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Everything posted by Viscerus

  1. The problem with this one is that they can easily see the circle coming and run out of the balls path and you just reset teh thing.
  2. The Grapple to Safety Zone in huttball IS legal. It is mean to defend against spawn camping. It is obviously NOT "working as intended" or it would not be counting 1/10 of the scores from this. It should be a score, that is the problem.
  3. Would it make you happier if i said getting pulled into the endzone would be like a field goal? Get over yourself and stop nitpicking man.
  4. Yeesss... Like a safety is worth 2 points... Like pulling someone into your own spawn is like scoring an own goal... sort of like being sacked in your own endzone... Was it the fact that i didn't use the same numbers as the scores in football or the fact that the situations were not EXACTLY identical? Jesus...
  5. ^^^ This is what I am talking about. It only counts the score about 10% of the time.
  6. I agree that it is a good way to stop graveyard/spawn camping. Pulling the carrier over should still count as a score.
  7. The only way this mechanic would make sense is if it were like football. If each time you crossed the goal line you got 3 points and it took 18 poitns to win, but getting pulled over the line and blown up was like a safety and only awarded 1 point.
  8. Same player did it three scores in one game.
  9. Well when the ball only comes that way a few times in teh whole match, the odds are really damn good that someone with a pull will be there every time. How hard do you think it is for them to see the ball headed that way, run up to an enemy player, use no defensive CDs adn die real fast and pop out in time to yank the ball carrier? We had to hold the ball to win a 3-3 tie at the end of that match even though we had carriers within 3 feet of scoring and got pulled over 3 more times.
  10. ^^ This. Crossing the line should count as a score. THAT is why it is exploitive. Not that you are getting blown up.
  11. When players with the ability to pull enemies to them play in huttball it makes it impossible to score against them. One person can stand on the ledge near their spawn and continually pull enemy ball carriers onto their ledge, instantly killing them without them getting credit for crossing the goal line. There are a few notable cheaters on my server, Rakata Mind Prison:a few players consistently take advantage of this exploit. One is named after a substance that can kill you or make you sick and another is named after the republic smuggler class thatn can heal... only he spelled it wrong. Edit: I acknowledge that they are supposed to be able to do this to prevent spawn camping. It is just supposed to count as a score when they do it to the ball carrier.
  12. Ah i did not realize you were the OP when i read the second post. I see what you are saying. But the answer isnt to let Ops annihilate anyone in 3 seconds.
  13. .... I was just saying how I can't burst down a well geared healer.
  14. Operatives are medium armor... not light... I have over 600 expertise and ops can take me from 100% hp to 20% hp during hte duration of their 3 second knockdown. That is broken.
  15. WTH are you talking about. It is sages who get double ticks on heals. Everyone's damage is calculated at the point they use the ability. The animation just depends on when you see the numbers, not weather ti actually affects the damage. All the time i do force choke and get knocked back by the guy i am force choking.
  16. My marauder has an insanely hard time bursting down a healer before he just heals himself up. can only do it against poorly geared ones.
  17. Viscerus

    Empire pvp

    I don't think sages or sorcs are overpowered... I do think the amount of utility they get compared to other classes is wild. They ahve access to almost every kind of tool in teh game.
  18. ^^^^ Though in the case of Operatives, everyone knew they were actually broken. Edit: And sage heals are double ticking, though that is getting fixed. I have literally seen a nerf XXXX class thread for every class in teh game.... Guess what people... you are going to die sometimes.
  19. Viscerus

    #1 PvP pet peeve!

    Knockback spam. Not being knocked back, the mindless way people hit knockback like it is part of a rotation without using situational awareness. I can't count the amount times I have had someone set up to kill in a force choke or rooted with ravage or even rooted in the fire in huttball and some idiot runs up with a slam and knocks them to safety. Not to mention hitting knockback and knocking stunned enemy ball carriers over our own end zone. Please people who have knockbacks (which is almost everyone) think about WHERE the enemy is before you use it!
  20. To call a Marauder OP is a crazy stretch. We are serviceable is all i would give us.
  21. That rarely seems to happen though. I can spend hours roaming ilum looking for kills and not get anything. at least in warzones I am guaranteed about 1k valor every 20 minutes or so.
  22. The OP has no idea what he is talking about. He doesn't understand marauder mechanics and obviously has never played one. Maybe he should check the forums and note that an enormous amount of threads are dedicated to the SQUISHINESS of marauders.
  23. It would make sense if there was real open world pvp going on. But there isn't. As it is, your warzone queues are shorter, so in a way you do get bonus xp, valor, and commendations.
  24. The animation is different. It calculates damage at teh moment you do it. It's not slower, it just FEELS slower.
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