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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Shillen

  1. I'm playing it as a single player game also.


    It's the best single player game I ever played and considering I just played through skyrim that is saying a lot.


    But, yes, I cannot see playing this game for the long haul like a typical MMO.


    edit: That's not to say I don't have a guild and never group. But the fact is the story is the only great thing about this game. Once I've experienced the entire storyline that will be it.

  2. I was thinking about that. The ships are obviously the houses. But I hope in the future they add a lot of customization options to our ships so we can make them appear as we want them. Maybe in the distant future we could even build our own ship from the ground up (a little complicated since the ship appears in cutscenes and your companions have to know where to be, etc.)
  3. First of all I love the space combat and I think you can do a lot of things to make it even more fun.


    The most important thing is to improve the replayability of it. Right now I keep doing the same missions over and over and I can pretty much sleep through them. I don't even try to do well because there is no incentive to it. I just hold down the blaster key the entire time and play without shields because I can beat the mission doing so.


    So here are some suggestions to make it more entertaining doing the same mission multiple times.


    1. Score. I think if you gave us a score at the end it would give us a reason to try every time as we want to beat our previous score. This could work really well with the multiplayer aspect as well as people can compete within their guilds for the highest score or even compete for the highest score on the server.


    2. Rebalance experience. More exp for killing objectives during the mission and less for winning. It seems to me the amount you get for destroying ships and turrets inside the mission are pathetically low. In the early missions at least you get 5xp for destroying normal turrets, 7 xp for fighter planes, 20 xp for big ship turrets, 30 xp for some other objectives. You might kill 100 of these things during a mission and the grand total xp for that is like 800 or so. Then you get 2500 for beating the mission and 10k for completing the quest. It just doesn't seem to be worth my time to go above and beyond the mission requirements for the 1-200 extra xp I might get.


    3. Bonuses. Give us bonuses for doing better. Early finish bonus (xp, credits, score), beating it without taking any damage, high accuracy bonus, etc.


    4. Random events. I think it would be cool if there were some random events that may or may not happen each time you do the mission. Maybe sometimes a special boss ship would spawn or maybe you fly to the mission and you get there to find a completely different situation than you expected (i.e. a different mission).


    5. Alternate paths. Yes, it's a rail shooter but that doesn't mean there has to be one rail only. You could give us choices during the mission do you take the right path or keep going straight? Etc.


    6. More difficulty levels. Offer the maps on multiple difficulties from easy to medium to hard. Give more exp/credits and maybe special rewards for beating it on hard. But make them really challenging.


    And here are some other improvemnts I'd like to see:


    1. Healthbars. I want an option to have a healthbar appear on top of every ship/turret/etc. You have them on certain mission objectives. I'd like to see them for everything. Of course this should be a toggle.


    2. Ship paths. Show the path the ship is going to take. It's ok the 4th or 5th time you play the mission because you know which way it's going to take you but the first couple times it's a problem. Sometimes I go to avoid an asteroid and the rail takes me the other way and I crash into it anyway. I think there should be like a faint beam of light that shows which way the ship will go.


    3. Radar. I can't imagine a space shooter without a radar on the ship. This might sound like it would make the game easier but that's not the case. It gives you another thing to watch and if it did make it too easy just add more stuff to kill. Besides, by the 5th or so time you do it you know where all the ships will come from anyway.

  4. Nasty community here- miserable ppl posting here- you should be ashamed of yourselves- god forbid anything happen to you that gives you lot a disability!


    Karma is all i have to say


    I have a disability. I deal with it. I don't ask the world to change to accomodate me.

  5. There are massive threads about this in the CS forums. I had the issue one day but that was it (and my internet was working perfectly).


    People in these threads are reporting that it only happens to them and not their wife. They even switched computers and they were still getting disconnected while the wife wasn't. So that pretty much rules out the computer and the internet connection.


    Just because you aren't having an issue doesn't mean that it isn't a legitimate issue that other people are having. Always remember that.

  6. Its only 1 day a week. You don't have to play every day.


    I guess i only feel this way since this is the first MMO i have every played.


    I read only a few post on here but a lot of people were complaining because it was the holiday season. After that don' t you guys work or go to school? 10am to 4pm? I can't play during those hours. Did you just want them to wait till after the holiday season for patching?


    Not flaming or trolling.. just new to MMOs. I've been pissed off at Call of duty when they decide to patch the game at 10pm on a Friday.


    Think about the people who have plans on 5 nights a week (school, work, pta meeting, whatever) and only have 2 nights to play and one of them is tuesday? Not everyone has flexible schedules.

  7. You say you can't get the datacron because you lack fine motor control which puts you at a disadvantage in PvP. Aren't you already at a disadvantage because of your disability? So you can just add the loss of datacron points to the disadvantage you already had. I don't see the problem.
  8. Yes, if you do instances you will outlevel the content. If you PvP you will outlevel the content. If you do space missions too much (for instance if you only play 2 hours a night and spend 30 minutes doing space missions each night) you will outlevel the content.


    This is a good thing as it means there are more quests available than needed and increases the replay value when you make another character.

  9. there are people who dont play for the PvE end game raids or the PVP of the game, there are people who play just to lvl charctars.


    I remember in wow i knew 4 or 5 who had 8x lvl 85s, they were all crap and they were **** players with all 8 but nevertheless they had 8 lvl 85s.


    they were the first people who hit 85 too and those people are usually the first people who hit 50 too and i know some who already started another charctar


    I love your 'they were all crap" comment. Like playing the game more makes you worse at it. Haha. In my experience the people with more chars are usually better players because they've played so much.

  10. You think they will return to this game? I think they will return to WoW. I think a lot of people are just playing this to play something different for a while and not because WoW all of a sudden became a bad game.


    In fact, most complaints about WoW are just people getting tired of playing the same game for years. They usually don't realize that and blame it on some change that Blizzard made when in reality they just aren't having as much fun because they've played it too much.

  11. back in 2004 soe was the 'top dog in mmo', but, mmos were not what they are now. back then they were a budding genre. now they are a massive industry and major cash cows for their companies.


    This is so wrong. There's a reason there were so many MMO's developed after Everquest and before WoW. It was a major cash cow. WoW just took a major cash cow and turned it into a money tree. SoE gave SWG as many resources as it required. They wanted the next Everquest. The lack of content and game-breaking bugs killed the game.

  12. Will such threads ever stop? I mean seriously every single person who does not like the game has to post about it? We have 100s of such threads every day so please stop as this is getting tiering!


    At least title the thread properly so that i know that this is another "thread about how dissapointed i am" so i know in advance to not view such a thread.


    Like said above nobody care anymore if you leave or not because you are not the first to enlighten us with this dramatic info. There were hundreds before you so we all know "the story" upside down already...


    That's really the entire point of these message boards is for people to give feedback on the game. Telling them to leave doesn't make any sense at all.

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