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Everything posted by Jemfisto

  1. Since 2.1 work was probably mostly done by artists, and graphics people, I'm sure the content devs have something nice in store for us.
  2. Please check it out. Its awesome. I heavily recommend the audiobook for music and sound effects, plus you can listen while you play TOR!
  3. Well this does take place 300 years after KOTOR. Have you read the Revan novel? Because the JK story is heavily tied in and basically IS kotor3.
  4. Man I love when someone knows a lot about this kinda stuff . I take the more movie like Jedi in KOTOR to be explained in the Redemption arc ToTJ when Nomi Sunrider mentions "we will create a new Jedi Council" during the Jedi convocation. A lot of reform is implied with her leadership. But yeah, the more ancient technology in ToTJ is not easily explained, but I can overlook aesthetic differences in different material, as long as the story is cohesive! Since you seem to know a lot about the Old Republic era, what do you think happened to Nomi and her daughter during KOTOR and KOTOR 2?
  5. This is just not true. Yes, they did merge some of the original movie elements into the Old Republic, but you have KOTOR influence everywhere, but mostly in Empire areas.. Tales of the Jedi armor setpieces are everywhere, pureblood sith running around, korriban, dromund kaas... a TON of areas have the Old Republic feel to them. Just check out this all of these screenshots http://imgur.com/a/IHXIl In fact its mind bobbling how you can even say that... everywhere I go in this game I am reminded of KOTOR and Tales of the Jedi.
  6. To me, my least favorite companion so far has been Broonmark.
  7. Except there are pureblood Jedi... see "Dawn of the Jedi".
  8. I would like to know this as well, I am completely confused with relics.
  9. The story - I just finished Makeb a minute ago and got chills with the epic zoomout of Darth Marr and the imperial fleet. Man this game is so good.
  10. Happy they are fixing this! AND MORE THEN JUST THE DOUBLE HOOD? Could we be some some real KOTOR revan gear incoming
  11. Funny, but technically none of the sets come with helmets, so even if it was included in the original set it would have cost more coins
  12. I like you. I would also throw in Revan, Bastila, Corran Horn and Dash Rendar.
  13. How is actually following the Jedi code wasting the character? Not every protagonist has to be edgy and rebellious... even so, she is to some degree, with her secret child and all.
  14. I think a move like this would make most of the subscribers feel better about this update but unfortunately I doubt it will happen.
  15. I don't care that much but this is a little shady. Dye modules should be at least available to subscribers through a vendor or something. Character re-customization I totally get as part of CM though.
  16. Wow! I remember how excited I was for the game after seeing this full gameplay demo of the black talon. What were your thoughts of this then, and what about now? That flashpoint is so different!
  17. Lore sets should not have armor dye restrictions. Especially because many sets are bugged, such as Revans set which is gray rather then black as seen in the flashpoint.
  18. Subscribers get a monthly grant of cartel coins and we were told MONTHS in advanced Cathar would be on the cartel market. If you as a subscriber feel ripped off by Bioware then it is YOUR fault for not researching. You will have to wait one month to get them for free.
  19. It adds so much life to all of the worlds. I couldn't believe how much of an impact accurate ambient sounds are to a game environment. Good job locating and fixing this problem Bioware. Anyone else feel this way?
  20. Shadows of the Empire is something all Star Wars fans know. In the "dark ages" in between the trilogies (which doesn't look so dark now considering what happened with the prequels), Lucasarts launched a multimedia project telling the story of what happened between Empire and Jedi. We got a video game, a book, a comic series, and even a soundtrack. This is a very promising looking kickstarter project. Real but cost effective props and limited CGI aim to capture the feel of the original trilogy, which could turn out quite well considering the originals were made 30 years ago with MUCH worse technology. A knowledgeable filmmaker with some time and money could churn out something pretty great in 2013 that could hold up. With the incoming Star Wars sequel trilogy which could very well be a decline, this seems pretty good looking. What do you guys think?
  21. Good job on this Bioware. EXACTLY what we want to see on the cartel market. Especially the KOTOR and KOTOR 2 related stuff, and more cool color crystals!
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