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Everything posted by Nazguapo

  1. It's an advisory, but again, it's the fate of your Commendation hanging in the balance. I recommend that you swallow your pride and tip him anyways.
  2. I'm sure all the PVPer's are familiar with the elusive Battlemaster Bags, and the ever more elusive, Battlemaster Commendations. The Commendations are made of a very malleable material and mishandling them often causes them to lose their shape, and with it, their value. Now that I have successfully opened multiple Battlemaster Bags in a row with a surviving Commendation within, I have decided to share my knowledge with all the new Battlemasters, so that they too may get their gear in an expeditious manner. Let's first assume that you are able to successfully complete your daily/weekly quests. If you are then you will always be rewarded with a Battlemaster Bag. Now that you have your Battlemaster Bag, no doubt you're excited to see what is within. However, you must remember to remain calm . Premature or excited opening of the bag is an easy way to damage the commendation. Once you have your Battlemaster Bag, it is time to safely transport it to an appropriate environment. However, before I say where this is, we must go over exactly how to transport the bag in order to ensure the commendation survives the treacherous journey. First, speeder travel is preferable to traveling on foot. Why you ask? The on-board hovering mechanisms on most speeders makes them surprisingly stable. You might encounter uneven terrain while on foot, thus making the journey more hazardous for the Battlemaster Bag, and the commendation it is transporting. However, on a speeder, the stability will only change gradually, assuming that you follow all galactic regulations regarding your specific speeder model. (Your local Department of Hovering Vehicles would be glad to give you a free handbook if you need to refresh your memory on the regulations.) On your journey you shall also encounter areas where you are not permitted to ride your speeder. I suggest that you try to anyways, and apologize to the authorities if they happen to intervene. After all, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. If you are ever forced to travel on foot however, remember to WALK with the Battlemaster Bag held safely in your arms. Increasing your rate of speed while on foot will in turn reduce your stability, which could damage the commendation. Now that we know HOW to transport the bag, I will reveal the destination. Naturally, since the Commendation is very fragile, you want a very specific climate. Hoth and Ilum have good humidity levels, however, the freezing temperatures can often result in a commendation prone to cracking, much like a frostbitten toe. Quesh also has a good humidity level, however the air itself is polluted, much like the major city planets. For this reason, the best planet is Voss. The Voss people make caring for their environment a priority, and while the climate leaves something to be desired, it is sufficient for opening Battlemaster Bags. Once on Voss you will want to take a taxi to the Shrine of Healing. I recommend you tip your taxi driver very well, or he might suspect you have a Battlemaster Bag and then attempt to sabotage your pilgrimage with some reckless maneuvers. Once you have arrived at the Shrine of Healing, proceed through the shrine, to the lower levels. You might notice an ancient datacron. This indicates you are in the right place, though I strongly advise against interacting with the datacron in any way, at least until you have successfully rescued the fragile Commendation from its prison. Proceed past the datacron, and in the northeast corner of the room, you will notice a green crystal at an altar. This is an altar to the great lord Afunida-pah, Voss's greatest Battlemaster. Using the green crystal as a focus, you may pray to the great lord Afunida-pah, and if you have received your Battlemaster bag with honor, he will bless you with the dexterity necessary to remove the commendation from its bag. Once you have finished your prayer to Afunida-pah, it is time to open the bag and attempt to retrieve the commendation. However, remember, you must remain calm, or your pilgrimage will have been for nothing. if you are wearing armored gauntlets, be sure to remove them before plunging your hand into the treacherous space within the Battlemaster Bag. The plating could damage the commendation. Slowly reach your hand into the bag. Gently search for the commendation. Upon finding it, wrap your fingers around it, and pull it out quickly, reducing the chances of the Commendation being damaged on the way out. After you have successfully recovered your commendation, dance. You have been holding in your excitement since you first received the bag, and you need to let that excitement go, lest it get in the way in your future endeavors. So dance until all your excitement is drained, and you may proceed to trade that commendation for your choice of equipment. __________________________________________________________________________ Now, let's review the important steps to successfully opening a Battlemaster Bag. 1. Remain calm 2. Transport the Battlemaster Bag safely to Voss 3. Ask for forgiveness, not permission. 4. Tip your taxi driver. 5. Pray to Afunida-Pah, with an honorably received Battlemaster Bag. 6. Remove armored gauntlets. 7. DANCE.
  3. boo hoo, you get comms either way.
  4. over 9000. Seriously though, probably an 8 out of 10. As a tank I can take quite a bit of damage and prevent even more to my teammates. I'll solo guard a turret or door while my team gets there, and I can run the ball in Huttball really well. My Heals are pretty strong too on my healing characters. However, I rarely am able to win a 1v1 fight. Granted, I'm not a DPS, and I don't plan to ever be, but I only win 1v1 fights when the opponent is very, very, bad. I mean really bad. Like one time as a Bodyguard Merc I 1v1'd a geared marauder and won. He was clearly garbage.
  5. I've had instances where half the team is locked up, while the enemy team is already pressing forward through the ship. At this point, it becomes even harder to get ahead of them and stop their progression.
  6. ^This. Also it's important to note that mathematically the resource reduction talents help the Trooper more than they help the Bounty Hunter. For instance, Electro-Dart still costs 8 heat after going up the healing tree, but Cryo Grenade is completely free.
  7. Nazguapo

