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Everything posted by Fallensbane

  1. Exactly. Another think I want to point out. Final Fantasy XIV came out and was received very similar to TOR and they did something very ballsy. They halted charging for a subscription, 1 full year of the game they did not charge at all and continued to deliver improvements. Everyone's personal opinions aside on the franchise or the style of game-play that was a very good move and showed how much they want the game to succeed, it keeps their loyal players in the game helping them improve the game for their eventual release of 2.0 which is essentially a reworking of 90% of their game. They have since implanted a fee of $5 dollars until the launch of 2.0. I have seen some of their 2.0 plans and they have meshed their own ideas with the best suggestions of the FFXIV community and to be honest, it looks stellar. They started listening to the feedback from their players that made sense and started communicating constantly with its playerbase. At launch the communication between FFXIV devs an the player base was worse than BW's. Now the communication going back and forth is some of the best I have seen in this genre of gaming. They even implemented surveys to help pinpoint what the community considered most important and began implementing features and content based on the majority from the survey and it helped tremendously. When 2.0 launches they plan to implement another 30 day trial, even for existing users! That is dedication to your product and your community. Do I expect TOR to do anything like this. Not really, lets face it hating on EA may be cliche but they are all about money in the end and when it comes down to it Bioware's strings are pulled by them. However, if Bioware were to implement an optional survey upon logging into the game similar to what was done for XIV, it would give them a much better idea of what players truly wanted fixed fast. At the very lease their communication needs to go from less "Soon" to more concrete info, if it has to be delayed it has to be delayed, but "soon" is another one of those old mmo things that needs to go out the window.
  2. Very true, I do love the voice acting the first time I go through a quest, but as nice as it is, I spam spacebar on repeats. I have done nearly every quest on IMP side so on alts all I do is listen to my main class story, everything else is spacebar at this point. The novelty does wear off eventually.
  3. But you see this system worked wonders in Dark Age of Camelot, sure it wasn't a blockbuster but PVPers loved it. When War game out people enjoyed it as well, most complaints about War IRC was about the wretched class balancing which plagued it for way to long and the bland PVE. Even GW2 is bringing that back with a twist, I have played it, its a blast and buzz all over is nearly everyone is loving the WvWvW. Imagine how much fun TOR could have been if it had a similar system in and had manned up and added 3 factions to help balance stuff out. A 3rd faction could have really helped keep open world alive in the really early stage of this game. They should have had Imperial, Republic and Separatist. Classes could have stayed the same with a few changes. Bounty Hunter and Smuggler could have been available on the 3rd faction as well and then they could have created Two more force classes that use Techblades instead that Mirrored Inquisitor and Warrior (perhaps a Force Witch and Force Warrior). Make the PVP section on ILUM instanced and as soon as you load in it starts keeping a tally. So you got 52 IMPS and 40 Republic? Well the next 12 Separatists that load into the zone get put on the Republic Side. You could even make it so that when the sides were unbalanced you could Q from anywhere to get placed on Ilum and t would just direct transport you there, as if you called for an evac.
  4. I used to be like you at the start. Then I realized this game, THIS GAME should not be in this state. There is a difference between this game and all other MMO's that have come before it, a 200 million dollar budget. Think on that for a second and think about how the game was at launch. Think a bit more now... Yes 200 million for what we got and who knows how much in marketing. Some of the most basic MMO features were not in at launch, lots of basic systems were bugged for the longest time (I mean really the guild list). Maybe Bioware is new to the MMO scene, but they added people to their team with the experience to have made this game better. In the end what did we get? A prettier version of WoW.. in space with voice acting. While wow is a solid game in its own right the formula is getting tired, while it will remain profitable until Blizzard finally pulls the plug the game is hemorrhaging active players now, due to boredom with the same old same old. The most innovative thing imo in this game is the legacy system, that wasn't even in at launch and is nothing but a grindfest. This is just pure grind. Grind levels to 50, grind pvp to 100, grind legacy to 50, grind 6 companions to 10k faction, grind alignment to 10k light or darkside, grind your pve gear, grind your pvp gear. Did all that? Well roll a new character and do it again, we have a legacy system! You can argue all you want about patience but this is not the era of Everquest anymore. MMO's are being spat out left and right excuses mean nothing, action is needed. This team should be moving alot faster than it is and the quality of their work should be better based on WHO they are and what they have delivered in the past. Excuses mean nothing, look at the BIG mmos that have come out in the last 5 years that have flopped hard and are on life support or have completely shut down. This is probably the king of existing IPs and look at the numbers slowly but surely dropping off. Nearly every server have seen a significant drop in its player base. I just truly hope that other developers look at TOR's launch in the future and realize it does not matter what your company name is, how popular the IP is or how skilled your team was on past games, you need to deliver right out the gate because there are a dozen other products coming out similar to yours and you should fear them all.
