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Everything posted by SkuzBukit

  1. I honestly think that using a mailbox or the GTN should auto-dismount you. I don't care how big your vehicle is, it shouldn't block others from using facilities.
  2. Cybertechs can make these: http://www.torhead.com/schematic/1cmEpUB/cz-98-custom-sensor-unit http://www.torhead.com/schematic/cNUJaY6/cz-96-custom-parts The one thing to bear in mind though, is that at the present you cannot put the armoring mods from advanced gear in them, the (legs) or (Head) limitation prevents them being put into the equivalent robot components, I hope they fix this oversight.
  3. I applaud the OP, I think it's a smart thing to try & do & I hope they find someone to be a regular game-buddy.
  4. 1. Cross-server EVERYTHING - zones, warzones, flashpoints, operations the whole Enchilada & screw you people that say otherwise (community is a myth /flame on) 2. Much faster load times - even running the game from a SATA III SSD is painfully slow to zone 3. More character slots 4 to 8 of them 4. New Operation, new Warzones - a different to Huttball "sport" one, maybe also a new Huttball field, that has "mobile hazards" Nightmare Denova, more flashpoints for between the current ones & another 50 5. Spectator mode for warzones. 6. The ability to convert existing recipes into custom versions to increase the available amount of appearances, no need to add more actual appearances just open existing ones to be custom, like all the green/blue/purple looks found in game eventually being researchable to have customizable versions.
  5. No, it's highly likely to be a phishing email. I get emails to update my account, warning I am trying to sell my account & invitations to beta expansions & all for games I do not & never have had an account in, it's a very widespread practice. e.g. Aion, Runescape, Never go to any website from an email link, if you play the game go to your account from the official website & check what you need to, 99.9% of the time you'll see that the email was bull. Hadn't seen "survey scam" email before but anything is possible.
  6. Levelled 4 chars to 35, 3 to 40, 1 to 50. Completed all flashpoints, including hard mode. Completed matrix cube, datacrons including +10 Have beaten all story mode Operations, only have 2 bosses left to kill in Hard Mode EC. I play 3 evenings a week, & I think the game is short on content for endgame, recycling content by grinding up endless amounts of alts through the same crap you've seen already is not content, it's boredom. Perhaps if they made your 2nd and any following alts able to level up only on class missions it might make rolling alts a more pleasurable experience, maybe even enough to re-roll them a few times. PvP doesn't really interest me in this game, Ilum was crap & the warzones, while okay, are not enjoyable to grind. I played PvP every once in a while but only if I couldn't be bothered to log out & play something else - which I can now D3 is out. My 6 month sub runs out in July, & I am waiting on news about 1.4 if it's not around by time sub runs out I'm gone.
  7. I have had them from Metal, Fabric & Companion gifts.. Some patterns are definitely less common than others though, took me 2 months to eventually get Anointed Demicot Head with 4 characters doing UWT missions, had hundreds of Laquerous Mesh in the process. (this included searching the GTN every day!).
  8. BioWare have had piss-poor operational planning from the get go in my opinion, not saying I could have done any better but I think there were a couple of obvious pitfalls that could have & should have been avoided, they learned nothing from WAR's launch & repeated the exact same mistakes.
  9. Honestly, I think BioWare should have cross-server everything, zones, flashpoints, operations, warzones etc. In my opinion community is a myth, communities exist in guilds if even there & mostly restricted to RL friendships if you ask me, there may be a small amount of respectful rivalry in the PvP circles but that's limited, this isn't EQ/UO etc where forced grouping was necessary & the pace of the game had large chunks of downtime for chatting & getting to know one another. I think having cross-server can be done in the right way, a friends list where you could organise friends into groups & add notes etc, where players you had a good experience with could be added to the list & put under a heading, would work well for x-server PvP teams I think server-only communities are too limited & whilst you will inevitably meet a higher number of *******es in x-server games so too will you meet more people you like - fact is you'll be able to group up a lot more overall.
  10. The server I play on is on it's way to being dead, population has plummeted (due to other games like D3?) perhaps temporarily, perhaps not, but server populations are hurting this game worse than just about any other factor at this point. This is an operational clusterf**k, poor planning, poor understanding of the demographic & a completely inadequate response time to an identified issue. Server caps were far too low in the first place, leading to a situation where "critical mass" of players was impossible to maintain once the "should totally have been expected because it has happened in EVERY other recent MMO made!" MASS EXODUS of casual players & 'game tourists'. Then to compound the issue server-transfer & merge technology has still to be implemented. The absolute latest any company releasing a new AAA MMO should have it'soperational house in order is 1 month post-launch. 30 days after the game goes live is crunch-time for server populations. BioWare dropped the ball, and they still haven't picked it up.
