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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Shillen

  1. Sometimes it's 30 seconds, other times it's about 2 minutes.


    /shurg, I alt tab and deal with it.


    But I see similar things in WoW, so I'm good personally.


    TOR seems to be a bit laggier but probably also more complexly (not necessarily a good thing) coded.


    WoW load times are because of addons. If I remove all my addons I get 5 second load screens in WoW. I put all my addons on and I get like 30 seconds. SWTOR I get anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes with no addons.

  2. Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


    - Storylines that matter.

    - Character Development.

    - A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

    - Balanced PvP.

    - Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

    - Companions that actually do something.


    From an old-time gamer I salute you.


    Huh? How exactly do you hit fewer buttons in this game during combat? Auto-attack reduces how much button smashing you do. As a trooper, even when I'm trying to get ammo back I have to keep hitting hammer shot over and over.

  3. 1) LFG tool. I agree that it COULD kill a community, but seeing as how hard it is to group as the game is new, sitting in the fleet for 40 min spamming general is not working. They could impliment a more effective way of finding others that doesn't automatically form groups, but hey, I'm not a game designer. I just know it needs some lovin'.


    This is where their solution is going to be a non-solution. The only way to make the time to get a group short enough is to use a cross-server system. They're going to add a same-server only system and it's still going to take 40 minutes for a dps to find a group and people are not going to be happy with it.


    Note: 40 minutes is my estimate at max level, it will be much longer at lower levels where there are fewer people to form groups with.

  4. Great list, good thing the devs have addressed almost every single issue you have and are going to be fixing the issues that are actually issues. If you can't be patient for that than sorry, bye!


    So the OP can resub when it's actually accomplished. There is no such thing as patience, it's called pay or don't pay. Is BioWare going to patiently wait until those features are in to charge his credit card? Nope.

  5. Well, I think this gives most temp-quitters a tentative timeframe. Be back in 2-3 months?


    I'll definitely keep my eyes on the patches until GW2 comes out. But if they say March now it will probably come in May at the earliest.


    But I'm really not looking for more content. I'm looking for quality of life improvements such as the UI, bug fixes, ability delay, travel times, flashpoint finder etc.

  6. I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


    SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


    This to me just sounds like you're just bored of WoW because you've already played it to death. It's not because SWTOR is a much better game than WoW is.

  7. basicly people feel if swtor didnt launch with


    10mil players

    LFG tool

    27 raids

    67 dungeons

    8 battlegrounds




    than it is a fail boat.....


    and dont tell me its the bugs.........


    I'm not complaining about content at all. But the missing features and the lack of polish are not excusable.

  8. I had just become made aware of this by someone who had pointed out that Balmorra was similarly skewed.


    Essentially, the storytelling process of the game has -both sides- winning the conflicts, depending on which side you're seeing it from, you're basically dominating the other one. And that, to me, seems like a pretty crucial design choice that decreased my approval of the game. I had expected, or hoped for some win-some lose some scenarios and a consistent storyline for all four classes that tied together for a greater narrative.


    What I got was kind of shallow in comparison. But: At least all you do is win, right?


    Because the game was made like a single player game because that is what BioWare has experience with.

  9. Really, to perform the most accurate comparisons:


    You'd have to draw a


    Comparison between WoW and the MMO's it competed with during it's launch


    then compare that to a


    Comparison between TOR and the MMO's it's competing with during it's launch.



    Vanilla WoW didn't exist in some sort of "MMO Launch" vacuum where you only looked at it's features. Neither does TOR exist in some sort of "MMO Launch" vacuum where possessing more (still broken or incomplete) features than WoW magically makes it better.


    I'm guessing by most people you're talking about yourself. I had been playing MMO's for a long time before WoW came out. Let me tell you, WoW blew away all its competitors when it released. That is why it has been so successful.

  10. You have a weird idea of constructive criticism, as this thread aptly demonstrates.


    I pride myself of helping the community by flagging thread like this one.


    You pride yourself in incorrect usage of the Flag button? I mean click the button and read what it's for. Here's a hint: This thread doesn't apply.

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