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Everything posted by SkuzBukit

  1. I see no reason why "other" stories could not be filmed in the same universe even if GL himself does not make a direct sequel to RoTJ I'd love a movie based on Revan's storyline for example.
  2. Actually I can see their point, why should a woman's marital status reflect how she is addressed as a person, if you know her name you might call her by that, if you didn't then what would you use? to have 2 terms implies that you are required to discover her marital status prior to addressing her, a clumsy & often impractical social more, though having used "Excuse me Ms" has earned me quite a few "It's Mrs actually" from those women who prefer to be addressed as Mrs though I'm sure this is just social conditioning for the most part being married is quite a social-badge for some & they like it to be used as a mark of respect for them. Sir/Lord for military roles makes sense too, though Sir is itself derived from the era of Knights & landed gentry those were often military titles & Lady was simply a woman married to a Knight/Lord these dated back to a time when women typically did not serve as troops or military leaders, there were women fighting, there were women leading, in extremely small numbers but they were almost never recognised - only truly extraordinary examples got any mention at all. Language changes some words meanings overtime, for example "sophisticated" used to mean deviously clever & underhanded, now it means something which is of advanced nature or of complex construction, or which has an appearance of high status. No reason why once gender specific labels used for military personnel in a time when only one gender was recognised as being viable for military purpose cannot be used for both genders in a time when both genders are in military roles. I do wonder though, if evolution should not have altered the species depicted in Star Wars a bit more, it's stuck with the male/female differences we are most familiar in our own species but in of animals where both genders are on a much more even footing physiologically both genders are of almost directly equal anatomical proportions, take Dogs for example, I was actually expecting a bit more androgyny.
  3. Licences made cheaper, overall total cost for licences + speeders to reach a minimum 110% movement speeder have a small reduction. The idea was that at Level 25 40,000 credits is quite a lot, so the early pain has been toned down a bit & the speeders themselves will be a little more costly later on to compensate, which is less painful as cash generation in the latter game is much easier. Link to patch notes http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=363056
  4. It's still in testing, I'm guessing with such a huge patch it will take as long to test as some other games full-expansions. I'm not too thrilled if this 1.2 process so far is any indication of how 1.3, 1.4 et al are going to be pushed out to the game, we'll be lucky to get 1 more "major patch" in before Christmas 2012 at this rate.
  5. Body type is one of the upper sliders presented to you during character creation,there are 4 settings from left to right (weedy/skinny, lean/slim, muscular/athletic, hefty/thick). There's a bug with Body type 3 Females though, every time they step out of a taxi they "slide" across the floor some 1 to 2 metres back to the centre of the screen, the other body types seem unaffected.
  6. I saw them as a silly "flavour" idea that didn't pan out as expected, I'm sure that there were bigger plans for them they did not have time enough to push through so they ended up an awkward "we'll get back to those ideas later". In the meantime they are just a way to introduce a few extra loading screens because we don't have enough already & the need to advertise the game to the players is an eternal fight... A couple have vendors for companion customisations & a few more have quest NPC's on them but overall they could easily be placed elsewhere that makes far more sense & the orbital stations removed entirely. I'd perhaps see a purpose for them in some way if "Space PvP" were done in such a way that each orbital station served as the hub for several zones of space combat set around the planet these orbital stations are placed.
  7. IBTL Nope, I un-subbed mostly out of dissatisfaction with the way the game is being run & the poor developer to player level of communication & involvement & the high degree of patronisation & condescension floating around by them, lack of transparency, lack of accountability, poor understanding of player demographics. Failure to put in measures to account for known behavioural traits of the wider gaming populace, low in the first instance server population caps. I genuinely feel the game was released 12 months too soon, with many features & systems that are essentially missing or poorly implemented. It remains to be seen if the developers can do enough this year to turn things around but I'm not presently hopeful they have what it takes to stop this game from going south.
  8. The content they released for launch was judged " too easy" by the developers even though they had QA & internal testers & beta to get it right they are saying they didn't? No they are not saying that. Read between the lines & you realise they moved the goal posts on the design goals for Operations & HM Flashpoints, mostly because they cannot crank out new ones fast enough to meet demand, a common problem in most games early life-cycle. By upping the ante & making Operations harder they are hoping that it will take longer to complete & this will then buy them time by giving players content challenging enough that they won't be bored quite so fast, problem is all it does is have a steeper "learning curve" meaning that once players have learned the mechanics it is placed on farm status quite soon, no matter how hard you make content, it will become boring in relatively similar amounts of time, "changes of scenery" need to be pretty rapid & difficulty is a smallish part of that equation, I say this from over 10 years of experience of endgame & raid content. But worse than easy content is "bugged to hell" content, players can cope with hard, but buggy is infuriating, regardless of how difficult content is, buggy will drive players away.
