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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Shillen

  1. - The dead community - WHICH BIOWARE, IN SWTOR - IS TRYING TO BUILD.

    - Dead worlds - (Flying mounts and teleport in the LFD issue all over again.)

    - Bossfights, and content based on being hard after what Addons offer!


    1. The community is worse in SWTOR.

    2. The world is more dead in SWTOR because of the phasing.

    3. The bossfights are more fun with addons (that take 5 second to install) because they make it so you're struggling against boss mechanics instead of struggling against your UI's limitations.


    Also, anyone who says WoW had this many bugs at release is smoking something because it flat out didn't. I'm not saying it was bug-free but SWTOR you can't go 2 minutes without running into a bug at the higher levels. And on top of that a larger percentage of these bugs are things you can't just avoid and have a big impact on your enjoyment of the game.

  2. I loved the game. I got to level 50. I'm pretty much done now. I won't be subscribing. That's the flaw of a story-driven game. Once the story runs out that's it...


    I would level a new character to experience their storylines if it didn't involve doing all the same sidequests or grinding pvp.

  3. The time it takes to get from place to place is going to suck the life out of the people who choose to play this for the long-term. That is one thing that will inevitably get fixed at some point.


    I agree on the cybertech bikes. They need to make them BoE and/or use 1/10 the material they do now. If I sold the underworld metals alone I could buy like 5+ speeders off the vendor. And it's not like cybertech or the recipe for the bikes are uncommon. I see tons of people on them...


    The guild interface needs a lot of features/improvements. Calendars are just one of them.

  4. There will be a fairly large exodus after the free month is over. If you're on a well-populated server you probably won't notice but if you're on a lower pop server you might run into some problems.


    But the game is far from doomed. It just isn't a blockbuster hit.

  5. Never had this happen. I do know if you zone at all your 5 minute timer gets reset. But you can drop it in areas other than republic/imperial fleet. It's just you pretty much can't move around because even when you enter new areas it seems to reset. They need to have a visible timer on the thing...
  6. Hate to say it but even if this was a single player game is doesn't stand up to the single player games that have been released. Even BWs single player games have better story and game play.


    I don't think this would matter at all.


    I have to disagree. If this were a single player game they wouldn't have added all the time sinks to it and it would have been the best single player RPG ever created. Imagine fast traveling to any planet you want, never running through a spaceport, etc.

  7. Yeah, the minimum requirements usually don't change for some time down the road. That disclaimer is there because they might upgrade the game engine at some point and along with that will come new system requirements. But that wouldn't be for a year or more down the line.
  8. If anything swtor has the worst and most boring crafting there is. It honestly feels like playing a facebook game - click this button and come back in an hour to collect your dollar. Terrible. Every other crafting system atleast gets you involved, makes you go out into the world trying to improve it. In swtor crafting is just a bunch of annoying free loot screens poping up every 20 minutes. It honestly wouldn't even be worse to just remove it all together, infact may be even better.


    I'm noticing a distinct trend in whether people like or don't like SWTOR's crafting system. The people who didn't enjoy crafting in other MMO's enjoy the crafting skill in SWTOR because of how effortless it is. The people who like spending time crafting do not like SWTOR because you can't spend time crafting in SWTOR.


    In my opinion that makes the system a failure. The crafting system should exist for the people who enjoy crafting systems, not for those who don't. The people who don't enjoy crafting systems should not be forced to do them (this is why WoW's crafting system is a failure because you have to craft for the combat bonuses you get).


    This way both groups can be happy. The crafters have a system they can enjoy and the non-crafters can ignore crafting entirely.

  9. People prefer to be evil. What that says about the future of humanity is depressing.


    I really don't think that's true.


    I think the main reason people prefer to be empire is because all the movies were told from republic side. So the storylines are more interesting on empire side. I also think a lot of the empire areas and combat animations are far cooler than the republic counterparts.

  10. @OP


    I agree with you on all points except crew skills and recall. Recall seemed awesome at first until I realized that getting from planet to planet is a royal pain in the butt. I'll take WoW's hearthstone over single-planet only recall any day of the week. Crew skills in this game are only good for the people who normally don't like doing tradeskills. I don't think that makes them good.


    The unfortunate thing is the list of reasons to play WoW over SWTOR are a million times longer than the list to play SWTOR over WoW.


    edit: Also, anyone who says you shouldn't compare SWTOR to WoW because WoW was made 7 years ago are idiots. So if some new car manufacturer opened up business you'd buy their car even though it's inferior because they haven't had as long to improve their cars? Give me a break. Your option is to play current WoW or current SWTOR. So they absolutely should be directly compared. WoW became successful because out of the gate it was better than its competitors even though they had been around for 7 years already. (Ultima Online, Everquest and some that weren't 7 years old like DAoC)

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