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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Shillen

  1. I just find it laughable that they think everyone with performance issues posts about them on the forums or submits tickets. I'd say the vast majority of people with performance issues do not do any such thing.


    Especially when they don't answer any tickets, they just close them and send you a message. People are already disillusioned with the ticket system and therefore do not even bother putting one in when they have legitimate issues.

  2. If I like the people in the group I will see them again. With one click they become friends just like that. For people that play late at night, a LFG tool and spamming chat is really the only way to start a group. Guild members are not on 24/7. Friends are not on 24/7. Getting afull group is not easy. There are also many new people to mmo's that are not into guilds and want to play casual. These people will benefit from an LFG tool. Anyone can benefit from an LFG too. In no way am I making your point. Your opinions are without logic and have no concrete reasons against a LFG tool.


    Yep, I play during the day. I either group with random strangers or I don't group. And I will not sit in town spamming that I'm LFG or LFM. I will not play the game before I do that.

  3. LFG tools ALWAYS turn grouping into a nightmare full of douchebags, ******* and just plain annoying people. This is a documented fact. Gamer journalists have writting articles ad nauseum about it. It happened to wow within a month of implementing it, it happened to Rift within a week, it ALWAYS HAPPENS.


    Documented fact my ***. Go find me some documents because they don't exist. All anyone has is opinionated drivel. Online communities have gone down the tubes in general, it has nothing to do with LFD tools. WoW and Rift both had bad communities before LFD was implemented.

  4. I'll be playing World of Warcraft


    I haven't decided if I should dust off my Shaman, or make another Priest. Then if I make a Priest, I gotta decide Blood Elf, or Undead...


    I'll likely end up back there as well. I might hold on another month to SWTOR, though.


    WoW is a little stale just cause I've played it so much in the past, but SWTOR is just annoying at times because it's missing so many quality of life features.


    Funny thing is the content in WoW is just as challenging even with all those mods and macros that people say play the game for you. All not having them does is make you focus more on the interface and less on the game.

  5. LOL - Do you think anyone in the game has already rested long enough to figure this out? I think not :)




    Yeah I've capped out on an alt multiple times already. It takes only a few days at most, at least at the low levels. I didn't exactly time it.

  6. I get that it's frustrating to lose a roll on something you really want. It's the nature of an MMO.


    This game can't have the same ideologies applied to it for looting that other MMOs currently do. The existence of companions, fully-gearable pets whose presence is assumed in the difficulty curve design for the 1-50 content, shifts things considerably. They're part of your character, a part without which you'd have a lot more difficulty.


    If all you're going to do is group content from 1-50, then it isn't an issue.


    It isn't an issue at 50th level when the paradigm of the game shifts, though you still require use of your companions during the daily solo quests.


    You, the player, were in the Flashpoint or Operation, and you the player assisted in downing the boss. You have a right to stake a claim to any loot a boss drops as a result. You don't require other players' permission or approval to roll as you feel appropriate on a given piece of loot.


    Courtesy likely demands that you ask first, but it's just that: it's a courtesy, not an imperative. There's no social contract in effect unless you personally agree to it.


    Of course the naysayers, who mostly just want to improve their own personal chances of a given piece of loot going to them as much as possible, are going to pull out scenarios saying this approach will encourage people to roll Need on everything just to vendor it for a few credits, or other such arguments. They aren't incorrect. The presence of companions in this game mandates a much more sensible approach of Roll/Pass for non-class-specific gear; Need Before Greed just doesn't work in this paradigm.


    Run the instance again. The item will drop again. You have the same chance as everyone else who rolls. Nothing can be more fair.


    The fact is that player will benefit from it more than you will by giving it to your companion. That is all that needs to be said and any decent human being will not roll on the item when it's a much larger upgrade for someone else. It's selfish to roll on it, period. It's not a question of fairness, it's a question of being considerate to other people.

  7. uhh well you see... this isn't WoW...if you travel to korriban is this little thing called an ORIBITAL DEFENSE GRID! which will blow your ship to bits if you dare to approach it with out the proper authorization codes. So if you as a republic scum decide to come toward one of our home worlds you will be destroyed... and thus republic being smart guys they are have made them no fly zones for safety of there troops...funny how technology works huh >>


    That's funny, considering I have to manually explore maps because they must not have any satellite images.

  8. I really don't get the point of power leveling. I like to enjoy the story/process. I've probably spend 30 hours easily playing jedi knight story and I'm getting close to level 23.


    I'm paying for it...I want to see everything, explore everything, and do everything I can even if it doesn't get me xp.


    Same philosophy here. I'm 50. I play more than you. That doesn't make me a powerleveler.

  9. Okay, here's the answer.


    You CAN mod it and use it, but it won't be the best gear for flashpoints or pvp. However, after you mod it, you should be able to quest in it just fine, and you can always pull out your optimal gear if a certain fight is a little too tough.


    In other words, it's just another OPTION to give players more ways to customize their characters. It surely is never intended to be End Game gear. But yes, you can use it.


    There is no problem with this, unless you are one of those people who want to do absolutely everything in only the best gear possible, which makes no sense in a mmorpg. That's like Easy Mode. This isn't a dungeon runner game. You can use gear/mods etc to customize just how "difficult" the game is for you at any point in time.


    What isn't 'right" is the notion that you should be able to raid or pvp in social gear. Why would you even want to? Those activities have their own gear rewards.


    You miss the entire point. That light armor wearer sacrifices nothing to put it on while heavy armor wearers are sacrificing a ton. They may not even be able to do tough quests while wearing it.


    My solution, though? Take the mod slots out of it all. Don't use social armor in combat. Problem solved, fair for everyone.

  10. I'm wondering the same thing. I have a feeling the economy is going to get super-inflated super fast unless they put something more to spend credits on.


    Even the repair costs are dirt cheap compared to how much you make at 50.

  11. Yep, there is no orange moddable techblade even when there should be one based on all other rewards lol.


    I suspect the reason there isn't is due to the fact that barring it using a barrel instead of a hilt you'd never be able to find an aim hilt to put in it. Then again at least they could have made the mod and enhancement slots moddable still. I dunno, BW really screwed the pooch when it came to Qyzen's itemization/stats. They may have had legitimate reasons for taking the route they did, but it's still just caused more problems.


    Troopers have a companion that uses a techblade with aim primary stat also (IMO he's the best companion to use for a DPS or healing commando). So it's not like this is a unique problem.

  12. It is absolutely ABSURD that I can't fire regular missles at these shield generators anymore. What if I want to save my proton torpedoes for something else?


    Dude, there are only so many buttons on our controllers...


    Er, wait, this is a PC game where we have keyboards. Unfortunately, it seems even PC-only games are getting consolized by developers lately.

  13. Well you can say the same thing about any RPG, lets take KOTOR for example. After you finish the story line the game ends and you need to make a new char or stop playing it. That isn't really a waste of time is it?


    There's a couple problems with this. 1. There's a monthly fee with this game. 2. Because there's a monthly fee they put massive time sinks into the game to make it take longer to experience all the content.


    If they took all the time sinks out and removed the monthly fee, yeah, it would be probably the best single player RPG ever created. But it's not, it's an MMO that's intended to keep you playing forever.

  14. Be fair. Even WoW has failed since WoW.


    No, it really hasn't. Yeah, subscriber numbers have come down a little bit, but that's expected with a 7 year-old MMO. People can only play a game for so long before it loses its appeal. They can blame the expansions and the changes WoW made all they want, but the reality is that WoW has only gotten better over the years. It's their impression of it that has gotten worse simply because they've played it too long.

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