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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Shillen

  1. WoW came out near the end of 2004, in Novemeber


    BC came out 16 days into 2007


    It was 2 years, and 2 months; not 3 years


    Yep and I'm pretty sure they were already working on it when WoW was released. That's how these game development companies work. It will take them 2 years to make the expansion so they need to start working on it.

  2. You act like they were trying to ban them from the game on purpose. Was it bad planning? yes. Was it a completely stupid mistake? yes. Was it malicious? no.


    While i dont want Bioware to go to EJ's standards of moderation, i do think being tough and cracking down early is a good thing.


    I consider it a bit malicious. They are very strict with their forums and ban/delete things they don't like even when the person is just voicing his opinion. I think their entire CS department has a bit of a chip on their shoulder/power trip. I think they'll find that MMO communities where people are paying a monthly fee expect a certain level of service beyond what single player game communities expect.


    Of course I understand no one is paying a monthly fee, yet, but I'll be surprised if their policies change by next month since it has a long history of being this way.

  3. Movement he's referring to is going forward using the arrow key and controlling direction using mouse. It's a much more fluid way of controlling character imo. Sure, you can hold left/right mouse buttons and move that way. It's more aggravating than anything, but will work with what we got. Hopefully Devs can look into this...cause i'm sure this ipart of the game is aggravating the @#$% out of many subscribers.


    That's how it works. I don't turn with wasd, I turn with the mouse. You just have to right click. You aren't saying you want the camera to always face the way your mouse is without right clicking do you?

  4. AFAIK, TOR's camera controls are exactly the same as WoW's.


    The only difference is you can't turn your camera around and make it stay there while running. It will snap back behind you as soon as you release left click. WoW has an option to turn that off.

  5. I really wish MMOs would stop doing this. Need/Greed is the WORST idea in an online game...ever.


    Roll/Pass and all the complaining would stop.


    You're kidding right? People would roll on everything. No one would get what they need. Need/greed is a far better system.

  6. Yeah some of the voice clips don't seem to be working right.


    Like saying "Shields are down!" when I didn't have any to start with...


    Yeah I like when they say incoming when you're 1 second away from jumping to lightspeed and there's no enemies in sight.


    But that issues is prevalent in other areas of the game too. Like when companions com back from a mission and say they did an awesome job but they actually failed or say they let you down but succeeded.

  7. If you view it as being nothing more than a little minigame on the side, it's OK. The problem is, it shouldn't be a little minigame on the side. Some of the most epic parts of Star Wars canon are to do with space combat (Death Star attacks, for example), so to treat space combat as simply a minor minigame doesn't do it justice, at all.


    Eh there are positives and negatives to allowing you to have complete control over the ship. This is more like an amusement park ride instead of a stroll through the park and I like it. I think a death star attack while on a rail is more thrilling than if you were just sitting out in space shooting down on it while dodging projectiles.

  8. Kudos to you for being able to stomach galaxies long enough for them to put space combat in.


    I steered as far away from star trek as I possibly could.


    So, unfortunately, I had no idea what to expect out of space combat.


    I find I actually enjoy it. It certainly feels like it's a rough draft of the system they plan to have, but it's pretty fun for now. There are a ton of ways it can be improved and I'm sure they're going to improve it.

  9. i would agree that the posters on these forums are the minoirty of the players. I only come here while in que myself or just before I log in to check dev posts. I would also suggest though that just because you want something does not make you the majority. Nor the fact that people disagree with you makes them "hardcore." Infact most of the people from what i can tell from the threads on this subject who are against a change in the LFG or the addition of a LFD are not hardcore but more along the lines of people here for the fun of the game and are less worried about racing to 50


    I disagree. The people against LFD are harking back onto their days in MMO's 10 years ago where people were nice to each other all the time. Back then it was only hardcores that played MMO's.


    Sorry, it wasn't LFD that made current MMO communities garbage. It's society as a whole especially the internet society. You just have to deal with it. Most people are not going to be civil most of the time, especially on the internet.

  10. Search has been disabled since the 17th.


    Why? To reduce server load or something? Cause it seems to me it would have the opposite effect as people will make new threads instead of finding a thread with the information they want. I know some people don't use the search feature but many of us do.

  11. Just a note on these fights. I use my pet as a tank, and did so in beta when it was a 4-man flashpoint. All you need do is press Ctrl 2, everytime you see the ground marker and back up. One of the things that works excellent is the passive mode. He'll walk towards you and then you press Ctrl 2 again when the AoE is gone. My pet tanked the entire dungeon without dying once I started doing this, correctly.


    Did you read my post? This didn't work at all. My companion took 2 seconds to respond to my command and then walked instead of running towards me. I'm not a mmo noob. Maybe you had a different companion than me I was using the consular one. There was no way he was getting out of that ability no matter how soon I told him to move. We did end up beating the boss but it wasn't thanks to the companions.

  12. People posting on the forums during a game's beta are usually MMO hardcore.


    After the launch of a game, the hardcore turn into a minority.


    This. I got into the beta at least 6 months ago. I leveled 1 character to level 8 and one chasracter to level 6 and that's all I did during the beta. The only people who play betas are the ones who like treating the game as a job.

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