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Everything posted by Lugh

  1. There is a HUGE difference between now and Pre 1.2 ...And NOW when you see teams running 3 flavors of healer, and 3 Marauders with a Tank for good measure... and they always win, there is something seriously wrong with the game balance. And yes those 4 non healers will hit you will the 4 healers perform CCs on your team. Everyone complained about bottomless reserves of energy on Sage/ Sorcs pre 1.2, you know who has it now? Op/ Smuggler Healers and Marauders/Sentinels and PTs never had a resource problem to begin with and they gave them a spammable flameburst that will zero you after they leap on you before you get a resolve bar to break the stun.
  2. Wooo woo you got someone that guarded you and stayed near you helping you stay alive.!!! Good for you johnny
  3. it is absolutely NOT needed. Sorry but it's a lame attempt at propping up the inept.
  4. It resembles the Sorc/Sage not overpowered hear's why threads of the past. That didn't save us, so take it like a man jippy.
  5. No one with a brain gives us any breathing room and we lack the ability to make our own anymore since they nerfed force speed to no longer remove slows.
  6. No tea for you. You aren't a weapon wielder so you will suffer.
  7. This game was FINE before they introduced expertise (as failed concept) and arguements could be made for something resembling balance outside of one or two different abilities that were just sadly out of balance. 1.2 destroyed this game for everyone not a marauder or a juggernaut or a PT. And Operative /smuggler healers...
  8. Wrong on so many levels, they have two different abilities that fill their bar, several defensive cool downs that will outlast you for sure if you have no way to decrease their accuracy you are doomed. Snipers and gunslingers might be able to beat them if the Player playing the Marauder is dumb.
  9. Crowd control moves that do THOUSANDS of Damage. Is Fail. Claiming that there is such a thing as Range, when there isn't as all the melee classes have a close, pull, leap or whatever so that ALL your fights are in melee range anyway. Leap Kill, Leap kill, pull kill, etc. If you can hit me for 6k damage from then maximum range I can START casting there is a serious imbalance going on... and that that 6k damage will also kill anyone within 8 meters of me is ridiculous. Survivability is next to zero for most range classes v any melee. The only ranged class that has a chance v any melee is a gunslinger, and then only if the melee is mentally challenged. As they can retreat and fire some moves that do damage and help them to Kite, however ineffectually. CC discrepancy between republic and Empire. Watch pvp sometime the Empire players seem to take forever to fill up any republic player's resolved bar and yet in reverse the exact opposite occurs. Let's add in that 6, 9, 15, 20seconds damage reductions and immunities in PvP are also Fail. Your healer gets a bubble that POPS on the first fart you waft in their direction. Or a reactive heal that cannot keep up...
  10. The imperial Dogma is striving for ORDER in the Galaxy. The SITH are evil as evil gets. The IMPERIALS are not always so.
  11. I only ever hit for 5k once that I noticed, all the stars aligned and I got a soft target with a crit dropped on Turbulence I think it was. It was with all the adrenals I could pop for power. (2)
  12. Ill have to cry BS here, as if you are a sage healer and running for your life all game you only have 3 things that can be cast on the run, the Cleanse (which adds a decent heal and removal of physical effects as well), The bubble, and the Instant HoT. Everything else can't be cast while your Marauder fan club is following you about the map... As most people are using some sort of DoT spec to lead the board at the end, that cleanse should be second in your save rotation, shield cleanse hot, and DO I HAVE TIME TO CAST ANYTHING ELSE? Or am I back to running for my life?
  13. It can be specc'd to be a worthy hitter. http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/jedi-sage/19/?build=000000000000000000000000000000231022012201221310000000000302030201310001000000000000 Running this way is the bestest burst I can find. And most folks will tell you to ply out Mind crush every chance you get, however, I find that using PoM on Disturbance, getting your stacks of Tremors up, etc. Can lead to Disturbance doing the 30% double proc'd dance of 2000k + 900..(provided both crit) And when you get the WM crit and toss out the super 1.0 cast on TT, and are throwing around 2500k 'junk' while you move, AND you get FiB to lay in there as well there is ALWAYS so much to do....
  14. Your Tharan must be ILL geared as my Tharan quite easily out heals ME.
  15. Yes guarding a point from being stealth capped is 'doing next to nothing'. Hey guys keep on eye on this pass and make sure no enemies come through it ok? Dededededee... Look bad guys...kill kill kill.. Yeah next to nothing.
  16. And yes it gets very confusing knowing which WM is yours and which is his.
  17. It sure does, and maybe that THIRD person you bring with you to the fight against a single marauder will live to see another day.
  18. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GorRMzZbsbMdRrhZ0M.1 I like damage more than I like Healing, but I've been rolling this way lately and getting some really good results. Nearing 300k damage and 200k healing which is awesome. Can't wait for the new daily trinkets
  19. They are WAY too many Immune to X amount of damage / completely immunity abilities on the tank specs in PvP.
  20. The forum goers are often WRONG. They were ridiculous before they got buffed, and now they have enough interrupts, root on jump and other BS, That they are impossible to escape from. Currently in WZs the group with the most Marauders/Sentinels wins a goodly 70% of the time. Most of the premades I've seen roll Two Marauders, and Two Healers. And that combo is insane.
  21. Poor tracer missle spam monkey having trouble learning the other abilities and when to use them?
  22. Yeah and in PvP when that assassin dodges your stun you will be like huH?
  23. TK builds are more about alacrity than the other two for sure. You have a proc on WM crits that gets you a TT at a channel time of 1.3 seconds give or take(yes that's 2700+ damage) You have the alacrity skill which can and must be used when you deem you have position this can get Disturbance down to a 1.0 cast, and makes force quake laughably short, and can allow you to get a couple of TK waves in in short short times. Sadly though in practice pure TK is more easily shut down than many other builds because of the insane levels of burst other classes can put on you. Disturbance still needs a buff, as a top tier talent with TWO power stims clicked, and a guaranteed crit the highest I've seen it hit is only 4100 damage. Balance on the other hand suffers from an ability to sustain and seems to suffer some serious OMG I don't have the force I need to do what I need to do now, type problems. It requires more discipline in not redotting a target and it can be difficult to determine WHO's wm, mc, etc is on a given mob/target. Balance's Burst comes from the combo of project and FiB drop on a target at less then 1/3 health. I've been having more fun with TK lately, but since 1.2, I am really having some issues with survivability. Regardless of build.
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