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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Shillen

  1. The UI is pretty game-breaking for me. I hope they fix it quickly. I mean I got two windows open and my companion comes back and closes both of them so he can give me his items. That is so horrible. I should be able to open as many windows as I want. I also hate having my health bar/portrait on the bottom of the screen. And it's attached to my action bar so even if they made the current UI elements movable I'd still have an issue because I want the bars on the bottom and portrait up top.


    Making an interface where you can't move the elements around in this day and age of MMO's is just unacceptable.

  2. What keeps people playing? You need to give some alternate content to raids and gearing up your character. If you want the players to make their own content that has been a proven failure by SWG.


    edit: ***, you said SWG didn't have resources? SoE doesn't have resources? You've got to be kidding me. They had more resources than Blizzard did. WoW is what made Blizzard all the money it has. Yeah, they had good games before that but they weren't SoE.

  3. Whats funny is, by your post, wow should have failed when it launched. It had no endgame, next to no content, and had all sorts of game breaking bugs and glitches, as well as a horrible launch.


    It had a horrible launch because the game was so amazing that they got about 10x the number of customers they expected. It had an amazing amount of content. Yeah, it had no raids at release or PvP battlegrounds, but it didn't take them long to add them and those aren't the only two types of content in the game. People exaggerate how "bad" WoW was when it released. It became an instant blockbuster hit because of how good it was. That's not saying it didn't have issues, it had some big ones, but the game was so good in the vast majority of categories that people were willing to deal with the issues.

  4. Also instead of the datacron hunters toggling off sprint. Couldnt there just be a walk/run toggle like in every other MMO?


    (I bet someone can tell me about that one MMO game that didnt have it, but thats not the point.)


    Walk/run is not the same as sprint/not sprint. You can walk, you can run and you can sprint.

  5. Don't understand this complaint.


    It's a single player game because you are playing it like one. If you want to group up you are rewarded for it. There is not much if anything that discourages grouping in this game and there is plenty of group content to be had here.


    Instanced areas, instanced cities, phased questing, limited ability to find groups, limited guild functionality, inflexible and inefficient interface, and on and on.


    You hardly see anyone when you're playing. Things that you can put up with in a single player game that you only play for a month are things you can't put up with if you're playing long-term such as the interface.


    I have a guild, I group up and quest with them. But if you're looking for an MMO to play in the long term this is not it. The story will get old and that's all there really is to this game.

  6. OP, you're 100% right. If you play this game as though it's a single player game then it's absolutely amazing. If you play it because it's an MMO then you are let down because it doesn't have any of the quality of life features an MMO is supposed to have.


    They basically created an incredibly amazing single player game, added a ton of time sinks and then slapped on the most basic MMO functionality they could to qualify it as an MMO.


    Personally, I'm just playing it like it's a single-player game and I'm really enjoying it. I will not be playing it months down the road though unless they make some dramatic improvements to the MMO aspect of the game.

  7. I love being able to heal myself between combat in a reasonable amount of time without having to keep an item in my inventory.


    I love the storylines and the way the different class storylines mesh with each other in each area.


    I love fighting packs of mobs instead of fighting individual mobs.


    I love the way the combat abilities for each class have so much synergy with each other.


    I love that it only takes .5 seconds to get on my speeder.


    I love having a crew of npc's working for me and being able to take one out in the field that can tank or heal for me depending what class I am.


    I love the way all the companions have their own personality and how consistent they are with it.


    I love space combat. It's in a fairly simple and rough state but I see a lot of potential for it.

  8. It is not a LFG per se that is the problem.


    It is a cross-server LFD that breeds a coarsening of the community. In a cross server LFD, you are far more likely to be grouped with people you will never see again. That anonymity doesn't enforce accountability, so people tend to act like jerks. They can just return to their home server without any consequence to their rude behavior.


    If they can find a way to do LFD but within the server, I'd be ok with that.


    If you make it same server only the queues are going to be ridiculously long. Sorry, but I'll take the bad with the good. I want to get into flashpoints in a reasonable amount of time.


    Besides, there's no need to be on anyone outside your guild's good side. Instancing itself took care of that, not LFD. I don't think people care whether they're on your server or not like you think they do.

  9. I think it's just the big numbers people see make them think it's high when in actuality it's pretty standard.


    In your 20s in WoW you might make 3 gold a night from questing and then you go to the trainer and spend 1 gold. In swtor you make like 30k credits and spend 10k on training. It's comparable but 10k just sounds like a lot.


    If you're also buying items off the market and sending your companions on missions (particularly gathering missions like scavenging, bioanalysis and archaeology) then you're going to be out of credits all the time.

  10. You know why people talked in groups in Everquest? Because you were stuck, unmoving, in one room in a dungeon waiting for the 2 or 3 mobs you were camping to respawn. What else were you going to do besides talk? You couldn't craft. You couldn't wander. You couldn't fight an empty room. You couldn't leave or you'd lose your spot.


    People seem to forget how crappy that game was and WHY people talked nonstop while playing it. Screw going back to that.


    Good point, and that's what they want for this game, too. They would rather we sit in town unable to find a group than to group with someone cross-server all for the sake of community. Sorry, the game should be fun first and foremost.

  11. I have formed groups from general chat that dont even speak during the instance. Its not the LFG tool that makes people anti-social, its the players themselves.


    Yep, people want the communities they used to have in EQ and DAoC back in the 90s and early '00s. Well, sorry, that just doesn't exist anymore. People are not nice and friendly on the internet anymore. That's just a fact of life. It's not the LFG tool's or the game's fault.

  12. You should probably compare a 2011 Mercedes to a 2004 Mercedes if you're going to make that analogy.


    This game demolishes any and all forms of gaming entertainment available in 1908. The MMORPG genre was just not that well done 103 years ago.


    Actually his analogy is far better than yours. 1908 in the history of cars is in about the same location as 2004 in the history of MMO's.


    MMO's have changed much more rapidly in the last 7 years than cars have.

  13. I just thought the Cantinas were a safe rest zone since they are designated rest areas. If I'm wrong then I know for the future. I rolled on a PvP server because I like open world PvP but I thought it was safe to log out or AFK in a Cantina.


    Yes because "resting" means safety. What does one have to do with the other?

  14. It seemed to be the case with my limited experience. I accidentally reverse engineered stacks of stims a few times and pretty much every time I did it to a stack I learned a new recipe. But I didn't do any real testing, no.


    I still don't think it would be worth doing that as you might learn the recipe on the first one and then you could have vendored the rest.

  15. I don't think that is very relevant, the server pop has been constant since it started before christmas, if a whole bunch of people really did come in on christmas then the server would be full with high queues


    You didn't notice that starting Friday night the queues were significantly shorter than normal? They raised the cap on the servers as they were planning to do all along. They had it set low so people would roll on less populated servers. That's standard practice in MMO launches now. Most likely they still haven't raised it all the way as high as the servers can handle.

  16. It's to make a profit.


    Somewhere it was estimated they only need 500k subs to do it. Anything above that is bonus.


    Wait, who estimated that? That's what a typical MMO takes to make a profit, but Bioware spent far, far more money on this game than the typical startup MMO developer. All the voice acting, the movies, etc. Even the development cycle was on the lengthy end for an MMO. I think they need far more subscriptions than the typical MMO does to make a profit.

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