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Everything posted by Lugh

  1. Learn to CC and all is cakewalk. You have the most CC available to any class type in the game. And the easiest to use/longest lasting. Hint it's found in the balance tree....
  2. Tops in classes currently Assassin Tank Spec Marauder DoT spec? Jugg/PT Operative ..... Notice a pattern? Tanky DPS is it baby. And the Rauder and the Assasin have more IWIN buttons than the others. That's Why they are 1 2
  3. Separate healer and tank kill tank while healer is interrupted/cc'd, then smash healer. It really is that simple.
  4. Lugh

    Huttball Tie

  5. Lugh

    Cheating in PvP?

    Tonight I saw a juggernaut Leap to no one. There wasn't anyone in stealth(can't leap to people that are stealth, they have to reveal) and no on to pull him. I of course reported him. Hope he gets banned.
  6. MIND is synonymous with Mental nes pa?
  7. There would be even more people quitting in disgust?
  8. sap is cleanse-able on others as well it's a MIND affect...
  9. Better yet learn to CC the heals, separate them from their Tank with guard on them and kill them or the tank whilst they are OOR of one another....
  10. Applying reverberations effect to disturbance in addition to WM, Turb, TKwave would also go a long way to making Disturbance truly disturbing....
  11. I've tried it many many times, any of the hybrids is superior to it. Hell a TK /Heals Hybrid also outperforms it. It's just GREAT for wracking up huge numbers on PUGS that can't or won't cleanse people. It's meh against organized teams.
  12. Again I have to assume you are playing brain deads as more than 1/3rd of your damage is easily cleansed, and makes you nothing but a waste of space on your team. Coordinated teams will indeed cleanse dots as part of their rotations. You then become the CC guy, and lack an AoE root, And an AoE stun. both of which would hold targets for 5 seconds and 3 seconds without damage. Each of which added to the 4 second straight stun and the 8-10 on the instant CC lift if you specc'd it gives the other team a LOT of down time. All that CC will anger the melee opponents greatly as it completely keeps them out of the fight....so angry you can get 3-4 marauders following you all game long, and while you are living in terror of dying you are making them rage, which allows the team to achieve objectives BETTER than the whittle away at HPs approach.
  13. And even post 1.2 the mentally deficient players of this game STILL have trouble teaming up on appropriate targets. Instead of properly CCing stuff and killing weak to strong they break a CC that would allow them to WALK away for 5 seconds with Auto attack damage which is sure to kill that 20k hp beefcake in their face....
  14. They could also triple the damage on Turbulence and it would still be less effective than Force in Balance. And TK wave may be getting two more targets but it's damage isn't internal so it is also Inferior in many ways to FiB, which can also increase the damage on all your DoTs. Why doesn't TK wave have a cool secondary effect like that? I've been asking that since early beta.
  15. I can't bring myself to play as balance as I cannot spend force on ANYTHING outside of doing damage. It's far too limiting to me and my, I like to help others while I do damage, play style. I have pvp'd for closing on two years in this game and pure balance is easily one of the least force efficient builds you can use.
  16. Congrats little johnny you were allowed to freecast because your damage was laughable!
  17. If you can't recognize healers by spell visual clues there is something seriously wrong with you.
  18. Why'd you do that when you can get the samish relic dealing INTERNAL damage which isn't mitigated by anything?
  19. Balance Sage has NO sustain. And all in all gets all the ooo big numbers from not having enough umph to kill anyone outright without FiB and someone else doing most of the work for you.
  20. And yet that's all you heard until we got all our healing adjustments. I'll take 6 seconds invulnerability to everything over a bubble that blocks AN ability 7 days a week and twice on sundays.
  21. Lugh

    Myths About Marauders

    There is no such thing as a ranged class if I can not even finish casting an ability before the opponent is perched on my face doing obscene things to me...
  22. If it weren't for Biochem I wouldn't be pvping at all anymore, I am THAT squishy.
  23. wrong. He will rip you a new *** after you have used all your cool downs to beat the previous Marauder into the ground and then brag about how good he is versus snipers...
  24. Honestly yes. They decreased sustain, they decreased therefor healing output and damage output. I can still do a heroic 2 man with a LOT more work. So much so that it's faster to invite a friend.
  25. Too late they lost me already. People complain about the bubble yet don't say BOO about 6, 9, 15 and 20 seconds of damage reduction on various classes that reduces all my hits to healable with a HoT.
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