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Everything posted by Darthshnooky

  1. Yes. Without Recruit-BM gear you do about 20% LESS damage to your target and take 20% MORE damage from them. You're basically a free kill. Expertise is absolutely essential to PvP. It's designed that way on purpose so that there are two different sets of gear needed for endgame.
  2. Nothing said indicates any change to damage -- only to threat. Increasing threat is all well and good, but I'm not sure too many tanks are really complaining about threat, at least not since Taunt mechanics in this game became more clearly understood. Other than AoE threat, and even that is open to debate. But we'll just have to wait and see patch notes to fully understand what they are doing.
  3. Player killing occurred on a PvP server? Dear Lord!! Use your Fleet pass, spam that there are level 50s ganking lowbies on the planet, watch the fun ensue. Otherwise roll on a PvE server and play safe and sound (btw, i usually roll on PvE servers specifically because I don't like this kind of thing, but I don't try to change PvP servers to meet my preferences; i adapt, you should too).
  4. Yeah, we definitely need more details about how server transfers will work. I'm hoping they control the whole thing and funnel certain servers towards others. So 10 low pop all can transfer onto one mid-high pop, while another 10 low pop can transfer onto another one, etc. With changes and adjustments made as they go to get more servers with high populations. Otherwise people are just going to fill Fatman and a few others, create queues, and then complain about that...
  5. Oh yes agreed, which is why I think they've been holding off on the whole thing. I think they really do understand a lot of this stuff, they just aren't implementing or communicating things very well. Those two things are killer in an MMO community.
  6. God no. Buy the Recruit gear. Nothing in your PvE gear, no matter how amazing the Willpower or Surge may be, compares to what Expertise gives you. Buy Recruit, grind for BM, and be successful. Do not try to do level 50 PvP in PvE gear... there's a reason there are two different sets. You will not be the exception to the rule, you will die horribly and complain about Marauders/Sentinels being OP. Use PvP gear, it's in the game for a reason. Thank you.
  7. They don't need xserver WZs. Server transfers are coming in 1.3 and IF they do them properly, this will become a non-issue. Now, that is a very important "if" in there, but we can only hope they understand what they are doing here. If they control the transfers so people consolidate onto 10 or so major servers, creating numerous mini-Fatman environments, then queues will start popping again. If this is done properly, they might get some people back with enough numbers to stop the snowball effect and bring back some stability.
  8. They already said server transfers are coming in 1.3.
  9. OP: you are wrong. You were in a game with jerks. We've all been in games with jerks (i was in one yesterday as well). Know what i did? Called them out on being jerks and tried to motivate the other people to still push for a win. Know what i didn't do? I didn't blame BioWare for the attitude of their players. Mercs DO bring something to any game, including Huttball. Holding middle is absolutely vital to winning. If you don't control the mid game, you can't get the ball with decent field position. Mercs are not ball carriers, but they can do anything else in the game. That Juggernaut or Sorcerer who is going to run the ball can only do it if the middle is controlled properly, that's your job. Kill enemies in mid, kill enemy ball carriers/healers, and help kill enemies engaging YOUR carrier. Anyone who doesn't understand that, regardless of Valor rank, is just bad. You were in a match with some bad players who also happened to be jerks. BioWare didn't do that to you -- it was just bad luck. Shake it off and remind them of what a Merc can do. Or complain about it here to a bunch of people who actually understand how the game works and see you as just whining about meeting bad players. We're not known for our sympathy.
  10. Did you read what you quoted? The entire problem with things like Project IS the animation. Damage occurs based on the animation. By fixing the animation, they fix the inconsistency between these abilities. They are mirrored in terms of effect and numbers in game, the only existing differences are animations -- fixing them, fixes the problem. Nothing was said about that. Tanks aren't putting out too much damage. The problem is that tanks can't really tank right now since they die too fast, so all the "tanks" you see are geared for DPS. That's not really a tank. Giving tanks better mitigation gives them a reason to tank in PvP -- which is what has been missing.
  11. Move the cam around (using left click) until you get a nice shot of yourself, then hit "PrtScn" (Printscreen) to create a capture. You can find the file under Documents\Star Wars - The Old Republic\Screenshots.
  12. As long as you're not trying to sell it or claim characters created by Lucasarts/BW as your own, you should be fine. If you get a cease and desist, just remove the stuff and delete the facebook page -- that's the worst that could happen.
  13. Darthshnooky