  5. Hate to say it because I do enjoy this game but... If you want worthwhile open world PVP this is not the game you are looking for.... I mean honestly their idea of open world pvp was stick everyone in an area and have them click on a machine, which lead to objective trading. Then to fix is they added little boxes in ONE spot on Ilum which led to the smaller faction getting pummeled over and over and over again until they would turtle at their base until they had their kills and then leave. The sad thing about this is they have PVP devs on their team from a game that while it unfortunately flopped (Warhammer) did have a solid open world PVP foundation and they used not one thing learned from that previous game. Had they taken the good things learned on Warhammer and added in some Bioware twists and tweaks the open world in this game could have been great. If you wan't worthwhile open world PVP I suggest looking at other games because I expect we will be holding out our breath for a long time before we finally get it here. There is a game that starts with a 'G' and ends with a '2', this MAY be the game your looking for...
  6. Seriously this is really friggin irritating, I just had to change 2k coms this way it is absolutely friggin tedious, what were you thinking biofail?
  7. Um no, we don't have to yell at the people on our faction. Sure once and awhile someone is going to quit a warzone, but people are quitting in mass right now all night every night since 1.2, when that happens there is obviously an issue. If you are not having fun what is the point? You can already be miserable in real life, the difference is you don't need to pay 15 buck a month for it.
  8. This is what we call too little too late. You need to learn to use these things called 'hot patches'. I have been playing MMO's since EQ1 and nearly every MMO I have played would do them faster than you. You guys have a lets wait and see approach that hurts the game more than it helps. You need to start pulling servers offline when it becomes obvious that something is wrong. This game had and still has a ton of promise, but atm it seems that you are killing it via a death by a thousand cuts approach. Get a plan together to act faster on stuff. Each patch the players who have stuck it out thus far are slowly leaving. Sure 1.2 brought back a lot of people, but many of those who had already unsubbed and just popped in to check it out real fast, how long do you think they are going to last if they have already quit previously? Get a tool to copy existing 50s to PTS now, its the only way you will ever be able to get accurate feedback because your QA department is obviously just not doing their job. This may be your first MMO but in the end that is no excuse, the genre has no room for excuses just look at all the 'big mmos' that have fallen. And I know those with their fanboy goggles will just think I am hating and being negative or even impatient. Well I stood my last MMO out for over a year being patient and nothing came of it and I am seeing history repeat itself right now but at a much faster pace.
  9. The only point of no return is 0 I have been in matches where we capped just in time to win the match by one measily tick, we have even three capped when at 400 to our 100 points and won the entire match. Even though Novare Coast is new we have come back and capped 2 turrets at 2% away from match ending and held it for more than 50-60% for a win. But medals, yes the system needs to be fixed period.
  10. I know there are many threads out this, but I am going to toss my suggestion into the inferno. Time and time again we have given you some fairly good suggestions on what could be done here to make rewards fair and useful to all, I am not talking about all the QQ rage threads, but the ones where people actually outline ideas for a revamp. I will admit I tend to win around 95% of my warzones because I run in a premades with good players who communicate well... however I have seen what it is like to be utterly stomped reward wise and can't help but feel for those who are on the receiving end more often than not just due to bad luck, players quitting or just plain being outclasses because they are fresh into the 50 bracket. Last night alone I got into a 8v4 twice right off the bat. Then I did a huttball where the ENTIRE opposing team quit and then a voidstar where a prominent same faction premade was going against us, decided to coward out and left their team with only 4 members. Note, all these imbalances worked out in my favor, so those players who actually stuck it out got nearly nothing, many of them no more than 2 medals and the ones who stayed did try like hell in most of those matches. Rewards should be based primarily on objectives. Pass the ball, score, kill ball carrier, protect ball carrier (Guard), plant a bomb, diffuse a bomb, drop a force field, use a terminal, capture a turret, defend a turret. Give each side of the match 60 commendations as a base for participating in the match. Then another 5 commendations per medal (up to a max of 8). Which means anyone in the zone that hits 8 medals gets 100 commendations regardless of win or loss if they played. Winning side gets a 20% boost to their commendation reward (AKA up to 120 commendations), they won their rewards should be better. MVP votes for the winning side grant an additional 100 valor, 2 commendations and 200 credits MVP votes for the losing side grants 50 additional valor, 1 commendation and 100 credits You could even implement an underdog buff for the losing side, like any player who gains 75% or more of their medals through objectives will get an additional 5% tacked onto their rewards. IMO all the above would be a better system.
