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  1. Yeah, I am. But I don't like having to monitor how many comms I have. We know 1000 really isn't enough for a full set of anything ever, so why not just raise it even to 2000? Basically I'm lazy and don't like making four trips for gear when I could just make one. My bad - you're totally right, they stack. Still don't need that many, though.
  2. I'm not talking about hitting 50, though - I'm talking about the fact that I'm playing warzones from level 10-49 and champion bags are little more than a twinkle in the distance, and my level 18 character maxed out their wz comms already. Say I want to get the level 20 pvp gear for me and stick my companions in it too. As it is now, I have to wait until level 20 to even start gearing myself. Okay, so fine, I can't use it until then anyway - but I also can't 'save up' for extra gear, or weapons or w/e else, which I could do if I was planning to purchase gear with credits. We're not forced to spend credits faster than they come in, so why are we forced to spend comms? It's fine to just say 'buy medpacks', but I'm gonna be maxed out of medpacks long before 50, too. Besides, you can't just spend them all either, because you'll probably want/need all 1000 when you actually do hit a level where new gear becomes available, so then you have to actually monitor how many wz comms you currently have so you can start saving up again in time to cap before your next level or whenever. Just seems pointless.
  3. Okay, so I have an alt that I'm using primarily for playing warzones because, for some weird reason, I really enjoy playing warzones. At this point, I have a ton of wz comms and because I can't spend any of them on my next level of gear until I hit that level, I'm going to have to either convert them into merc comms (which is still going to max out years before I ever hit level 50), spend them on boxes or stims I don't actually want/need, or else just let them sit at max while any further comms I earn get 'wasted'. If we're not allowed to purchase gear ahead of level, why can't we at least get a higher cap on the number of commendations we can have - say 3000 or 5000? They're not tradeable, so it shouldn't screw with the economy or leveling - it would just make playing wz's sort of worthwhile between gear/equipment tiers, rather than getting punished for playing too much PvP by being forced to spend or lose comms.
  4. Hmm, that looks pretty good, actually. Thanks for the tip!
  5. I'm a level 47 Combat Medic -and in the interest of full disclosure, this is the first MMO I've ever really played seriously, so yeah, no real idea what I'm doing. Couple of points in Gunnery from things I skipped (cell capacitor and some passive stuff), but I've got my skill tree leveled up to Bacta Infusion. I've been skipping along pretty happily in PvE, but I do find PvP a lot more challenging. I like being a healer, and I'm fine with trying to keep out of close combat and not attempting to take on 1v1 fights, but I'd like a little more combat utility, even if it's just support for other players or having a better chance to escape or at least last long enough for help to arrive when I'm targeted. I'm thinking of respeccing a few more points into Gunnery. TL;DR: would it be worth giving up Bacta Infusion and a couple points of Potent Medicine to get Grav Round and Concussive Force, or would I be better served to stay as I am?
  6. I can pretty honestly say that your description is more or less spot-on how I play my healing-speced Commando. Love hunkering down with a good view of the battlefield. Nice boiling-down of things. The links made me laugh, too.
  7. Hey. Even if everything went down exactly as the purportedly banned player says it did (leveling slicing/looting on Ilum), he still doesn't have much room to complain, because what he did was still against the TOS. It's actually in the Rules of Conduct. (http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc , and you can find the link to it in the TOS too, under section 5). Scroll down to section B., and it's #6. This is what it says: If you want, you can argue about what constitutes 'inappropriate', but that's where 'recommended levels' come in. If it's not somewhere you can participate in normal gameplay, you're probably not supposed to be there. So yeah.
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