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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Shillen

  1. I didn't read the whole thread, but did anyone actually go to the link the OP posted? First of all they're only at ~1.8 million sales (according to the link), and there was a dramatic dropoff from week 1 to week 2 to week 3. Second of all, they are not even close to 4th best selling all time. That list in the link factors in a user score to give them some kind of score and that's how it's listed 4th. There are a lot of RPG's that have sold more than 1.7 million copies.


    edit: LOL looking at that link even more it shows mass effect and dragon age selling 0 copies in the US. So basically the entire site is garbage. You can't trust any data on there.

  2. League of Legends is free to play. They have not made as much money as WoW. Not even close. edit: Also, I personally know many people with 3+ accounts in LoL. With it being free to play it's no issue to create multiple accounts. People have multiple accounts in WoW but in order to do that they have to buy the game and all expansions multiple times.


    They are also two entirely different demographics. Most League of Legends players do not and would not play MMO's. Likewise most MMO players would not and do not play League of Legends.


    That said, I've played both. But I'm speaking in generalities. They are not the same market just like FPS and RTS gamers are not the same market.

  3. UI mod tools - current UI is beyond terrible


    cross-server flashpoint finder system so I can get a group quickly when my guildies aren't on


    Reduced travel times - remove the starports entirely, let me click on the front door and go to my ship, when I get off my ship make me appear outside the starport


    Let me quick travel to any point in the galaxy, not just on the planet I'm on, if not reduce fleet pass cooldown to 1 hour or less


    Mouse-over healing


    Significantly reduce ability delay


    Fix combat animations


    Make crafted items worthwhile for all crew skills at 50


    Reduce effectiveness of PvP gear in PvE. I don't want to PvP but the gear I can get from solo PVP is far better than what I can get in solo PvE.


    Millions of bug fixes that are too plentiful to list.


    Improve space combat (and make it far more difficult) and integrate it into the class storylines


    Reduce load times, improve computer performance. There's no reason my computer struggles with this game and runs other more advanced games just fine.


    Macros. I have way too many abilities. I want to be able to macro some of them together.

  4. I'm not even a DPSers. I Heal and i've pretty much been in here fighting for a meter.


    As a healer I am a blame target with or without a Parser. A Parser/ Meter would lessen the chances of people automatically assuming" i'm not doing my job" after multiple wipes now that you can better see:


    Who died standing in what.


    Who continued to DPS when they should have been interupting.


    Who's not Dispelling that mark of doom.

    Who's AFK for burrito and not attacking.

    This thing is just as important for lessening the amount of blame for tanks and healers, as it is for monitoring Damage output.


    So I will keep fighting for it. People think that they get blamed too much and removed from groups? Try healing for a while. The level of Blame is on a whole different level lol



    Originally Posted by me. The more stuff to help me avoid blame I shouldn't be getting the better.



    Stop pretending this is not here anti-parser meter people. Let's see some counterpointing. Or, just admit that you don't have an argument.


    Great post. The only time you get blamed with meters is if you actually deserve to be blamed. Without meters you can get blamed arbitrarily and you can't even defend yourself.

  5. I do not work at Bioware. I do, however, work elsewhere, where we gather FPS, ping time, location, and assorted other similar metrics every minute. We have a good idea of places that cause issues, what sort of hardware they cause issues on, etc. We know the average, minimum and maximum FPS for every graphics card anyone has ever used. We don't have it on a per-user basis; we also don't need it.


    I can entirely believe (and, indeed, assume) that Bioware does the same.


    So you're collecting that information for 1 million + people? It would be stupid for SWTOR to track this stuff. It would massively bog the servers down if they were gathering FPS data from every user.

  6. Thing is, those comparisons were irrelevant for WoW, which had more players after 1 month than had ever played EQ in its entire existance.


    If you can bring millions of brand-new players to your game, it doesn't matter how derivative your game is because your players won't know the difference. No other game has had that advantage since WoW.


    You act like WoW got all those subscriptions out of thin air. They earned those subscriptions. It's not an advantage. The reason it had far more players than EQ after 1 month was because it was a far better game. They basically took EQ and stripped all the frustrating crap out of it.


    Now you look at SWTOR. They took WoW and added frustrating crap to it. See the difference?


    edit: examples of frustrating crap SWTOR added: the inflexible UI, having to shout LFG to get groups, long loading screens, long travel times, ability delay, etc. If SWTOR had actually improved on WoW instead of releasing something worse than WoW they might have more subscriptions than WoW right now.


    edit2: WoW did have one advantage at release, and that was the Blizzard name brand. But SWTOR has star wars so I call that even.

  7. I leave WoW regularly and eventually go back. I left during classic, came back in bc, left during bc, came back in lich king, left during cataclysm. I'll probably be back for mists of pandaria. Just because I don't want to play it all the time doesn't make it a bad game. It just gets old after a while and need to do something new for a bit. I've never left WoW with the intention of leaving permanently. Unlike some people I can understand that games just get old after a while and it's not that they aren't good games anymore.


    I'll be trying out GW2 for sure. Looks so promising.

  8. I'm sure they tried, but recovering credits that spread throughout the market is a tough thing to do.


    I think 7 is very reasonable. Indefinite ban would be uncalled for just because it was originally a mistake left in the game by BW, and people took advantage. Not really the same level of "cheating" in my eyes, as say using 3rd party software etc, that deserves total ban IMO.


    Are you kidding? It most definitely should have been an indefinite ban. It's about the worst exploiting you can do other than installing a third party program. You cannot accomplish the exploit without knowing instantly that what you're doing is incredibly wrong.

  9. Funny the number of WoW players that drift around trying to find a different game and yet the first thing they do is complain the new game does not have the features the "other" game did!


    Also amusing how people seem to struggle with the concept that trying to play a new game the same way as you did an old one will rarely lead to the anticipated happiness they expected.


    Funny how my argument is supported by failed games and yours is disproved by failed games.

  10. haven't played wow lately have you. The vote system they put in did not help either. It was noy uncommon for say 3 guildies to vote out the other people just before a boss.


    They've fixed this. You can't do that anymore. Even with 4 guildmates it's exceedingly difficult. Once you kick one guy you pretty much can't kick anyone else. And if you kick people too often you lose your kicking privileges entirely for a time.

  11. I find it funny all the anti-WoW people drift from MMO to MMO and then fight against any improvement to the game that would make it more like WoW.


    Then no one except those people play it because it doesn't have any of the convenience features a modern MMO should have.


    Then the company realizes people are leaving in droves and starts adding these features to staunch the wound.


    But it's too late, the game is mostly dead. Then the people who didn't want the game to be anything like WoW leave because it's now more like WoW and they go ruin the next MMO.


    All the while they blame the death of the game on the WoW people.

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