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Everything posted by DarthVengeant

  1. You''ll only be able to get ONE decent piece of gear a week now, two if you get cuffs or belt. THATS IT!!! No more gearing your companions either, not with a cap this freakin low. I was DREADING this and really hate this new cap. This cap is frankly going to ruin the entire game for me. It;s going to take me an eternity to gear now. Its very off putting. They add a new Ops and HM's but dont allow you to gear up for it for weeks....great move Bioware.
  2. Ya, and the new +10 Endurance Datacron on Makeb.....enjoy getting that sucker, even just once will be one HECK of a chore. It's a 40 min job just to get it...if your LUCKY enough not to fall or die, which then you have to start all over again. So, say you died after 35 min because you slid down a d hill or jumped wrong (because the jumping and character control in this game is VERY sloppy) YOU DIE. I think you get the point. I fail to see the point in making these Datacrons THAT hard to get. It's supposed to be something fun after all. Even some of the devs were against the ridiculousness of this new one actually. Alot of good that did. This new datacron alone is reason enough for Legacy Datacrons. As if I would ever be masochistic enough to even try it more than once.
  3. I wasn't aware that god name a rule that an MMO had to be a certain specific way. Ive had two 50's for months and I dont complain. It took me ages to get them well geared. Double Xp just helps me level alts. I got a new one to 50 and another almost to 50 thanx to Double XP. I could have used one more day. I hope they do it again soon because I have two Republic Side toons I need to get to 50, I have no 50's on Republic yet. And when they hit max cap and end-game they will take along time to gear as well, so I wont get "bored". Double XP weekends have nothing to do with that. If some guy wants to rush through everything his first time, that's his choice, and he has no right to "complain" if he gets bored. Hindering the game for others because a few people complain is wrong. I'd also like to know what in the heck is wrong with "get through content is significantly diminished" if you have already done it two times or more? I really see nothing wrong with speeding through the game if you have already done it. You are still playing the game aren't you? You will still gear your new 50 and do dailies, etc. Heck, Double XP weekends ENCOURAGES people to create alts. Those Alts will be played after Double XP weekend to gear and such. This whole argument against Double XP fails imo. If they did it once every two months for a weekend i think it would help the game, not hinder it.
  4. It's not that the cap is somehow bad, it's that it is WAY too low. The caps we had pre-2.0 was fine. But this new cap is frankly going to turn half the players off. Bioware is going to get a pile of hate mail soon. This new cap being so low is just going to make people play less. Period.
  5. I and everyone in my Guild have been wanting Legacy Datacrons for ages. We talk about it often. Some of these Datacrons are a flat out ridiculous PAIN to get, and having to keep getting them over and over makes no sense. Yes, they are a challenge to get....but what exactly is the point in having to keep getting them over and over? Would it not make sense to have a Legacy Perk for the ones you already unlocked on your main toon? I think it would. As long as you took the time and effort to have gotten it once, let us unlock it for our alts. Please. And for those of you against this, don't use the perk then and get them again. Trying to force others to play the game the way YOU want to play it is childish. This isn't a contest. It's a game, for fun, and having to get all these Datacrons every single time is NOT fun. Again, isn't the game supposed to be fun? Waiting on a balloon for 20 min, when you have already done it on your main toon once....not fun. And, frankly boring. Bioware. Please seriously think about a Datacron Legacy Perk. ALOT of people would really appreciate it. And What exactly does "lazy" have to do with it? I swear you elitist types enjoy ruining gaming. Did the person not get the datacron once already? So, how was that being lazy? They took the time to put them in the game, and we got them. So, what exactly would be the point in having to get them over and over? To be bored? To get frustrated? Again, what does "lazy" have anything to do with this? Grow up man. Maybe they should remove ALL legacy perks heh? So you can childishly gloating about how YOU did everything on all your alts...when no one is impressed. It's a game, not a ego boost contest. And, the "rules" of the game were not written by YOU. So, if they add it, then just don't use it. Problem solved. Quit being condescending and acting like YOUR way of playing is the only thing right. People like you are ruining this game sir. And your post is half of whats wrong with gaming now days. Its a GAME. If you want to do things your way, do them. Go right on ahead. Why would you care if some guy got the same thing you got another way? I certainly don't care at all. It doesn't make you better than someone or worth more, its a GAME. It; doesn't effect your life. What would be the sin in allowing people to unlock things they already got on your main for alts? It frankly makes alot of sense to have Legacy Datacrons. It doesn't effect YOU or YOUR game at all, only theirs. So, why care? You shouldn't. Elitist? People who think only THEIR way of playing and earning things is right. Thats what an elitist is. People who think a video game is an extension of their ego and try to demean others and glot like 2yr olds. That's an elitist....and I am sick of them.