  11. It's RNG, can get a "hot streak" of either schematics. I have 4 characters with UWT on so I just use the lot of them, what I am more annoyed about is the lowish chance of turning up a schematic, also even worse is the rates at which the various schematics drop, took me over two months to finally land an Anointed Demicot headgear schematic (running 4 toons worth of Missions) frequently but in that time I had craploads of a few patterns, this seems to be the case for each level-tier of missions, a few schematics drop like candy frequently while a few are rocking-horse crap rare, and considering how many missions I run on my 4 toons I think I should have gotten the "upside" of the RNG a lot better than I have, it just doesn't average-out very well unless I need years & years of missions to see the averages work better.
  12. My criteria for playing are: 1) Are there enough people in my guild / on my server to allow for reasonable War-zone Queues, Flashpoints & Operations? 2) Am I still having fun? (can't have this without 1, but can have 1 & not this) Sub numbers don't come into it, I couldn't care less if this was the number 1# game in the entire world for subs or number #9000
  13. /signed I go through a bajillion Oranges to get augmented items & I'm losing a ton of mats & cash to do so.
  14. I just wondered if others have experienced the same thing as me, I have now for two months been trying to source a specific schematic (Anointed Demicot Headgear) I did manage to get one just last night & it got me thinking, after the tons of Phobium, Laquerous schematics & extremely few Anointed Demicot if certain schematics are classed as "rare finds" ? I have a list of stuff I'm still to find but it seems some schematics are very easy to get & others very hard, using 4 different characters 5 or 6 times a day for months to land 1 schematic (in all that time I also frequently searched the GTN for it) seems way too much like overkill for effort required. I think the "drop rates" for schematics from Crew skills could use some tweaking.
  15. Moar PvP whine? Yep same ol' same ol' You lost = the class that beat you requires nerfing You won = your class is still not balanced but you can live with it
  16. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/421504_378800655478997_100000471966230_1560314_800058830_n.jpg
  17. I disagree, may as well go so far as to allow players to entirely change class/race & retain only level. Then they'd only need to roll 1 character ever unless they wanted to concurrently own more than one crafter at a time.
  18. I commend you for trying, reality is though that levelling alts means going through a lot of the same content you did before, which becomes less fun every time you do it. Simple truth is without alternatives the enjoyment to be had from levelling alts really wears thin fast, & that's if you wanted to do it at all & plenty do not, the incentives however good won't address that simple path through exactly the same content & will only hit a small proportion of the players I think.
  19. There are "Weekly " quests for Operations, from the same terminal used for daily & weekly flashpoint quests. "Galactic Operations" "Deadly Operations" plus the new ones To play in an operation you will need to get 7 to 15 others (8 or 16 player modes) & then go to the phase entrance upon the Ziost Shadow. Once in, well you are now playing an operation, check out the Operation threads & Youtube videos if you like or just go in blind ((I prefer blind the 1st time on story/normal as it's more fun)
  20. What will be more important to me is whether 1.3 will have tangible improvements & more raid & group content, timing isn't quite so critical as what will be in it, but it cannot take longer than 1.2 did. I have read it will be a much smaller update than 1.2 as it will be the LFG tool that is coming with this that they want to push quickly & that post 1.3 updates will be somewhere between 1.2 & 1.3 in size, which seems fine. The 2 big things that require solutions are server transfer capabilities primarily & a group finder tool, & of course more content to retain the burgeoning level 50 population (which has quite a high take up of operation & PvP play). Personally I want to see an extra 4 to 8 character slots per server soonish too.
  21. His analogy is perfectly valid in the context of not being an old-skool MMO player, it's the paradigm of non-MMO games, whilst those who have been around the scene long enough understand the gargantuan tasks involved in developing an MMO better than those not familiar with it have developed a tolerance for the kinds of things "MMO's are reknowned for". MMO's are still niche compared to other videogames, it's a much broader nichee but it has traits unique to it, developers do their best to bridge the gap & the polish put on MMO's has dramatically increased but there's still a gap which will remain really close to impossible to close in less than a year of post-launch development
  22. Post 1.2 has been more laggy, longer loading times between zones & more crashes to desktop, still more optimisation required on the client and server code imo.
  23. Tonight our Operation team in 8 Man HM had Toth & Zorn down to 10% or just below, (they were around 1% hp apart of each other) when the leap happened the event reset itself. This happened twice. The other problem we ran into, seemingly around 3-4 times in a row was the Yellow Reticle for the Berserk-removing rock throw landing on the tank of Zorn - which is essentially an event-breaker. This needs some investigation.
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