalanced. We all get dc'd from time to time. Working fine.
  13. Fallensbane

    Nerf SWTOR!

    I would probably first start by removing people who make useless topics. Would be a good nerf imo. Nerf their accounts into oblivion.
  14. Nothing wrong with the medal system, its not retarded, the people your playing with on the other hand...
  15. Your reason is because you enjoy it.. If you don't there is a game ---> way you may enjoy and several <--- as well. Take your pick.
  16. Fallensbane

    MVP votes

    ^ This right here. DPS is good, Healing is good, guarding is good. But if you have players getting passes off consistently for a score, or someone consistently holding an objective they should get MVPs
  17. Fallensbane


    Its called making the classes different. You think just because you have a melee class is should have something another melee class has... just because? /facepalm
  18. ILUM is a joke, it may create tons of BMs but BM = a useless title. I tear apart so many geared BM and Champs on my mostly cent geared character. When I unlock it, I won't even use the title, it means nothing. The gear is not even that much better than champ, most people pull out mods and slot champ stuff in it. And for the love of god, this game has MANY different teams. The guys that implemented the confirmations do not work on the pvp.... Multiple teams people, doing different things, its how most mmos work. You have a set bug team, you have a team that does dungeons, you have ateam that does pve, you have a team that does gear. Warzone fixes are imment. Soon it will be less focused on winning dailies to gear up. Deserter system is coming in. So many things are upcoming soon to fix most of the issues we have in the game. They screwed up but are working on it. No disrespect but if you are not enjoying yourself move on, don't waste your time here on the forums posting. You know your not going to get much more than people tearing you apart. Send in the feedback directly to the CS team and move on to your next game.
  19. Because the system was designed badly. What do you expect them to come out and say? Whatever they say can be translated into "We screwed up" Cross server Q's are imminent, with that it will bring more splits to the brackets based on valor as well as the option to choose a warzone. Devs a have already stated that choosing warzones will not be in UNTIL they implement cross server. Ignore the trolls, tons of people have high end machines and ILUM, Fleets and Warzones still run like crap in those areas.
  20. I eat plenty of premades for breakfast in pug warzones. Premade does not equate to skill.
  21. I am not looking for that. Don't assume you know what we all want.
  22. I used it before it was nerfed. Good move imo, I could take on 6 people at once and pop that off and hold points on my own for too long. Was a good fix. Go cry a river somewhere else.
  23. I want a Sith gunslinger. There are already 'Force Barren'(AKA No force powers) Purebloods in-game, wouldn't be too out there for them to defect due to their lack of force powers. Either way every species has rebels, Sith Gunslinger, make it so Bioware!
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