  6. SO, where is the server going down update then if it goes live tomorrow?
  7. Maybe you somehow enjoy grinding the same things you have already done a few times before. Not everyone does. I find post lvl 20 leveling BORING as all heck. Now, exactly what does that have to do with "give me now!" generation crap when I am in my late 30's? Always with you people and your childish ego's. NOT EVERYONE plays the game or enjoys parts of the game the same way YOU do. So, don't expect everyone to play as you do or do as you do. To expect that is childish and frankly ridiculous. It doesn't effect you or your life if someone can make it to 50 in half the time you did. Why on earth would you care? Get some priorities. Seriously. I really don't care how others level or get to 50 slow or fast. I play games for me, not an ego boost and gloating. I don;t concern myself with how OTHERS enjoy things. Let them enjoy what they enjoy how they enjoy it.
  8. I think they should have it once a month during a weekend. I really could have used just one more day.
  9. Considering many other MMO's that this, I fail to see why Bioware hasn't added it. But, they don't have Armor Dye either, and most ALL MMO's have that too. So, its obvious Bioware doesn't care what people really want. They'd rather add more ugly looking armor (because 90% of all armor in this game is atrocious) and cartel crap.
  10. I really hope this makes PVP more even and fair. I get flat out sick of trying to play when it takes 20 games to get 1 win because of playing against people in full EWH gear 21K health or pre-mades. You cant even do anything. ZERO fun. Not a single person in my 200+ man guild will do PVP after lvl 50 because of this stuff. It's just not enjoyable. It needs to be even and skill based....not gear based destroying. Then you get morons saying its your fault.. Yes, fighting against people in EWH gear fully Augmented is MY fault.... Hoping this fixes that.
  11. IF the travel on this planet is as much a time consuming Nightmare as Belsavis or Corellia then you can count me ticked off. I am utterly sick of waiting for taxi's and elevators. Please give us a Legacy perk for instant travel!!!!! Not just a cooldown Fast Travel.
  12. "The numbers do not always add up. Maybe there’s something hidden waiting to be discovered" Then tell us what that is.
  13. Wrong. The majority of people don't do that. People like myself gear up and raid with their guild every week, and lvl alts, and gear them. Some members of my guild have 8 geared 50 toons with maxed out Legacy and still play nearly daily. So, don't give me a line of minority hogwash. Enforcing a cap on people to play a certain amount and how much they can ear in a GAME THEY PAY FOR is nanny state garbage. It sounds to me like alot of people are jealous of people who can play all the time and gear up faster than them. It's childish.
  14. Except that alot of people are in high end gear and the stuff we will get from comms conversion in 2.0 is below our lvl and essentially worthless. That's why he said it. I see nothing arrogant about his statement. It's not everyone else s fault you don't have the high end gear yet and prefer to play PVP all the time. Trying to enforce penalties on others based on how YOU play and earn things is arrogant sir.