    Is SWTOR dying?

    Right, because the guys that work on code all day were even remotely involved in THAT. In fact, it's highly unlikely that ANYONE on the development team was involved. Obvious troll is obvious.
  8. The respawn timers are necessary, otherwise defense would be too easy, overall the WZ is designed to be quite balanced. The only problem with it then, is the super long unnecessary speeder ride at the beginning for the defenders. If you take too long to load initially you'll end up far behind the main group, and can even end up TRAPPED in the spawn by the respawn timer just because the speeder has to take you through the whole ship. If nothing else gets addressed, I hope this does.
  9. So, what do you want then? They'll just all look for your name, no names, they'll still look for the person with the healing channels and focus them down. Take it as a compliment, it means you're putting out good heals.
  10. Nazguapo

    Are BW Liars?

    What does human nature have to do with anything? In fact, if Bioware understood human nature they'd know to just put out what they want to, because no matter what they do, people will complain. THAT'S human nature.
  11. You want a full, balanced team of 4. This means a tank, healer, and 2 DPS. Your current gear set up might be good enough to run Black Talon with a good group, but I wouldn't risk running any others until you have some PvE armor. To get better PvE gear you can go to Ilum and Belsavis, complete daily missions and earn Daily Commendations, which in turn allow you to trade for Rakata implants and earpieces.
  12. It's already been said by BW that they are hesitant to add any more fast travels, since Consumed on Use Fleet Passes are cheaply available from the security key vendor. I do wish you could use your 30 min CD to travel directly to your ship though.
  13. Manaan would be a really interesting planet to go to... perhaps as a planet completely dedicated to social activities?
  14. 1. More playable species. Naturally, in an MMO, people want to look unique. While you probably won't run into someone who looks like you, additional variety would be nice. I mainly want Togruta and Voss. As a Voss I could easily stomach the Male Consular's voice. 2. Social activities. A reason for me to log on when I don't feel like questing or PVPing. Sitting in a cantina and challenging one of my friends to a game of Pazaak would be awesome. Seasonal activities would be interesting too, I'm not sure I want to see a Christmas tree, but again, it would be a reason to log on in that time of year. This would also be another good way to award social points, so people don't have to do 300 runs of Black Talon to get that speeder they really want. 3. It's hard to request more companion dialogue, as I'm sure the cost of adding new dialogue to all the companions would be more trouble than it's worth. But I definitely felt like some companions didn't have nearly as much to say as others, (IE Blizz) which was mildly upsetting. 4. As OP mentioned, a reverse port. I've always wanted a function similar to that in KOTOR, where you could quick travel to your ship, then "Transit Back" to where you originally ported out. 5. Overhaul the space system. I'm sorry, but the current system is dull and only partially worth doing for the rewards. SWG: Jump to Lightspeed did space right. Learn from it. People like to have their friends all on one ship. In SWG I would bring friends on my ship and we'd take turns flying, or we'd just hang out. I completely furnished my shuttle, so we could sit around and take a break from the daily grind. Overall, small improvements to the social aspect of the game would give the game more life than adding 10 more flashpoints/operations. There's some people who think hard mode flashpoints are too hard. There are some who think they are too easy. How do you get them both to stay after level 50? Social activities.
  15. Just gonna point out that there's a million threads just like this in the WoW PvP forums.
  16. Well there's 4 medals, the 50k protection is difficult if you're not actually TRYING to tank... since I'm a tank and I (god forbid) TANK, I can get it every match. 5 is impossible though. Healers really do need more medals. I kind of understand why they don't get them though. Too easy for noobs to spec healing and just farm medals by hopping in the fire pits.
  17. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4079845078 I have nothing to add.
  18. Nazguapo