  11. My server has become busy since 1.2.. cept pubs, I see them maybe 1-2 times a night in pvp
  12. And it looks like you got 2 medals. You need ATLEAST 3 medals to get rewards, its an anti afk measure. That is not a bug.
  13. Its buggy and glitchy as hell. I don't know what anyone expected, look at most mmo company track records as of late, just buggy as hell each patch even after tons of testing. Another thing that bugs out sometimes is medals when you speed win. Wining huttball really fast sometimes does not grant half of the winning team their bonus medals. People cry rivers now a days, they could have held patch and lost subs tue to people quitting because its not being added to fast enough or held patch and had people quit because it was rushed, its lose lose.
  14. I agree they are a bit harsh, this is coming from someone who on average wins about 95% of my warzones, I have a solid guild who works as a team and we always try and properly rally any pugs to help us out. I can't imagine whats its like for those who just get the bad luck of being stomped 90% of the time. Its a system that promotes raqe quitting. A much better system would be to put a larger valor/comm reward based on OBJECTIVES... passing, scoring, disarming, planting, capturing etc and less emphasis on dmg/kills etc. You can still give the winning team a nice 25% or so bonus on top of everything else and it would be a system that actually rewards ALL who play well and just gives a solid bonus to the team who actually wins. But um the rewards for winning are so effed up right now as well. If you speed win huttball you get around 100 coms and 3200 valor... you speed run voidstar you get around 2400 valor and 60 coms for doing it in the same amount of time... lol what? Amazing programming there. Also, speed wins... Are awarding medals to only SOME of the speed winning team but not all, this happens a couple times a night.
  15. They completely ruined the rewards/medal system It was working fine the last time they adjusted it. Once again dropping the rewards to crap -9000 for losing players. There is once again no incentive to even waste time in a losing match, whats the point? A player can quit and queue for a different match where they might actually win (No penalty for quitting still) as opposed to wasting 15 minutes in a match where they are going to get basically nothing. At this point the PVP team may as well just be fired and hire a team combination of chimpanzees and gerbils to create your changes from now on. A smarter way of giving rewards would be too do so based on objectives, not just medals and not just winning. So you have 16 people in a warzone. Team A wins with a fairly even objective point split. Team B loses, 5 of the members ran around like buffoons just working on damage and kills, the other three players got a ton of objective points because they tried to kill ball carriers, carrier the ball and defend. Those 3 players on the losing team worked hard, they should be rewarded for it. But you know that system would make some sort of logical sense. Can't have that.
  16. Thanks for listing all your characters, it almost makes us gives two damns about your QQ.
  17. Wrong, class buffs are auto applied when you cast your normal buff if you unlocked them already.
  18. Companion Station: A new tab under the legacy window. Allows you to manage crafting, missions of ALL your companions, regardless of what character you are on. So if your on your BH you can still send you Sith Warrior companions out. Note, you will still need to log into said character to receive the items/rewards. Something like 1 Million Credits unlock. Level 20 Legacy Shared Companions: Friends make new friends through friends and family members alike. Why not allow the ability to use any companion you have on any other character in your legacy tree? Sith Warrior could have Blizz come over and help them because they are married to a Bounty Hunter. Some restrictions would make sense of course, keeping companions on the proper faction side only and having players alts be a certain level for certain companions. Maybe a decent level 15 legacy perk. add some more ideas up in here.
  19. Yeah... we know dude, they came out and said 'rewards for people who like to play multiple characters', we know its an alt grind feature, apparently you failed to get the memo.
  20. So Star Wars has all this advanced technology. Can we put it to use and get some optional 'wigs' for Rattataki?
  21. I kill guild mates all the time, they kill me. We laugh about it. Anyone leaving your guild over this is a tool that you don't need in your guild. Let them go be a waste of space somewhere else.
  22. I can't agree with this anymore if I wanted to. Learn animations and effects and you can take them down. Like you said, you attack them head odd and they pop their cs, run away, back off, whatever. Wait for the effect to wear off and come back in. If you expect your just going to mash keys against every class without formulating some tactics then your going to get torn apart. Play smart.
  23. Its perfectly within the 'design parameters' if it wasn't the gear would be restricted to only certain trees.
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