    New to PvP

    Queue up and do some matches. Read chat while you're in the game and be attentive. Watch what other people are doing. Hotkey something simple for Throw in Huttball and learn how to use it well. Just pay attention and ask questions (this is typically something you should do before or after a match, not necessarily during) when you need to. The best way to learn pvp is to just get out there and do it. And save up 2000 WZ Commendations and 300k credits so that you can get some BM gear at 50 and fill out the rest of your slots with Recruit gear. But really, just learn by doing and make an effort to improve when you make mistakes. Those two things will make you better than about 70% of the other people you'll see in PvP.
  14. I believe they effectively have the same alignment as you do. So if it's a piece of gear that you can wear (in terms of alignment) then so can they.
  15. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/826/hoodedmask.jpg/ That's the best i've been able to do. The chest piece at least looks a bit heavy, since it seems like armor plates and such under the robe. I wanted more of a Lord Adraas look than Malgus, so i was happy when they made the change to that mask graphic.
  16. One thing to note: Pommel Strike NEVER works on elites, champions, and other players. So, are you trying to use it on one of those three types of targets? If so, that's your problem right there.
  17. 1. It's just not really an issue at level 50, which (let's be honest) is the only thing that really matters. Gear while leveling is just there to get you by. At 50, the differences are much more pronounced and there really aren't issues with it. 2. Yes, let's change a system that 1 million+ players are happy with so that your handful of friends will try out the game. The current gear system is just fine (excluding some itemization issues the devs seem to have, which have nothing to do with your complaints) and doesn't need to be changed. If something so minimal is keeping your friends from playing, then that's just too bad for you.
  18. No, you're wrong. All of those animations are fine. The third hit in Ravage is supposed to feel like a slow, powerful strike. Like you take a moment to focus your hatred and anger into your attack, then strike with raw force.
  19. This ^ OP: by level 50, most classes aren't sharing loot to the extent that they do early on. Also, Mercs are DPS or Healers, not Tanks. You might've just been using that as a general example, but it's incorrect.
  20. It seems to be random. HOWEVER, it is randomly generated every time you change zones. You can log out and into the game to reset the list of missions, but there's an even easier solution. Go to the fleet and exit or enter your ship. Each time you transition it will generate a new list for your crew skills missions. This is a great way to more easily focus on just the types of missions you want.
  21. Darthshnooky

    Balance issue

    I don't feel like arguing with your entire post -- so i will use just this one part to demonstrate where you are incorrect. What you are saying about Knights/Warriors is garbage for several reasons. 1. Knights/Warriors don't get those things -- either Marauders/Sentinels or Juggernauts/Guardians do. Most of what you are mentioning requires skills or abilities learned within one AC or the other, you cannot just group them all together like that. 2. Related to the first point -- you're describing abilities that are not combined together. The 5s immunity after leap requires a particular spec, not every Warrior/Knight gets it -- much like the "Channeled CC that damages" which only one spec of Marauder/Sentinel gets. Your whole post is like this. You're acting like Force Users are a super class that get everything from both ACs and all 3 specs... that's just not true.
  22. They removed it because it was meant as a bonus for people who could afford and were playing the game. Folks who come along after 1.2 or didn't have the money in time aren't able to currently get it. Basically, it was meant as something special and to get some money out of the game economy.
  23. What i do (and i'm sure others do the same) is IMMEDIATELY change A and D to strafe keys and just remove the turn keys completely. Use your mouse to turn. Then Q and E are freed up as hotkeys for some abilities. R and T are also easy to reach (for example, on my Juggernaut main, R is Taunt and T is my throw ball ability for Huttball). It's easy to shift between the WASD keys for movement and your first 5 or 6 number keys, plus the first four F keys above them. This gives you access to a lot of hotkeys. Your right hand then stays on your mouse and you can use it's buttons as appropriate. Clicking both mouse buttons at the same time moves you forward -- which you can use frequently to help you with moving your left hand back and forth. I also set the tilde key (~) as my autorun key, because it's easy to hit and i can use it when moving my hand between the two positions of WASD and numbers.
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