    Is SWTOR dying?

    Pulled from the blog.... Same leap of logic the majority of the people on the forums make. The percentage of people complaining on the forums is in no way representative of the players' opinions on the game. The majority of the players are playing the game. Plain and simple. Using that same logic, you could ask in the game who visited and actively posted on the forums, and undoubtedly less than 10% of the people would say they do. Now, certainly, the server populations have decreased. This is to be expected. Launch came right before christmas, students were on break, many people took time off work, and were generally more motivated to play. But people DID have to go back to the real world. Some people quit, some people got busy. There are two issues presenting themselves then, as a result. 1. Everyone is no longer playing at the same time, and the "play schedules" are spread more evenly throughout the day. 2. Those that ARE playing are distributed more evenly across the level ranges. So instead of 300 people being on Dromund Kaas, there's 30-40 people on each planet, with more on the fleet. The most costly mistake Bioware made was listening to all the idiots complaining about the long queue times right at launch. also, this.... http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/1011697/ Looks familiar... can't quite place it...
  19. Well, that's definitely a personal problem. I mean, what else do you do while waiting to get into a WZ?
  20. We can see his whole UI from the screenshot. Clearly a sorc.
  21. Buy the gear before you can use it? Did this with level 20 gear a while back, and am currently doing it with the trooper level 40 gear. Just buy the gear you can, stick it in your cargo hold, and come get it when you hit level 20/40.
  22. Turning a group of force users to the dark side, instead of killing them, is dark side, I don't care what the 150 light side points say.... That quest made me hate Taris.
  23. It's quite simple really, if you want more content, leave and come back in a year or two. No one's forcing you to stay. I'm staying and paying my $15 a month because I'm excited to A. See this game grow over time, and B. Be a part of that growth process. If you didn't want bugs, you shouldn't have bought the game at launch, that's plain common sense. Unfortunately, I know that a large number of people went out and bought Windows Vista on it's first day, expecting it to be a perfect improvement upon Windows XP. "Common" Sense is poorly named if you ask me.
  24. Oh my GOD guys, seriously.... grow up... I love reading posts on this forum.... a couple thousand people angry about something all come to the forums and complain, and think that because other people on the forums share their opinions, that the consensus on the forum is at all representative of the opinions of people who actually play the game.... You know what would have happened if Modern Warfare 3 was advertised as "The same game as last time! Just a little more explosive!" It would have BOMBED. Nobody would buy it, because that's bad marketing. You can't seriously tell me that if YOU created a product, you'd advertise first and foremost, what was wrong with it?
  25. ^Is this a legitimate stroke of genius, or am I getting played?
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