  9. Male here, play as many Males as Females though typically I usually exclusively play as a Male. The reason I made Female characters for this game was precisely because of it being so story-heavy - I was curious how much effect gender played into the story-telling & how the romance options played out, I figured I'd find it more entertaining to see it from both perspectives, which is incidentally the same thought-train that led me to create Light & Dark point focused characters, I have dark women & dark men & also light women & light men. I figured by doing this I get about as much out of the game as it was possible to get, my only disappointment is the changes are largely superficial for Gender (& species, another factor in my choices), though dark/light makes for some actual differences. I figured if I'm going to play long-term I needed something to focus on because of the lack of raiding content (I'm a harcore raider for years in past games), Legacy system pretty much backs up & encourages playing alts & lets face it, playing a character to 50 reduces the enjoyment of every subsequent character that you level to 50 so you need to change the things the game allows you to change to try to mitigate the boredom of the non-class story questline quests. EQ was Mob-grind, WoW was Quest grind, SWTOR = Alt (&story) grind.
  10. There could be solutions to OW PvP to address faction imbalance. How would I do it? Have a dynamic 3rd faction act as the floating pool of players.. How that works is you have players enter an area be flagged up as 1 of the 3 possible factions, this does create some other related issues but they can have follow-up solutions. For example - If you are Republic, you are first checked against the existing population in the area, then you are assigned to one of 2 factions of a possible 3, Republic or Mercenary. If you are Empire then you are checked against the population & placed in either the Empire or the Mercenary faction. The Mercenary faction acts as the floating pool to soak up extra players of either side & also work as a balance-point, the population in the Open world PvP area is dynamically managed, now this works in gated areas such as Ilum, much more problematic for the regular open planet zones. Even regular warzones would be more interesting with a 3rd faction with it's own but separate objectives, not necessarily in opposition to the objectives of the 2 regular factions
  11. You cover my main "bones of contention" with how BioWare/EA have handled the class changes that have been done since launch, without ever saying " we have moved the goal-posts" they do so, and expect us to buy it, without any kind of up-front explanations or letting us in on the decision-making process. If they came out and had the Transparency that the players want, they'd basically have to give a long explanation each time they moved the goal-posts as to why they think it is required, this is why Transparency won't happen, because with that comes accountability & they in no way want to deal with that hot-potato. All changes can be justified on the premise of "it's for the good of the game" it's patronising & condescending, just like Mum telling you "because I said so, dear, that's why!" Give us the rationale, let us be a part of the changes or you are going to see less of us every day.
  12. Some people get all wound up in discussions about gender, and get their knickers/boxers in a twist, if you can't have a laugh and a bit of light-hearted piss-taking then you need to stay in the garage/kitchen and fix the car/make a sammich. I could care less if a player is male or female, gamer is a gamer known loads of both genders and even dated a few women gamers over the years, if given the choice I'd rather date a gamer woman than a non-gamer as I find gamer women nag me less about my MMO gaming, and a lot of the non-gaming women I've dated can be a pretty bad drag, even though I'm up front about my "you need to share me with my family, my friends & my hobbies but I'll always make time for you" they just seem to have a really hard time being in the same room with me as I play if I'm not giving them my undivided attention, they'll talk about whatever tv show they are watching and expect me to engage in conversation about it, but if they are really watching the tv show & I ask "what's going on here" I get "shush"... So yeah I prefer gamer women they tend to be less....insecure, needy & demanding in my experience and more grounded in reality even though they spend lots of time in a virtual reality.....funny how that works eh?
  13. Plain water, Earl Grey Tea, freeze-dried instant coffee (I prefer it to percolated) or a few ice cold lager+limes on hot summer days.
  14. Why am I now getting a terrible sense of "Warhammer Deja Vu" ? Without official recent good news on the sub numbers front this looks like a desperate attempt to prop up a rapidly declining subscriber base, usually it's a good while later on in a games life-cycle that such big pushes are done, for it to be so soon & in a window before the first "real" sub numbers will have to be shown it looks like the bean-counters at EA are clenching butt-cheeks nervously & smell a major hit to shares coming, a bad investor call for SWTOR right after the "Golden Poo" award is going to hurt those big pockets quite a lot. All the same, I hope this incentive actually pays off, I just have this horrible sinking feeling in my gut, this might change if reports of much-increased server activity start to flood in across the servers. So, fingers crossed eh.
  15. Since when has the score been "the whole story" sometimes you get outplayed and while they may have got 4 vs 2 against you you made them sweat bullets & bleed buckets to get it. Making the other side pay a bloody & painful price for their victory often earns respect, there can be such a thing as a valiant loss. I've also seen sheer luck see a side claim victory when they were essentially clueless & got virtual tea-bagged all over the shop. I think the OP is letting his or her emotions decide what GG means & getting bent out of shape about nothing much.