  15. I play and raid at high level myself. And I played and put in MY TIME to do it. So your saying people who can play more should be gimped because of other people cant? Is this communism now? The gestapo of MMO? It DOES NOT effect YOU (or anyone at all) if other people can gear 10 times faster than you. I don't buy your childish excuse. "earn too fast". Since when can you EARN something TOO FAST? If I spend MY time doing it, what right does anyone else have to tell me not to? How is it your business? So YOU can't raid yet because you don't have the time to play much to have earned the high end gear yet, that's not my problem. And its childishly selfish to want other to be gimped because of you. I really don't care if other people can gear fast and raid fast. I don't play games to set around worrying about other people's progression and gear. Without those high end people you wont know what stuff may work better for you and what to work towards. It's not your business if others want to play all day and not "get out in the fresh air or go on a date". That statement in itself is rude and shows an utter lack of maturity. To think YOU have a right to tell others what to do with their time and how much to play a game is beyond ridiculous. Your not someones mother. This isn't Nanny MMO. Mind your own business and play the game how much you choose and how you choose. Your trying to dictate to others HOW they should play their game and progress...when you flat out have no right. Your kind of invasive mentality is ruining this game. It's going to make people quit. Your essentially wanting other people to suffer penalties because of you and how you live your life. Its ridiculous, selfish, and childish.
  16. I am curious why the heck Bioware cares if someone paying 15 bucks a month "blows through" the game in a few days. They are still playing the game aren't they? Yes. They do this to alts don't they, and most likely have quite a few toons? Yes. Bioware is still getting the 15 bucks a month from the individual, so what on gods earth does it matter for? Why does it freakin matter if someone wants to get through the new content in 2 days? I fail to see why anyone would freakin' care. Forcing people to play limited amounts or have the ability to only earn limited amounts per week will just put people off the game and make them play less. I am one of them, I may just cancel my sub on and off as well if I am LIMITED on what I can do. Why should I continue to pay 15 dollars a month for something that limits me continually? I pay one month, and unsub the next, Etc. So, you'll only have me paying 6 months a year instead of 12. This "nanny state" coming from Bioware is really pissing me off. I am fed up with other people telling someone who paid good money for a game HOW to play the game. As long as it doesn't effect others, mind your own business. Someone getting from 1-50 in a few days does NOT effect anyone else. PERIOD! A guy who wants to earn 350 comms in a week does NOT effect anyone other than himself. Honestly, every single new thing I hear in SWTOR is just putting me off more and more. I really am fed up with this mandating people in a game they paid for. Bioware, your not my mommy. Either raise the caps, or your going to get backlash like you have never seen. I guarantee it.
  17. I am telling your right now sir....the hate mail is going to flow once 2.0 hits if you don't raise the cap to at least 400 weekly...for everything. Your only going to be able to buy about 2 pieces of high end gear a week, that's just utterly UNACCEPTABLE. How do you expect us to gear our companions now? What exactly are subscribers being gimped like this for? A slap in the face? The cap should be for FTP, not subscribers. Whoever thought this ridiculous low cap up should frankly be fired. It quite frankly is one of the most idiotic things I have ever seen in a game. You guys at Bioware do not live in reality of the state of your game anymore. You ignore the things people want and have wanted since the game came out. (Armor Dye, Hood up or down, etc) You act like everything is happy flowers, but it is not. You really need to start listening to players, not your core group of testers and your biased focus group. Most of the people in my 100+ member guild would agree with my statement, so it's not just a minority. Please raise the cap!!!!
  18. Caps have been there, but they were NOT so bloody low. Not even close to being this low. You can only essentially buy 2-3 pieces of armor a week now. Good freakin' luck gearing your companions now. Before 2.0 you could gear a toon up to Campaign lvl gear within a week of hitting 50....with 2.0 god knows how long it will take now. It's REALLY disconcerting and putting me off. Tell me about this mysterious" balance" putting caps on things brings? What does it matter if some guy want's to play 20hrs a day and earn everything? If that's what he chooses to do, that's his business. How does that effect ANYONE else? It doesn't. Save players from themselves? How is that your business? Is this the nanny state of gaming now? People pay 15 bucks a month for a reason and should never be told they are limited on how much they can play or earn in the game. EVER.
