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Everything posted by Varus_Praetor

  1. I fully plan to unsub as soon as I finish my SW class story due to the amount of content I can't access without a cross server LFG tool. My server simply doesn't have the population to enable grouping for heroics or FP's without spending hours and hours spamming gen chat. Why should I pay for content I can't even enjoy? I might resub when it's added, but BW really dropped the ball by not implementing either a LFG tool or server merges.
  2. I'm also curious as to whether Pooled Hatred is worth taking. I'd rather take defensive talents like Deafening Defense to help mitigate my squishiness but don't want to be passing on a significant dps boost.
  3. Maybe BW will add a Polygamist option in the future so you can have your cake and eat it too. Sounds like hell personally. I love my wife, but one is enough.
  4. Enraged Defense just uses too much rage for the benefit it provides. None of my other defensive cooldowns have such a large negative attached to them, and most of them are actually provide more benefit as well. If I don't have Enrage available, this really kills my DPS, which defeats the purpose as a Vengeance spec jug.
  5. Immortal would feel more juggernaughty if they changed back hand to ***** slap.
  6. How does having a level 50 make a customer more valued? All that should matter is duration of subscription. You're telling me the recent subscriber that powerleveled to 50 in a week is more "valued" than the casual alt-o-holic who has 8 chars between 30 and 49 but has been subbed since launch? Anyone surprised that this pisses off people without 50's who have been here since launch needs to have their head examined. You can think this is an ok move by BW, but to be surprised by the response?
  7. Because BW took a dump in my fruit loops and misery loves company.
  8. Pretty much this. The boost to Ravage is nice, but my survivability as Vengeance is still crap. Enraged Defense is DUMB. Leveling my Jugg still feels like punching a brick wall compared to my Sorc, although they nerfed them pretty badly so perhaps they're equally painful now.
  9. Alt-o-holic here, pre-ordered the second day available....highest char is 45. Thanks for the big FU BW. Because I work and am married I don't get $14 worth of game time?
  10. I choose to not reroll to Fatman and endure a queue just so it's not a complete ghost town. Think I'll probably just unsub after I complete my Jugg class story.
  11. Your /stuck feature works? Mine is just an excuse for some finger exercise as I type it over and over to no effect. I haven't had more than 2 or 3 game-breaking bugs, but I've put in upwards of 2 dozen bug reports. Other than the horrific class imbalance with respect to leveling (I don't PvP much or raid) and the fact that there's a huge portion of the content that I don't get to experience due to there being nobody to group with...I have no complaints.
  12. Investing that deep into Immortal seems kind of pointless if you don't run in Soresu. Current 14/27 hybrid runs Soresu AFAIK.
  13. I've leveled my jugg to 41 as vengeance but started seeing a significant slowdown on Hoth in leveling speed due to survivability. If I ran with any companion other than Quinn I felt like I was made of tissue paper. I rerolled as Immortal (31/2 atm) and WTH!!! Suddenly I'm chain pulling mobs and destroying everything in dps gear (because that's all I had). With Jaesa it doesn't feel like I've even had a noticeable reduction in killing speed. I've got so many tools as Immortal to control mobs and reduce damage, it's amazing. As I said, with my vengeance gear still on I haven't had a very noticeable drop in dps. My question is this....why is Vengeance so lackluster in the 40's? Almost everyone that says Juggs are easy to level is specced Immortal and I now see why. I hope 1.2 brings Vengeance back on par with Immortal, although with as much fun as I'm having, I may not go back.
  14. My theory behind the scoundrel changes for quite some time involves tainted water and potentially mass consumption of lead based paint.
  15. Yeah, by the end of the romance arc with Ashara she has fallen so far to the dark side that her passion has set her free.....to ask permission of the Jedi Council to marry you. Oh yeah, what a Sith she's making! Ashara is the most fail companion I've come across in SWTOR so far. Horrible writing.
  16. If BW doesn't add cross server LFG soon or let me merge onto a decent server AND implement same server only LFG then I don't see any point in resubing next month. There's a huge amount of content I'm paying for that I can't access because I don't have 3 hours every night to spam chat looking for a group.
  17. I'd trade a small queue over the ghost town of my server. That's ok, I didn't want to do heroics or FP's anyway.....
  18. BW could split many talents so that there was a PVP effect or value and a PVE effect or value. This would give them precisely the level of control needed to make changes to PvE or PvP without affecting the rest of the game unfairly. Alas, I believe BW is too lazy to do this and instead would rather copy WoW's "resilience" model, which blows, and does not prevent PvP from screwing the PvE pooch.
  19. I have the same problem. I can't seem to find a class story I like that lines up with game play characteristics I love. For example, I love the BH gameplay but the story is lackluster. I love the SW story, but the dps spec survivability is brutal post 40.
  20. Honestly, if you're DS then romance Jaesa. If you're LS romance Vette. I've yet to find a cross-alignment romance that didn't feel like it was written by someone who should be wearing a helmet at all times (SI's Ashara seems to be the worst offender so far). If you're really DS, you're going to like having DS Jaesa around. She's pretty jacked up (but in a good way )
  21. BW has already demonstrated that when they nerf burst, they nerf it hard and they don't redistribute the damage. Any nerf to smash would likely be just that. And honestly, your whole argument strikes me as moronic. "I'm ok with your damage, but I'm offended that most of it is back loaded at the end of a long build sequence"...srsly?
  22. Burst and stun-lock classes will always be the most volatile classes in the nerf-bat wars because they're the most frustrating to other players. Healers that require a fair bit of skill to kill (using interupts, etc.) are a close second. I PvP some but mostly am PvE and I'd like my sustained dps buffed and my burst left alone. Maybe then the rabid horde will overlook my character and I can have some measure of stability. I quit WoW because I got tired of being either buffed or nerfed in every single patch and I'm not going to pay for that again. Oh and fix stealth aggro radius or remove the requirement from our openers. What a moronic design decision that was.
  23. This. If the ability only works on 20% of PvE mobs and doesn't work in PvP at all, get rid of it, buff the rest of our abilities to compensate. Seriously, I don't need an ability that only works against weak or standard PvE mobs and only after a stun. I can burn weak and standard mobs down with AOE, I don't need a special "I Win" button for these situations.
  24. The OP is asking for scrapper spec. I'm sure it's much easier for sawbones.
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