  16. I consider it useless to make money with, which was the gist of the OP query. Crit weapons, crit barrels & like I said compare that "2 pieces of the character Pie" to Cybertech, Artifice, Armorormech & look at how much more those others offer in terms of share of the pie & yes it's really very limited in direct comparison. Now go look on the GTN & look up how much variety is offered by Armstech on there, it is woefully lacking, it is without doubt the single most limited crew skill on offer & by a big margin.
  17. It does sometime get into this "Hard broken" state & refuses to reset (sometimes reset even cannot be clicked). The few times my guild encountered this what we had to do was exit the phase> reset instance if possible > leave Operation party > have a new Operation leader re-invite people. This "reformation"! usually worked, if that failed totally abandoning the quest, including weekly, then following the above steps helped & on 2 occasions absolutely nothing we tried would get rid of the bug & after trying to complete it one of those times with that bug in place, eventually got ourselves to the bottom of phase 3 in pretty bad shape only to find that he refused to drop his shield when a pillar was dropped on his head we called it a night & ended up leaving it until after a server maintenance. Hope some of that helps & GL beating the bugs & him.
  18. Biochem's better on a main, but as you've already levelled that char it's not a bad idea to level up a Biochem alt, you will be able to craft your own consumables at cost & while you lose out a little from the perks of Biochem it's not anything like as drastic a bonus as it once was and will likely be all but murdered by 1.2 with the OPS changes (only 1 medpack per combat = 1 per boss fight basically), though for PvP more complex a situation. There is an excellent guide stickied at the top of the crew skill sub-forum that's worth a once-over if you plan on getting further into crafting & may sway you to change what skills you pick for which alts, I wish I'd seen it sooner.
  19. Having read the 1.2 notes quite extensively I do not think anything was done to directly address the underlying disparity between the crafts, Armstech is still by far the most useless crew skill after 1.2 because of the range of items that will actually be saleable in the in-game economy, right now it's just barrels & once at 400 the orange weapons, the bulk of the crafting for Armstech consists of items that do not sell, and no matter how many different weapons it has it only caters for 2 slots on your character. All 1.2 adds to it is a few augments & perhaps a couple of upgraded barrels it still has a far more limited inventory & the smallest slice of the "character pie" So, given a choice between just Armor or Arms go with Armor imo.
  20. It depends on how much time you have to play & how much you want to invest into crafting your own equipment. If you mostly PvE doing guild Operations & you only intend to play 1 character then that character will benefit most of all by being a biochem. However if you are spreading you time across multiple characters or are interested in doing many of the crafts you may want to take a very different approach. If you are only wanting 1 craft to support you financially, it's tricker still, as it will depend on so many variables it will be hard to choose, however if this is the caae then the 3 most GTN friendly crafts are Artifice/Synthweaving/Armormech to a lesser degree Cybertech & trailing way behind is Armstech, my criteria is the scope & range of items that actually sell on the GTN. Or, you could forgo spending time on creating items & buying or learning recipes & become a "profiteer" Slicing, Archaeology & Bioanalysis missions & gathering from nodes will net you the best time vs money, selling your farmed items to others crafting. (though Underworld trading can get you Mandalorian Iron which holds it's value quite well & could be interchangeable with Archaeology).
  21. Shields are for tanking & Generators are for damage, this game wants you to make choices that define your role & does not want to "muddy the waters" with too much hybridisation. I know what you want & that's "the best of both worlds or a compromise" because shielding would be a great thing to have if you can also retain a greater amount of your dps. I suggest you make that choice between either a defensive or offensive role as intended & if you want to be the next Flavour of the Month try harder to mask it next time.
  22. Companion Loyalty & +Efficiency lower the time for crew skill tasks to be done. For a greater chance to crit & thus gain either more items or an augment slot on a armor/weapon/offhand item you need to look for companions with +Critical
  23. Getting Quinn a decent weapon & offhand with lots of +Tech will help as well as the above advice.
  24. It's in the pipeline, probably with 1.3 though so around 5-6 months away at a guess.
  25. I don't see any reason why not, the thing that's stopping you from seeing it as viable is the concept that the character you play is "boss" good writing could overcome that & could place force-users as your companion not out of a duty to you, but a duty to the path you follow or the cause you fight for. For an example, a Sith may see your devastation as a Bounty Hunter as a set of skills they both envy and admire & join with you to learn your tricks to augment their own battle prowess, or simply because you are very good at slaughtering the enemies of the Sith Empire & they want to join in on the fun & mayhem.
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