  19. I don't care about the conversion, i care that we get a 200 weekly cap, which is FAR too low. I fail to see the point in telling people who pay 15 bucks a month how much stuff they can earn. What exactly gives them the right to tell someone how much stuff they can earn in a game they pay monthly for? Please, someone explain this crap. What freakin' yahoo at Bioware thought this garbage up? I can see FTP people being capped, but NOT subscribers. Next you'll have a time allowed cap? A credit cap? A time logged in cap? The logic if this completely defies any sanity. Ohh, and good luck gearing your companions now. I pay 15 bucks a month for a game, only to get told I will be limited on what I can earn!!! I can see FTP people being limited, but NOT subscribers. PEOPLE WILL PLAY THE GAME LESS WITH CAPS!!! Just saying this now...Bioware, you better get ready for a LOAD of hatemail when 2.0 comes out.
  20. I only use my monthly comms. I wont pay anymore money to Bioware other than my 15 bucks a month, because frankly they aren;t using the money wisely and giving people the things we have wanted since day 1. I should be able to earn every single thing in the game without paying real money. PERIOD! I am fed up with developers finding more ways to charge for things in their game when people already purchased the game and pay for it monthly. The current direction of the gaming industry really has me turned off. I don't get excited about new games anymore at all. Season Passes, DLC, Pre-Order, Codes, Online Fee's...etc, etc. Fed up!!! I wont support it with my wallet. People that buy this stuff are the ones making it continue. Stop buying and it will go away. Now they are implementing a weekly Comms Cap to further stick the knife in. Way to go Bioware. Limit people who pay 15 bucks a month on how much they can earn.....which will just make people PLAY LESS! Yes, we now pay a monthly fee only to be told we can only earn a certain amount in the game. FANTASTIC!!! Bioware, get ready for a LOAD Of hatemail.
  21. I don't care about the conversion, i care that we get a 200 weekly cap. I fail to see the point in telling people who pay 15 bucks a month how much stuff they can earn. What exactly gives them the right to tell someone how much stuff they can earn in a game they pay monthly for? Please, some explain this crap. What freakin' yahoo at Bioware thought this garbage up? Next you'll have a time allowed cap? A credit cap? A time logged in cap? The logic if this completely defies any sanity. I pay 15 bucks a month for a game, only to get told I will be limited on what I can earn!!! I can see FTP people being limited, but NOT subscribers. PEOPLE WILL PLAY THE GAME LESS WITH CAPS!!!
  22. Your right about General Chat. You try to have a discussion about things and people just flame or troll. Saying garbage like "You must suck at PVP then" or "Learn how to play the game" or "Stop your crying or quit playing". etc. Again, its very obvious the staff writing these articles do NOT visit these forums and only have their main test group and focus group to get biased feedback from. They really are NOT living in the reality of what the real State of this game is. Everytime I read one of these articles or watch on of the new video's it makes my stomach nauseous from the fake clouds and dreamlike BS they spew. They would probably spin the servers breaking down as a "Player Break Day". They NEVER tell you the truth and remain psychotically "positive" about every single thing this game is failing at. Like ugly poorly designed or reskinned gear and Party Jawa's are what people really want.... I swear, the people who design the gear in this game have ZERO aesthetic know how or vision. Also : What ever happened to Guild Ships? More in game Guild controls? (guild mail, calendar, etc)
  23. Obviously you don't know anything about all the content included in ROTHC 2.0. Achievements (which also allows you to find things you missed MUCH easier such as Datacrons and Locations) New Reputations Bionocular SIde Quests spanning many worlds New world Makeb to explore Class Quests to raise cap to 55 Same Sex Romance New HM Flashpoints. New Ops and WB including an instanced Boss New Armor And yes, new skill tree and balancing....including a revamp of many abilities such as Alacrity and Critical. Still worried?
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