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Everything posted by Jemfisto

  1. I love the garbage people throw around the forums "its a crap engine". The abilities in this game have insanely detailed animations therefore it won't be as responsive as wow which has 1 animation for each race, obviously there are some issues with delay that they have been working on and even changing animations for but i love all the computer engineers around here who spout their knowledge.
  2. Call it a necro if you want, but unfortunately the thread is still relevant. Should we just forget about bugs because they are from old patches?
  3. Still none of this is fixed, it is quite sad because these are just the sounds that we notice have problems. What if 1.4 caused the music or ambient sounds to be lost from an already quiet game? I love TOR but this seriously needs to be fixed in the next patch!
  4. At least the delay is consistent so it really wouldnt be delay if they just updated the cast bar. Just a bit of a pet peeve but its really no big deal.
  5. Hey, I always see people talking about ability delay on the forums, but never really noticed it myself. However, I just made my new sniper and love the class but snipe and ambush appear to have severe delay. The cast bar goes, and when you would expect it to fire, it fires like a half of a second later. Is this a known issue or am I the only one?
  6. Happy Holidays, thanks Bioware for SWTOR because the game launched this time last year it reminds me of Christmas
  7. You can get the robes pretty cheap on the GTN. The mask is what is going to kill you. Noone can tell you how much CC it will take, you may spend 40 bucks and not get the mask or spend 5 bucks and get it its just the luck of the draw.
  8. Welcome back Evan. Glad you guys are still at it, and the podcast is better then ever.
  9. I for one didn't pay real money for it as I received it as part of the complementary coins (thanks bioware). Thanks for making snap judgments at me, and proceeding to offend people who actually did buy cartel coins because yes, we are all paying for a virtual star wars game online. And the best part is you are the one reading the forums of said virtual star wars game! But don't worry, you are obviously much cooler then the rest of us.
  10. Lightsaber sounds are totally bugged out. They work when you are moving and continue to work when you stop moving, but they stop playing as soon as you move the camera.
  11. Not only that, but Revans robes are totally incorrect as well. The investigators robe is brown rather then red.... This is stuff people are paying real money for bioware!
  12. This needs to be fixed ASAP as real money was spent on this.
  13. I'm taking the optimist route with you, I do not believe they would ninja nerf this. People would and have figured it out. Fingers crossed its a bug. If they came out and said that they were reducing WZ exp before this then I guess that would be fine but if they actually ninja nerfed it to encourage xp boosts thats horrendous.
  14. Happy BDAY! And good job on the livestream!
  15. Although I seem to be in the minority, I absolutely loved the revan novel and the stories of the exile and revan in tor. Their stories from motor games to revan book to the old republic are my favorite part about star wars.
  16. So what is "major" content to you? If you aren't a pvper, obviously this patch is not for you but a new warzone is huge. Other games don't release new pvp zones until expansions...
  17. 1. Is Ilum or any world pvp objective coming back? Game optimization seems to be a lot better to handle more players. 2. Timetable for quality of life features such as chat bubbles (It's about time Bioware), hood up/down, and other stuff like this? 3. Is there still a "secret" space project in production? How about guild ships? What this game needs is something unique to star wars but at the same time making it feel more like an MMO. 4. Any plans to get rid of the boring, monogomous fleets and bring players back to the beautiful planets you guys made?
  18. Turn off smart camera, AA is in the game.....
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